Random maps and matrices from a geometric perspective

ENS de Lyon, May 20–24, 2019
The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers working in combinatorics, probability, and mathematical physics. It will focus on combinatorial structures arising in the study of geometric families and stochastic processes. A related workshop was held in 2018.

4h30 minicourses:

45min talks:

Schedule | Abstracts of minicourses | Abstracts of talks | Participants
Participation: If you wish to participate, please email the organizers by February 1st 2019. We expect funding to be available for the accommodation of a limited number of participants. Notification of funding will be given to participants by April.
Venue: Amphi A, UMPA, ENS de Lyon Site Monod, 46 Allée d'Italie, 69007 Lyon
Organizers: Alice Guionnet, Adrien Kassel, and Grégory Miermont