
Agilio Padua is a professor of Physical Chemistry at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and head of the Chemistry Department. He co-leads the Ionic Liquids research group with Margarida Costa Gomes (CNRS res. prof.). The IL Group is part of the Theoretical Chemistry and Molecular Thermodynamics research axis at the Chemistry Laboratory .

The group studies the physical chemistry of ionic liquids and eutectic mixtures, aiming to develop new solvents for reactions or separations, and also electrolytes or lubricants, with applications in sustainable chemical processes and devices. The group’s work combines molecular dynamics simulations with experimental thermodynamics. More details about the research, the people and computer codes can be found in the Ionic Liquids Group pages.

Agilio Padua authored 180 publications that were cited over 14 500 times in the literature (h-index 61), is an honorary (senior) member of the Institut Universitaire de France.

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agilio dot padua at ens-lyon dot fr