Invited and Plenary Lectures (as presenting author)
A. Padua, Z. Gong, M. Simões Santos, L. Bou Tannous, A. Steinberger, R. Clark, C. Corsini, M. Costa Gomes, Ionic liquids at interfaces with 2D and porous materials, 7th Int. Conf. on Ionic-Liquid Based Materials – ILMAT, Porto, 21-24 Nov 2023, hal-04357016
A.A.H. Padua, Simulation of ionic liquids and eutectic solvents using a polarizable force field: insights into local environments, solvation and hydrogen bonding, 6th Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids, IMIL Webinars, Chile (online), 30 Sep 2021, hal-04357025
A.A.H. Pádua, Developing a General Polarizable Force Field for Simulation of Ionic Liquids, 8th Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-8, Beijing, China, 13-17 May 2019, hal-02136547
A.A.H. Pádua, Rational Design of Ionic Media from a Molecular Perspective: Understanding Solvation and Interfaces, 27th Conf. on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids EuCheMSIL, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-12 Oct 2018. hal-02062097
A.A.H. Pádua, Molecular Design of Ionic Liquids for New Processes and Devices, Brazilian Congress of Chem. Eng. COBEQ, São Paulo, Brasil, 23-26 Sep 2018. hal-02062107
A.A.H. Pádua, Molecular Interactions and Thermodynamics of Ionic Liquids, Frederick D. Rossini Lecture, 25th Int. Conf. on Chem. Thermodyn. CALCON-IACT 2018, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 6-9 Aug 2018. hal-02062083
A.A.H. Pádua, Molecular interactions and solvation in ionic liquids, 18th Int. Symp. on Solubility Phenomena ISSP18, Tours, France, 15-20 Jul 2018. hal-02062092
A.A.H. Pádua, Wetting and Interfaces between Liquids and 2D Materials, 8th Australasian Symp. on Ionic Liquids ASIL8, Melbourne, 20-23 May 2018. hal-02062072
A.A.H. Pádua, What we learn from resolving dispersion and polarization interactions of ionic liquids, 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, 18-22 Mar 2018. hal-02062059
A.A.H. Pádua, Comprendre la physico-chimie de milieux ioniques en vue de leur design, Senior Researcher Award Lecture, Journée Scientifique de la Div. Chim. Phys. de la SCF et de la SFP, Paris, France, 30 Nov 2017. hal-02138164
E. Bordes, J. Szala-Bilnik, A.A.H. Pádua, Exfoliation of Graphene and Fluorographene in Molecular and Ionic Liquids, Faraday Discussions. Ionic Liquids: From Fundamental Properties to Practical Applications, Cambridge, UK, 11-13 Sep 2017. hal-02138184
A.A.H. Pádua, Interactions of Ionic Liquids with Nanomaterials, EMN Meeting on Ionic Liquids, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-13 Nov 2016.
A.A.H. Pádua, Exfoliation of van der Waals Materials in Molecular and Ionic Solvents, Gordon Res. Conf., Sunday River, Maine, USA, 14-19 Aug 2016.
E. Bordes, J. Szala-Bilnik, M. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Ionic Liquids at the Interface with Nanomaterials, 7th Australian Symposium on Ionic Liquids, Newcastle, Australia, 23-26 May 2016.
J. Szala-Bilnik, E. Bordes, J.M.P. França, J.M. Andanson, C.A. Nieto de Castro, M. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Interactions of 2D-Layered Materials with Ionic Liquids, 19th Symp. Thermophys. Prop., Boulder, CO, USA, 21-26 June 2015.
A.A.H. Pádua, Cellulose in ionic liquids: Dissolution experiments in the presence of a co-solvent and solvation of a microfibril by molecular simulation, 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 10-14 August 2014.
S. Velioglu, X. Yao, E. Bordes, J. Devemy, J.M. Andanson, A. Dequidt, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, The solvation of cellulose in ionic liquids: Experiments and molecular simulation of a microfibril, 2nd ILSEPT Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technol. Toronto, Canada, 29 June-2 July 2014.
A.A.H. Pádua, Ionic liquids with mesoscopic objects: Interactions, energetics, structure and dynamics, 7th Int. Discussion Meeting on Relaxation of Complex Systems, 7IDMRCS, Barcelona, Spain, 21-26 July 2013.
A.S. Pensado, A. Podgorsek, A.C.F. Mendonça, J.M.P. França, A.A.H. Pádua, Heterogeneous systems containing ionic liquids: Interactions with metal surfaces and carbon nanomaterials, 5th Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-5, Vilamoura, Portugal, 21-25 April 2013.
A.A.H. Pádua, Interactions and structure of room-temperature ionic liquids with metallic nanoparticles and surfaces, Ionic Liquids and Coulomb Fluids at Interfaces, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 25-27 June 2012.
A.A.H. Pádua, Ionic liquids: molecular interactions, solvation, interfaces, XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Braga, Portugal, 3-6 July 2011.
A. Mendonça, A. Podgorsek, A.S. Pensado, C.C. Santini, J.N. Canongia Lopes, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Molecular interactions of ionic liquids: solutions, suspensions, surfaces, 4th Congress On Ionic Liquids COIL-4, Washington DC, USA, 15-19 May 2011 (keynote lecture).
A.S. Pensado, A. Podgorsek, P. Campbell, M.F. Costa Gomes, C.C. Santini, A.A.H. Pádua, Solvation of metallic nanoparticles in ionic liquids: An experimental and computational study, 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 21-26 March 2010.
A.A.H. Pádua, Interactions and structuring of ionic liquids with solutes, nanoparticles and at interfaces, CECAM Workshop Computational models of room temperature ionic liquids, Dublin, Ireland, 6-8 April 2009.
A.A.H. Pádua, J.N. Canongia Lopes, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.S. Pensado, Interactions, structure and properties of ionic liquids from molecular simulation, 236th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 17-21 August 2008.
A.A.H. Pádua, Interactions and structure of ionic liquids: experiments and simulation, 23rd Eur. Symp. on Appl. Thermodyn. ESAT-2008, Cannes, France, 29 May-1 June 2008 (plenary lecture).
A.A.H. Pádua, J.N. Canongia Lopes, M. Costa Gomes, Ionic liquids as nanostructured solvents: the solvation of molecular compounds, 2nd Int. Congress On Ionic Liquids COIL-2, Yokohama, Japan, 5-10 August 2007.
A.A.H. Pádua, J.N. Canongia Lopes, Nanostructural organization in ionic liquids, 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, USA, 26-30 March 2006.
A.A.H. Pádua, J. Deschamps, J.N. Canongia Lopes, Solvation in ionic liquids: conformations, interactions and liquid structure by molecular simulation, 1st Int. Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-1, Salzburg, Austria, 19-22 June 2005.
A.A.H. Pádua, Exploring structure and solvation in ionic liquids using molecular simulation, Thermodynamics 2005, Sesimbra, Portugal, 6-8 April 2005 (plenary lecture).
A.A.H. Pádua, J. Deschamps, Interaction of gases with ionic liquids: molecular simulation, 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, USA, 7-11 September 2003.
Invited and Plenary Lectures (as co-author)
L. Pison, C. Cervinka, A.A.H. Pádua, M.F. Costa Gomes, Metal organic frameworks in ionic liquids: molecular interactions and structure, 655 WE-Heraeus Seminar: Surfaces and Interfaces of Ionic Liquids, Bad Honnef, Germany, 4-6 Dec 2017. hal-02138236
M.F. Costa Gomes, L.F. Lepre, J. Szala-Bilnik, R. Ando, A.A.H. Pádua, Gas separations using ionic liquids and their mixtures, 5th IMIL – Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids, Santos, São Paulo, Brasil, 5-7 Apr 2017. hal-02138247
M.F. Costa Gomes, L.F. Lepre, J. Szala-Bilnik-Bilnik, R. Ando, A.A.H. Pádua, Can mixtures of ionic liquids improve gas separations?, 3rd ILSEPT Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquids for Separation and Purification Tech., Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-11 Jan 2017. hal-02138253
M.F. Costa Gomes, E. Bordes, J.M. Andanson, J. Szala-Bilnik, A.A.H. Pádua, Interactions of ionic liquids with polyaromatic hydrocarbons and fullerene, 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, USA, March 2016.
S. Velioglu, X. Yao, E. Bordes, J. Devémy, J.-M. Andanson, A. Dequidt, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Ionic liquids for the dissolution of biopolymers : experiments and molecular simulation of a cellulose microfibril, 4th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conf., Bordeaux, France, October 2014.
K. Shimizu, A. Pensado, A.A.H. Pádua, J.N.A. Canongia Lopes, 2D or not 2D: The flexible nano-structures of ionic liquids, Faraday Discussion 154: Ionic Liquids, Belfast, UK, 22-24 August 2011.
J.N. Canongia Lopes, K. Shimizu, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, L.P.N. Rebelo, The structure of ionic liquid solutions of benzene derivatives: Aromatic solutes as molecular charge templates of the ionic liquid solvent, 6th Int. Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems IDMRCS 2009, Rome, Italy, 30 Aug-5 Sep 2009.
K. Shimizu, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, L.P.N. Rebelo, J.N. Canongia Lopes, Three commentaries on the nano-segregated nature of ionic liquids, 9th National Meeting on Physical Chemistry, Aveiro, Portugal, 15-16 June 2009.
M.F. Costa Gomes, J.N. Canongia Lopes, A.A.H. Pádua, Not just gas solubilities anymore: Simple solutes as probes to explore the molecular structure of ionic liquids, 17th Symp. on Thermophys. Prop., Boulder, USA, 21-26 June 2009.
J.N. Canongia Lopes, L.P.N. Rebelo, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Ionic Liquid liquids, solids and gases: Phase diagrams from a molecular perspective, 3rd Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-3, Cairns, Australia, 31 May-4 June 2009 (plenary lecture).
P. Campbell, T. Gutel, G. Fraser, C.C. Santini, K. Philippot, A. Pádua, Y. Chauvin,
Could ionic liquids control the size of nanoparticles generated in situ?, 3rd Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-3, Cairns, Australia, 31 May-4 June 2009.
D.W. Rooney, C. Hardacre, P. Nancarrow, J. Jacquemin, N.A. Manan, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Prediction of gas solubility in ionic liquids using COSMOtherm, 236th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 17-21 August 2008.
J.N. Canongia Lopes, A.A.H. Pádua, The importance of being flexible: structual properties of ionic liquids from a molecular perspective, 2nd Int. Congress On Ionic Liquids COIL-2, Yokohama, Japan, 5-10 August 2007.
A.A.H. Pádua, J.N. Canongia Lopes, Modeling ionic liquids using a systematic all-atom force field. Di-alkylimidazolium and tetra-alkylammonium cations, halide, triflate, bistrisflilamide, nitrate and hexaflurophosphate anions, 1st Int. Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-1, Salzburg, Austria, 19-22 June 2005.
M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Gas-liquid interactions in solution, 11th IUPAC Int. Symp. on Solubility Phenomena, Aveiro, Portugal, July 25–29, 2004.
J.N. Canongia Lopes, J. Deschamps, A.A.H. Pádua, Modeling ionic liquids of the 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium family using an all-atom force field, 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, USA, 7-11 September 2003.
Communications presented by A. Padua or collaborators
Oral communications in international conferences (recent)
C. Corsini , M. Costa Gomes, A. Padua, What Kind of Fluids are Porous Ionic Liquids?, Gordon Res. Conf. on Ionic Liquids, Maine, 4-9 Aug 2024, hal-04873709
F. Yang, A. Padua, 22nd Symphony. on Thermophys., Prop., Boulder (CO), USA, 23-28 Jun 2024, hal-04889037
M. Costa Gomes, C. Marques Corrêa, G. Legrand, S. Manneville, A. Padua, Unraveling stability and flow dynamics: Porous suspensions of metal-organic frameworks in ionic liquids, ACS Spring 2024, New Orleans, USA, 17-21 Mar 2024, hal-04873763
A. Padua, N. Scaglione, J. Avila, E. Bakis, M. Costa Gomes, Modulating chemical and physical sorption of CO2 and SO2 in carboxylate ionic liquids to improve capture and selectivity, ACS Spring 2024, New Orleans, USA, 17-21 Mar 2024, hal-04873705
M. Costa Gomes, J. Avila, C.M. Correa, M. Rosenthal, A. Padua, Sustainable Pathways to Develop Porous Ionic Liquids from Common Materials, 7th Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquid-Based Materials – ILMAT 7, Porto, Portugal, 21-24 Nov 2023, hal-04883454
N. Scaglione, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes. Tuning of the CO2 absorption by reactive phosphonium-carboxylate ionic liquids. 7th Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquid-Based Materials – ILMAT 7, Porto, Portugal, 21-24 Nov 2023, hal-04883413
A. van den Bruinhorst, L. Wylie, G. Dépraetère, A. Pádua, M. Costa Gomes. Deep Eutectic Solvents on a Tightrope – The Balance Between Entropy and Enthalpy. Eur. Mol. Liq. Group Annual Meeting 2023, Bordeaux, France, 4-7 Sep 2023, hal-04880219
C. Marques Corrêa, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes, Porous Ionic Liquids for Electro-reduction of Gases, 74th Annual Meeting of the Int. Soc. Electrochem., Lyon, 3-8 Sep 2023, hal-04873524
H. Pung, C.Y. Okada-Jr, M. Simões Santos, S. Livi, J. Duchet-Rumeau, A. Padua, P. Rannou, M. Maréchal, Thermotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals: Structure/ion transport correlation within stimuli-responsive electrolytes for energy, 74th Annual Meeting of the Int. Soc. Electrochem., Lyon, 3-8 Sep 2023, hal-04442311
A. Padua, N. Scaglione, J. Avila, E. Bakis, M. Costa Gomes, Alkylphosphonium carboxylate ionic liquids for capture of CO2 and SO2: Modulating chemical and physical sorption, Int. Conf. on Chem. Thermodyn. – ICCT2023, Osaka, 30 Jul – 4 Aug 2023, hal-04357020
E. Bakis, K. Goloviznina, F. Philippi, N. Scaglione, T. Rekis, M. Costa Gomes, A. Padua. Evidence for anion-anion interactions in tetracyanoborate ionic liquids. 9th Congress on Ionic Liquids – COIL 9, Lyon, France, 24-28 Apr 2023, hal-04883500
N. Scaglione, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes. Selective SO2/CO2 absorption by [P4,4,4,4][TetrazC1COO]. 9th Congress on Ionic Liquids – COIL 9, Lyon, France, 24-28 Apr 2023, hal-04883588
M. Maréchal, H. Pung, C.Y.I. Okada-Junior, M. Simões Santos, S. Livi, J. Duchet-Rumeau, A. Padua, J. Drnec, V. Honkimaki, P. Rannou, Thermotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals (TILCs): tunable-by-design self-assembling and stimuli-sensible electrolytic materials platform for energy applications, 9th Congress on Ionic Liquids – COIL9, Lyon, 24-29 Apr 2023, hal-04719768
G. Simon, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes. Extraction of Dyes From polyester Fibers Using Ionic Liquids. 20th Int. Symp. on Solubility Phenomena – ISSP, Bragança, Portugal (online), 4-9 Sep 2022, hal-04883602
J. Avila, M. Costa Gomes, A. Padua, V. Dufaud. Design of porous ionic liquids for carbon capture and utilization. 28th EUCHEM Conference on Molten Salts & Ionic Liquids – EuChemsIL 2022, Patras, Greece 5-10 Jun 2022, hal-04883607
M.E. Di Pietro, O. Hammond, A. van den Bruinhorst, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes, M. Tortora, B. Rossi, M. Paolantoni, A. Mele. DES/water mixtures: are they properly understood? 28th EUCHEM Conference on Molten Salts & Ionic Liquids – EuChemsIL 2022, Patras, Greece 5-10 Jun 2022, hal-04883620
E. Bakis, K. Goloviznina, I. Vaz, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes. Experimental and theoretical study of free volume in silicon-functionalized ionic liquids. Int. Symp. on Green Chemistry – ISGC2022, La Rochelle, France, 16-20 May 2022, hal-04883628
G. Simon, A. Pádua, M. Costa Gomes. Ionic Liquids for pretreatment of fibres in a recycling context. Int. Symp. on Green Chemistry – ISGC2022, La Rochelle, France, 16-20 May 2022, hal-04883680
K. Goloviznina, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, CL&Pol: General, transferable, polarisable force field for ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents and electrolytes, ILMAT VI – 6th Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquids and Materials, Strasbourg, France, 22-26 Nov 2021, hal-04874078
E. Bakis, K. Goloviznina, I. Vaz, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes, Experimental and theoretical study of free volume in silicon-funcitonalized ionic liquids, ILMAT VI – 6th Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquids and Materials, Strasbourg, France, 22-26 Nov 2021, hal-04874124
J. Avila, L.F. Lepre, C. Santini, M. Tiano, S. Denis-Quanquin, S. Kai Chung, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes, Porous ionic liquids: a recyclable, effective and selective gas separation, LMC Virtually – 11th Liquid Matter Conf., Prague, Czech Republic (online), 19-23 Jul 2021, hal-04874658
L. Bou Tannous, A. Steinberger, A. Padua, P.H Haumesser, A. Benayad, Interfacial structure of ionic liquids for high performance field effect transistors: a combined AFM and XPS study, LMC Virtually – 11th Liquid Matter Conf., Prague, Czech Republic (online), 19-23 Jul 2021, hal-04874617
J. Avila, L.F. Lepre, C. Santini, M. Tiano, S. Denis-Quanquin, S. Kai Chung, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes, New high-performance porous ionic liquids for low pressure CO2 capture, ISSP19 – Int. Symp. on Solubility Phenomena, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA (online), 11-16 Jul 2021, hal-04874601
K. Goloviznina, E. Bakis, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Predicting solubility trends in ionic liquids with branched and Si-functionalized cations via free volume analysis, ISSP19 – Int. Symp. on Solubility Phenomena, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA (online), 11-16 Jul 2021, hal-04874416
A. van den Bruinhorst, M. Vis, G. de With, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes, Is there depth to eutectic?, 2nd Int. Meeting of Deep Eutectic Systems, Lisbon, Portugal (online), 14-17 Jun 2021, hal-04874379
G. Simon, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes, Solubilisation of textile additives in ionic liquids: a computational and experimental study, 6th Ibero Americal Meeting on Ionic Liquids, Santiago, Chile (online), 24-26 May 2021, hal-04874329
K. Goloviznina, Z. Gong, M. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Polarisable force field for protic ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents, ASIL9 – 9th Australasian Symp. on Ionic liquids, Melbourne, Australia (online), 1-2 Dec 2020, hal-04874286
L.F. Lepre, A.A.H. Pádua, M.F. Costa Gomes, Fluorinating Ionic Liquids for Enhanced Selective Absorption of Refrigerant Gases, 8th Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-8, Beijing, China, 13-17 May 2019. hal-02136594
P.B. Sánchez, A.A.H. Pádua, S. Tsubaki, Y. Wada, Effect of electromagnetic waves on cellulose dissolution in ionic liquids, Conf. on Biomass Sci., Japan, 16-17 Jan 2019. hal-02138080
L. Fernando Lepre, D. André, A. Gaultier, A.A.H. Pádua, M.F. Costa Gomes, Fluorinated ionic liquids for selectively absorbing refrigerant gases, 19th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry EMEC19, Royat, France, 3-6 Dec 2018. hal-02062132
L. Fernando Lepre, R.A. Ando, A.A.H. Pádua, M.F. Costa Gomes, Improving CO2 absorption in viscous ionic liquids, 25th Int. Conf. on Chem. Thermodyn. CALCON-IACT 2018, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 6-9 Aug 2018. hal-02062119
Posters in international conferences (recent)
I.C.M. Vaz, S. McCalmont, H. Oorts, Z. Gong, L. Moura, A. Pádua, M. Costa Gomes. Absorption of hydrocarbon gases in phosphorous-containing ionic liquids. 9th Congress on Ionic Liquids – COIL9, Lyon, France, 24-28 Apr 2023, hal-04883728
C.M. Correa, G. Legrand, T. Divoux, S. Manneville, F. Philippi, A. Pádua, M. Costa Gomes. Rheological properties of phosphonium-based porous ionic liquids. 9th Congress on Ionic Liquids – COIL9, Lyon, France, 24-28 Apr 2023, hal-04883748
C. Corsini, M. Costa Gomes, A. Padua, Computational Modelling of Porous Deep Eutectic Solvents for Gas Capture and Separation, 9th Congress on Ionic Liquids – COIL9, Lyon, France, 24-28 Apr 2023, hal-04873461
L. Wylie, G. Perli, J. Ávila, S. Livi, J. Duchet-Rumeau, M. Costa Gomes, A. Padua, A Theoretical Analysis of Physical and Chemical CO2 Absorption by Tri- and Tetra-epoxidized Imidazolium Ionic Liquids, 9th Congress on Ionic Liquids – COIL9, Lyon, France, 24-28 Apr 2023, hal-04873561
N. Scaglione, J. Avila, M. Costa Gomes, A. Padua. CO2 absorption by reactive carboxylate-based Ionic Liquids (ILs). Gordon Research Conference on Ionic Liquids, Newry, ME, 7-12 Aug 2022, USA, hal-04883763
L.F. Lepre, K. Goloviznina, S. Sabelle, F. Beaumard, M.-C. Frantz, A. Detroyer, A. Padua, M. Costa Gomes. Designing ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents for enhancing the solubility of water-insoluble natural dyes. Int. Symposium. on Green Chemistry – ISGC2022,La Rochelle, France, 16-20 May 2022, hal-04883790
G. Simon, M. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Solubilisation of textile additives in ionic liquids: a computational and experimental approach, 6th Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquids and Materials – ILMAT VI, Strasbourg, France, 22-26 Nov 2021, hal-04884096
L. Bou Tannous, A. Steinberger, A. Benayad, A.A.H. Padua, P.H. Haumesser, Interfacial structure of ionic liquids for high performance field effect transistors: a combined AFM and XPS study, 6th Int. Conf. on Ionic Liquids and Materials – ILMAT VI, Strasbourg, France, 22-26 Nov 2021.
K. Goloviznina, E. Bakis, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Exploring free volume of branched cation ionic liquids via polarisable MD simulations, LMC Virtually – 11th Liquid Matter Conf., Prague, 19-23 Jul 2021, hal-04884369
A. Massaro, I. Rivalta, M. Pavone, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Na+ diffusion in IL-based electrolytes for Na-ion batteries: the effect of polarizable force fields, 8th Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-8, Beijing, China, 13-17 May 2019. hal-02136569
K. Goloviznina, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Prediction Dispersion and Induction Components for Polarizable Molecular Simulations of Ionic Liquids, 8th Congress on Ionic Liquids COIL-8, Beijing, China, 13-17 May 2019. hal-02136586
L. Fernando Lepre, C. Chiappe, A.A.H. Pádua, M.F. Costa Gomes, CO2 chemisorption in ionic liquids having imidazolium gemini cations, 19th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry EMEC19, Royat, France, 3-6 Dec 2018. hal-02062221
E. Bordes, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, Ionic liquids at the surface of graphite: wettability and structure, 655 WE-Heraeus Seminar: Surfaces and Interfaces of Ionic Liquids, Bad Honnef, Germany, 04-06 Dec 2017. hal-02138273
Invited research seminars and workshops (recent)
A.A.H. Pádua, Molecular simulation of DES: system setup, choice of codes, analysis of results, CNRS Spring school on DES, Roscoff, France, 21-25 Mar 2022.
A.A.H. Pádua, Free energy calculations and polarisable force fields, LAMMPS for molecular dynamics simulations: from developments to applications, CECAM Workshop, Lyon, 26 Jun 2018. hal-02138303
A.A.H. Pádua, Understanding and Designing Ionic Liquids, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, 11 Jun 2018.
A.A.H. Pádua, The Interactions of Ionic Liquids with Nanomaterials, Department of Chemistry, King’s College London, 19 Feb 2018.
Oral communications in national events (recent)
A. van den Bruinhorst, L. Wylie, A.A.H. Padua, M.F. Costa Gomes, Thermodynamics of Mixing for Eutectic Solvents: Choline Chloride + Water/Diol, Journées Sci. GDR CNRS Solvate, Lille, 09-10 Dec 2021.
J. Avila, A.A.H. Padua, M.F. Costa Gomes, Reactive separations using porous ionic liquids, Journées Sci. GDR CNRS Solvate, Lille, 09-10 Dec 2021.
K. Goloviznina, R. Clark, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Solvation in ionic liquids and DES using polarizable simulations, Journées Sci. GDR CNRS Solvate, Lille, 09-10 Dec 2021.
I.C.M. Vaz, E. Bakis, K. Goloviznina, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Exploring the free volume of silicon-functionalized ionic liquids, 2nd Meeting Group of Portuguese Chemists Abroad, Portuguese Chem. Soc., 10 June 2021,hal-04883703
K. Goloviznina, Z. Gong, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Polarisable force field for protic ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents, Journées Sci. GDR CNRS Solvate, 25-26 Nov 2020.
Posters in national events (recent)
K. Goloviznina, M. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Transferable, polarizable force field for ionic liquids, MolSim-2020 Winter School, Amsterdam, 6-17 Jan 2020.
K. Goloviznina, M. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Padua, Polarizable force field for molecular dynamics simulations of ionic liquids, ICTK-10 Int. Chem. Conf. Toulouse-Kiev, Toulouse, 3-5 Jun 2019.
Overall communications
150+ oral communications and poster presentations in international conferences.
50+ invited research seminars in university departments and groups.
4 outreach communications in radio broadcasts, scientific and cultural societies.