Andrei A. Fedorenko
Laboratoire de Physique Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon |
Curriculum Vitae
Date and place of birth: August 13, 1975, Omsk (Russia)
(since 2009) CNRS researcher (CR1) at Laboratoire de Physique d l'ENS, Lyon (France)
(2009-2009) PostDoc at University of Cologne, Cologne (Germany)
(2008-2009) PostDoc at Laboratoire de Physique d l'ENS, Lyon (France)
(2006-2008) PostDoc at LPT, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (France)
(2001-2006) PostDoc at FB Physik, Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle (Germany)
(1998-2001) Lecturer at Physics Department of Omsk State University (Russia)Education:
Ph.D. in theoretical physics, 1999, Omsk State University.
M.Sc. (Diploma in Physics with honour), 1997, Omsk State University.
High school graduation, 1992, Omsk Phys&math school N64.
Research Interests:
Topological and relativistic phases in condensed matter.
Mesoscopic physics: quantum transport in disordered electronic systems.
Disordered systems: random fields, spin glasses, elastic objects in disordered media, domain walls, charge density waves, vortex matter.
Random walks: random walks in random environments, loop-erased random walks.
Systems far from equilibrium: out-of-equilibrium critical behavior, aging, surface growth, sandpiles, depinning.
Organization of Conferences
42nd conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO42). https://meco42.sciencesconf.org/
- E. Brillaux, D. Carpentier, A.A. Fedorenko, and L. Savary, Analytical renormalization group approach to competing orders at charge neutrality in twisted bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033168 (2022). arXiv:2008.05041
- E. Brillaux and A.A. Fedorenko, Fermi arcs and surface criticality in dirty Dirac materials, Phys. Rev. B 103, L081405 (2021). arXiv:2009.12138
- D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, A.A. Fedorenko, and Yu. Holovatch, Possibility of a continuous phase transition in random-anisotropy magnets with a generic random-axis distribution, Phys. Rev. B 101, 064402 (2020). arXiv:1910.14461
- K.J. Wiese and A. A. Fedorenko, Depinning transition of charge-density waves: mapping onto O(n) symmetric phi4 theory with n=-2 and loop-erased random walks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 197601 (2019). arXiv:1908.11721
- E. Brillaux, D. Carpentier, and A.A. Fedorenko, Multifractality at the Weyl semimetal-diffusive metal transition for generic disorder, Phys. Rev. B 100, 134204 (2019). arXiv:1905.01182
- K.J. Wiese and A. A. Fedorenko, Field theories for loop-erased random walks, Nucl. Phys. B 946, 114696 (2019). arXiv:1802.08830
- I. Balog, D. Carpentier, and A. A. Fedorenko, Disorder-driven quantum transition in relativistic semimetals: functional renormalization via the porous medium equation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 166402 (2018). arXiv:1710.07932
- G.M. Falco, A.A. Fedorenko, and I.A. Gruzberg, Wave function correlations and the AC conductivity of disordered wires beyond the Mott-Berezinskii law, EPL 120, 37004 (2017). arXiv:1708.07163
- G.M. Falco, A.A. Fedorenko, and I.A. Gruzberg, On functional determinants of matrix differential operators with multiple zero modes, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 485201 (2017). arXiv:1703.07329
- M. Dudka and A.A. Fedorenko, Emergent universal critical behavior of the 2D N-color Ashkin-Teller model in the presence of correlated disorder, Critical behavior of the 2D Ising model with long-range correlated disorder, Condens. Matter Phys. 20, 13603 (2017). arXiv:1702.04340
- T. Louvet, D. Carpentier, and A.A. Fedorenko, New quantum transition in Weyl semimetals with correlated disorder, Phys. Rev. B 95, 014204 (2017). arXiv:1609.08368
- T. Louvet, D. Carpentier, and A.A. Fedorenko, On the disorder-driven quantum transition in 3D relativistic metals, Phys. Rev. B 94, 220201(R) (2016). arXiv:1605.02009
- M. Dudka, A.A. Fedorenko, V.Blavatska, and Yu. Holovatch, Critical behavior of the 2D Ising model with long-range correlated disorder, Phys. Rev. B 93, 224422 (2016). arXiv:1602.07229
- G.M. Falco and A.A. Fedorenko, Instanton theory for bosons in disordered speckle potential, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023412 (2015). arXiv:1505.01671
- T. Louvet, P. Delplace, A.A. Fedorenko, and D. Carpentier, On the origin of minimal conductivity at a band crossing, Phys. Rev. B 92, 155116 (2015). arXiv:1503.04185
- A. Andreanov and A.A. Fedorenko, Localization of spin-waves in disordered quantum rotors, Phys. Rev. B 90, 014205 (2014). arXiv:1403.5529
- A.A. Fedorenko, P. Le Doussal, and K.J. Wiese, Non-Gaussian effects and multifractality in the Bragg glass, EPL 105, 16002 (2014). arXiv:1309.6529
- A.A. Fedorenko, Surface criticality in random field systems with continuous symmetry, Mathematical Structures and Modeling 27, 14 (2013).
- D. Carpentier, A.A. Fedorenko, and E. Orignac, Effect of disorder on 2D topological merging transition from a Dirac semi-metal to a normal insulator, EPL 102, 67010 (2013). arXiv:1303.4320
- A.A. Fedorenko, P. Le Doussal, and K.J. Wiese, Functional renormalization-group approach to decaying turbulence, J. Stat. Mech., P04014 (2013). arXiv:1212.2117
- A.A. Fedorenko, Random field and random anisotropy O(N) spin systems with a free surface, Phys. Rev. E 86, 021131 (2012). arXiv:1205.1338
- A.A. Fedorenko, D. Carpentier, and E. Orignac, Two dimensional Dirac fermions in the presence of long-range correlated disorder, Phys. Rev. B 85, 125437 (2012). arXiv:1112.2743
- A.A. Fedorenko, Commentary on Anisotropic finite-size scaling of an elastic string at the depinning threshold in a random-periodic medium, Papers in Physics 2, 020009 (2010).
- G.M. Falco, A.A. Fedorenko, J. Giacomelli, and M. Modugno, Density of states in an optical speckle potential, Phys. Rev. A 82, 053405 (2010). arXiv:1008.0589
- A.A.Fedorenko and D. Carpentier, Magnetic dephasing in a mesoscopic spin glass, EPL 88, 57009 (2009). arXiv:0904.1011
- A.A.Fedorenko, P. Le Doussal, and K.J. Wiese, Field theory conjecture for loop-erased random walks, J. Stat. Phys. 133, 805 (2008). arXiv:0803.2357
- A.A.Fedorenko Elastic systems with correlated disorder: Response to tilt and application to surface growth, Phys. Rev. B 77, 094203 (2008). arXiv:0712.0801
- A.A.Fedorenko, A functional renormalization group approach to s ystems with long-range correlated disorder, in proceedings of "Path Integrals - New Trends and Perspectives", edited by Wolfhard Janke and Axel Pelster, World Scientific (2008). arXiv:0803.1587
- A.A.Fedorenko and F. Kühnel, Long-range correlated random field and random anisotropy O(N) models: A functional renormalization group study, Phys. Rev. B 75, 174206 (2007). arXiv:0701256
- A.A.Fedorenko, P. Le Doussal, and K.J. Wiese, Statics and dynamics of elastic manifolds in media with long-range correlated disorder, Phys. Rev. E 74, 061109 (2006). arXiv:0609234
- A.A.Fedorenko, P. Le Doussal, and K.J. Wiese,Universal distribution of threshold forces at the depinning transition, Phys. Rev. E 74, 041110 (2006). arXiv:0607229
- S. Stepanow and A.A.Fedorenko, On the surface segregation of conformationally asymmetric polymer blends, Phys. Rev. E 73, 031801 (2006). cond-mat/0509639
- A.A.Fedorenko and S. Trimper, Critical aging of a ferromagnetic system from a completely ordered state, Europhys. Lett., 74, 89-95 (2006). cond-mat/0507112
- A.A.Fedorenko and S. Stepanow, Interfaces in disordered media, energy distribution and ac response, Phase Transitions, 78, 817 (2005).
- A.A.Fedorenko, Nonequilibrium critical relaxation in the presence of extended defects, Phys. Rev. B, 69, 134301 (2004).
- A.A.Fedorenko, V. Mueller, and S.Stepanow, Dielectric response due to stochastic motion of pinned domain walls, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 224104 (2004).
- A.A.Fedorenko and S.Stepanow, Universal energy distribution for interfaces in a random field environment, Phys. Rev. E 68, 056115 (2003).
- A.A.Fedorenko and S.Stepanow, Depinning transition at the upper critical dimension, Phys. Rev. E 67, 057104 (2003).
- A.A.Fedorenko, Replicon modes and stability of critical behavior of disordered systems with respect to the continuous replica symmetry breaking, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 36, N5, 1239-1247 (2003).
- A.A.Fedorenko and S.Trimper, Random walks in random environment with long-range correlated drift force, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16, N24, 3561-3566 (2002).
- A.A.Fedorenko and S.Stepanow, Localization of a Gaussian polymer in a weak periodic surface potential disturbed by a single defect, Eur. Phys. J. B, 28, 209-215 (2002).
- S.Stepanow and A.A.Fedorenko, Adsorption of a Gaussian polymer in a periodic surface potential, Europhys. Lett., 58, N3, 368-374 (2002).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Stability of the critical behavior of weakly disordered systems with respect to the introduction of an interaction potential breaking replica symmetry. Phys. Solid State, 43, ¹9, 1759-1764 (2001).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, ; Stability of critical behaviour of weakly disordered systems with respect to the replica symmetry breaking. Phys. Rev. B, 63, 184201 (2001).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Stability of critical behaviour of weakly disordered systems to introduction of potentials with replica symmetry breaking, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 34, ¹12, L145-L152 (2001).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Stability of the critical behavior of weakly disordered systems against replica symmetry breaking, JETP Letters, 73, ¹3, 135-140 (2001).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Field-theory approach to critical behavior of systems with long-range correlated defects, Phys. Rev. B, 62, ¹13, 8777-8786 (2000).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Multicritical behaviour of disordered systems with two order parameters, Phys. Solid State, 42, ¹1, 165-169 (2000).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Static and dynamic critical properties of 3D systems with long-range correlated quenched defects, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 32, ¹49, 8587-8600 (1999).
- V.V. Prudnikov and A.A. Fedorenko, Critical behaviour of 3D systems with long-range correlated quenched defects, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 32, ¹36, L399-L405 (1999).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Multicritical behaviour of weakly disordered systems with two order parameters, JETP, 89, ¹2, 325-330 (1999).
- V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Field - theoretic description of the multicritical behaviour of systems with two order parameters, JETP Letters, 68, ¹12, 900-905 (1998).
- V.V. Prudnikov, S.V. Belim, A.V. Ivanov, E.V. Osintsev, and A.A. Fedorenko, Critical dynamics of slightly disordered spin systems, JETP, 87, ¹3(9), 527-533 (1998).
- V.V. Prudnikov, S.V. Belim, E.V. Osintsev, and A.A. Fedorenko, Critical dynamics of disordered magnets in the three-loop approximation, Phys. Solid State, 40, ¹8, 1383-1388 (1998).
- V.V. Prudnikov, A.V. Ivanov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Critical dynamics of spin systems in the four-loop approximation, JETP Letters, 66, ¹12, 835-840 (1997).
- A.V. Ivanov, V.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Calculation of dynamic critical exponent and resummation of asymptotic series, Communications of Omsk University, 4, 27-29 (1997).
- A.V. Ivanov, V.V. Prudnikov, and A.A. Fedorenko, Critical dynamics of magnetic systems, Communications of Omsk University, 3, 27-29 (1997).
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