2025, Y. Onuki, A. Venaille Disantangling
discrete and continuous spectra in tidally
forced stratified sheared flows -
submitted .pdf
Computes energy
and momentum exchanges when internal waves are
generated above seafloor topography, emphasizing
the role of critical layers.
2025, L. Miller, B. Deremble, A.
Venaille. Stratification
governs the existence of surface-intensified
eastward jets in turbulent gyres without
bottom friction -in review for Journal
of Physical Oceanogaphy
Shows a
transition from a surface-intensified vortex gas
to a zonostrophic regime, with Gulf Stream-like
jets emerging as ribbon turbulence states in
between, a transition explained by baroclinic
2024, Y. Onuki, A. Venaille, P.
Bulk-edge correspondence recovered in
incompressible continuous media-
Physical Review Research .pdf
Demonstrates a connection between the number of
confined modes along the boundary of a
rotating-stratified fluid and the Chern number
of bulk eigenmode bundles, using Levinson's
theorem. |
2024, X. Chartrand, L.P. Nadeau, A.
Venaille. Recovering
Quasi-Biennial Oscilliations from Chaos -
Journal of Atmospheric
Sciences .pdf
Shows that
increased vertical wave propagation at higher
altitudes promotes the periodicity of wind
reversals in the equatorial stratosphere. This
highlights the role of internal gravity waves in
supporting QBO's periodic behavior.
2024, L. Miller, B. Deremble, A.
Venaille. Gyre
Turbulence: anomalous dissipation in a
two-dimensional ocean model-
Physical Review Fluids (letter), pdf -
featured in Physics
CNRS, Pour
la Science
Reports finite
dissipation rate in a two-dimensional
wind-driven ocean model in the limit of weak
dissipation. The flow is a turbulent vortex gas
superimposed to a western-intensified
gyre. |
2023, A. Venaille, Y. Onuki, N.
Perez, A. Leclerc. From
ray tracing to topological waves in continuous
SciPost Physics - Select .pdf
Shows the physical
origin of bulk-interface correspondence that
relates a topological index to a spectral index,
by using ray tracing equations and
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule.
A. Leclerc, G. Laibe, P. Delplace, A.
Venaille, N. Perez. Topological
modes in stellar oscillations - The
Astrophysical Journal .pdf
Interprets the f-mode of
stellar pulsations as an hybrid mode between
topological Lamb-like waves and surface waves. Its
topological origin results from a competition
between curvature effects and gravity.
T. David, P. Delplace, A.
Venaille. How do CPT-symmetries shape
the stability of geophysical flows?- Physics of
Fluids .pdf
Provides a
general framework to address the role of
discrete symmetries in non-Hermitian geophysical
wave operators, with application to
baroclinity instability describing midlatitude
weather systems.
N. Perez, P. Delplace, A.
Venaille. Unidirectional modes
induced by nontraditional Coriolis force in
stratified fluids- Physical
Review Letters .pdf
New trapped modes
supported by compressible rotating stratified
flows are found using tools from topology. This
shows a striking manifestation of nontraditional
Coriolis effects.
A. Venaille, P. Delplace. Wave topology brought to
the coast- Physical Review Research .pdf
Coastal Kelvin waves were
arguably the first unidirectional trapped modes
found in a physical system. We show the
topological origin of these modes, by highlighting
the central role of bottom topography variations.
N. Perez , P. Delplace, A. Venaille. Manifestation of Berry
curvature in geophysical ray tracing- Proceedings
of the Royal Society A .pdf
Shows that Berry curvature
induces weak bending of shallow water wavepackets in
the presence of planetary vorticity gradients.
This leads to a systematic drift in equatorial ray
tracing, an effect analogous to anomalous Hall
P. Delplace, A. Venaille. From
the geometry of Foucault's pendulum to topological
planetary waves- Comptes Rendus Physique (CRAS) .pdf
in Nature Physics
Short review on
topological waves in astrophysical and geophysical
flows, with emphasis on the consequences of planet
rotation and sphericity that can be understood
with geometrical tools such as the Berry phase and
the Berry curvature.
A. Renaud, A. Venaille. On Holton-Lindzen-Plumb
model for mean flow reversals in stratified fluids-
Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological
Society .pdf
Starting from Boussinesq
equations, we discuss the existence of a
distinguished limit for the derivation of a
celebrated 1D idealized model for Quasi-biennial
oscillations of equatorial winds. |
2020, A. Venaille.
Quasi-geostrophy against
the wall- Journal of Fluid Mechanics -
Rapids .pdf
Coasts are obstructions to
the classical derivation of stratified
quasi-geostrophic equations, due to the
propagation of Kelvin waves trapped along the
boundary. Revisits a coupled model proposed by
Deremble-Johnson-Dewar to describe cyclone
formation by Kelvin wave shocks.
2020, C. Tauber, P.
Delplace, A. Venaille. Anomalous
bulk-edge correspondence in continuous media - Physical
Review Research,
Shows that the number of
chiral edge states filling a frequency gap is
generally not topologically protected in
continuous systems with a sharp boundary, but that
a bulk-edge correspondence
is recovered when ghost modes hidden in the
asymptotic part of the spectrum are taken into
2019, C. Tauber, P.
Delplace, A. Venaille. A
bulk-interface correspondence for equatorial waves - Journal of
Fluid Mechanics - Rapids
Shows that a topological
index can be assigned to a given hemisphere for
shallow water flows in the presence of odd viscous
terms, and discusses consequences for equatorial
waves. |
2019, M. Perrot, P.
Delplace, A. Venaille. Topological
transition in stratified fluids - Nature
Physics .pdf featured
as News
and Views by T. Dowling
Relates the existence of atmospheric Lamb waves to peculiar topological
properties carried by acoustic and internal
gravity waves when mirror symmetry in vertical
direction is broken by gravity and density
stratification. |
P. Delplace,
A. Venaille. De la topologie dans les
ondes équatoriales-La Gazette des
Mathématiques .pdf
Review on topological
waves in geophysical fluid dynamics, making a
connection with the longstanding problem of tides (in french).
2019, A. Renaud, L.-P.
Nadeau, A. Venaille. Periodicity
disruption of a model quasi-biennial oscillation
of equatorial winds - Physical
Review Letter .pdf
, featured in Physics
Shows the existence of a
quasi-periodic route to chaos in idealized models
of equatorial atmospheres, and investigates the
response to external perturbations, motivated by
an odd recent evolution of the QBO.
2018, A. Renaud, A.
Venaille. Boundary
streaming by internal waves - Journal of
Fluid Mechanics .pdf
Investigates mean-flow
generation by damped internal gravity waves close
to an undulating boundary. |
2018, T. Dauxois, S.
Joubaud, P. Odier, A. Venaille. Instabilities
internal wave beams - Annual
Review of Fluid Mechanics 2018
Reviews the peculiar
effects of non-linearities on internal wave beams,
including streaming and triadic resonant
instability. |
2017, P. Delplace, J.B.
Marston, A. Venaille. Topological
of equatorial waves - Science .pdf
featured in Physicsworld,
Magazine, communiqué
Shallow water waves present
topological singularities
as a consequence of Earth rotation breaking
time-reversal symmetry. This can be related to the
emergence of two unidirectional trapped modes
along the equator, the celebrated Kelvin and Yanai
waves. |
2017, Y. Yasuda, F.
Bouchet, A. Venaille. A new
Interpretation of vortex-split stratospheric
sudden warmings in terms of equilibrium
statistical mechanics - Journal of
the Atmospheric Science .pdf
Spontaneous splitting of
the polar vortex as an abrupt transition from a
quasi-stationary cyclonic state to an anticyclonic
equilibrium state when an effective topography is
2016, A. Venaille, L.
Gostiaux, J. Sommeria. A
statistical mechanics approach to mixing in
stratified fluids - Journal of
Fluid Mechanics .pdf
Uses statistical mechanics
to predict how much mixing occurs when a given
amount of energy is injected into a stratified
2016, A. Renaud, A.
Venaille, F. Bouchet. Equilibrium
statistical mechanics and energy partition for
the shallow water model - Journal of
Statistical Physics
Full computation of
statistical equilibrium states of the shallow
water model using large deviation theory. Predicts
the concommitant emergence of a large scale
vortical flow and energy loss towards small scales
on the form of inertia-gravity
2015, A. Venaille, T.
Dauxois, S. Ruffo. Violent
relaxation in two-dimensional flows with varying
interactions - Physical
Review E - Rapid Communication
Shows that the range of
interaction between fluid particles plays a
crucial role in selecting the large scale flow
topology during the relaxation of an unstable
initial state towards equilibrium.
2014, A. Venaille,
L.-P. Nadeau, G. K. Vallis. Ribbon
turbulence - Physics
of Fluids, .pdf
Ribbons are surface
intensified jets in the large bottom friction
limit of geostrophic turbulence. Their dynamics
results from a competition between baroclinic instability and
the relaxation toward an
equilibrium state.
intermediate friction large
2012, G. Bordes, A.
Venaille, S. Joubaud, P. Odier, T. Dauxois.
observation of strong mean flows generated by
internal gravity waves - Physics of
Fluids .pdf
Shows that a monochromatic
wave beam propagating in a stratified viscous
fluid induces a robust and strong jet flowing
outward the wave generator. |
2012, A. Venaille.
as statistical equilibrium states above topography
anomalies - Journal of
Fluid Mechanics - Rapids .pdf
Shows that in presence of
a sufficiently large topographic bump, an initial
surface-intensified random velocity field evolves
towards a bottom-trapped anticyclonic mean flow. |
2012, A. Venaille, G.
K. Vallis, S.M. Griffies. The
of beta effect in barotropization processes - Journal of
Fluid Mechanics .pdf
Shows that the presence of
planetary vorticity gradients favors the tendency
to spread the energy on the vertical in stratified
quasi-geostrophic turbulent flows, and that
statistical mechanics arguments account for this
phenomenon. |
2012, F. Bouchet, A.
Venaille. Statistical
of two-dimensional and geophysical flows - Physics
Reports .pdf
Review paper with
emphasis on Robert-Sommeria-Miller
equilibrium theory. Former statistical approaches
are also discussed, as well as current
developments in out of equilibrium context. |
2011, A.
Venaille, G.K. Vallis, K.S. Smith. Baroclinic
in the ocean: analysis with primitive equation and
quasi-geostrophic simulations - Journal of
Physical Oceanography .pdf
Tests the
hypothesis that oceanic eddies result from
local baroclinic instabilities, and examines the
factors determining their distribution, length
scale, magnitude and structure. |
2011, A. Venaille, J.
Le Sommer, J.-M. Molines, B. Barnier. Stochastic
of large scale oceanic flows above topography
anomalies - Geophysical
Research Letters .pdf ,
A stochastic mechanism is
proposed to interpret the dynamics of eddy-driven
recirculations above closed contours of bottom
topography. This may account for the observed low
frequency variability of the Zapiola anticyclone. |
2011, A.
Venaille, F. Bouchet. Oceanic
and jets as statistical equilibrium states - Journal of
Physical Oceanography .pdf
Using statistical
mechanics arguments, oceanic rings are
interpreted as "bubbles" of homogenized potential
vorticity. It may provide an explanation for their
ubiquity, their shape, and their drift. |
2011, A.
Venaille, F. Bouchet. Solvable
diagrams and ensemble inequivalence for
two-dimensional and geophysical turbulent flows
- Journal of
Statistical Physics .pdf
Companion paper of PRL09
below. Discusses symmetry breaking associated with
the generic occurrence of ensemble inequivalence,
and the surprising effect of the Rossby
radius of deformation (a screening length scale). |
2009, A.
Venaille, F. Bouchet. Statistical
Inequivalence and Bicritical Points for
Two-Dimensional Flows and Geophysical Flows -
Review Letters .pdf
It is shown that
statistical ensemble inequivalence and negative
specific heat occur for a wide class of
models and parameters, including Fofonoff
flows, and are related to previously observed
phase transitions in the flow topology. |
2008, A.
Venaille, J. Sommeria. Is
mixing a self-convolution process ? -
Review Letters .pdf
Experimental tests of the
self-convolution model for mixing of a passive
tracer. It is shown that the model is doing
well at sufficiently late stage of
mixing. |
2007, A.
Venaille, J. Sommeria. A
dynamical equation for the distribution of a
scalar advected by turbulence. - Physics of Fluids
Provides phenomenological
arguments showing that the mixing of a
passive tracer through turbulent cascades may be
represented as a succession of self-convolutions
of the tracer distribution. |
2005, A.
Venaille, P. Varona, M.I. Rabinovich.
and coordination of sequences in two neural
ensembles - Physical Review E
Synchronization properties
emerging from the coupling
of two chaotic systems are
investigated. This
illustrates how a mollusk can scan
randomly an area to find a prey, while keeping
some efficiency in swimming.