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B. Bourdon, S. Turner and C.J. Allègre (1999), Melting dynamics beneath the Tonga-Kermadec island arc inferred from 231Pa-235U systematics, Science, 286, 2491-2493.

P. Schiano, R. Clochiatti, B. Bourdon, K.W. Burton and B. Thellier (2000) The composition of melt inclusions at the garnet-spinel transition zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 174, 375-383.

B. Bourdon, G. Wörner, A. Zindler (2000) U-Th evidence for crustal involvement in the petrogenesis of Nevados de Pachayata, Chile, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol 139, 458-469.

S. Turner, B. Bourdon, C. Hawkesworth and P. Evans (2000) 226Ra-230Th evidence for multiple dehydration events and rapid melt ascent beneath the Tonga-Kermadec island arc, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. 179, 581-593.

B. Bourdon, D. Bourlès, S.J. Goldstein and M.T. Murrell, C.H. Langmuir and C.J. Allègre (2000) Evidence from 10Be and U-series disequilibria on the possible contamination of MORB glasses by sedimentary material, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 2000GC000047.

N. Vigier, B. Bourdon, S. Turner, C. J. Allègre (2001) Erosion timescales derived from U-decay series measurements in rivers, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 193, 485-499.

C.W. Devey, K.S. Laschewitz, D.F. Mertz, B. Bourdon, J.L. Cheminée, J. Dubois, C. Guivel, R. Hékinian, P. Stoffers, (2003) The initiation and growth of Polynesian hotspot volcanoes, Geology 31 395-398.

R. Hekinian, JL Cheminée, J Dubois, P. Stoffers, S. Scott, C. Guivel, D. Garbe-Schönberg, C. Devey, B. Bourdon, K. Lackschewitz, G. McMurtry, E. Le Drezen (2003) The Pitcairn hotspot in the South Pacific: distribution and composition of submarine volcanic sequences. J  Volc. Geoth. Res. 121, 219-245

A. Gannoun. S. Tessalina, B. Bourdon, J.J. Orgeval, J.L. Birck, C.J. Allègre (2003) Re-Os isotopic constraints on the genesis and evolution of the Dergamish and Ivanovka Cu (Co, Au) massive sulphide deposits, south Urals, Russia, Chem. Geol. 196, 193-207.

A. Dosseto, B. Bourdon, JL Joron and B. Dupré (2003) U-Th-Pa-Ra study of the Kamchatka arc : new constraints on genesis of arc basalts, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 2857-2877.

B. Bourdon, S. Turner, A. Dosseto, (2003) Dehydration and partial melting in subduction zone: constraints from U-series disequilibria J. Geophys. Res. 108, ECV3-1-19.

B. Bourdon and  K. W. Sims (2003) U-series and hotspot magmatism in U-series geochemistry and applications, Editors: B. Bourdon, S. Turner, G. Henderson, C.C. Lundstrom, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Min. Soc. Am. and Geochem. Soc. 215-254.

S. Turner, B. Bourdon and J. Gill (2003) Insights into magma genesis at convergent margins from U-series isotopes, in U-series geochemistry and applications, Editors: B. Bourdon, S. Turner, G. Henderson, C.C. Lundstrom, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Min. Soc. Am. and Geochem. Soc.  255-315.

B. Bourdon, S. Turner, G. Henderson, C. Lundstrom (2003) Introduction to U-series geochemistry: in U-series geochemistry, Editors: B. Bourdon, S. Turner, G. Henderson, C.C. Lundstrom, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Min. Soc. Am. and Geochem. Soc. 1-21.

G. Caro, B.Bourdon, J-L Birck, S. Moorbath, (2003) 146Sm-142Nd evidence from 3.75 Ga metamorphosed sediments for early differentiation of the Earth's mantle Nature, 6938, 428-431.

R. George, M. Reagan, S. Turner, J. Gill, B. Bourdon (2004) Comment on "Steady-state 226Ra/230Th disequilibrium in mantle minerals: Implications for melt transport rates in island arcs" by M.D. Feineman and D.J. DePaolo [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 215 (2003) 339-355]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 228, 563-567.

N. Vigier, B. Bourdon, , S. Turner, P. Van Calsteren, Subramanian, B. Dupré, C. J. Allègre (2005) Parameters influencing the duration and rates of weathering deduced from U-series measured in rivers: the Deccan Trap region (India) Chem. Geology 219, 69-91.

G. Caro, B. Bourdon, B. J. Wood and A. Corgne  (2005) Trace element fractionation in the Hadean mantle generated by late melt segregation from a crystallizing magma ocean, Nature, 436, 246-249.
