Authors: Denis Kuperberg, Laureline Pinault, and Damien Pous.

HKCw: Coinductive algorithms for Büchi automata

This page is a web-appendix to the following submission.


We propose a new algorithm for checking language equivalence of non-deterministic Büchi automata (NBW). We start from a construction proposed by Calbrix Nivat and Podelski, which makes it possible to reduce the problem to that of checking equivalence of automata on finite words. Although this construction generates large and highly non-deterministic automata, we show how to exploit their specific structure and apply state-of-the art techniques based on coinduction to reduce the state-space that has to be explored. Doing so, we obtain algorithms which do not require full determinisation or complementation. em>


A prototype implementation of the presented algorithm (HKCw) in OCaml can be found here.