GcPan: an Efficient Abstract Machine for Safe Ambients
The GcPan is an abstract machine for Safe Ambients (SA) that we
developped with Daniel Hirschkoff and Davide Sangiorgi. It's an
improvement of the PAN machine (P. Giannini, D. Sangiorgi, A. Valente:
"Safe Ambients: abstract machine and distributed
The machine is described in this extended abstract, published in the
proceedings of COORDINATION 2005, and we derive a weak bisimulation
result w.r.t. the Pan in this extended
version, that appeared in JLAP 2007. The correctness w.r.t. SA
comes from the correctness of the PAN.
Safe Ambients (SA) are a variant of the Ambient Calculus (AC) in which
types can be used to avoid certain forms of interferences among
processes called grave interferences}.
An abstract machine, called GCPAN, for a distributed implementation
of typed SA is presented and studied. Our machine improves over
previous proposals for executing AC, or variants of it, mainly through
a better management of special agents (the forwarders), created
upon code migration to transmit messages to the target location of the
migration. Well-known methods (such as reference counting and
union-find) are applied in order to garbage collect forwarders, thus
avoiding long -- possibly distributed -- chains of forwarders, as well
as avoiding useless persistent forwarders.
The proof of correctness of GCPAN, and a description of a
distributed implementation of the abstract machine in OCaml are given.
Correctness is established by proving a weak bisimilarity result
between GCPAN and a previous abstract machine for SA, and then
appealing to the correctness of the latter machine. This is simpler
than comparing GCPAN directly with SA, but it involves reasoning
modulo `administrative reduction steps' in both machines and therefore
standard techniques for simplifying proofs of weak bisimilarity results
are not applicable.
More broadly, this study is a contribution towards understanding issues
of correctness and optimisations in implementations of distributed
languages encompassing mobility.
This page presents a distributed implementation of this abstract machine, written in OCaml.
Download sources or binaries there:
In case of sources, “make” will compile the executable (“make nc” for native compilation);
provided you have a standard OCaml installation (3.10 - 3.07, maybe 3.06).
You can copy the executable “gcpan” wherever you want.
Most useful command line options are:
"-pan" for emulating the original PAN abstract machine,
"-p port" to use the given port for external connections.
Then you can enter a process followed by `;;' in order to execute it.
Processes are standard Safe Ambients processes, with two additional capabilities:
`print o.P' : prints o and executes P
`pause p.P' : waits for a `#step p' user directive, and runs P (furthermore, `pause 3 p.P' will pause only after 3 evaluations)
rec X.pause 3 p.(a[ in B.print toto.open_a.<o> ] | X)
| B[ !in_B.open a | rec X.(x)print x.X ] ;;
#step p;;
In order to get sensible behaviours, processes must be well-typed: single threaded (resp. immobile) ambients names must begin with a lowercase (resp. uppercase) letter. (experimental type inference/checking is available trough the `#check P' directive).
`#add P;;' allows you to add the process P to the currently executed process.
Other directives are available:
You can also define macros:
let o(n,'P) = n[in a| P];;
let dup('P) = 'P | 'P;;
Distributed Execution:
Distribution from a given site
Run two instances of gcpan on two different machines, A and B.
Then evaluate the process on A: `a[print a] | b@B[print b]'.
The ambient b is evaluated at B !
You can also run gcpan from two terminals, using option '-p 2000' on the second terminal, and evaluate the process `a[print a] | b@localhost:2000[print b]'.
Connection to a given site
Evaluate `a[in_a.print hello]' on A,
and `#addto A b[in a.print ciao]' on B.
The latter process executes on B, but is connected to the root of A !
Code migration
In the previous example, there were no code migration: both print statements are executed on the site they were typed in.
Indeed, in the (GC)PAN, migration only occurs with OPEN moves:
to see it, execute `a[in_a.open b] | c[in_c.print c]' on A,
and `#addto A b[in a.print leaving.open_b.print moved.in c]' on B.
The process `print moved.in c' migrated to A !
Example session: Cabs
In this example, extracted from this paper, several clients travel between sites using cabs.
(* Code for a site named `A' *)
let site(A,'P) = A[!in_A | !out_A | P];;
(* Code for a cab *)
let cab() =
cab[rec X.in_cab.open call.(A)in A.
in_cab.open trip.(B)out A.in B.out_cab.out B.X];;
(* Code for a client named `c', that wants to go from `A' to
`B', before executing `P' *)
let travel(c, A, B, 'P) =
call[out c.out A.in cab.open_call.<A>]
| out_c.in cab.(trip[out c.open_trip.<B>] | out_c.out cab.P);;
(* Code for a client named `c', that loops between `A' and `B' *)
let loop(c, A, B) =
rec X.travel(c, A, B, print tic.travel(c, B, A, print tac.X));;
site(Vienne, joe[travel(joe,Vienne,Lyon,print JoeAtLyon.
travel(joe,Lyon,Bologna,print JoeAtBologna))])
| site(Lyon, bar[travel(bar,Lyon,Vienne,print BarAtVienne)])
| site(Bologna, maurice[pause.loop(maurice,Bologna,Lyon)]);;
R@@t[call[] | call[] | Vienne[] | Lyon[] | Bologna[maurice[]]]
#add cab();;
R@@t[Bologna[maurice[] | <[joe[]]] | Vienne[<[bar[]]] | cab[] | Lyon[]]
Another example session: comparing the PAN and the GCPAN
We now move a more ad-hoc example to illustrate how
forwarders are managed in the GCPAN w.r.t. the PAN (this
example can be found in file mariage.ml in the
We start by defining the following agents:
c[c[<[A[]] | <[A[]]] |
c[<[A[]] | c[<[A[]]] |
c[<[A[]] | c[<[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]]] | c[<[A[]]]]]]
| c[c[<[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]]] | c[<[A[]]]]]
c[c[b[] | b[]] |
c[b[] | c[b[]] | c[b[] | c[b[] | b[] | b[]] | c[b[]]]]]
| c[c[b[]] | c[b[] | b[] | b[]]]]]
#add !open c;;
R@@t[<[<[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]]] | <[<[A[]] | <[A[]]] | <[<[A[]]] |
<[b[] | b[]] | <[<[A[]]] | <[b[]] | <[<[A[]]] | <[b[]] |
<[<[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]]] | <[b[] | b[] | b[]] | <[b[]] | <[<[A[]]] |
<[<[A[]]] | <[b[]] | <[b[]] | <[b[] | b[] | b[]]]
#step i;;
R@@t[<[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[b[] | b[] | b[] | b[] | b[]]] | <[A[b[]]] |
<[A[b[] | b[]]] | <[A[b[]]] | <[A[b[]]] | <[A[b[]]] | <[A[b[]]] |
<[A[b[]]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]]]
#step o;;
R@@t[<[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[] | b[] | b[] | b[] | b[] | b[]] | <[A[] | b[]] |
<[A[] | b[] | b[]] | <[A[] | b[]] | <[A[] | b[]] | <[A[] | b[]] |
<[A[] | b[]] | <[A[] | b[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]] | <[A[]]]
forwarders : 16 + 0 + 13 - 16 = 13
local messages : 239
network messages : 0
requests : 70
completions : 83
relocations : 32
local_com : 0
local_in : 13
local_out : 13
local_open : 22
average forwarder lifetime : 0.62
average forwarder chains length : 0.46
average request packages size : 1.06
Bug reports / Feature wishes:
They are welcome, you can reach me at Damien dot Pous at ens-lyon dot fr .