Another build system for OCaml...
The idea is to write a Makefile.ml, using the YaM helper module,
and to compile it to get a project specific make.
Pros :
- Makefile written in OCaml
- really fine dependency analysis :
- modification time,
- file digest,
- command digest,
- dependency checking against .cmi files instead of .cmo files,
- mixed bytecode/native mode support (distinct status informations).
- support for "Packages" (ocamlc -pack)
- fine compilation flags tuning
- just depends on a standard OCaml installation
Contras :
- no support (yet) for :
- CamlIDL
- OCamlReport
- Zoggy
- not as generic as Make, OCamlMakefile, OCamake.
Here are the files :
Last modified: Wed Sep 13 18:46:44 CEST 2006