Library Relations

Definition of binary relations, auxiliary results

Ltac cgen H := generalize H; clear H.
Ltac celim H := elim H; clear H.

A binary relation is a predicate over pairs of processes
Definition relation2(X Y: Type) := X -> Y -> Prop.
Definition relation (X: Type) := relation2 X X.
Definition set(X: Type) := X -> Prop.

Section Definitions.

  Variables X Y Z: Type.
  Definition incl: relation (relation2 X Y) := fun R1 R2 => forall x y, R1 x y -> R2 x y.
Extensional equality
  Definition eeq: relation (relation2 X Y) := fun R1 R2 => incl R1 R2 /\ incl R2 R1.

  Variable R: relation X.
  Definition reflexive := forall x, R x x.
  Definition transitive := forall y x z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
  Definition symmetric := forall x y, R x y -> R y x.
  Definition antisymmetric := forall x y, R x y -> R y x -> x=y.

End Definitions.
Hint Unfold incl.

Section Operators.

  Section O.
    Variables X Y Z: Type.
    Variable Rxy: relation2 X Y.
    Variable Rxy': relation2 X Y.
    Variable Ryz: relation2 Y Z.

Transposition, composition, union, union `such that'
    Definition trans: relation2 Y X := fun y x => Rxy x y.
    Definition comp: relation2 X Z := fun x z => exists2 y, Rxy x y & Ryz y z.
    Definition union2: relation2 X Y := fun x y => Rxy x y \/ Rxy' x y.
    Definition union (I: Type) R: relation2 X Y := fun x y => exists i: I, R i x y.
    Definition union_st (P: set (relation2 X Y)) := fun x y => exists2 R, P R & R x y.

  End O.

  Variable X: Type.
  Variable R: relation X.

Reflexive, transitive closure
  Inductive star: relation X :=
    | star_refl: forall x, star x x
    | S_star: forall y x z, R x y -> star y z -> star x z.

Transitive closure
  Definition plus: relation X := comp R star.

End Operators.
Hint Unfold trans.
Hint Immediate star_refl.

Section Eeq1.

  Variables I X Y Z: Type.
  Variable R' R1': relation2 X Y.
  Variable S': relation2 Y Z.
  Variable R R1: relation2 X Y.
  Variable S : relation2 Y Z.
  Variables T' T: relation X.
  Variables F' F: I -> relation2 X Y.

  Lemma trans_incl: incl R R' -> incl (trans R) (trans R').

  Lemma trans_eeq: eeq R R' -> eeq (trans R) (trans R').

  Lemma comp_incl: incl R R' -> incl S S' -> incl (comp R S) (comp R' S').

  Lemma comp_eeq: eeq R R' -> eeq S S' -> eeq (comp R S) (comp R' S').

  Lemma union_incl: (forall i, incl (F i) (F' i)) -> incl (union F) (union F').

  Lemma union_eeq: (forall i, eeq (F i) (F' i)) -> eeq (union F) (union F').

  Lemma union2_incl: incl R R' -> incl R1 R1' -> incl (union2 R R1) (union2 R' R1').

  Lemma union2_eeq: eeq R R' -> eeq R1 R1' -> eeq (union2 R R1) (union2 R' R1').

  Lemma star_incl: incl T T' -> incl (star T) (star T').

  Lemma star_eeq: eeq T T' -> eeq (star T) (star T').

  Lemma plus_incl: incl T T' -> incl (plus T) (plus T').

  Lemma plus_eeq: eeq T T' -> eeq (plus T) (plus T').

End Eeq1.
Hint Resolve trans_incl.
Hint Resolve comp_incl.
Hint Resolve union_incl.
Hint Resolve star_incl.
Hint Resolve plus_incl.
Hint Resolve trans_eeq.
Hint Resolve comp_eeq.
Hint Resolve union_eeq.
Hint Resolve star_eeq.
Hint Resolve plus_eeq.

Section InclEeq.

  Variables X Y: Type.
  Variables S R T: relation2 X Y.

  Lemma incl_refl: incl R R.

  Lemma incl_trans: incl R S -> incl S T -> incl R T.

  Lemma eeq_refl: eeq R R.

  Lemma eeq_trans: eeq R S -> eeq S T -> eeq R T.

  Lemma eeq_sym: eeq R S -> eeq S R.

End InclEeq.
Hint Immediate incl_refl.
Hint Immediate eeq_refl.
Hint Resolve eeq_sym.

Section star.

  Variable X: Type.
  Variable R: relation X.

  Lemma star1: forall x y, R x y -> star R x y.

  Lemma star_S: forall x y z, star R x y -> R y z -> star R x z.

  Lemma star_trans: forall x y z, star R x y -> star R y z -> star R x z.

  Lemma plus_star: forall x y, plus R x y -> star R x y.

  Lemma plus_star_plus: forall y x z, plus R x y -> star R y z -> plus R x z.

  Lemma star_plus_plus: forall y x z, star R x y -> plus R y z -> plus R x z.

  Lemma plus_trans: forall y x z, plus R x y -> plus R y z -> plus R x z.

  Lemma plus1: forall x y, R x y -> plus R x y.

  Lemma plus_S: forall y x z, star R x y -> R y z -> plus R x z.

  Lemma S_plus: forall y x z, R x y -> star R y z -> plus R x z.

End star.
Hint Resolve star1.
Hint Resolve plus1.
Hint Resolve plus_star.

Ltac destar H w :=
  match type of H with
    star _ ?x ?y => destruct H as [ x | w x y _H1 _H2 ];
      [ idtac | generalize (S_plus _ _H1 _H2); clear _H1 _H2; intro H ]
    | _ => fail "not a star hypothesis"

Section Plus_WF.
  Variable X: Set.
  Variable R: relation X.
  Hypothesis Rwf: well_founded (trans R).

  Lemma Acc_clos_trans : forall x, Acc (trans R) x -> Acc (trans (plus R)) x.
  Hint Resolve Acc_clos_trans.

  Theorem plus_wf: well_founded (trans (plus R)).
End Plus_WF.

Section Eeq2.

  Variables I X Y Z: Type.
  Variables R R': relation2 X Y.
  Variable S: relation2 Y Z.
  Variable T: relation X.
  Variable F: I -> relation2 X Y.

  Lemma inv_inv: eeq (trans (trans T)) T.

  Lemma inv_comp: eeq (trans (comp R S)) (comp (trans S) (trans R)).

  Lemma inv_union: eeq (trans (union F)) (union (fun i => trans (F i))).

  Lemma inv_star: eeq (trans (star T)) (star (trans T)).

  Lemma inv_plus: eeq (trans (plus T)) (plus (trans T)).

  Lemma inv_union2: eeq (trans (union2 R R')) (union2 (trans R) (trans R')).

  Lemma comp_assoc: forall W: Type, forall U: relation2 Z W,
    eeq (comp (comp R S) U) (comp R (comp S U)).

  Lemma comp_star_star: eeq (comp (star T) (star T)) (star T).

  Lemma comp_plus_star: eeq (comp (plus T) (star T)) (plus T).

  Lemma comp_star_plus: eeq (comp (star T) (plus T)) (plus T).

End Eeq2.
Hint Immediate inv_inv.
Hint Immediate inv_comp.
Hint Immediate inv_union.
Hint Immediate inv_star.
Hint Immediate inv_plus.
Hint Immediate comp_assoc.
Hint Immediate comp_star_star.
Hint Immediate comp_plus_star.
Hint Immediate comp_star_plus.