Liste de publications d'E. Orignac
Publications en Français:
- Effets de désordre dans les échelles, Thèse de doctorat,
Université de Paris-Sud, Juin 1998, numéro d'ordre 5302
- Les échelles quantiques T. Giamarchi, E. Orignac, D.
Poilblanc et H. J. Schulz, Images de la Physique 1999 p. 22 (2000)
- Les échelles quantiques T. Giamarchi, E. Orignac et D.
Poilblanc Pour la Science [Édition française de Scientific American]
n°305 p. 58 (2003)
Mémoire d'Habilitation à Diriger des
Articles en Anglais dans des revues à comité de lecture:
- Effects of weak disorder on two coupled Hubbard ladders E.
Orignac et T. Giamarchi , Phys. Rev. B 53, p. R10453 (1996)
- Effect of disorder on two strongly correlated coupled chains
E. Orignac et T. Giamarchi , Phys. Rev. B 56, p. 7167 (1997)
- Weakly disordered Spin ladders E. Orignac et T. Giamarchi
Phys. Rev. B 57, p. 5812 (1998)
- Vortices in coupled planes with columnar disorder and bosonic
ladders E. Orignac et T. Giamarchi Phys. Rev. B 57, p. 11713
- A possible new phase of commensurate insulators with disorder: the
Mott Glass E. Orignac, T. Giamarchi, P. Le Doussal Phys. Rev.
Lett. 83, p. 2378 (1999)
- Critical behaviour of a spin-tube model in a magnetic field R.
Citro, E. Orignac, N. Andrei, C. Itoi et S. Qin J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
12, p. 3041 (2000)
- Low-energy behavior of the spin-tube and spin-orbital models
E. Orignac, R. Citro et N. Andrei Phys. Rev. B 61, p. 11533 (2000)
- Magnetism and superconductivity in underscreened Kondo chains
N. Andrei et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 62, p. R763 (2000)
- Low energy dynamics of the one dimensional multichannel
Kondo-Heisenberg Lattice N. Andrei et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B
62, p. R3596 (2000)
- Raman scattering cross section of spin ladders E. Orignac et
R. Citro Phys. Rev. B 62, p. 8622 (2000)
- Role of interchain hopping in two disordered chains of spinless
fermions E. Orignac, Y. Suzumura et T. Giamarchi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
69, p. 3642 (2000) cond-mat/0007224
- Meissner effect in a bosonic ladder E. Orignac et T. Giamarchi
Phys. Rev. B 64, 144515 (2001)
- Competition of disorder and interchain hopping in a two-chain
Hubbard model E. Orignac et Y. Suzumura Eur. Phys. J. B 23,
p. 57 (2001)
- Competition of random and periodic potentials in interacting
fermionic systems and classical equivalents: the Mott Glass T.
Giamarchi, P. Le Doussal et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 64, 245119
- Effects of anisotropic spin-exchange interactions in spin
ladders R. Citro et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 65, 134413
(2002) cond-mat/0106020
- Magnetization and dimerization profiles of the cut two-leg spin
ladder and spin-1 chain P. Lecheminant et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B
65, 174406 (2002) cond-mat/0111177
- Heat conduction and Wiedemann-Franz Law in disordered Luttinger
Liquids Mei-Rong Li et E. Orignac Europhys. Lett. 60, p. 432
(2002) cond-mat/0201291
- Thermal transport in one-dimensional spin gap systems E.
Orignac, R. Chitra et R. Citro, Phys. Rev. B 67, 134426 (2003) cond-mat/0211633
- Charge Density Waves and Bond Order Waves in a quarter filled
extended Hubbard ladder E. Orignac et R. Citro Eur. Phys. J. B
33, p. 419 (2003)
- Disordered Quantum smectics E. Orignac et R. Chitra Europhys.
Lett. 63, p. 440 (2003)
- Superconducting fluctuations in the Luther-Emery liquid E.
Orignac et D. Poilblanc Phys. Rev. B 68, 052504 (2003) cond-mat/0303053
- Z3 Quantum Criticality in a spin-½ chain model P.
Lecheminant et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 69, 174409 (2004) cond-mat/0309345
- Resonant magnetic mode in superconducting 2-leg ladders D.
Poilblanc, E. Orignac, S.R. White et S. Capponi Phys. Rev. B 69,
220406(R) (2004) cond-mat/0402011
- Quantitative expression of the spin gap via bosonization for a
dimerized spin-1/2 chain E. Orignac Eur. Phys. J. B 39, 335
(2004) cond-mat/0403175
- Mean Field theory of the spin-Peierls transition E. Orignac
et R. Chitra Phys. Rev. B 70, 214436 (2004) cond-mat/0407561
- Magnetostriction in an array of spin chains under magnetic
field E. Orignac et R. Citro Phys. Rev. B 71, 214419 (2005)
- Adiabatic-antiadiabatic crossover in a spin-Peierls chain R.
Citro, E. Orignac, et T. Giamarchi Phys. Rev. B 72, 024434 (2005)
- Atom-molecule coherence in a one-dimensional system R. Citro,
E. Orignac Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 130402 (2005) cond-mat/0505706
- Coulombian Disorder in Periodic Systems E. Orignac, A. Rosso,
R. Chitra et T. Giamarchi Phys. Rev. B 73, 035112 (2006) cond-mat/0506678
- Phase transitions in the boson-fermion resonance model in one
dimension E. Orignac, R. Citro Phys. Rev. A 73, 063611
(2006) cond-mat/0601269
- Superconducting instability in 3 band metallic nanotubes D.
Carpentier, E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 74, 085409 (2006) cond-mat/0602252
- Bosonization and density-matrix renormalization group studies
of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase and irrational
magnetization plateaus in coupled chains G. Roux, E. Orignac,
P. Pujol, D. Poilblanc Phys. Rev. B 75, 245119 (2007) cond-mat/0610397
- Evidence of Luttinger liquid behavior in one-dimensional
dipolar quantum gases R. Citro, E. Orignac, S. De Palo,
M.-L. Chiofalo Phys. Rev. A 75, 051602 (2007) cond-mat/0611667
- Critical properties and Bose Einstein Condensation in dimer
spin systems E. Orignac, R. Citro, T. Giamarchi Phys. Rev. B
75, 140403 (2007) cond-mat/0701590
- Breathers and Raman scattering in a two-leg ladder with
staggered Dzialoshinskii-Moriya interaction E. Orignac,
R. Citro, S. Capponi, D. Poilblanc Phys. Rev. B 76, 144422
(2007) arXiv:0706.3590
- Diamagnetism of doped two-leg ladders and probing the nature
of their commensurate phases G. Roux, E. Orignac, S. R. White,
D. Poilblanc Phys. Rev. B 76, 195105 (2007) arXiv:0707.3017
- Collective excitations of trapped one-dimensional dipolar
quantum gases P. Pedri, S. De Palo, E. Orignac, R. Citro,
M. L. Chiofalo Phys. Rev. A 77, 015601 (2008) arXiv:0708.2789
- Measuring overlaps in mesoscopic spin glasses via
conductance fluctuations D. Carpentier, E. Orignac
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 057207 (2008) arXiv:0710.3442
- Luttinger hydrodynamics of confined one-dimensional Bose gases
with dipolar interactions
R. Citro, S. De Palo, E. Orignac, P. Pedri and M. L. Chiofalo New
J. Phys. 10 , 045011 (2008) IOP
- The low-energy excitation spectrum of one-dimensional dipolar
quantum gases S. De Palo, E. Orignac, R. Citro, M. L. Chiofalo
Phys. Rev. B 77, 212101 (2008) arXiv:0801.1200
- Phase diagram and momentum distribution of an interacting Bose
gas in a bichromatic lattice X. Deng, R. Citro, A. Minguzzi,
E. Orignac Phys. Rev. A 78, 013625 (2008) arXiv:0803.3128
- Controlling Luttinger liquid physics in weakly coupled spin
ladders under magnetic field M. Klanjšek, H. Mayaffre,
C. Berthier, M. Horvatić, B. Chiari, O. Piovesana, P. Bouillot,
C. Kollath, E. Orignac, R. Citro, T. Giamarchi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 137207 (2008) arXiv:0804.2639
- Field-controlled magnetic order in the quantum spin-ladder system
(Hpip)2CuBr4 B. Thielemann, Ch. Ruegg, K. Kiefer, H. M. Rønnow, P. Bouillot, C. Kollath, E. Orignac,
R. Citro, T. Giamarchi, A. M. Läuchli, D. Biner, K. Krämer,
F. Wolff-Fabris, V. Zapf, B. Grenier, D. F. McMorrow,, J. Mesot,
M. Jaime, J. Stahn et N.B. Christensen Phys. Rev. B 79, 020408(R)
(2009) arXiv:0809.0440
- Competition of superfluidity and density waves in
one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures E. Orignac, M. Tsuchiizu et Y. Suzumura Phys. Rev. A 81, 053626
(2010) arXiv:1004.1592
- Probing the helical edge states of a topological insulator
by Cooper-pair injection P. Adroguer, C. Grenier,
D. Carpentier, J. Cayssol, P. Degiovanni et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B
82, 081303(R) (2010) arXiv:1006.0215
- Statics and dynamics of weakly coupled antiferromagnetic
spin-1/2 ladders in a magnetic field Pierre Bouillot, Corinna
Kollath, Andreas M. Läuchli, Mikhail Zvonarev, Benedikt Thielemann,
Christian Rüegg, Edmond Orignac, Roberta Citro, Martin Klanjšek,
Claude Berthier, Mladen Horvatić, Thierry Giamarchi Phys. Rev. B 83,
054407 (2011) arXiv:1009.0840
- Quantum dynamics of a binary mixture of BECs in a double well
potential: a Holstein-Primakoff approach Roberta Citro,
Adele Naddeo et Edmond Orignac J. Phys. B:
At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 115306 (2011) arXiv:1104.4965
- Spectral functions of two-band spinless fermion and
single-band spin-½ fermion models Edmond Orignac,
Masahisa Tsuchiizu et Yoshikazu
Suzumura Phys. Rev. B 84, 165128
(2011) arXiv:1107.3497
- One dimensional Bosons: From Condensed Matter Systems to
Ultracold Gases Miguel A. Cazalilla, Roberta Citro, Thierry
Giamarchi, Edmond Orignac et Marcos
Rigol Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 1405
(2011) arXiv:1101.5337
- Light scattering in inhomogeneous Tomonaga-Luttinger
liquids E. Orignac, R. Citro, S. De Palo et
M.-L. Chiofalo Phys. Rev. A 85, 013634
(2012) arXiv:1111.3803
- Two dimensional Dirac fermions in the presence of
long-range correlated disorder A. Fedorenko, D. Carpentier et E. Orignac
Phys. Rev. B 85, 125437 (2012)
- Diffusion at the Surface of Topological Insulators
Pierre Adroguer, David Carpentier, Jérôme Cayssol et Edmond
Orignac New J. Phys. 14, 103027 (2012) arXiv:1205.5209
- Response functions in multicomponent Luttinger liquids
E. Orignac et
R. Citro J. Stat. Mech 2012, P12020 (2012) arXiv:1209.3874
- Bosonization and entanglement spectrum for one-dimensional
polar bosons on disordered lattices X. Deng, R. Citro,
E. Orignac, A. Minguzzi et L. Santos New J. Phys. 15 045023 (2013) arXiv:1302.0528
- Polar bosons in one-dimensional disordered optical
lattices Xiaolong Deng, Roberta Citro, Edmond Orignac, Anna
Minguzzi, et Luis
Santos Phys. Rev. B 87, 195101 (2013) arXiv:1203.0505
- Kondo screening by the surface modes of a strong topological
insulator Edmond Orignac et Sébastien Burdin Phys. Rev. B
88, 035411 (2013) arXiv:1304.6828
- Effect of disorder on 2D topological merging transition from
a Dirac semi-metal to a normal insulator David Carpentier,
Andrei A. Fedorenko et Edmond Orignac Europhys. Lett. 102,
(2013) arXiv:1303.4320
- Correlation dynamics during a slow interaction quench in a
one-dimensional Bose gas J.-S. Bernier, R.
Citro, C. Kollath et
E. Orignac Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 065301 (2014) arXiv:1308.4699
- Giant magnetic-field dependence of the coupling between spin
Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids in
M. Klanjšek, M. Horvatić, S. Kramer, S. Mukhopadhyay,
H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, E. Canevet, B. Grenier, P. Lejay,
E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 92, 060408(R) (2015) arXiv:1412.2411
- Persisting Meissner state and incommensurate phases of hard-core boson
ladders in a flux M. Di Dio, S. De Palo, E. Orignac, R. Citro
et M.-L. Chiofalo Phys. Rev. B 92, 060506(R)
(2015) arXiv:1506.03986
- Diffusion of Dirac fermions across a topological merging
transition in two dimensions P. Adroguer, D. Carpentier,
G. Montambaux et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 93, 125113 (2016) arXiv:1511.00036
- Incommensurate phases of a bosonic two-leg ladder under a
flux E. Orignac, R. Citro, M. Di Dio, S. De Palo,
M.-L. Chiofalo New J. Phys. 18, 055017
(2016) arXiv:1601.06573
- Vortex lattice melting in a boson-ladder in artificial gauge field
E. Orignac, R. Citro, M. Di Dio, S. De Palo Phys. Rev. B 96, 014518
(2017) arXiv:1703.0774
- Probing the bond order wave phase transitions of the ionic
Hubbard model by superlattice modulation spectroscopy Karla
Loida, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Roberta Citro, Edmond
Orignac, Corinna
Kollath Phys. Rev. Lett.119, 230403 (2017) arXiv:1706.00926
- Revealing topological Dirac fermions at the surface of
strained HgTe thin films via Quantum Hall transport
spectroscopy C. Thomas, O. Crauste, B. Haas, P.H. Jouneau,
C. Bauerle, L.P. Lévy, E. Orignac, D. Carpentier,
P. Ballet,
T. Meunier Phys. Rev. B 96, 245420 (2017) arXiv:1704.09024
- Properties of graphene-metal contacts probed by Raman spectroscopy
Hejun Xu, Xing Wu, Xinming Li, Chen Luo, Fang Liang, Edmond Orignac,
Jian Zhang et Junhao
Chu Carbon 127,
491 (2018)
- Quantum phase transitions of a two-leg bosonic ladder in an artificial
gauge field R. Citro, S. De Palo, M. Di Dio et E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B
97, 174523 (2018) arXiv:1802.04997
- Dynamical response and dimensional crossover for spatially
anisotropic antiferromagnets M. Dupont, S. Capponi,
N. Laflorencie, E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 98, 094403
(2018) arXiv:1806.04913
- Accessing finite momentum excitations of the one-dimensional
Bose-Hubbard model using superlattice modulation spectroscopy
K. Loida, J.-S. Bernier, R. Citro, E. Orignac et C. Kollath
Phys. Rev. A 98, 033605
(2018) arXiv:1803.01951
- Variational Bethe Ansatz approach for dipolar one-dimensional
bosons S. De Palo, R. Citro, E. Orignac
Phys. Rev. B 101, 045102 (2020) arXiv:1910.05965
- Direct determination of the Tomonaga-Luttinger parameter K in
quasi-one-dimensional spin systems Mladen Horvatić, Martin Klanjšek and Edmond
Orignac Phys. Rev. B 101, 220406(R) (2020) arXiv:2003.05904
- Lattice modulation spectroscopy of one-dimensional quantum
gases:Universal scaling of the absorbed energy Roberta
Citro, Eugene Demler, Thierry Giamarchi, Michael Knap, Edmond
Orignac Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033187 (2020)
- Ground-state properties of the one-dimensional Hubbard model with pairing potential Myung-Hoon Chung, Edmond Orignac, Didier Poilblanc et Sylvain Capponi Physica B 604, 412665 (2021)
- Polarization angle dependence of the breathing modes in confined one-dimensional dipolar bosons S. De Palo, E. Orignac, M.L. Chiofalo, R. Citro
Phys. Rev. B 103, 115109 (2021) arXiv:2012.07444
- Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective L. Amico, M. Boshier, G. Birkl,
A. Minguzzi, C.Miniatura, L.-C. Kwek, D. Aghamalyan, V. Ahufinger,
N. Andrei, A. S. Arnold, M. Baker, T.A. Bell, T. Bland, J.P.
Brantut, D. Cassettari, F. Chevy, R. Citro, S. De Palo, R. Dumke,
M. Edwards, R. Folman, J. Fortagh, S. A. Gardiner, B.M. Garraway,
G. Gauthier, A. Günther, T. Haug, C. Hufnagel, M. Keil, W. von
Klitzing, P. Ireland, M. Lebrat, W. Li, L. Longchambon, J. Mompart,
O. Morsch, P. Naldesi, T.W. Neely, M. Olshanii, E. Orignac, S.
Pandey, A. Pérez-Obiol, H. Perrin, L. Piroli, J. Polo, A.L.
Pritchard, N. P. Proukakis, C. Rylands, H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop, F.
Scazza, S. Stringari, F. Tosto, A. Trombettoni, N. Victorin, K.
Xhani et A. Yakimenko AVS Quantum Sci. 3, 039201 (2021) arXiv:2008.04439
- Formation and fragmentation of quantum droplets in a quasi-one dimensional dipolar Bose gas S. De Palo, E. Orignac, R.Citro Phys. Rev. B 106, 014503 (2022) arXiv:2202.12071
- Many-body parametric resonances in the driven sine-Gordon model I. Lovas, R. Citro, E. Demler, T. Giamarchi, M. Knap and E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 106, 075426 (2022) arXiv:2204.07598
- Breathing mode of a quantum droplet in a quasi-one-dimensional dipolar
Bose gas E. Orignac, S. De Palo, L. Salasnich and R. Citro Phys. Rev.A 109,
043316 (2024) arXiv:2401.03918
- Emergent SU(3) symmetry in a four leg spin tube E. Orignac Phys. Rev. B 109, 174430 (2024)
- Hall response in interacting bosonic and fermionic ladders
R. Citro, T. Giamarchi, E. Orignac Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 056501 (2025) arXiv:2404.16973
Comptes rendus en Anglais avec comité de lecture : *
- Anderson localization in Hubbard ladders E. Orignac et T.
Giamarchi Physica B 259-261, p.1058 (1999)
cond-mat/9808015 (Comptes rendus de la conférence SCES 1998,
Paris, France, Juillet 1998)
- Disordered Quantum Solids T. Giamarchi et E. Orignac
dans NATO SCIENCE SERIES: II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 23
New Theoretical Approaches to Strongly Correlated Systems
édité par A. M. Tsvelik, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2001)
cond-mat/0005220 (Comptes rendus de l'École d'Été NATO-ASI New
Theoretical Approaches To Strongly Correlated Systems , Institut
Isaac Newton, Université de Cambridge, Angleterre, avril 2000)
- Ising transition in a one-dimensional quarter-filled electron
system with dimerization M. Tsuchiizu et E. Orignac J. Phys.
Chem. Solids 63 p. 1459 (2002) cond-mat/0110315
(Comptes rendus du symposium Correlated Electrons, Kashiwa,
Japon, Octobre 2001)
- Disordered Quantum Smectics E. Orignac et R. Chitra J.
Phys. IV France 12 Pr. 9-261 (2002) (Comptes rendus de la conférence
ECRYS 2002,
Saint-Flour, France, Septembre 2002)
- Effects of disorder on two coupled chains E. Orignac et Y.
Suzumura Synth. Met.
p. 47 (2003) (Comptes Rendus de la 56ème
conférence Yamada, Hokkaido, Japon, Septembre 2001)
- Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction in S=½ ladder R.Citro
et E. Orignac Acta Phys. Polon. B 34, Part II, p. 1509
(2003) (Comptes Rendus de la conférence
SCES 2002,
Cracovie, Pologne, Juillet 2002)
- Disordered Quantum Solids T. Giamarchi et E. Orignac
dans CRM Series in Mathematical Physics Theoretical Methods for
Strongly Correlated Electrons édité par David Sénéchal, André-Marie
Tremblay et Claude Bourbonnais, Springer, Heidelberg, (2003)
cond-mat/0005220 (Comptes rendus de l'Atelier
sur les méthodes théoriques pour les fermions fortement corrélés,
Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Québec, mai
- Magnetization and dimerization profiles of open spin ladders
E. Orignac et P. Lecheminant Physica B 329-333, Part II,
p. 971 (2003) (Comptes rendus de
la conférence LT23, Hiroshima, Août 2002, Japon)
- Phase diagram of a quarter filled ladder E. Orignac et
R. Citro J. Magn. Magn. Mat.
272-276, Supplement 1,
p. E663
(2004) (Comptes rendus SCES, Rome, 2003)
- Quantum phase transitions in a quarter-filled Hubbard ladder
R. Citro et E. Orignac Physica C 408-410 p. 290 (2004)
(Comptes rendus de la conférence M2S-HTSC-VII, Rio de Janeiro, Mai 2003)
- Coulombian disorder in Charge Density Waves : A. Rosso,
E. Orignac, R. Chitra, T. Giamarchi J. de Physique IV, Proceedings,
131, p. 179 (2005) (Comptes rendus ECRYS-2005,
International Workshop on Electronic Crystals, Cargèse, Août 2005).
- The boson-fermion resonance model in one dimension R. Citro et E. Orignac J.
Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39,
p. S13
(2006) (Comptes rendus Third International Workshop : Theory
of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence Cortona, Italie, Novembre
- Superfluidity and Anderson localisation for a weakly
interacting Bose gas in a quasiperiodic potential X. Deng,
R. Citro, A. Minguzzi et E. Orignac Eur. Phys. J. B 68, p. 435 (2009) arXiv:0812.3479 (Comptes
Rendus Fourth International Workshop:
Theory of Quantum Gases and
Quantum Coherence, Grenoble, 3 au 7 Juin 2008).
- Probing 1D super-strongly correlated dipolar quantum
gases R. Citro, S. De Palo, E. Orignac, P. Pedri et
M.-L. Chiofalo Laser Physics, 19, p. 554 (2009)
(Comptes Rendus 17th
International Workshop Laser
Physics, Trondheim, Norvège, 30 Juin -- 4 Juillet 2008).
- Disorder in low dimensions : localization effects in spin
glass wires and cold atoms D. Carpentier, E. Orignac, G. Paulin
et T. Roscilde, Int. J. Nanotechnol.,7, p. 420 (2010) arXiv:0910.4206
(Comptes Rendus
Transalp'Nano 2008, Lyon, 27-29 Octobre 2008)
- Luttinger liquid physics in the spin ladder material
M. Klanjšek, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, M. Horvatić, B. Chiari,
O. Piovesana, P. Bouillot, C. Kollath, E. Orignac, R. Citro et
T. Giamarchi, Phys. Status Solidi B 247,
p. 656
(2010) (Comptes rendus International Conference on Quantum
Criticality and Novel Phases, Dresde, 2009)
- Spectral functions in a two-velocities Tomonaga-Luttinger
Liquid, E. Orignac, M. Tsuchiizu et Y. Suzumura, J. Phys. :
Conf. Series 391, 012163 (2012) (Comptes Rendus SCES,
Cambridge, 2011)
- Meissner to vortex phase transition in a two-leg ladder in
artificial gauge field M. Di Dio, R. Citro, S. De Palo,
E. Orignac et M.-L. Chiofalo Eur. Phys. J. Special
Topics 224, 525
(2015) (Comptes
Rendus Seventh International Workshop:
Theory of Quantum Gases and
Quantum Coherence, Levico Terme, 28 au 31 Mai 2014).
- Spectral Function of a Boson Ladder in an Artificial Gauge
Field R. Citro, A. Minguzzi , E. Orignac , S. De Palo et
N. Victorin Condensed Matter 5,
p. 15
(2020) [numéro spécial Fluctuations
and Highly Non-linear Phenomena in Superfluids and
Superconductors II éditeurs scientifiques A. Perali,
L. Dell'Anna, L. Salasnich, comptes rendus de la
conférence SuperFluctuations 2019
(Padoue, 2-4 Septembre 2019)]
- Effect of transverse confinement on a quasi-one dimensional dipolar Bose gas Stefania De Palo, Edmond Orignac, Roberta Citro and Luca Salasnich Condens. Matter 8 p. 26 (2023)
[numéro spécial "Fluctuations and Highly Non-linear Phenomena in Superfluids and Superconductors VII" éditeurs scientifiques A. Perali,
L. Dell'Anna, L. Salasnich, Yasutomo Uemura, comptes rendus de la
conférence SuperFluctuations 2022 (6-8 Juillet, Padoue, Italie) ] arXiv:2301.13100
( * Le nom souligné est celui de l'auteur qui a présenté la
- Spin-chain system as a tunable simulator of frustrated planar
magnetism M. Klanjšek, M. Horvatić, C. Berthier, H. Mayaffre,
E. Canevet, B. Grenier, P. Lejay et
E. Orignac
arXiv:1202.6374 [Une version plus complète est publiée
Phys. Rev. B 92 3060408(R) (2015)]
- A glance to Luttinger liquid and its platforms Isabelle Bouchoule, Roberta Citro, Tim Duty, Thierry Giamarchi, Randall G. Hulet, Martin Klanjsek, Edmond Orignac, Bent Weber arXiv:2501.12097