Edwige Cyffers

Phd Student in Privacy Preserving Machine Learning

Internship at Apple

Research internship with Cambridge privacy team

I did a five-month internship at Apple, under the supervision of Matt Seigel. It was a very nice remote experience, and the opportunity to learn more about industry perspective and product-oriented research.

French Delegate at Y20

Make hear the voice of Young people on Innovation, Digitalization and Future of Work

I was selected as French delegate in the track Innovation, Digitalization and Future of Work. The Y20 is the official youth engagement group for the G20. The twenty delegates of each track work during several months to establish common recommendations to the G20. The communiqué is announced publicly at the Y20 Summit and presented to world leaders as part of the official G20 summit.

Final communique

Philosophical work on COMPAS

What place for a software that predicts recidivism in the US justice ?

Compas is a popular risk assessment tool used by several states in the United States of America as a piece of information for criminal sentencing. We discuss its legitimacy in the judicial framework. As it relies on machine learning, which use big data to optimize a predictive model, specific questions of fairness arise. It has a cost in terms of transparency and bias might come from the racial bias of the past and current society that generates the training data. We study these questions and show that awareness is welcome to avoid the amplification of norms based on statistics, as it might not be compatible with human notion of justice.

Ask for full text (French).

Time predictions for fire brigade

Course project with real impacts ?

We worked on the prediction of the response time of fire brigades in Paris. It is one of the most important factors for emergency services because their ability to save lives and rescue people depends on it.

We shared our code with the organizers that work on a mixed solution of several participants.


A calculator from scratch !

A single graphing calculator for middle and high school, entirely built around the free software philosophy. Also the first Python and CAS-equipped graphing calculator that can be assembled for less than 80€! You can download the report in English here.

Official website: symbolibre.org

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