Annexe: détail calcul Gaussian

 Entering Gaussian System, Link 0=/home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/g16
 Initial command:
 /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l1.exe "/dev/shm/edumont/4759125/Gau-5785.inp" -scrdir="/dev/shm/edumont/4759125/"
 Entering Link 1 = /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l1.exe PID=      5787.
 Copyright (c) 1988-2017, Gaussian, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 This is part of the Gaussian(R) 16 program.  It is based on
 the Gaussian(R) 09 system (copyright 2009, Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian(R) 03 system (copyright 2003, Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian(R) 98 system (copyright 1998, Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian(R) 94 system (copyright 1995, Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 92(TM) system (copyright 1992, Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 90(TM) system (copyright 1990, Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 88(TM) system (copyright 1988, Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 86(TM) system (copyright 1986, Carnegie Mellon
 University), and the Gaussian 82(TM) system (copyright 1983,
 Carnegie Mellon University). Gaussian is a federally registered
 trademark of Gaussian, Inc.
 This software contains proprietary and confidential information,
 including trade secrets, belonging to Gaussian, Inc.
 This software is provided under written license and may be
 used, copied, transmitted, or stored only in accord with that
 written license.
 The following legend is applicable only to US Government
 contracts under FAR:
                    RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
 Use, reproduction and disclosure by the US Government is
 subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraphs (a)
 and (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
 Rights clause in FAR 52.227-19.
 Gaussian, Inc.
 340 Quinnipiac St., Bldg. 40, Wallingford CT 06492
 Warning -- This program may not be used in any manner that
 competes with the business of Gaussian, Inc. or will provide
 assistance to any competitor of Gaussian, Inc.  The licensee
 of this program is prohibited from giving any competitor of
 Gaussian, Inc. access to this program.  By using this program,
 the user acknowledges that Gaussian, Inc. is engaged in the
 business of creating and licensing software in the field of
 computational chemistry and represents and warrants to the
 licensee that it is not a competitor of Gaussian, Inc. and that
 it will not use this program in any manner prohibited above.

 Cite this work as:
 Gaussian 16, Revision B.01,
 M. J. Frisch, G. W. Trucks, H. B. Schlegel, G. E. Scuseria, 
 M. A. Robb, J. R. Cheeseman, G. Scalmani, V. Barone, 
 G. A. Petersson, H. Nakatsuji, X. Li, M. Caricato, A. V. Marenich, 
 J. Bloino, B. G. Janesko, R. Gomperts, B. Mennucci, H. P. Hratchian, 
 J. V. Ortiz, A. F. Izmaylov, J. L. Sonnenberg, D. Williams-Young, 
 F. Ding, F. Lipparini, F. Egidi, J. Goings, B. Peng, A. Petrone, 
 T. Henderson, D. Ranasinghe, V. G. Zakrzewski, J. Gao, N. Rega, 
 G. Zheng, W. Liang, M. Hada, M. Ehara, K. Toyota, R. Fukuda, 
 J. Hasegawa, M. Ishida, T. Nakajima, Y. Honda, O. Kitao, H. Nakai, 
 T. Vreven, K. Throssell, J. A. Montgomery, Jr., J. E. Peralta, 
 F. Ogliaro, M. J. Bearpark, J. J. Heyd, E. N. Brothers, K. N. Kudin, 
 V. N. Staroverov, T. A. Keith, R. Kobayashi, J. Normand, 
 K. Raghavachari, A. P. Rendell, J. C. Burant, S. S. Iyengar, 
 J. Tomasi, M. Cossi, J. M. Millam, M. Klene, C. Adamo, R. Cammi, 
 J. W. Ochterski, R. L. Martin, K. Morokuma, O. Farkas, 
 J. B. Foresman, and D. J. Fox, Gaussian, Inc., Wallingford CT, 2016.
The everlasting welcome message by Gaussian.
 Gaussian 16:  ES64L-G16RevB.01 20-Dec-2017
 Will use up to    8 processors via shared memory.
 #p b3lyp 6-31G*
 Leave Link    1 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:29 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               0.2 elap:               0.0
 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l101.exe)
 Symbolic Z-matrix:
 Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1
 H                    1     1. 
 H                    1     1.       2     120. 
The initial geometry we gave, with the options that have been specified to Gaussian.
 ITRead=  0  0  0
 MicOpt= -1 -1 -1
 NAtoms=      3 NQM=        3 NQMF=       0 NMMI=      0 NMMIF=      0
                NMic=       0 NMicF=      0.
                    Isotopes and Nuclear Properties:
 (Nuclear quadrupole moments (NQMom) in fm**2, nuclear magnetic moments (NMagM)
  in nuclear magnetons)

  Atom         1           2           3
 IAtWgt=          16           1           1
 AtmWgt=  15.9949146   1.0078250   1.0078250
 NucSpn=           0           1           1
 AtZEff=  -0.0000000  -0.0000000  -0.0000000
 NQMom=    0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000
 NMagM=    0.0000000   2.7928460   2.7928460
 AtZNuc=   8.0000000   1.0000000   1.0000000
 Leave Link  101 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:29 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               1.3 elap:               0.2
Link 101 : The number of atoms (NAtoms), the atomic masses, the nuclear spin, the atomic number and so on... It is the end of Link 101.
 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l202.exe)
                          Input orientation:                          
 Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number       Type             X           Y           Z
      1          8           0        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
      2          1           0        0.000000    0.000000    1.000000
      3          1           0        0.866025    0.000000   -0.500000
                    Distance matrix (angstroms):
                    1          2          3
     1  O    0.000000
     2  H    1.000000   0.000000
     3  H    1.000000   1.732051   0.000000
 Stoichiometry    H2O
 Framework group  C2V[C2(O),SGV(H2)]
 Deg. of freedom     2
 Full point group                 C2V     NOp   4
 Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4
 Largest concise Abelian subgroup C2      NOp   2

                         Standard orientation:
 Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number       Type             X           Y           Z
      1          8           0        0.000000   -0.000000    0.100000
      2          1           0       -0.000000    0.866025   -0.400000
      3          1           0       -0.000000   -0.866025   -0.400000
 Rotational constants (GHZ):        1129.2951308         334.3034030         257.9445090
 Leave Link  202 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:29 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               0.1 elap:               0.0
Link 202: Gaussian converts the geometry that was given as internal coordinates as cartesian coordinates (Input orientation), provide a (symmetric) matrix. It is the end of Link202.
 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l301.exe)
 Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
 Ernie: Thresh=  0.10000D-02 Tol=  0.10000D-05 Strict=F.
 There are    10 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of A1  symmetry.
 There are     1 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of A2  symmetry.
 There are     3 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of B1  symmetry.
 There are     5 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of B2  symmetry.
 There are    10 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.
 There are     1 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.
 There are     3 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.
 There are     5 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.
    19 basis functions,    36 primitive gaussians,    19 cartesian basis functions
     5 alpha electrons        5 beta electrons
       nuclear repulsion energy         8.7723559799 Hartrees.
 IExCor=  402 DFT=T Ex+Corr=B3LYP ExCW=0 ScaHFX=  0.200000
 ScaDFX=  0.800000  0.720000  1.000000  0.810000 ScalE2=  1.000000  1.000000
 IRadAn=      5 IRanWt=     -1 IRanGd=            0 ICorTp=0 IEmpDi=  4
 NAtoms=    3 NActive=    3 NUniq=    2 SFac= 2.25D+00 NAtFMM=   60 NAOKFM=F Big=F
 Integral buffers will be    131072 words long.
 Raffenetti 2 integral format.
 Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
 Leave Link  301 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:29 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               0.4 elap:               0.1
Link 301: More things going on here ! First Gaussian takes into account the basis set: here 6-31G(d) is assigned, and corresponds 19 basis functions and 36 primitive gaussians. The total amount of electrons is 10... (of course !), so one lies far from the usual picture in orbital chemistry and Huckel Approach of one electron per orbital.

Then Gaussian evaluated the nuclear repulsion energy contribution of the energy. ENN=8.7723559799 Hartrees.

Then Gaussian calls the parameters for B3LYP. DFT=T stands for DFT=true. There is 20% of exact-exchange, this amount could be changed on simple demand... yet it would no longer be B3LYP.

 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l302.exe)
 NPDir=0 NMtPBC=     1 NCelOv=     1 NCel=       1 NClECP=     1 NCelD=      1
         NCelK=      1 NCelE2=     1 NClLst=     1 CellRange=     0.0.
 One-electron integrals computed using PRISM.
 One-electron integral symmetry used in STVInt
 NBasis=    19 RedAO= T EigKep=  2.42D-02  NBF=    10     1     3     5
 NBsUse=    19 1.00D-06 EigRej= -1.00D+00 NBFU=    10     1     3     5
 Precomputing XC quadrature grid using
 IXCGrd= 4 IRadAn=           5 IRanWt=          -1 IRanGd=           0 AccXCQ= 0.00D+00.
 Generated NRdTot=       0 NPtTot=           0 NUsed=           0 NTot=          32
 NSgBfM=    19    19    19    19    19 MxSgAt=     3 MxSgA2=     3.
 Leave Link  302 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:30 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               4.8 elap:               0.7
 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l303.exe)
 DipDrv:  MaxL=1.
 Leave Link  303 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:31 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               0.2 elap:               0.0
 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l401.exe)
 ExpMin= 1.61D-01 ExpMax= 5.48D+03 ExpMxC= 8.25D+02 IAcc=3 IRadAn=         5 AccDes= 0.00D+00
 Harris functional with IExCor=  402 and IRadAn=       5 diagonalized for initial guess.
 HarFok:  IExCor=  402 AccDes= 0.00D+00 IRadAn=         5 IDoV= 1 UseB2=F ITyADJ=14
 ICtDFT=  3500011 ScaDFX=  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000
 FoFCou: FMM=F IPFlag=           0 FMFlag=      100000 FMFlg1=           0
         NFxFlg=           0 DoJE=T BraDBF=F KetDBF=T FulRan=T
         wScrn=  0.000000 ICntrl=       500 IOpCl=  0 I1Cent=   200000004 NGrid=           0
         NMat0=    1 NMatS0=      1 NMatT0=    0 NMatD0=    1 NMtDS0=    0 NMtDT0=    0
 Petite list used in FoFCou.
 Harris En= -76.4398879003840    
 JPrj=0 DoOrth=F DoCkMO=F.
 Initial guess orbital symmetries:
       Occupied  (A1) (A1) (B2) (A1) (B1)
       Virtual   (A1) (B2) (A1) (B2) (B1) (A1) (B2) (A1) (A2) (A1)
                 (B1) (A1) (B2) (A1)
 The electronic state of the initial guess is 1-A1.
 Leave Link  401 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:31 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               1.8 elap:               0.2
Link 401: Set up the initial guess. Here 5 occupied MOs, with the symmetry. There is 14 virtual (=vacant,unoccupied) MOs, the number here depends on the number of basis functions, aka the choice of the base. If the guess geometry does not respect strictly the symmetry, the calculation goes on with no symmetry, in the C1 group and is significantly longer.
 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l502.exe)
 Keep R1 ints in memory in symmetry-blocked form, NReq=6923136.
 FoFCou: FMM=F IPFlag=           0 FMFlag=           0 FMFlg1=           0
         NFxFlg=           0 DoJE=F BraDBF=F KetDBF=F FulRan=T
         wScrn=  0.000000 ICntrl=       600 IOpCl=  0 I1Cent=           0 NGrid=           0
         NMat0=    1 NMatS0=    190 NMatT0=    0 NMatD0=    1 NMtDS0=    0 NMtDT0=    0
 Petite list used in FoFCou.
 Closed shell SCF:
 Using DIIS extrapolation, IDIIS=  1040.
 NGot=  2097152000 LenX=  2097144034 LenY=  2097143152
 Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within 128 cycles.
 Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
 Requested convergence on             energy=1.00D-06.
 No special actions if energy rises.
 Integral accuracy reduced to 1.0D-05 until final iterations.
 Cycle   1  Pass 0  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3215459235739    
 DIIS: error= 7.71D-02 at cycle   1 NSaved=   1.
 NSaved= 1 IEnMin= 1 EnMin= -76.3215459235739     IErMin= 1 ErrMin= 7.71D-02
 ErrMax= 7.71D-02  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 1.04D-01 BMatP= 1.04D-01
 IDIUse=3 WtCom= 2.29D-01 WtEn= 7.71D-01
 Coeff-Com:  0.100D+01
 Coeff-En:   0.100D+01
 Coeff:      0.100D+01
 Gap=     0.190 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 GapD=    0.190 DampG=1.000 DampE=0.500 DampFc=0.5000 IDamp=-1.
 Damping current iteration by 5.00D-01
 RMSDP=3.05D-02 MaxDP=2.21D-01              OVMax= 2.07D-01
This is the Link 502... Now comes the SCF in action ! An error arising from the link usually denotes a serious problem.
 Cycle   2  Pass 0  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3469124593924     Delta-E=       -0.025366535819 Rises=F Damp=T
 DIIS: error= 2.10D-02 at cycle   2 NSaved=   2.
 NSaved= 2 IEnMin= 2 EnMin= -76.3469124593924     IErMin= 2 ErrMin= 2.10D-02
 ErrMax= 2.10D-02  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 7.51D-03 BMatP= 1.04D-01
 IDIUse=3 WtCom= 7.90D-01 WtEn= 2.10D-01
 Coeff-Com:  0.195D+00 0.805D+00
 Coeff-En:   0.317D+00 0.683D+00
 Coeff:      0.221D+00 0.779D+00
 Gap=     0.318 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=4.03D-03 MaxDP=4.10D-02 DE=-2.54D-02 OVMax= 1.24D-01

 Cycle   3  Pass 0  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3996898575648     Delta-E=       -0.052777398172 Rises=F Damp=F
 DIIS: error= 3.65D-03 at cycle   3 NSaved=   3.
 NSaved= 3 IEnMin= 3 EnMin= -76.3996898575648     IErMin= 3 ErrMin= 3.65D-03
 ErrMax= 3.65D-03  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 2.62D-04 BMatP= 7.51D-03
 IDIUse=3 WtCom= 9.63D-01 WtEn= 3.65D-02
 Coeff-Com:  0.476D-01 0.154D-01 0.937D+00
 Coeff-En:   0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.100D+01
 Coeff:      0.458D-01 0.148D-01 0.939D+00
 Gap=     0.333 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=5.46D-04 MaxDP=4.39D-03 DE=-5.28D-02 OVMax= 3.56D-03

 Cycle   4  Pass 0  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3998688017999     Delta-E=       -0.000178944235 Rises=F Damp=F
 DIIS: error= 4.01D-04 at cycle   4 NSaved=   4.
 NSaved= 4 IEnMin= 4 EnMin= -76.3998688017999     IErMin= 4 ErrMin= 4.01D-04
 ErrMax= 4.01D-04  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 2.68D-06 BMatP= 2.62D-04
 IDIUse=3 WtCom= 9.96D-01 WtEn= 4.01D-03
 Coeff-Com:  0.579D-02-0.163D-01 0.179D+00 0.831D+00
 Coeff-En:   0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.100D+01
 Coeff:      0.577D-02-0.163D-01 0.179D+00 0.832D+00
 Gap=     0.333 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=4.23D-05 MaxDP=1.96D-04 DE=-1.79D-04 OVMax= 2.79D-04

 Cycle   5  Pass 0  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3998706987618     Delta-E=       -0.000001896962 Rises=F Damp=F
 DIIS: error= 5.47D-05 at cycle   5 NSaved=   5.
 NSaved= 5 IEnMin= 5 EnMin= -76.3998706987618     IErMin= 5 ErrMin= 5.47D-05
 ErrMax= 5.47D-05  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 4.13D-08 BMatP= 2.68D-06
 IDIUse=1 WtCom= 1.00D+00 WtEn= 0.00D+00
 Coeff-Com:  0.459D-03-0.242D-03-0.202D-02-0.148D-01 0.102D+01
 Coeff:      0.459D-03-0.242D-03-0.202D-02-0.148D-01 0.102D+01
 Gap=     0.333 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=8.37D-06 MaxDP=7.17D-05 DE=-1.90D-06 OVMax= 5.35D-05

 Initial convergence to 1.0D-05 achieved.  Increase integral accuracy.
 Cycle   6  Pass 1  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3998698339805     Delta-E=        0.000000864781 Rises=F Damp=F
 DIIS: error= 6.63D-07 at cycle   1 NSaved=   1.
 NSaved= 1 IEnMin= 1 EnMin= -76.3998698339805     IErMin= 1 ErrMin= 6.63D-07
 ErrMax= 6.63D-07  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 3.86D-12 BMatP= 3.86D-12
 IDIUse=1 WtCom= 1.00D+00 WtEn= 0.00D+00
 Coeff-Com:  0.100D+01
 Coeff:      0.100D+01
 Gap=     0.333 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=8.37D-06 MaxDP=7.17D-05 DE= 8.65D-07 OVMax= 1.58D-06

 Cycle   7  Pass 1  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3998698339814     Delta-E=       -0.000000000001 Rises=F Damp=F
 DIIS: error= 5.65D-07 at cycle   2 NSaved=   2.
 NSaved= 2 IEnMin= 2 EnMin= -76.3998698339814     IErMin= 2 ErrMin= 5.65D-07
 ErrMax= 5.65D-07  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 4.92D-12 BMatP= 3.86D-12
 IDIUse=1 WtCom= 1.00D+00 WtEn= 0.00D+00
 Coeff-Com:  0.537D+00 0.463D+00
 Coeff:      0.537D+00 0.463D+00
 Gap=     0.333 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=8.37D-08 MaxDP=5.67D-07 DE=-9.09D-13 OVMax= 5.83D-07

 Cycle   8  Pass 1  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3998698339847     Delta-E=       -0.000000000003 Rises=F Damp=F
 DIIS: error= 8.86D-08 at cycle   3 NSaved=   3.
 NSaved= 3 IEnMin= 3 EnMin= -76.3998698339847     IErMin= 3 ErrMin= 8.86D-08
 ErrMax= 8.86D-08  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 9.14D-14 BMatP= 3.86D-12
 IDIUse=1 WtCom= 1.00D+00 WtEn= 0.00D+00
 Coeff-Com: -0.415D-01 0.999D-01 0.942D+00
 Coeff:     -0.415D-01 0.999D-01 0.942D+00
 Gap=     0.333 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=1.17D-08 MaxDP=8.95D-08 DE=-3.27D-12 OVMax= 1.06D-07

 Cycle   9  Pass 1  IDiag  1:
 E= -76.3998698339848     Delta-E=       -0.000000000000 Rises=F Damp=F
 DIIS: error= 2.96D-09 at cycle   4 NSaved=   4.
 NSaved= 4 IEnMin= 4 EnMin= -76.3998698339848     IErMin= 4 ErrMin= 2.96D-09
 ErrMax= 2.96D-09  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 1.40D-16 BMatP= 9.14D-14
 IDIUse=1 WtCom= 1.00D+00 WtEn= 0.00D+00
 Coeff-Com: -0.626D-02 0.149D-01 0.142D+00 0.850D+00
 Coeff:     -0.626D-02 0.149D-01 0.142D+00 0.850D+00
 Gap=     0.333 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000
 RMSDP=3.93D-10 MaxDP=2.24D-09 DE=-8.53D-14 OVMax= 3.05D-09

 SCF Done:  E(RB3LYP) =  -76.3998698340     A.U. after    9 cycles
            NFock=  9  Conv=0.39D-09     -V/T= 2.0095
 KE= 7.568273120698D+01 PE=-1.981119807261D+02 EE= 3.725702370529D+01
 Leave Link  502 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:32 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               1.9 elap:               0.3
Gaussian has landed within 9 SCF cycles. The change of energy (DIIS: error) is lower than 1E-8 Hartree, the default threshold. The final energy to be taken into account is given by the line "SCF Done:" that is unique for this information. The kinetic energy KE, potential energy PE and electronic repulsion are given.
 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l601.exe)
 Copying SCF densities to generalized density rwf, IOpCl= 0 IROHF=0.


            Population analysis using the SCF Density.


 Orbital symmetries:
       Occupied  (A1) (A1) (B2) (A1) (B1)
       Virtual   (A1) (B2) (A1) (B2) (B1) (A1) (B2) (A1) (A2) (A1)
                 (B1) (A1) (B2) (A1)
 The electronic state is 1-A1.
 Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --  -19.13327  -0.97195  -0.52843  -0.33701  -0.28266
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    0.05081   0.14251   0.76262   0.82441   0.89569
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    0.89689   1.08705   1.13923   1.74297   1.78179
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    1.80322   2.29503   2.48291   3.55941
          Condensed to atoms (all electrons):
               1          2          3
     1  O    8.321898   0.238669   0.238669
     2  H    0.238669   0.376707  -0.014994
     3  H    0.238669  -0.014994   0.376707
 Mulliken charges:
     1  O   -0.799237
     2  H    0.399618
     3  H    0.399618
 Sum of Mulliken charges =   0.00000
 Mulliken charges with hydrogens summed into heavy atoms:
     1  O    0.000000
 Electronic spatial extent (au):  =             19.5433
 Charge=              0.0000 electrons
 Dipole moment (field-independent basis, Debye):
    X=             -0.0000    Y=              0.0000    Z=             -1.8286  Tot=              1.8286
 Quadrupole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang):
   XX=             -7.2626   YY=             -3.4833   ZZ=             -6.4144
   XY=              0.0000   XZ=              0.0000   YZ=             -0.0000
 Traceless Quadrupole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang):
   XX=             -1.5425   YY=              2.2368   ZZ=             -0.6943
   XY=              0.0000   XZ=              0.0000   YZ=             -0.0000
 Octapole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang**2):
  XXX=              0.0000  YYY=              0.0000  ZZZ=             -0.9041  XYY=             -0.0000
  XXY=              0.0000  XXZ=             -0.2593  XZZ=              0.0000  YZZ=             -0.0000
  YYZ=             -1.3026  XYZ=             -0.0000
 Hexadecapole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang**3):
 XXXX=             -5.2847 YYYY=             -5.7127 ZZZZ=             -6.1408 XXXY=             -0.0000
 XXXZ=             -0.0000 YYYX=              0.0000 YYYZ=              0.0000 ZZZX=             -0.0000
 ZZZY=              0.0000 XXYY=             -2.2610 XXZZ=             -1.9290 YYZZ=             -1.8685
 XXYZ=             -0.0000 YYXZ=              0.0000 ZZXY=             -0.0000
 N-N= 8.772355979894D+00 E-N=-1.981119807342D+02  KE= 7.568273120698D+01
 Symmetry A1   KE= 6.767156237450D+01
 Symmetry A2   KE= 8.218370532570D-35
 Symmetry B1   KE= 4.585332378667D+00
 Symmetry B2   KE= 3.425836453803D+00
 No NMR shielding tensors so no spin-rotation constants.
 Leave Link  601 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:32 2019, MaxMem=  2097152000 cpu:               1.0 elap:               0.1

 (Enter /home/tjiang/softs/gaussian/g16-avx/g16/l9999.exe)
 b3lyp 6-31G*\\title\\0,1\O\H,1,1.\H,1,1.,2,120.\\Version=ES64L-G16RevB

 Job cpu time:       0 days  0 hours  0 minutes 12.0 seconds.
 Elapsed time:       0 days  0 hours  0 minutes  1.6 seconds.
 File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=      6 Int=      0 D2E=      0 Chk=      1 Scr=      1
 Normal termination of Gaussian 16 at Wed Sep 18 20:21:32 2019.
Gaussian ends up with a summary that was has been accomplished ! There is a randomized citation to cheer you up after such a careful examination.

Last update: Sept. 2018