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Trace elements

Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island. Published in Albarede and Tamagnan, J. Pet. 29 (1988) 997-1030. Major and trace elements, Sr isotopes. File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/PdFAT.txt.

Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island. Published in Albarede et al., J. Pet. 38 (1997) 171-201. Major and trace elements, Sr isotopes. File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/PdF1_FA.txt and PdF2_FA.txt.

Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island. Published in Albarede et al., J. Pet. 38 (1997) 171-201. Mineral compositions. File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/PdFMin.txt.

Mauna Kea, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project. Published in Albarede J. Geophys. Res. 101 (1996) 11,841-11,853. Trace elements. File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/MKTr_FA.txt.

Hf isotopes

Chondrites. Published in Blichert-Toft and Albarede Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 148 (1997) 243-258. File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/HfChondrites.txt.

Atlantic Mn-Nodules. Published in Albarede, Simonetti, Vervoort, Blichert-Toft, and Abouchami Geophys. Res. Letters 25 (1998) 3895-3898

. File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/HfAtl.txt.

Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project basalts. Published in Blichert-Toft, J. and Albarède, F. Hf isotopic compositions of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core and the source mineralogy of Hawaiian basalts Geophys. Res. Letters 26 (1999) 935-938. File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/HSDP.txt.


Least-square straight-line program "lsqlv5.m" under MatLab 5 and up: /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/lsqlv5.m

Demo file: /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/testlsqv5.txt.

EOS Figure

File /pub/users/GEOL/albarede/