Publications of
Francis Albarède
- Albarède, F. and Fourcade S. (1969) Sur la présence de gneiss à orthopyroxène dans
le socle hercynien du massif nord-Pyrénéen de Bessèdes-de-Sault (Aude). C.R.
Acad. Sci. Paris
269, 1823-1826.
- Albarède, F. and Bottinga Y. (1972) Kinetic
disequilibrium in trace element partitioning between phenocrysts and host
lava. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 36, 141-156.
- Hamet J. and Albarède, F. (1973) Rb-Sr geochronology of
the Ceneri Zone (Southern Alps). Fortschr.
Mineral. 50,
- Allègre C.J., Albarède, F., Grünenfelder M. and Köppel V.
(1974) 238U/206Pb - 235U/207Pb
- 232Th/208Pb zircon - Geochronology in Alpine and
non-Alpine environment. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 43, 163-194.
- Albarède, F. (1975) The heat flow-heat
generation relationship: an interaction model of fluids with cooling
intrusions. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 27, 73-78.
- Albarède, F. (1976) Thermal models of
post-tectonic decompression as exemplified by the Haut-Allier granulites (Massif
Central). Bull. Soc. Geol. France 18, 1023-1032.
- Albarède, F. (1976) Some trace element
relationships among liquid and solid phases in the course of the
fractional crystallization of magmas. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 40, 667-673.
- Albarède,
F. et Condomines M.
(1976) La Géochimie. Collection Que sais-je? 128 p. Presses Universitaires de France.
- Albarède, F. and Provost A. (1977)
Petrological and geochimical mass-balance equations: an algorithm for
least-square fitting and general error analysis. Computers Geosci. 3, 309-326.
- Allègre C.J.,
Treuil M., Minster J.F. and Albarède,
F. (1977)
Systematic use of trace element in igneous process. Part I: Fractional
crystallization processes in volcanic suites. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 60, 57-75.
- Stettler A.
and Albarède, F. (1977) 39Ar-40Ar
pattern and light noble gas systematics of two mm-sized rock fragments
from Mare Crisium. Proc. Luna 24 Conf. 4p.
- Vitrac-Michard A., Albarède, F. and Azambre B. (1977) Age Rb-Sr et 39Ar-40Ar
de la syenite nephelinique de Fitou (Corbières Orientales). Bull. Soc.
Fr. Mineral. Cristall. 100, 251-254.
- Albarède, F. (1978) The recovery of spatial
isotope distributions from stepwise degassing data. Earth Planet. Sci.
Letters 39,
- Albarède, F. and Michard-Vitrac A. (1978) Datation du métamorphisme des terrains
secondaires des Pyrénées par les méthodes 39Ar-40Ar
et 87Rb-87Sr. Ses relations avec les péridotites
associées. Bull. Soc. Géol. France 20, 681-687.
- Albarède, F. and Michard-Vitrac A. (1978)
Age and significance of the North Pyrenean metamorphism. Earth Planet.
Sci. Letters
40, 327-332.
- Albarède, F., Feraud G., Kaneoka
I. and Allègre C.J. (1978) 39Ar-40Ar
dating: the importance of K-feldspars on multi-mineral data of
polyorogenic areas. J. Geol. 86, 581-598.
- Stettler A.
and Albarède, F. (1978) 39Ar-40Ar
systematics of two millimeter-sized rock fragments from Mare Crisium. Earth
Planet. Sci. Letters 38, 401-406.
- Albarède, F., Dupuis C., and Taylor H.P. Jr.
(1980) 18O/16O evidence for non-cogenetic magmas
associated in a 300 Ma old concentric pluton at Ploumanac'h. J.
Geol. Soc. London 137, 641-647.
- Michard-Vitrac
A., Albarède, F., Dupuis C., and Taylor H.P. Jr.
(1980) The genesis of Variscan (hercynian) plutonic rocks: inferences from
Sr, Pb and O studies on the Maladeta igneous complex, Central Pyrénées,
Spain. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 72, 57-72.
- Albarède, F., Michard A., Minster J.F and
Michard G. (1981) 87Sr/86Sr ratios in hydrothermal
waters and deposits from the East Pacific Rise at 21°N. Earth Planet.
Sci. Letters
55, 229-236.
- Michard-Vitrac
A., Albarède, F. and Allègre C.J. (1981) Lead
isotopic composition of Hercynian granitic K-feldspars constrains
continental genesis. Nature 291, 460-464.
- Albarède, F. (1982) The 39Ar-40Ar
technique of dating, in Numerical Dating in Stratigraphy, pp.181-197. G.S. Odin John
Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
- Alibert C.,
Michard A. and Albarède, F. (1983) The transition from
alkali basalts to kimberlites: isotope and trace element evidence from
melititites. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 82, 176-186.
- Michard A., Albarède, F., Michard G., Minster J.F. and
Charlou J.L. (1983) Rare-earth elements and uranium in high-temperature
solutions from East Pacific Rise hydrothermal vent field (13°N). Nature 303, 795-797.
- Albarède, F. (1983) Inversion of batch
melting equations and the trace element pattern of the mantle. J.
Geophys. Res.
88, 10573-10583.
- Hékinian R.,
Francheteau J., Renard V., Ballard R.D., Choukroune P., Cheminée J.L., Albarède, F., Minster J.F., Charlou J.L.,
Marty J.C. and Boulègue J. (1983). Intense hydrothermal activity at the
axis of the East Pacific Rise near 13°N: submersible witnesses the growth
of sulfide chimney. Marine
Geophy. Res. 6,
- Albarède, F. (1983) Limitations thermiques à l'ascension des magmas hydratés. C.R.
Acad. Sci. Paris
296, 1441-1444.
- Juteau M.,
Michard A., Zimmermann J.L. and Albarède,
F. (1984)
Isotopic heterogeneities in the granitic intrusion of Monte Capanne (Elba
Island, Italy) and dating concepts. J. Petrol. 25, 532-545.
- Michard G., Albarède, F., Michard A., Minster J.-F.,
Charlou J.-L.and Tan N. (1984) Chemistry of solutions from the 13°N East
Pacific Rise hydrothermal site. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 67, 297-307.
- Albarède, F. and Juteau M. (1984)
Unscrambling the lead model ages. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 48, 207-212.
- Michard A. and
Albarède, F. (1985) Hydrothermal uranium
uptake at ridge crests. Nature 317, 244-246.
- Michard A.,
Gurriet P., Soudant M. and Albarède,
F. (1985) Nd
isotopes in French Phanerozoic shales: external vs. internal aspects of
crustal evolution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 49, 601-610.
- Hamelin B.,
Manhes G., Albarède, F. and Allègre C.J. (1985) Precise
lead isotope measurements by the double spike technique: a reconsideration.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 49, 173-182.
- Lapierre H., Albarède, F., Albers J., Cabanis B. and
Coulon C. (1985) The middle Devonian volcanism in the Eastern Klamath
Mountains, California: evidence for an immature island arc. Can.
J. Earth Sci.
22, 214-227.
- Lapierre H.,
Cabanis B., Coulon C., Brouxel M. and Albarède,
F. (1985)
Geodynamic setting of early devonian Kuroko-type sulfide deposits in the
eastern Klamath mountains (Northern California)
inferred from the petrological and geochemical characteristics of the
associated island-arc volcanic rocks. Econ. Geol. 80, 2100-2113.
- Albarède, F. (1985) Open magma chambers:
regime and trace element evolution. Nature 318,
- Royer J.-J., Michard
A., Danis M. and Albarède, F. (1985) Arguments isotopiques et hydrochimiques
en faveur d'une venue hydrothermale dans la nappe du Trias inférieur
(région deVittel, Vosges). C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 301, 163-166.
- Albarède, F. (1985) L'age de la Terre, des météorites et les radioactivités
éteintes, in Méthodes de datation par les phénomènes nucléaires
naturels; applications, pp. 47-54, E.Roth and B.Poty, Masson, Paris.
- Albarède, F., Michard A. et Cuney M. (1985) Les chronomètres Uranium-Thorium-Plomb,
in Méthodes de datation par les phénomènes nucléaires naturels; applications, pp.125-173, E.Roth and B.Poty,
Masson, Paris.
- Juteau M.,
Michard A. and Albarède, F. (1986) The Pb-Sr-Nd isotope
geochemistry of some recent circum-Mediterranean granites. Contrib.
Mineral. Petrol.
92, 331-340.
- Michard A. and
Albarède, F. (1986) The REE content of some
hydrothermal fluids. Chem. Geol. 55, 51-60.
- Albarède, F., Michard A. (1986) Transfer of
continental Mg, S, O and U to the mantle throught hydrothermal alteration
of oceanic crust. Chem. Geol. 57, 1-15.
- Alibert C.,
Michard A. and Albarède, F. (1986) Isotope and trace
element geochemistry of Colorado Plateau volcanics. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 50,
- Aplin A.,
Michard A. and Albarède, F. (1986) 143Nd/144Nd
in Pacific ferromanganese encrustations and nodules. Earth Planet. Sci.
Letters 81,
- Albarède, F. and Brouxel M. (1987) The Sm/Nd
secular evolution of the continental crust and the depleted mantle. Earth
Planet. Sci. Letters 82, 25-35.
- Albarède, F. and Michard A. (1987) Evidence
for slowly changing 87Sr/86Sr in runoff from
freshwater limestones of southern France.
Chem. Geol.
64, 55-65.
- Grandjean P.,
Cappetta H., Michard A., and Albarède,
F. (1987) The
assessment of REE and 143Nd/144Nd in fish teeth as a
paleoceanographic tracer. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 84,181-196.
- Brouxel M.,
Lapierre H., Michard A., and Albarède,
F. (1987) The
deep layers of a Paleozoic island arc. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 85, 386-400.
- Lapierre H., Brouxel
M., Albarède, F., Coulon C., Lecuyer C., Martin P.,
Mascle G. and Rouer O. (1987). Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic magmas from the eastern Klamath
Mountains (North California) and
the geodynamic evolution of northwestern America.
Tectonophys. 140, 155-177.
- Chaussidon M.,
Albarède, F. and Sheppard S.M.F. (1987) Sulphur
isotope heterogeneity in the mantle from ion microprobe measurement of
sulphide inclusions in diamond. Nature 330, 242-244.
- Jaegy R., Albarède, F. and Michard G. (1987) Mesures de 14C
dans quelques eaux thermales des Pyrénées-Orientales. Comptes Rendus
Acad. Sci. 304,
- Grandjean P.,
Cappetta H. and Albarède, F. (1988) The REE and eNd
of 40-70 Ma old fish debris from the West-African Platform. Geophys.
Res. Letters
15, 389-392.
- Meghraoui M.,
Philip H., Albarède, F. and Cisternas A. (1988) Trench investigations
through the trace of the 1980 el Asnam thrust fault: evidence for
paleoseismicity. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 78, 979-999.
- Juteau M.,
Pagel M., Michard A. and Albarède,
F. (1988)
Assimilation of continental crust by komatiites in the Precambrian
basement of the Carswell structure (Saskatchewan,
Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 99, 219-225.
- Brouxel M.,
Lapierre H., Michard A., Albarède,
F. (1988)
Geochemical study of an early Paleozoic island-arc-back-arc basin system.
Part 2: Eastern Klamath, early to middle Paleozoic island-arc volcanic
rocks (northern California).
Geol. Soc. Amer.
Bull. 100,
- Alibert C. and
Albarède, F. (1988) Relationships between
mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic properties old some North-American Kimberlites.
J. Geophys. Res. 93, 7643-7671.
- Albarède, F. and Tamagnan V. (1988)
Modelling the recent evolution of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion
Island), 1931-1986. J.
Petrol. 29, 997-1030.
- Meghraoui M.,
Jaegy R., Lammali K. and Albarède,
F. (1988).
Late Holocene earthquake sequences on the El Asnam (Algeria)
thrust fault. Earth
Planet. Sci. Letters 90, 187-203.
- Chaussidon M.,
Albarède, F. and Sheppard S.M.F. (1989) Sulphur
isotope variations in the mantle from ion microprobe analyses of micro-sulphide
inclusions. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 92, 144-156.
- Albarède, F. (1989). Sm/Nd constraints on
the growth of continental crust. Tectonophys.
161, 299-305.
- Cheminée,
J.L., Hékinian, R., Talandier, J., Albarède,
F., Devey,
C.W., Francheteau, J., & Lancelot, Y., (1989) Geology of an active
hot-spot: Teahitia-Mehetia region of the south central Pacific. Marine
Geophys. Res.
11, 27-50.
- Grandjean P.
and Albarède, F. (1989) Ion probe measurement of
rare earth elements in biogenic phosphates. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta . 53, 3179-3183.
- Devey C.W., Albarède, F., Cheminée J-L., Michard A., Mühe
R., and Stoffers P. (1990) Active submarine volcanism on the Society
hotspot swell (W. Pacific): A geochemical study J. Geophys. Res. 95, 5049-5066.
- Graham D., Lupton
J., Albarède, F., and Condomines M. (1990) A
360,000 year helium isotope record from Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion
Island, Nature 347, 545-548
- Abouchami W.,
Boher M., Michard A., and Albarède,
F. (1990) A
major 2.1 Ga old event of mafic magmatism in West
Africa: an early stage of crustal accretion. J. Geophys.
Res. 95,
- Lecuyer C.,
Brouxel M. and Albarède, F. (1990) Hydrothermal alteration
of the Lower Paleozoic Trinity ophiolite (California):
Metamorphic parageneses, water-rock ratios and geochemical mass balance
between oceanic crust and seawater. Chem. Geol. 89, 87-115.
- Frey F.A.,
Garcia M.O., Wise W.S, Kennedy A., Gurriet P and Albarède, F. (1991) The evolution of the Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii:
Petrogenesis of Tholeiitic and Alkalic Basalts. J. Geophys.Res. 96, 14347-14375.
- Deloule E., Albarède, F., and Sheppard S.M.F. (1991)
Hydrogen isotope heterogeneities in the mantle from ion probe analysis of
amphiboles from ultramafic rocks, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 105, 543-553.
- Deloule E.,
France-Lanord C. and Albarède, F. (1991) D/H analysis of minerals
by ion probe. Geochem. Soc. Spec. Vol. 3., 53-62.
- Boher M.,
Abouchami W., Michard A., Albarède,
F., Arndt N.T.
(1991) Crustal Growth in West-Africa at 2.1 Ga, J. Geophys.Res. 97, 345-369.
- Chaussidon M.
and Albarède F (1991) The secular evolution of boron isotopes in the
continental crust. Earth
Planet. Sci. Letters 108, 229-241.
- Chaussidon M.,
Albarède, F. and Sheppard S.M.F. (1991) Ion
probe d34S study of small scale variations in a hydrothermal chimney, East
Pacific Rise at 21°N, in Source, Transport and Deposition of Metals, Pagel M. and Leroy J., eds.,
Balkema, Rotterdam, 609-614.
- Rossy M.,
Azambre B., and Albarède, F. (1992) REE and Sr-Nd Isotope
Geochemistry of the Alkaline Magmatism from the Cretaceous North- Pyrenean
Rift Zone (France and Spain), Chem. Geol. 97, 33-46.
- Albarède, F., How deep do common basaltic
magmas form and differentiate? J. Geophys. Res. 97, 10,997-11,009.
- Azambre B.,
Rossy M., and Albarède, F. (1992) Petrology of the
alkaline magmatism from the Cretaceous North- Pyrenean Rift Zone (France
and Spain),
Eur. J. Mineral. 4, 813-834.
- Albarède, F. (1993) Residence time analysis
of geochemical fluctuations in volcanic series, Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 57,
- Grandjean-Lecuyer
P., Feist R., and Albarède, F. (1993), Rare earth elements in
old biogenic apatites, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 57, 2507-2513.
- Chaussidon M.,
Netter P., Kessler M., Membre H., Fener P., Delons S., Albarède, F. (1993) Dialysis-associated
arthropathy: Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry evidence of aluminium
silicate in b2-microglobulin amyloid synovial tissue and articular
cartilage, Nephron 65, 559-563.
- Albarède, F. and Goldstein, S.L. (1993)
World map of Nd isotopes in seafloor ferromanganese deposits. Geology, 20, 761-763.
- Blichert-Toft,
J. and Albarède, F. (1994) Short-lived chemical
heterogeneities in the Archean mantle with implications for mantle
convection. Science 263, 1593-1596.
- Grasset, O.
and Albarède, F. (1994) Hybridization of
mingling magmas with different densities. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 121, 327-332.
- Albarède, F. and Semhi, K. (1995) Patterns
of elemental transport in the bedload of the Meurthe
River (NE
France). Chem. Geol., 122, 129-145
- Albarède, F. (1995) Introduction to Geochemical Modeling. University Press, Cambridge,
554 pp.
- Barbey, P.,
Allé, P., E, M. and Albarède, F. (1995) In-situ rare earth
element distribution in zircons: a record of processes involved in genesis
and evolution of crustal magmas. Chem. Geol. 125, 1-17.
- Bonnefoi, C.,
Provost, A., and Albarède, F. (1995) The `Daly gap' as a
magmatic catastrophe. Nature 378, 270-272.
- Albarède, F. (1996) High-Resolution
Geochemical Stratigraphy of Mauna Kea Flows from the Hawaii
Scientific Drilling Project Core. J. Geophys. Res. 101, 11,841-11,853.
- Girard, C. and
Albarède, F. (1996) Trace elements in
conodont phosphates from the Frasnian/Famennian Boundary. Pal. Pal.
Pal. 126,
- Albarède, F., Luais B., Fitton G., Semet M.,
Kaminski E., Upton
B.G.J., Bachelery P., Cheminée J.-L. (1997) The geochemical regimes of
Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion) during the last 530,000 years. J.
Petrol. 38,
- Albarède, F., Goldstein, S.L., and Dautel, D.
(1997) The Nd isotopic composition of Mn-nodules from the Southern and
Indian Oceans, the global oceanic Nd budget,a nd their bearing on deep
ocean circulation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 61, 1277-1291.
- Blichert-Toft,
J. and Albarède, F. (1997) The Lu-Hf isotope
geochemistry of chondrites and the evolution of the mantle-crust system. Earth
Planet. Sci. Letters 148, 243-258.
- Blichert-Toft,
J., Chauvel, C., and Albarède, F. (1997) Separation of Hf and Lu
for high-precision isotope analysis of rock samples by magnetic
sector-multiple collector ICP-MS. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 127, 248-260.
- Duchêne, S.,
Blichert-Toft, J., Luais, B., Télouk, P., Lardeaux, J.-M., Albarède, F. (1997) The Lu-Hf age of Alpine
eclogite exhumation. Nature, 387, 586-589.
- Arndt, N.T., Albarède, F. and Nisbet, E.G. (1997) Mafic
and ultramafic magmatism. In Greenstone Belts, M.J. de Wit and L.D. Ashwal
(Editors.). Oxford,
- Duchêne, S.,
Lardeaux, J.-M., Albarède, F. (1997) A depth-time path
analysis of eclogite exhumation. Tectonophys.
280, 125-140.
- Luais, B.,
Télouk, P., and Albarède, F. (1997) High-precision Nd
isotopic measurements using plasma-source mass spectrometry. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 61,
- Lecroart, P.,
Albarède, F.. and Cazenave, A. (1997) Correlation between MORB chemistry
and the geoid. Earth
Planet. Sci. Letters 153, 37-55.
- Duchêne, S., Albarède, F., and Lardeaux, J.-M. (1998)
Mineral zoning and exhumation history in the Münchberg eclogites (Bohemia).
Amer. J. Sci.
298, 30-59.
- Albarède, F. (1998) Time-dependent models of
U-Th-He and K-Ar evolution and the layering of mantle convection. Chem.
Geol. 145,
- Arndt, N.T.,
Ginibre, C., Chauvel, C., Albarède,
F., Cheadle,
F., Herzberg, C., Jenner, G., Lahaye, Y. (1998) Were komatiites wet? Geology 26, 739-742.
- Albarède,
F. Simonetti, A., Vervoort, J.D.,
Blichert-Toft, J. and Abouchami, W. (1998) A Hf-Nd isotopic correlation in
ferromanganese nodules Geophys. Res. Letters 20, 3895-3898.
- Albarède, F. (1998) The growth of
continental crust. Tectonophys. 296, 1-14.
- Blichert-Toft,
J., Albarède, F., and Kornprobst, J. (1999) The
Lu-Hf isotope systematics of garnet pyroxenites from Beni Bousera,
Implications for basalt origin. Science 283, 1303-1306.
- Blichert-Toft, J. and Albarède, F. (1999)
Hf isotopic compositions of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core
and the source mineralogy of Hawaiian basalts Geophys. Res. Letters 26, 935-938.
- Maréchal, C., Télouk, P., and Albarède, F. (1999) Precise analysis of copper and zinc
isotopic compositions by plasma-source mass spectrometry. Chem. Geol. 156, 251-273.
- Duchêne, S. and Albarède, F. (1999)
Simulated garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometry of eclogites. Contrib.
Mineral. Petrol. 135, 75-91.
- Bonnefoi, C.,
Provost, A., and Albarède, F. (1999) The thermochemical
dynamics of magma chambers: a simple model. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 7103-7116.
- Vervoort,
J.D., Patchett, J., Blichert-Toft, J., and Albarède, F. (1999) Relationship between Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd systems in the global
sedimentary system. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 168, 79-99.
- Blichert-Toft,
J., Frey, F.A., and Albarède, F. (1999) Hf isotope evidence for
pelagic sediments in the source of Hawaiian basalts. Science 285, 879-882.
- Blichert-Toft,
J., Albarède, F., Rosing M., Frei R, and
Bridgwater D. (1999) The Nd and Hf isotopic evolution of the mantle
through the Archean. Results from the Isua supracrustals, West Greenland,
and from the Birimian terranes of West Africa.
Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 63, 3901-3914.
- Blichert-Toft,
J., Gleason, J.D., Télouk, P. and Albarède,
F. (1999) The
Lu-Hf geochemistry of shergottites and the evolution of the Martian
mantle-crust system Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 173, 25-39.
- Albarède, F. and van der Hilst, R.D. (1999)
On the nature and scale of mantle convection. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys.
Union 80,
- Albarède, F., Blichert-Toft, J., Vervoort,
J.D., Gleason, J.D., and Rosing, M. (2000) Hf-Nd isotope evidence for a
transient dynamic regime in the early terrestrial mantle. Nature 404, 488-490.
- Coltice, N., Albarède,
F., and Gillet P. (2000) 40K-40Ar
constraints on the recycling of continental crust into the mantle. Science 288, 845-847.
- White, W.M. and Albarède, F. (2000)
High-precision analysis of Pb isotopic ratios using multi-collector
ICP-MS. Chem. Geol. 167,
- Maréchal, C.N., Nicolas, E., Douchet, C., and Albarède, F. (2000) The abundance of zinc isotopes as a
marine biogeochemical tracer. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 1, 1999GC000029.
- Vervoort,
J.D., Patchett, P., Albarède, F., Blichert-Toft, J., Rudnick, R.,
and Downes, H. (2000) Hf-Nd isotopic evolution of the lower crust. Earth
Planet. Sci. Letters 181, 115-129.
- Gasperini, D.,
Blichert-Toft, J., Bosch, D., Del Moro, A., Macera, P., Télouk, P., and Albarède, F. (2000) Evidence from Sardinian
basalt geochemistry for recycling of plume heads into the Earth's mantle. Nature 408, 701-704.
- Sanloup, C.
Blichert-Toft,J., Télouk,P., Gillet, P. and Albarède, F. (2000) Zr isotope anomalies in chondrites and the presence of 92Nb
in the early Solar System. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 184, 75-81.
- Albarède, F. (2001), F. La Géochimie. Gordon and
Breach, 200pp.
- Albarède, F. (2001) Radiogenic ingrowth in
systems with multiple reservoirs: applications to the differentiation of
the mantle-crust system, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 188, 59-73.
- Cocherie A.
and Albarède, F. (2001) An improved U-Th-Pb age
calculation for electron microprobe dating of monazite .Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta
65, 4509-4522.
- Maréchal, C.
and Albarède, F. (2002) Ion-exchange
fractionation of copper and zinc isotopes, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 1499-1509.
- G.H. Barfod, F. Albarède , A.H. Knoll, S. Xiao, P. Telouk, R.
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F., Nelson B.K., Telouk P., Gillot P.-Y., and Albarède F. (2008) Pb, Hf and
Nd isotope compositions of the two Réunion volcanoes (Indian
Ocean): A tale of two small-scale mantle “blobs”? Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 265, 748-768.
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F. (2008) The case for old basaltic
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J., Braga J., Telouk P., Thackeray F., and Albarède F. (2008) U-Pb dating
of fossil enamel from the Swartkrans Pleistocene hominid site, South
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Sci. Letters 267, 236-246.
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