Anharmonicity of graphite from UV Raman spectroscopy to 2700 K
Montagnac, G.; Caracas, R.; Bobocioiu, E.; Vittoz, F. & Reynard, B.
Carbon, 2013, 54, 68-75.
Berkani, S., Dassenoy, F., Minfray, C., Martin, J.-M., Cardon, H., Montagnac, G. & Reynard, B.
Structural Changes in Tribo-Stressed Zinc Polyphosphates
Tribology Letters, Springer US, 2013, Vol. 51(3), pp. 489-498
Bezacier, L., Reynard, B., Cardon, H., Montagnac, G. & Bass, J.D.
High-pressure elasticity of serpentine and seismic properties of the hydrated mantle wedge
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2013, Vol. 118(2), pp. 527-535
Briani, G., Quirico, E., Gounelle, M., Paulhiac-Pison, M., Montagnac, G., Beck, P., Orthous-Daunay, F.-R., Bonal, L., Jacquet, E., Kearsley, A. & Russell, S.
Short duration thermal metamorphism in CR chondrites
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 2013, Vol. 122(0), pp. 267 - 279
Goresy, A.E., Gillet, P., Miyahara, M., Ohtani, E., Ozawa, S., Beck, P. & Montagnac, G.
Shock-induced deformation of Shergottites: Shock-pressures and perturbations of magmatic ages on Mars
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013, Vol. 101(0), pp. 233-262
Journaux, B., Daniel, I., Caracas, R., Montagnac, G. & Cardon, H.
Influence of NaCl on ice VI and ice VII melting curves up to 6 GPa, implications for large icy moons
Icarus , 2013, Vol. 226(1), pp. 355 - 363
Liu, A., Arenal, R. & Montagnac, G.
In situ transmission electron microscopy observation of keV-ion irradiation of single-walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes
Carbon , 2013, Vol. 62(0), pp. 248 - 255
Zhang, J.S., Reynard, B., Montagnac, G., Wang, R.C. & Bass, J.D.
Pressure-induced Pbca-P21/c phase transition of natural orthoenstatite: Compositional effect and its geophysical implications
American Mineralogist, 2013, Vol. 98(5-6), pp. 986-992
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