Gilles VILLARD    Directeur de recherche CNRS/Sciences Informatiques
AriC project-team

Laboratoire LIP   [CNRS  ENSL  INRIA  UCBL  U. Lyon ]
  46, Allée d'Italie F69364   Lyon   Cedex 07

RTCA volume in the Springer collection TMSC: call for papers.

PUBLICATIONS    Detailed list / co-authors.


  • V. Neiger, C. Pernet, G. Villard. Computing Krylov iterates in the time of matrix multiplication, ISSAC'24, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2024, pdf/doi.
  • G. Villard. Bivariate polynomial reduction and elimination ideal over finite fields, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 127, 2025, pdf/doi.
  • V. Neiger, B. Salvy, É. Schost, G. Villard. Faster modular composition, Journal of the ACM, 71(2)-11, 2024, pdf/doi.
  • C. Pernet, H. Signargout, G. Villard. High-order lifting for polynomial Sylvester matrices, Journal of Complexity, 2023, pdf/doi.
  • C. Pernet, H. Signargout, G. Villard. Exact computations with quasiseparable matrices. ISSAC'23, Tromsø, Norway, 2023, pdf/doi.
  • G. Villard. On computing the resultant of generic bivariate polynomials. ISSAC'18, New York, USA, 2018, pdf/doi, and maple worksheets.
  • C.-P. Jeannerod, V. Neiger, É. Schost, G. Villard. Computing minimal interpolation bases, J. of Symbolic Computation, 83:272-314, 2017, pdf/doi.
  • X.-W. Chang, D. Stehlé, G. Villard. Perturbation analysis of the QR factor R in the context of LLL lattice basis reduction, Mathematics of Computation, 81(279):1487-1511, 2012, pdf/doi.
  • A. Novocin, D. Stehlé, G. Villard. An LLL-reduction algorithm with quasi-linear time complexity, STOC, San Jose, California, 2011, pdf/doi.
  • E. Kaltofen, G. Villard. On the complexity of computing determinants. Computational Complexity, 13:91-130, 2005, pdf/doi.

  • LinBox joint CNRS/NSF project LinBox Team GitHub (
  • The Givaro page, a C++ library for computer algebra.

  •         Computer Algebra Seminars - GT Calcul Formel GdR IFM

            CAIPI, Symposium CAIPI, Université de Limoges, 2-3 déc. 2024.
            PARI 2025, Atelier PARI/GP, Institut Pascal, Paris Saclay, January 6-10, 2025.
            FLINT 2025, Developer meeting, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, January 27-31, 2025.
            Sage Days, Le Teich, 10-14 February, 2025.
            Enumerative combinatorics and effective aspects of differential equations, CIRM, Marseille, 24-28 February, 2025.
            STACS 2025, 42nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Jena, Germany, 4-7 March, 2025.
            JNCF 2025, Journée Nationales de Calcul Formel, CIRM, Luminy, 10-14 2025.
            ACA 2025, International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Heraklion, Greece, July 14-18, 2025.
            ISSAC 2025, International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Center for Research in Mathematics in Guanajuato, Mexico, 28 July-1 August, 2025.

    International Linear Algebra Society         GdR CNRS Informatique Fondamentale et ses Mathématiques - GT Arithmétique

    Teaching: Modern algorithms for symbolic summation and integration, M2 ENS de Lyon.


    Conference archives

  • Extended precision floating-point benchmarks.
  • Hplll software library home page,  GitHub repository.