Curriculum Vitae


Current position

Directeur de Recherche CNRS 1st Class (Full Professor) (from October 2015)

Institut des Sciences Analytiques (UMR5280 CNRS/Ecole Normale Supérieure/Université de Lyon1).

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) (September 2009)

Education and professional experiences

2009-2015: Institut des Sciences Analytiques (Lyon, France)

Directeur de Recherche CNRS 2nd class (DR2). 

2005-2009: Ecole Normale Supérieure (Lyon, France)

Associate scientist CNRS 1st class (CR1). 

2004-2005: Ecole Normale Supérieure (Lyon, France)

Post-doc in the solid-state NMR group of Prof. Lyndon Emsley. 

2004: Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia)

Research Fellow (January 2004 – October 2004) in the Biomolecular NMR group of Prof. Gottfried Otting. Work on paramagnetic labelling of proteins and protein-protein complexes.

2001-2004: Karolisnka Institute, Medicinal Biochemistry and Biophysics department (Stockholm, Sweden)

Post Doc (January 2001 – June 2004) in the Molecular Biophysics group of Prof.Gottfried Otting. Work on the use of paramagnetic ions for structural determinations of biological macromolecules.

1997-2000: Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy)

Ph.D. in Chemistry (“Diploma di perfezionamento”), January 1998 – December 2000 (Supervisor: Prof. P. Salvadori). Thesis (defended on July 10, 2002; summa cum laude): “NIR-CD and NMR studies on lanthanide complexes in solution”.

Admission to the Ph.D. program in Chemistry at the Class of Science (ranked as first ex-aequo), December 1997.

1992-1997: Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy)

Diploma in Chemistry, November 1997 (Supervisor: Prof. P. Salvadori and Prof. L. Di Bari). Thesis (summa cum laude): “Determination of paramagnetic molecules in solution”. 

Admission as a student in Chemistry at the Class of Science (ranked as first in Chemistry in the national competition), September 1992.

Student of the Class of Science (Chemistry), November 1992 – November 1997.

1992-1997: Pisa University (Pisa, Italy)

Student in Chemistry, November 1992 – November 1997

M.S. in Chemistry (“Laurea”), November 1997 (Supervisors: Prof. P. Salvadori and Prof. L. Di Bari). Thesis (summa cum laude): “Study of the structure of tetragonal Ytterbium compounds through NMR and CD”.

1987-1992: Liceo Classico “A. Canova” (Treviso, Italy)

Degree (summa cum laude) “Diploma di Maturità Classica”, July 1992.

Language skills

Italian (native); English and French (fluent); Swedish and German (basic).


Contributions to the classes of Physical Chemistry, Group Theory and Spectroscopy (Masters level) at the ENS-Lyon (2010-present).

Past and present grants

  1. 2016 - 2019: Principal investigator in “Spectroscopies de Résonance Magnétique (RMN, RPE) pour la Catalyse de Polymérisation”, bilateral ANR-SNF grant.

  2. 2015 - 2020: Principal investigator in “Structure of paramagnetic integral membrane metalloproteins by MAS-NMR”, ERC consolidator grant.

  3. 2015 - 2019: Partner in “iNEXT: Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-ray crystallography for translational research”, 25 academic and industrial partners (principal Investigator: Pr. R. Boelens, Utrecht).

  4. 2014 - 2016: Principal investigator in “Structures and functions of the membrane protein proteorhodopsin in nanostructured silica host materials”, USARO grant W911NF-12-R-0012.

  5. 2013 - 2016: Coordinator of the ITN (Initial Training Network) "pNMR" (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN); 13 academic and industrial partners.

  6. 2011-2013: Principal investigator in "Development of solid-state NMR for the structural determination of viral capsids", Programme Egide France-Latvia (Osmose).

  7. 2010-2012: Principal investigator in "Development of solid-state NMR for protein-protein complexes", Programme Egide France-Italy (Galilee).

  8. 2012-2014: Principal Investigator in "CatNMR: Advanced solid−state NMR techniques for the characterization of the structure and catalytic mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysts" – LABEX iMUST (ANR-10-LABX-0064) of the University of Lyon, within the ANR project Investissement d’Avenir (ANR-11-IDEX-0007).

  9. 2010-2014: Partner in Bio-NMR", Integrated Infrastructure Initiative/EU Joint-Research Activity, 18 academic and industrial partners (principal Investigator: Pr. I. Bertini, Florence).

  10. 2010-2013: Co-Principal Investigator in "Development of solid-state NMR for proteins and protein complexes", ANR Programme Blanc 2010. Co-PI: Dr. A. Lesage (ENS-Lyon).

  11. 2009-2010: Principal investigator in "Characterization of paramagnetic metalloproteins by solid-state NMR", Programme Egide France-Italy (Galilee).

  12. 2009-2012: Principal Investigator in "Structure and reactivity of paramagnetic molecules by solid-state NMR", ANR Programme Blanc 2008.

  13. 2008-2010: Partner in "Conformational dynamics in folded, partially folded and natively unfolded proteins in the solid and liquid state", ANR Programme PCV 2007. PI: Dr. M. Blackledge (IBS Grenoble).

  14. 2005-2008: Partner in "Analysis of structure, folding, and interactions of membrane proteins by high resolution magic angle spinning solid state NMR", ANR Programme JCJC 2005. PI: Dr. A. Böckmann (IBCP Lyon).

  15. 2007-2009: Partner in "Powder crystallography by high-resolution solid-state NMR of protons", ANR Programme Blanc 2006. PI: Dr. L. Emsley (ENS Lyon).