Photographs of the Workshop PFLDnet 2005

These Photographs are made by Jean-Patrick Gelas (INRIA/ENS). To see more pictures of one speaker, click the photo's speaker. If you need the high resolution version of one or several pictures, feel free to send me an email.

Aaron Falk (USC/ISI)
Amitabha Banerjee (University of California Davis)
Balakrishna J Prabhu (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Brian Tierney (Lawrence Berkeley Lab.)
Xiaoliang David Wei (California Institute of Technology)
Dennis Ferguson (Juniper)
Dohy Hong (N2Nsoft)
Dough Leith (Hamilton Institute)
Injong Rhee (North Carolina State Univ.)
Jingdi Zeng (ENS - INRIA)
Kazumi Kumazoe (NICT)
Kiyohide Nakauchi (NICT)
Les Cottrell (SLAC)
Makoto Nakamura (University of Tokyo)
Medy Sanadidi (UCLA)
Michael Welzl (University of Inssbruck)
Nageswara Rao (Oak Ridge National Labboratory)
Pascale Primet/Vicat-Blanc (ENS - INRIA)
Richard Hugues Jones (University of Manchester)
Ryan King (Rice University)
Ryousei Takano (National Inst. of Advanced Indutrial Science and Tech.)
Saverio Mascolo (Politecnico di Bari)
Rajvikram Singh (Electronic Visualization Laboratory)
Sumitha Bhandarkar (Texas University)
Toby Rodwell (Dante)
Tomohiro Kudoh (AIST)
Other pictures...

Photo by Jean-Patrick Gelas (jpgelas AT ens-lyon DOT fr)
Last modified: Sun Feb 6 17:59:32 EST 2005