Picture of the tv-ip200w
My goal was to obtain far more information about this internet camera than those available in the poor documentation shipped with the camera. I wished to know all the possibilities of this camera and exploit them as much as possible. Unfortunately, despite the hours I spent Googling the web for few hints about this camera, I found nothing. It was a awful waste of time. So, I decided to roll up my sleeves and find information by myself. I hope these information will be useful for readers of this page and maybe help them to go further (please, let me know).
To know a little bit more about camera network access I tried to run the nmap scanner on the IP where the camera is available. I obtain port 80 and 21 open. With the -O option nmap run an OS detection and returns D-Link DCS-1000 webcam with firmware 1.06.
jp@kiss:~$ nmap -O Starting nmap 3.70 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2006-01-30 22:21 EST Interesting ports on (The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 80/tcp open http Device type: webcam Running: D-Link embedded OS details: D-Link DCS-1000 webcam with firmware 1.06 Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.793 seconds
You can access the camera through a standard ftp session. If you logged with the admin login and password you can access 3 files.
jp@kiss:~$ ftp Connected to 220 FTP server ready. Name ( 331 User name ok, need password. Password: 230 User admin logged in. ftp> dir 200 OK. 150 Opening data connection. DEVICEID.DAT IMAGE.JPG CONFIG.DAT 226 Transfer complete.
I tried to access the camera's ftp server through telnet. I achieved to issue the following commands. USER, PASS, TYPE I, PORT, STOR (but file not found error), PWD, and QUIT.
Next, I downloaded the firmware available on the TRENDnet web site, unzipped it and use the strings tool to print the strings of printable characters in this file. That was quite interesting. For example I discover the string "D-Link DE-970" !?! :-) But I also found the name of some very promising files.
This section shows how to set some parameters remotely without using the point and click web interface. When you do a simple http request from a browser like shown in the previous section with http://webcamaddress/IOCONTROL.CGI, it just dumps back the current settings. It's because you use a simple http GET request. However, when you do the same with a http POST (e.g. in software or from a java applet) you can control those params. The following example shows how to turn on and off the FTP upload service with the --post-data option of the wget command (Note: you must first configure the upload service in the System Administration -> Upload menu of your internet camera).
The info available in the section "Params control with http POST method" are
provided by a nice a guy on internet. Thanks C.!