2010 |
Zhiyi Huang, Zhiwei Xu, Laurent Lefèvre, Hong Shen, John Hine, and Yi Pan. Special Issue on Emerging Research in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Supercomputing, volume 51, March 2010
2008 |
Zhiyi Huang, Zhiwei Xu, Nathan Rountree, Laurent Lefevre, Hong Shen, John Hine, and Yi Pan, editors. Proceedings of PDCAT 2008 : The Ninth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, IEEE Computer Society, Dunedin, New Zealand, December 2008
Thierry Priol, Laurent Lefèvre, and Rajkumar Buyya. Proceedings of CCGrid2008 : Eight IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and Grid, IEEE, Lyon, France, May 2008
2007 |
- Laurent Lefèvre and Jean-Marc Pierson. Special issue from International Conference on Pervasive Services - Journal of System and Software, Volume 80, Issue 12, Pages 1939-2076, December 2007
2006 |
Lionel Brunie, Salim Hariri, Laurent Lefèvre, and Jean-Marc Pierson. Proceedings of ICPS2006 : International Conference on Pervasive Services, IEEE, Lyon, France, June 2006
2005 |
David Hutchison, Spiros Denazis, Laurent Lefèvre, and Gary Minden. Proceedings of IWAN2005 : Seventh Annual International Working Conference on Active and Programmable Networks, Nice, France, November 2005
- Craig A. Lee, Thilo Kielmann, Laurent Lefèvre, and João Gabriel Silva. Topic 6 Grid and Cluster Computing: Models, Middleware and Architectures : EuroPar 2005 Parallel Processing, volume 3648 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin, Lisboa, Portugal, August 2005
2003 |
- Jayadev Misra, Wolfgang Reisig, Michael Schoettner, and Laurent Lefèvre. Topic on Distributed Algorithms : Europar 2003 Parallel Processing - 9th International Euro-Par Conference, volume 2790 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Klagenfurt, Austria, August 2003
2000 |
Bernard Tourancheau, Laurent Lefèvre, and Cong-Duc Pham. Proceedings of MUG 2000 : First Myrinet User Group Conference, INRIA Publisher, ISBN 2-7261-1169-6, Lyon, France, September 2000
Last modified: Fri Feb 28 16:54:36 CET 2014