First connection
At your **first attempt to connect** to PSMN (either from the ENS network or from outside, see figure below), you need to **strictly follow these instructions**:
The following message will appear at your first attempt to connect by :term:`SSH` to ``allo-psmn`` (or ``ssh.psmn``, then ``allo-psmn``):
.. code-block:: bash
The authenticity of host allo-psmn.ens-lyon.fr ( can not be established.
RSA key fingerprint is xx:lots:of:caracters:ascii:xx:xx.
To the question:
.. code-block:: bash
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
answer :
.. code-block:: bash
.. figure:: /_static/synoptiques_gateways_first.png
:alt: PSMN gateways synoptic
:align: center
:width: 660px
Internal or External PSMN gateways synoptic
.. _generate_internal_psmn_ssh_keys:
Change your Password
Change your password upon first connection to ``allo-psmn``.
Type ``passwd`` command and follow the instructions.
It is advisable to choose a strong password (see :ref:`strong_passphrase`) and store it in a password manager such as Keepass, Vaultwarden (`moncoffre.ens-lyon.fr `_), etc.
Generate internal PSMN SSH keys
.. IMPORTANT:: PSMN :term:`SSH` keys
This step generates a :term:`SSH` keys pair which is needed for your work on PSMN servers: for instance, job management, which are automated process **on your behalf**, needs an automated authentication.
These keys will be generated **without passphrase**, therefore they **MUST NOT** leave PSMN or be used for anything else: they basically provide no strong authentication.
So, the first time you connect by ssh to ``allo-psmn``, follow these instructions:
.. code-block:: bash
ssh-keygen -t rsa
To the question:
.. code-block:: bash
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/your_login/.ssh/id_rsa):
hit ENTER ⏎ (default answer).
To the questions:
.. code-block:: bash
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
.. code-block:: bash
Enter same passphrase again:
hit ENTER ⏎ (default answer) again.
Then, create the file ``~/.ssh/authorized_keys`` file by typing:
.. code-block:: bash
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
and add (``>>``) your PSMN public SSH key (``id_rsa.pub``) to the ``~/.ssh/authorized_keys`` file:
.. code-block:: bash
cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Define an minimal working environment
See our :doc:`../environment_and_tools/index` chapters.
* Define minimal ssh configuration
To automate as much as possible connections to machines and compute nodes, create the following configuration file (``~/.ssh/config``) on your "workstation":
.. code-block::
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 60
ForwardX11Timeout 1d
TCPKeepAlive yes
ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11 yes # for Linux
# ForwardX11Trusted yes # for MacOSX
Compression yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
HashKnownHosts no
You can find **a more complete file** in the chapter :ref:`Example of SSH configuration `.
* vi/vim configuration file
See our :doc:`vim chapter in editors page <../environment_and_tools/editors>`.