Accounting reports
Analyzing past jobs
There are plenty of commands to gather analysis elements about jobs, mostly for debugging purpose. Here’s some examples:
jobs [1] (Usefull debug informations)
$ sacct -j $JOB_ID
$ sacct -j $JOB_ID -o node
$ sacct -j $JOB_ID -o JobIDRaw,JobName,NCPUS,MaxRSS,Elapsed
$ sacct -j $JOB_ID --format=User,JobID,ReqMem,MaxRss
$ sacct -j $JOB_ID -o maxrss
$ sacct -j $JOB_ID -lp | column -s '|' -t | less -S
$ sacct -j $JOB_ID -lp > $JOB_ID.csv
Reporting of resources consumption
You can gather resources consumption for your reports and articles. From (very) detailed to synthetic.
Whenever possible, thank you to acknowledge the use of PSMN resources, see science:accueil
All available for one user or for a whole lab (account), by job:
$ sacct -u $USER --start=2024-02-01 --format=JobID,elapsed,ncpus,ntasks,state,node
$ sacct -A $ACCOUNT -S 2024-01-01T00:00:00
Users (and Accounts) [2]
If you want “till today” report, you don’t have to specify end=
$ sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount format=Login,Account,Used -t Hours start=2024-01-01 end=2024-02-29 user=$USER
$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser format=Login,Account,Used -t Hours Start=2024-01-01T00:00 accounts=$ACCOUNT
Accounts list:
Accounts are projects, labs, group of labs (like bioensl) and whole institution (as ensl).
$ sacctmgr list account