Loris Marchal

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Contact and personnal information

Senior researcher at CNRS
Working in the LIP laboratory at ENS Lyon
Head of the ROMA team
More information in my accademic CV.

How to reach me:
e-mail: loris (dot) marchal (at) ens-lyon (dot) fr
mail: LIP - ENS LYON, 46 allée d'Italie, F-69364 Lyon Cedex 07
phone: (+33) (0)4 26 23 38 78
fax: (+33) (0)4 72 72 80 80
office: M7 304 (3rd floor), site Monod
PGP public key

photo-research Research and Projects

My research interests include parallel computing and scheduling, especially on heterogeneous platforms. For now, I am particularly interested by the problem of scheduling task graphs under memory and I/O constraints, the analysis of dynamic schedulers and the scheduling problems that appear on hybrid platforms.

Recent talks:

PhD students:

Currently advised: Previously:
Funded Projects

I am part of the ANR SOLHARIS project (2019-2023), and responsible for the "Scheduling" work-package. This project extends the ANR SOLHAR project (2013-2018), which aimed at studying and designing algorithms and parallel programming models for implementing direct methods for the solution of sparse linear systems on emerging computers equipped with accelerators. In SOLHARIS, we are mainly interested in scaling the strategies developed during the SOLHAR project to distributed platforms.


memDAG is library that handles task graphs (DAGs) with memory information. It is for example useful to compute or estimate the minimal sequential memory of a given DAG (or tree) of tasks, to compute the maximal memory of a parallel DAG processing and to tests several scheduling algorithms. It also includes an SP-ization algorithm, that is, an algorithm that transform any graph into a Series-Parallel graph by adding synchronisation vertices and edges.

Responsabilities and Service

Head of the ROMA research team

Responsible of the computer science section of the competitive exam for entering ENS-Lyon

Member of the scientific council of the Complexity and Algorithm working group of the GdR "Informatique Mathématique"

photo-teaching Teaching

In 2019 and 2020, I have given the course on Data Aware Algorithms of the "Master d'Informatique Fondamentale" at ENS Lyon.

In 2008, 2010 and 2012, I was in charge of the course on Scheduling of the "Master d'Informatique Fondamentale" at ENS Lyon.
During my PhD, I was responsible for the practicals of the course "Algo des Réseaux et de Telecoms". The material I made is still available here.


The following publications are extracted from HAL and sould contain all my recent publications.
The complete list of my publications is available on the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography.


Last modified: Oct. 2022