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L. Menou,
Y. Carrasco Salas, L. Lecoq, A. Salvetti, C.
Faivre-Moskalenko, M. Castelnovo; Phys. Rev. E, 2021, 104, 064408.
Abstract: Nanoindentation of viral capsids
provides an efficient tool in order to probe their
elastic properties. We investigate in the present
work the various sources of stiffness
heterogeneity as observed in atomic force
microscopy experiments. By combining experimental
results with both numerical and analytical
modeling, we first show that for small viruses, a
position-dependent stiffness is observed. This
effect is strong and has not been properly taken
into account previously. Moreover, we show that a
geometrical model is able to reproduce this effect
quantitatively. Our work suggests alternative ways
of measuring stiffness heterogeneities on small
viral capsids. This is illustrated on two
different viral capsids: Adeno associated virus
serotype 8 (AAV8) and hepatitis B virus (HBV with
T = 4). We discuss our results in light of
continuous elasticity modeling.
L. Menou,
M. Castelnovo; Soft
Matter, 2019, 15,
Abstract: Molecular self-assembly on a
curved substrate leads to the spontaneous
inclusion of topological defects in the growing
bidimensional crystal, unlike assembly on a flat
substrate. We propose in this work a quantitative
mechanism for this phenomenon by using standard
thin shell elasticity. The Gaussian curvature of
the substrate induces large in-plane compressive
stress as the surface grows, in particular at the
rim of the assembly, and the addition of a single
defect relaxes this mechanical stress. We found
out that the value of azimuthal stress at the rim
of the assembly determines the preferred
directions for defect nucleation. These results
are also discussed as a function of different
defect combinations, like dislocations and grain
boundaries or scars. In particular, the elastic
model permits us to compare quantitatively the
ability of various defects to relax mechanical
stress. Moreover, these findings allow us to
understand the progressive building-up of the
typical disclination and grain boundary pattern
observed for ground states of large 2D spherical
of AAV vector particle stability at the
single capsid level
Bernaud, A. Rossi, L. Gardette, L. Aillot, H.
Buning, M. Castelnovo, A. Salvetti, C.
Faivre-Moskalenko; J.
Biol. Phys., 2018,
44, 181.
Abstract: Virus families have evolved
different strategies for genome uncoating, which
are also followed by recombinant vectors. Vectors
derived from adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are
considered as leading delivery tools for in vivo
gene transfer, and in particular gene therapy.
Using a combination of atomic force microscopy
(AFM), biochemical experiments, and physical
modeling, we investigated here the physical
properties and stability of AAV vector particles.
We first compared the morphological properties of
AAV vectors derived from two different serotypes
(AAV8 and AAV9). Furthermore, we triggered ssDNA
uncoating by incubating vector particles to
increasing controlled temperatures. Our analyses,
performed at the single-particle level, indicate
that genome release can occur in vitro via two
alternative pathways: either the capsid remains
intact and ejects linearly the ssDNA molecule, or
the capsid is ruptured, leaving ssDNA in a compact
entangled conformation. The analysis of the length
distributions of ejected genomes further revealed
a two-step ejection behavior. We propose a kinetic
model aimed at quantitatively describing the
evolution of capsids and genomes along the
different pathways, as a function of time and
temperature. This model allows quantifying the
relative stability of AAV8 and AAV9 particles.
self-assembly pathway and mechanical stress
Castelnovo; Phys. Rev. E,
2017, 95,
Abstract: The final shape of a virus is
dictated by the self-assembly pathway of its
constituents. Using standard thin-shell
elasticity, we highlight the prominent role of the
viral shell’s spontaneous curvature in determining
the assembly pathway. In particular, we
demonstrate that the mechanical stress inherent to
the growth of a curved surface can be relaxed in
two different ways in the early steps of assembly,
depending on the value of the spontaneous
curvature of the surface. This important result
explains why most viral shells have either a
compact shape with icosahedral symmetry or an
elongated shape lacking this symmetry.
Tresset, M. Castelnovo, A. Leforestier; Reflets de la physique, 2017, 52, 22.
Abstract: Les
virus biologiques sontdes entités fascinantes qui
opposent une relative simplicité dans leur
structure à une surprenante sophistication dans
leur fonction. Bien qu’inertes,
leurs centaines voire milliers de composants
moléculaires s’assemblent et se désassemblent
spontanément dans un milieu cellulaire hétérogène et
encombré, avec une précision quasi-atomique et un
taux d’erreur marginal.
Les concepts théoriques
et expérimentaux de la physique statistique et des
fluides complexes permettent aujourd’huide décrire
la thermodynamique et les phénomènes hors équilibre
qui régissent l’assemblage et le désassemblage de
virus naturels ou synthétiques.
particle maximum likelihood reconstruction
from superresolution microscopy images
Verdier, J. Gunzenhauser, S. Manley, M.
Castelnovo; PLoS One, 2017, 12, e0172943.
Abstract: Point localization superresolution
microscopy enables fluorescently tagged molecules
to be imaged beyond the optical diffraction limit,
reaching single molecule localization precisions
down to a few nanometers. For small objects
whose sizes are few times this precision,
localization uncertainty prevents the
straightforward extraction of a structural model
from the reconstructed images. We demonstrate in
the present work that this limitation can be
overcome at the single particle level, requiring
no particle averaging, by using a maximum
likelihood reconstruction (MLR) method perfectly
suited to the stochastic nature of such
superresolution imaging. We validate this method
by extracting structural information from both
simulated and experimental PALM data of immature
virus-like particles of the Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV-1). MLR allows us to measure the
radii of individual viruses with precision of a
few nanometers and confirms the incomplete closure
of the viral protein lattice. The quantitative
results of our analysis are consistent with
previous cryoelectron microscopy
characterizations. Our study establishes the
framework for a method that can be broadly
applied to PALM data to determine the structural
parameters for an existing structural model, and
is particularly well suited to heterogeneous
features due to its single particle
Verdier, L. Foret, M. Castelnovo; J. Phys Chem B, 2016, 120, 26, 6411.
Abstract: In this work, we explore
theoretically the kinetics of molecular
self-assembly in the presence of constant monomer
flux as an input, and a maximal size. The proposed
model is supposed to reproduce the dynamics of
viral self-assembly for envelopped virus. Our
results show that the convergence towards the
stationary state is reached through assembly
waves. Interestingly, we show that the production
of complete clusters is much more efficient in the
presence of a constant input flux, rather than
providing all monomers at the beginning of the
J., Castelnovo M., Muriaux D.,
Faivre-Moskalenko C.; M.S.
- Medecine sciences , 2015, 31, 522.
Abstract: Each step of the HIV-1 life cycle
frequently involves a change in the morphology
and/or mechanical properties of the viral particle
or core. The atomic force microscope (AFM)
constitutes a powerful tool for characterizing
these physical changes at the scale of a single
virus. Indeed, AFM enables the visualization of
viral capsids in a controlled physiological
environment and to probe their mechanical
properties by nano-indentation. Finally, AFM force
spectroscopy allows to characterize the affinities
between viral envelope proteins and cell receptors
at the single molecule level.
DNA accessibility induced by chromatin
remodeling and protein binding
Montel F.,
Faivre-Moskalenko C., Castelnovo M., ; Phys. Rev. E , 2014, 90, 052717.
Abstract: Chromatin remodeling factors are
enzymes being able to alter locally chromatin
structure at the nucleosomal level and they
actively participate in the regulation of gene
expression. Using simple rules for individual
nucleosome motion induced by a remodeling factor,
we designed simulations of the remodeling of
oligomeric chromatin, in order to address
quantitatively collective effects in DNA
accessibility upon nucleosome mobilization. Our
results suggest that accessibility profiles are
inhomogeneous thanks to borders effects like
protein binding. Remarkably, we show that the
accessibility lifetime of DNA sequence is roughly
doubled in the vicinity of borders as compared to
its value in bulk regions far from the borders.
These results are quantitatively interpreted as
resulting from the confined diffusion of a large
nucleosome depleted region.
M., Verdier T., Foret L.; Europhys.
Lett. , 2014, 105,
Abstract: We study theoretically in the
present work the self-assembly of molecules in an
open system, which is fed by monomers and depleted
in partial or complete clusters. Such a scenario
is likely to occur for example in the context of
viral self-assembly. We provide a general formula
for the mean-field size distribution which is
valid both at equilibrium in a closed system, and
in the stationary state in an open system. This
allows us to explore in a simple way
out-of-equilibrium features for self-assembly and
compare them to equilibrium properties. In
particular, we identify a region of parameter
space for which the out-of-equilibrium size
distribution in the presence of external fluxes is
equal to the equilibrium size distribution in the
absence of external fluxes, up to a constant
renormalization factor. The range of validity of
this result and its consequences are discussed.
Faivre-Moskalenko, C., Thomas A., Tartour
K., Bernaud J., Beck Y., Iazykov M., Danial J.,
Lourdin M., Muriaux D., Castelnovo M.; PLoS One 2014, 9, e83874.
Abstract: HIV-1, an enveloped RNA virus,
produces viral particles that are known to be much
more heterogeneous in size than the one of
non-enveloped viruses. We present here a novel
strategy to study HIV-1 Viral Like Particles (VLP)
assembly by measuring the size distribution of
these purified VLP and subsequent viral cores
thanks to Atomic Force Microscopy imaging and
statistical analysis. This strategy allowed us to
identify whether the presence or the absence of
viral RNA acts as a modulator for VLP and cores
size heterogeneity in a large population of
particles. These results are analyzed in the light
of statistical physics of the self- assembly
process. In particular, our results reveal that
the modulation of size distribution by the
presence of viral RNA, or its absence, is
qualitatively reproduced within this model, and is
essentially an entropic effect associated to the
modulation of RNA uptake by the nascent
control of particle size during viral
M., Muriaux D., Faivre-Moskalenko C.; New Journal of Physics ,
2013, 15, 035028.
Abstract: Morphologic diversity is observed
across all families of viruses. Yet these
supra-molecular assemblies are produced most of
the time in a spontaneous way through complex
molecular self-assembly scenarios. The modeling of
these phenomena remains a challenging problem
within the emerging field of Physical Virology. We
present in this work a theoretical analysis aiming
at highlighting the particular role of
configuration entropy in the control of viral
particle size distribution. Specializing this
model to retroviruses like HIV-1, we predict a new
mechanism of entropic control of both RNA uptake
into the viral particle, and of the particle’s
size distribution. Evidence of this peculiar
behavior has been recently reported
packaging limits and infectivity of phage
E, Castelnovo M., Medina E., Catalano CE.,
Evilevitch. A; J. Mol.
Biol. , 2012, 415,263-273.
Abstract: The terminase motors of
bacteriophages have been shown to be among the
strongest active machines in the biomolecular
world, being able to package several tens of
kilobase pairs of viral genome into a capsid
within minutes. Yet these motors are hindered at
the end of the packaging process by the
progressive build-up of a force resisting
packaging associated with already packaged DNA. In
this experimental work, we raise the issue of what
sets the upper limit on the length of the genome
that can be packaged by the terminase motor of
phage λ and still yield infectious
virions, and the conditions under which this can
be efficiently performed. Using a packaging
strategy developed in our laboratory of building
phage λ from scratch, together with
plaque assay monitoring, we have been able to show
that the terminase motor of phage λ is
able to produce infectious particles with up to
110% of the wild-type (WT) λ-DNA
length. However, the phage production rate, and
thus the infectivity, decreased exponentially with
increasing DNA length, and was a factor of 103 lower
for the 110% λ-DNA phage. Interestingly, our in vitro strategy was still efficient in
fully packaging phages with DNA lengths as high as
114% of the WT length, but these viruses were
unable to infect bacterial cells efficiently.
Further, we demonstrated that the phage production
rate is modulated by the presence of multivalent
ionic species. The biological consequences of
these finding are discussed.
•RSC remodeling of
oligo-nucleosomes: an atomic force
microscopy study; Montel F.,
Castelnovo M., Menoni H., Angelov D., Dimitrov
S., Faivre-Moskalenko C. ;
Nuc. Ac. Research. , 2011, 39, 2571-2579.
Abstract: RSC is an
essential chromatin remodeling factor that is
required for the control of several processes
including transcription, repair and replication. The
ability of RSC to relocate centrally positioned
mononucleosomes at the end of nucleosomal DNA is
firmly established, but the data on RSC action on
oligo-nucleosomal templates remains still scarce. By
using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) imaging, we have
quantitatively studied the RSC- induced mobilization
of positioned di- and trinucleosomes as well as the
directionality of mobilization on mononucleosomal
template labeled at one end with streptavidin. AFM
imaging showed only a limited set of distinct
configurational states for the remodeling products.
No stepwise or preferred directionality of the
nucleosome motion was observed. Analysis of the
corresponding reaction pathways allows deciphering
the mechanistic features of RSC-induced nucleosome
relocation. The final outcome of RSC remodeling of
oligosome templates is the packing of the
nucleosomes at the edge of the template, providing
large stretches of DNA depleted of nucleosomes. This
feature of RSC may be used by the cell to overcome
the barrier imposed by the presence of nucleosomes.
heats up: Energetics of genome ejection from
phage revealed by isothermal titration
calorimetry ;
Jeembaeva M., Jonnson B., Castelnovo M.,
Evilevitch A. ;
J. Mol. Biol. , 2010, 395, 1079-1087.
Abstract: Most
bacteriophages are known to inject their
double-stranded DNA into bacteria upon receptor
binding in an essentially spontaneous way. This
downhill thermodynamic process from the intact
virion toward the empty viral capsid plus released
DNA is made possible by the energy stored during
active packaging of the genome into the capsid. Only
indirect measurements of this energy have been
available until now using either single-molecule or
osmotic suppression techniques. In this paper, we
describe for the first time the use of isothermal
titration calorimetry to directly measure the heat
released (or equivalently the enthalpy) during DNA
ejection from phage lambda, triggered in solution by
a solubilized receptor. Quantitative analysis of the
results lead to the identification of thermodynamic
determinants associated to DNA ejection. The values
obtained were found to be consistent with those
previously predicted by analytical models and
numerical simulations. Moreover, the results confirm
the role of DNA hydration in the energetics of
genome confinement in viral capsids.
dynamics of individual nucleosomes controls
the chromatin condensation pathway: direct AFM
visualization of variant chromatin; Montel F., Menoni H.,
Castelnovo M., Bednar J., Dimitrov S., Angelov
A., Faivre-Moskalenko C. ; Biophys. J. , 2009 ,97, 544-553.
Abstract: Chromatin
organization and dynamics is studied in this work at
scales ranging from single nucleosome to nucleosomal
array by using a unique combination of biochemical
assays, single molecule imaging technique and
numerical modeling. We demonstrate that a subtle
modification in the nucleosome structure induced by
the histone variant H2A.Bbd drastically modifies the
higher order organization of the nucleosomal arrays.
Importantly, as directly visualized by AFM,
conventional H2A nucleosomal arrays exhibit specific
local organization,in contrast to H2A.Bbd arrays,
which show "beads on a string" structure. The
combination of systematic image analysis and
theoretical modeling allows a quantitative
description relating the observed gross structural
changes of the arrays to their local organization.
Our results strongly suggest that higher-order
organization of H1-free nucleosomal arrays is mainly
determined by the fluctuation properties of
individual nucleosomes. Moreover, numerical
simulations suggest the existence of attractive
interactions between nucleosomes to provide the
degree of compaction observed for conventional
chromatin fibers.
•Osmotic pressure: resisting or
promoting DNA ejection from phage? Jeembaeva M., Castelnovo M.,
Larsson F., Evilevitch A. ; J. Mol. Biol. , 2008 , 381, 310-323.
Abstract: Recent in vitro experiments have
shown that DNA ejection from bacteriophage can be
partially stopped by surrounding osmotic pressure
when ejected DNA is digested by DNAse I on the
course of ejection. We argue in this work by
combination of experimental techniques (osmotic
suppression without DNAse I monitored by UV
absorbance, pulse-field electrophoresis, and cryo-EM
visualization) and simple scaling modeling that
intact genome (i.e.
undigested) ejection in a crowded
environment is, on the contrary, enhanced or
eventually complete with the help of a pulling force
resulting from DNA condensation induced by the
osmotic stress itself. This demonstrates that in
vivo, the osmotically stressed cell cytoplasm will
promote phage DNA ejection rather than resisting it.
The further addition of DNA-binding proteins under
crowding conditions is shown to enhance the extent
of ejection. We also found some optimal crowding
conditions for which DNA content remaining in the
capsid upon ejection is maximum, which correlates
well with the optimal conditions of maximum DNA
packaging efficiency into viral capsids observed
almost 20 years ago. Biological consequences of this
finding are discussed.
•Effects of salt
concentrations and bending energy on the
extent of ejection of phage genomes;
Evilevitch A., Fang L. T., Yoffe A., Castelnovo
M., Rau D. C., Parsegian A. V., Gelbart W. M.,
Knobler C. M. ; Biophys.
J. , 2008 ,
94, 1110-1120.
Abstract: Recent work has
shown that pressures inside dsDNA phage capsids can
be as high as many tens of atmospheres; it is this
pressure that is responsible for
initiation of the delivery of phage genomes
to host cells. The forces driving ejection of the
genome have been shown to
decrease monotonically as ejection proceeds, and
hence to be strongly dependent on the genome length.
Here we investigate the
effects of ambient salts on the pressures inside
phage lambda, for the cases of mono-, di-, and
tetra-valent cations and measure how
the extent of ejection against a fixed osmotic
pressure (mimicking the bacterial cytoplasm) varies with
cation concentration. We find, for example, that the
ejection fraction is halved upon
the addition of 30 mM Mg2+ and is
decreased by a factor of ten upon
addition of 1mM spermine. These effects are
calculated from a simple model of genome packaging,
using DNA-DNA repulsion
energies as determined independently from X-ray
diffraction measurements on bulk DNA solutions. By
comparing the measured ejection
fractions with values implied from the bulk
DNA solution data, we predict that the bending
energy makes the d-spacings inside the
capsid larger than those for bulk DNA
at the same osmotic pressure.
•Biophysics of viral
infectivity: matching genome length with
capsid size; Nurmemmedov, E.;
Castelnovo, M. ;Catalano , C.E.; Evilevitch
A., ; Quart.
Rev. Biophysics
, 2007 , 40, 327-356.
Abstract: In this review,
we discuss recent advances in biophysical virology,
presenting experimental and theoretical studies on
the physical properties of viruses. We focus on the
double-stranded (ds) DNA bacteriophages as model
systems for all of the dsDNA viruses both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Recent studies
demonstrate that the DNA packaged into viral capsid
is highly pressurized, which provides a force for
the first step of passive injection of viral DNA
into a bacterial cell. Moreover, specific studies on
capsid strength show a strong correlation between
genome length and capsid size and robustness. The
implications of these newly appreciated physical
properties of a viral particle with respect to the
infection process are discussed.
ejection from bacteriophage: towards a general
behavior for osmotic-supression experiments, Castelnovo, M.;Evilevitch
A. ; Eur. Phys.
J. E , 2007 , 24, 9-18.
Abstract: We present in
this work in vitro measurements of the force
ejecting DNA from two distinct bacteriophages (T5
and λ) using the osmotic-suppression technique. Our
data are analyzed by revisiting the current theories
of DNA packaging in spherical capsids. In particular
we show that a simplified analytical model based on
bending considerations only is able to account
quantitatively for the experimental findings.
Physical and biological consequences are discussed.
•AFM Imaging of SWI/SNF action:
mapping the nucleosome remodeling and
Montel F., Fontaine E., Saint-Jean P.,
Castelnovo, M.; Moskalenko-Faivre C. Biophys. J., 2007 , 93, 566-578.
Abstract: We propose a
combined experimental (Atomic Force Microscopy) and
theoretical study of the structural and dynamical
properties of nucleosomes. In contrast to
biochemical approaches, this method allows to
determine simultaneously the DNA complexed length
distribution and nucleosome position in various
contexts. First, we show that differences in the
nucleo-proteic structure observed between
conventional H2A and H2A.Bbd variant nucleosomes
induce quantitative changes in the in the length
distribution of DNA complexed with histones. Then,
the sliding action of remodeling complex SWI/SNF is
characterized through the evolution of the
nucleosome position and wrapped DNA length mapping.
Using a linear energetic modelfor the distribution
of DNA complexed length, we extract the net wrapping
energy of DNA onto the histone octamer, and compare
it to previous studies.
of positioned nucleosomes; Castelnovo, M.; Grauwin S.;
Biophys. J., 2007, 92, 3022-3031.
Abstract: We present in
this paper an original approach to compute the
electrophoretic mobility of rigid nucleo-protein
complexes like nucleosomes. This model allows to
address theoretically the influence of complex
position along DNA, as well as wrapped length of DNA
on the electrophoretic mobility of the complex. The
predictions of the model are in qualitative
agreement with experimental results on
mononucleosomes assembled on short DNA fragments
(<400bp). Influence of additional experimental
parameters like gel concentration, ionic strength,
effective charges is also discussed in the framework
of the model, and is found to be qualitatively
consistent with experiments when available. Based on
the present model, we propose a simple
semi-empirical formula describing positioning of
nucleosomes as seen through electrophoresis.
effects in multivalent Gibbs-Donnan
Castelnovo, M.; Evilevitch, A.; Europhys. Lett., 2006, 73, 635-642.
Abstract: The classical
Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium describes excess osmotic
pressure associated with confined colloidal charges
embedded in an electrolyte solution. In this work,
we extend this approach to describe the influence of
multivalent ion binding on the equilibrium force
acting on a charged rod translocating between two
compartments, thereby mimicking ionic effects on
force balance during in
vitro DNA ejection from bacteriophage. The
subtle interplay between Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium
and adsorption equilibrium leads to a non-monotonic
variation of the ejection force as multivalent salt
concentration is increased, in qualitative agreement
with experimental observations.
•Measuring the Force
Ejecting DNA from Phage;
Evilevitch, A.; Castelnovo, M.; Knobler, C.M.;
Gelbart, W.M. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004, 108(21), 6838-6843.
Abstract: We discuss
how a balance can be established between the force
acting to eject DNA from viral capsids and the force
resisting its entry into a colloidal suspension that
mimics the host cell cytoplasm. The ejection force
arises from the energy stored in the capsid as a
consequence of the viral genome (double-stranded
DNA) being strongly bent and crowded on itself. The
resisting force is associated with the osmotic
pressure exerted by the colloidal particles in the
host solution. Indeed, recent experimental work has
demonstrated that the extent of ejection can be
progressively limited by increasing the external
osmotic pressure; at a sufficiently high pressure,
the ejection is completely suppressed. We outline
here a theoretical analysis that allows a
determination of the internal (capsid) pressure by
examining the different relations between force and
pressure inside and outside the capsid using the
experimentally measured position of the force
•Semiflexible Chain
Condensation by Neutral Depleting Agents: Role
of Correlations between Depletants; Castelnovo, M.;
Gelbart, W. M.; Macromolecules,2004, 37(9), 3510-3517.
Abstract: We revisit
the problem of semiflexible chain condensation by
neutral depleting agents (e.g., colloidal spheres or
flexible polymers) by using a simple formalism that
allows us to address its main features without
specifying the kind of depleting agents.
Correlations between depleting agents are shown to
produce a reswelling of the chain at high enough
volume fraction, consistent with an earlier analysis
by Grosberg et al. [Biopolymers 1982, 21, 2413] in
the context of DNA condensation induced by neutral
polymers. It is also shown that the conditions under
which spherical colloids can condense a semiflexible
chain are strongly restrictive, unlike what has been
recently claimed. The formalism allows us to compare
the efficiency of colloids vs polymers as condensing
of Micellization of Oppositely Charged
Castelnovo, M. ; Europhysics Letters, 2003, 62 (6), 841-847.
Abstract: The
complexation of oppositely charged colloidal objects
is considered in this paper as a thermodynamic
micellization process where each kind of object
needs the others to micellize. This requirement
gives rise to quantitatively different behaviors
than the so-called mixed-micellization where each
species can micellize separately. A simple model of
the grand potential for micelles is proposed to
corroborate the predictions of this general
•Osmotic Force Resisting Chain
Insertion in a Colloidal Suspension, Castelnovo, M.; Bowles,
R.K.; Reiss, H; Gelbart ,W.M. ; European Physical Journal E, 2003, 10(2):,191-197.
Abstract :We
consider the problem of inserting a stiff chain into
a colloidal suspension of particles that interact
with it through excluded volume forces. The free
energy of insertion is associated with the work of
creating a cavity devoid of colloid and sufficiently
large to accommodate the chain. The corresponding
work per unit length is the force that resists the
entry of the chain into the colloidal suspension. In
the case of a hard sphere fluid, this work can be
calculated straightforwardly within the scaled
particle theory; for solutions of flexible polymers,
on the other hand, we employ simple scaling
arguments. The forces computed in these ways are
shown, for nanometer chain and colloid diameters, to
be of the order of tens of pN
for solution volume fractions of a few tenths. These
magnitudes are argued to be important for
biophysical processes such as the ejection of DNA
from viral capsids into the cell cytoplasm.
•Phase Diagram of Diblock
Polyampholyte Solutions; Castelnovo, M; Joanny,
J.F.;Macromolecules, 2002, 35(11); 4531-4538.
Abstract: We discuss
in this paper the phase diagram of a diblock
polyampholyte solution in the limit of high ionic
strength as a function of concentration and charge
asymmetry. This system is shown to be very similar
to solutions of so-called charged-neutral diblock
copolymers: at zero charge asymmetry, the solution
phase separates into a polyelectrolyte complex and
almost pure solvent. Above a charge asymmetry
threshold, the copolymers are soluble as finite size
aggregates. Scaling laws of the aggregates radius as
a function of pH of the solution are in qualitative
agreement with experiments.
between Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes:
Beyond the Random Phase Approximation; Castelnovo, M.; Joanny,
J.F., European
Physical Journal E, 2001, 6(5); 377-386.
Abstract: We
consider the phase behavior of polymeric systems by
calculating the structure factors beyond the Random
Phase Approximation. The effect of this correction
to the mean-field RPA structure factor is shown to
be important in the case of Coulombic systems. Two
examples are given: simple electrolytes and mixtures
of incompatible oppositely charged polyelectrolytes.
In this last case, all former studies predicted an
enhancement of compatibility for increasing charge
densities; we also describe the complexation
transition between the polyelectrolytes. We
determine a phase diagram of the polyelectrolyte
mixture that includes both complexation and
•Charge Distribution on
Annealed Polyelectrolytes; Castelnovo, M.; Sens, P.;
Joanny, J.F. European
Physical Journal E, 2000, 1(2-3); 115-125.
Abstract: We
investigate the equilibrium charge distribution
along a single annealed polyelectrolyte chain under
different conditions. The coupling between the
conformation of the chain and the local charge
distribution is described for various solvent
qualities and salt concentration. In salt free
solution, we find a slight charge depletion in the
central part of the chain: the charges accumulate at
the ends. The effect is less important if salt is
added to the solution since the charge inhomogeneity
is localized close to the chain ends over a distance
of order of the Debye length. In the case of poor
solvent conditions we find a different charge per
monomer in the beads and in the strings in the
framework of the necklace model. This inhomogeneity
leads to a charge instability and a first order
transition between spherical globules and elongated
•Formation of Polyelectrolyte
Castelnovo, M.; Joanny, J.F., Langmuir, 2000, 16(19); 7524-7532.
Abstract: A
mechanism for the formation of polyelectrolyte
multilayers is proposed. All of the experiments on
such systems show that there is strong
interpenetration of consecutive layers. We explain
the very strong stability of the multilayers by the
complexation between polyelectrolytes of opposite
signs. Scaling laws on bulk polyelectrolyte
complexation and their applications to the case of
multilayers are derived in analogy with the
description of neutral polymers under poor solvent
conditions. Qualitative agreement is reached with
some recent experiments.
•Adsorption of Charged
Polymers; Joanny, J.F.;
Castelnovo, M.; Netz, R.R., Journal of Physics-Condensed
Matter, 2000, 12(8A); A1-A7.
Abstract: We review some of the theoretical results that we have obtained recently on the adsorption of polyelectrolytes on surfaces of opposite charge. We consider two problems, the formation of polyelectrolyte multilayers and the formation of complexes between rigid polyelectrolytes and small spheres. For polyelectrolyte multilayers, the overcompensation of the adsorbing surface charge and the anchoring between consecutive layers are studied. For polyelectrolyte-sphere complexes, the wrapping of the polymer on the sphere is shown to occur continuously at low ionic strength and discontinuously at high ionic strength. The findings of some recent experiments are briefly compared with our results.