@ARTICLE{BDKMR05, AUTHOR = {Brisebarre, N. and Defour, D. and Kornerup, P. and Muller, J.-M. and Revol, N.}, TITLE = {A new range reduction algorithm}, YEAR = {2005} JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, VOLUME = {54}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {331--339} }
@ARTICLE{ReRo02, AUTHOR = {Revol, N. and Rouillier, F.}, TITLE = {{Motivations for an Arbitrary Precision Interval Arithmetic and the MPFI Library}}, JOURNAL = {Reliable Computing}, VOLUME = {11}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {275--290}, YEAR = 2005 }
@ARTICLE{RMB05, AUTHOR = {Revol, N. and Makino, K. and Berz, M.}, TITLE = {Taylor models and floating-point arithmetic: proof that arithmetic operations are validated in {COSY}}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming}, VOLUME = {64}, PAGES = {135--154}, YEAR = 2005 }
@ARTICLE{DHLMRZ04, AUTHOR = {Defour, D. and Hanrot, G. and Lef{\`e}vre, V. and Muller, J.-M. and Revol, N. and Zimmermann, P.}, TITLE = {{Proposal for a Standardization of Mathematical Function Implementation in Floating-Point Arithmetic}}, JOURNAL = {Numerical Algorithms}, VOLUME = {37}, NUMBER = {1-4}, PAGES = 367--375, YEAR = 2004 }
@ARTICLE{Revol01:NA, AUTHOR = {Revol, N.}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-4334.html}, TITLE = {Newton's algorithm using multiple precision interval arithmetic}, JOURNAL = {Numerical Algorithms}, VOLUME = 34, NUMBER = 2, PAGES = {417-426}, YEAR = {2003} }
@ARTICLE{RY00:RC, AUTHOR = {Revol, N. and Yakoubsohn, J.-C.}, JOURNAL = {Reliable Computing}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {1--13}, TITLE = {Accelerated Shift-and-Add algorithms}, VOLUME = {6}, URL = {http://ano.univ-lille1.fr/pub/1999/ano395.ps.Z}, YEAR = {2000} }
@ARTICLE{RR96:TCS, AUTHOR = {Revol, N. and Roch, J.-L.}, JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science A}, MONTH = jul, PAGES = {133-150}, TITLE = {Parallel evaluation of arithmetic circuits}, VOLUME = {162}, YEAR = {1996} }
@ARTICLE{Revol01:CP, AUTHOR = {Revol, N.}, JOURNAL = {Calculateurs Parall\`eles}, TITLE = {Arithm\'etique par intervalles}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {387--426}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-4267.html}, YEAR = {2001} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{GPR03, AUTHOR = {Grimmer, M. and Petras, K. and Revol, N.}, TITLE = {{Multiple Precision Interval Packages: Comparing Different Approaches}}, BOOKTITLE = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = 2991, PAGES = {64--90}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-4841.html}, YEAR = {2004} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RDMP01:PPAM, AUTHOR = {Revol, N. and Denneulin, Y. and M\'ehaut, J.-F. and Planquelle, B.}, BOOKTITLE = {PPAM'01 (Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics), Poland}, EDITOR = {LNCS}, VOLUME = 2328, PAGES = {803--310}, TITLE = {A methodology of parallelization for continuous verified global optimization}, URL = {http://ano.univ-lille1.fr/pub/1999/ano404.ps.Z}, NOTE = {(old version available as ANO research report)}, YEAR = {2002} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{PMR99:EuroPar, AUTHOR = {Planquelle, B. and M\'ehaut, J.-F. and Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {EuroPar'99, Toulouse, France}, EDITOR = {{LNCS Springer-Verlag}}, NUMBER = {1685}, PAGES = {139-143}, TITLE = {Multi-protocol communications and high performance networks}, URL = {ftp://ftp.ens-lyon.fr/pub/LIP/Rapports/RR/RR1999/RR1999-23.ps.Z}, YEAR = {1999} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{PMR99:PDPTA, AUTHOR = {Planquelle, B. and M\'ehaut, J.-F. and Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {PDPTA (Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications)}, EDITOR = {H.R. Arabnia , {CSREA Press}}, PAGES = {779-785}, TITLE = {{MC-PM2}: Multi-cluster approach with {PM2}}, VOLUME = {II}, YEAR = {1999} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RR94:NMA, AUTHOR = {Revol, N. and Roch, J.-L.}, BOOKTITLE = {Numerical Methods and Applications}, EDITOR = {Dimov, I. T. and Sendov, B. and Vassilevski, P. S.}, PAGES = {265--273}, TITLE = {Automatic parallelization of numerical programs in fields and lattices}, YEAR = {1994} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{CDMR07:ICIAM, AUTHOR = {Ch\`aves, F. and Daumas, M. and Mu\~noz, C. and Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {ICIAM'07}, TITLE = {{Automatic strategies to evaluate formulas on Taylor models and generate proofs in PVS}}, YEAR = {2007} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Revol07:ICIAM, AUTHOR = {Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {ICIAM'07}, TITLE = {{Implementing Taylor models arithmetic with floating-point arithmetic}}, YEAR = {2007} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Revol06:TWM, AUTHOR = {Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {4th Workshop on Taylor Models}, TITLE = {{Implementing Taylor models arithmetic with floating-point arithmetic: bounding roundoff errors}}, YEAR = {2006} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Revol06:SCAN, AUTHOR = {Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {SCAN'06}, TITLE = {{Design choices and their limits for an interval arithmetic library. The example of MPFI.}}, YEAR = {2006} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{CR06:ICMS, TITLE = {Computation of the error functions erf and erfc in arbitrary precision with correct rounding}, YEAR = 2006, AUTHOR = {Chevillard, S. and Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Mathematical Software}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{CR05:IMACS, TITLE = {Computation of the error functions erf and erfc in arbitrary precision with correct rounding}, YEAR = 2005, AUTHOR = {Chevillard, S. and Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {17th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, July 2005} }
@Misc{Revol05:IMACS,, TITLE = {Bounding roundoff errors in Taylor models arithmetic}, YEAR = 2005, AUTHOR = {Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {17th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, July 2005} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Revol04:SCAN, AUTHOR = {N. Revol}, TITLE = {Convergent linear recurrences (with scalar coefficients) with divergent interval simulations}, BOOKTITLE = {SCAN 2004 (11th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics), Fukuoka, Japan}, YEAR = {2004} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Revol03:ACA, AUTHOR = {N. Revol}, TITLE = {Multiple precision interval arithmetic and application to linear systems}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra}, YEAR = {2003} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{DKMR01:Asilomar, AUTHOR = {Defour, D. and Kornerup, P. and Muller, J.-M. and Revol, N.}, INSTITUTION = {INRIA}, NUMBER = {RR 4267}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-4267.html}, BOOKTITLE = {35th conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Asilomar}, TITLE = {A new range reduction algorithm}, YEAR = {2001} }
@TECHREPORT{MHR01, AUTHOR = {Mohamed El Hadj, Y. O. and Revol, N. and Meziane, A.}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-4110.html}, INSTITUTION = {INRIA}, NUMBER = {4110}, TITLE = {Parallelization of automatic speech recognition}, TYPE = {Research report}, YEAR = {2001} }
@TECHREPORT{LR01:MCS, AUTHOR = {Langlois, P. and Revol, N.}, URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-4205.html}, INSTITUTION = {INRIA}, NUMBER = {4205}, TITLE = {Validating polynomial numerical computations with complementary automatic methods}, TYPE = {Research report (submitted to Math. and Comp. in Sim.)}, YEAR = {2001} }
@INCOLLECTION{R99:ParDi, AUTHOR = {Revol, N.}, BOOKTITLE = {\'ecole d'automne de 3e cycle sur le Calcul Parall\`ele et Distribu\'e ParDi}, PUBLISHER = {Oujda, Maroc}, URL = {http://ano.univ-lille1.fr/pub/2000/ano417.ps.Z}, TITLE = {Parall\'elisation d'applications irr\'eguli\`eres : exemples en optimisation combinatoire et en optimisation globale par intervalles}, YEAR = {1999} }
@INBOOK{BR97, AUTHOR = {Bajard, J.-C. and Revol, N.}, CHAPTER = {Arithm\'etique multi-pr\'ecision}, PUBLISHER = {Masson}, TITLE = {{Qualit\'e des calculs sur ordinateur -- Vers des arithm\'etiques plus fiables~? (M. Daumas et J.-M. Muller eds)}}, YEAR = {1997} }
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