\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

% a nice font

% basic text stuff

\usepackage{tikz} % main tikz package
\usepackage{tikz-network} % for network / graph utilities

% for a nicer colorscheme

        %\clip (0,0) rectangle (6,6);
        \coordinate (13) at (3.572,1.845);
        \fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(13) ($ (13) + (-0.4,0.3)$) ($ (13) + (-0.5,0.1)$)};
        \fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(13) ($ (13) + (-0.2,-0.4)$) ($ (13) + (0.05,-0.4)$)};
        \fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(13) ($ (13) + (0.15,0.45)$) ($ (13) + (0.4,0.4)$)};

        \node (degree) at ($ (13) + (2.7,0.2) $)
        {\color{orange}{\tiny{\emph{node degree} (number
        of neighbours)}}};
        \node (degree) at ($ (13) + (3,-0.2) $)
        {\color{orange}{\tiny{\emph{node strength} (sum of adjacent edges

        \Vertex[color=green, x=4.839,y=3.250,size=0.3,]{3}
        \node (clustering) at (6.4,3.25) {\color{green}{\tiny{\shortstack{\emph{clustering coefficient}\\ fraction of triangles in \\ the node's neighbourhood}}}};
        \Vertex[color=blue!50, x=2.927,y=5.785,size=0.3, ]{4}
        \Vertex[x=1.690,y=5.800,size=0.3,color = blue!50, ]{5}
        \node (shortest) at (3.2,3.4) {\color{blue}{\tiny{\emph{shortest paths}}}};
        \Vertex[x=2.194,y=4.296,size=0.3,color = blue]{6}
        \node (centrality) at (-0.1, 4.3)
        {\color{blue}{\tiny{\shortstack{\emph{betweenness centrality}\\
        fraction of all pairwise shortest \\ paths going through a node}}}};
        \Vertex[x=2.295,y=0.200,size=0.3, color = blue!50,]{10}
        \Edge[lw=2, color=blue!50 ,bend=8.531](5)(6)
        \Edge[lw=2, color=blue!50, style={dashed},bend=-8.531](4)(6)
        \Edge[lw=2, color=blue!50 ,bend=-8.531](6)(12)
        \Edge[lw=2, color=blue!50, style={dashed},bend=-8.531](6)(14)
        \Edge[lw=2, color=blue!50,bend=-8.531](9)(10)
        \Edge[lw=2, color=blue!50 ,bend=-8.531](9)(12)
        \Edge[lw=2, color=blue!50, style={dashed},bend=-8.531](11)(14)