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During a talk about his article [Gra1] in Oberwolfach, D.W. Masser asked F. Gramain the following question : are the entire functions $\displaystyle{f}$ solutions of the difference equations system  
 \sum_{0 \leq m \leq M} P_m(z)f(z+...
 ...sum_{0 \leq n \leq N} Q_n(z)f(z+n\beta )= 0,\end{array} \right.\end{displaymath} (1)
(where $(P_m)_{0 \leq m \leq M}$ and $(Q_n)_{0 \leq n \leq N} $ are finite sequences of $ \mathbb C[z]$ with $P_M Q_N \neq 0$, $\alpha 
$ and $\beta$ being complex numbers linearly independent over $\mathbb R$) necessarily exponential polynomials, i.e. functions of the shape $\sum_{i=1}^{K} a_i (z) e^{\alpha_i z}$ with $\displaystyle{ a_i} $ in $ \mathbb C[z]$ and $\alpha_i $ in $\mathbb C$ for all $\displaystyle{i}$ ?

In a first article [BéGra1], J.-P. Bézivin and F. Gramain gave a negative answer to this question considering the example of the function $\displaystyle{f(z)=(e^z-1)/z}$, and showed that if $\alpha/\beta$ belongs to $\mathbb C\backslash \mathbb R$ and if the coefficients of one of the two equations are constant, then $\displaystyle{f}$ is an exponential polynomial. Moreover, they proved, still assuming that $\alpha/\beta$ belongs to $\mathbb C\backslash \mathbb R$, a serie of partial results that allowed us to conjecture that every entire solution of a system with polynomial coefficients is the quotient of an exponential polynomial by a polynomial. This conjecture has been proved with other results in a second article [BéGra2] :

Théorème  [J.-P. Bézivin- F. Gramain]
Let $\displaystyle{f}$ an entire function entière solution of the system (1) then $\displaystyle{f}$ is the quotient of an exponential polynomial by a polynomial.

In fact, we can replace the right members of (1) by exponential polynomials. We only have to notice, as in the "Lemme 2.5" of [BéGra1], that for every complex number $\alpha 
$ and for every exponential polynomial $\Phi$, there exists a finite relation of linear dépendence over $\mathbb C$ between the shifts of $\Phi$ by $\alpha 
$ (we say that $\alpha 
$ is a recurrent step for the entire function $\Phi$ -it is a definition due to D. Masser).

In the last part of [BriHab], we present an algorithm that allows to determine the entire solutions of the systèm (1).

Moreover, J.-P. Bézivin and F. Gramain proved in [BéGra2] that if we replace, in the second equation of (1), the shifts of $\displaystyle{f}$ by $\beta$ by derivatives of $\displaystyle{f}$, an entire solution $\displaystyle{f}$ is still the quotient of an exponential polynomial by a polynomial. The algorithm slightly modified allows again to determine the entire solutions $\displaystyle{f}$ of the system.  
 \sum_{0 \leq m \leq M} P_m(z)f(z+...
 ... \sum_{0 \leq n \leq N} Q_n(z)f^{(n)}(z)= 0,\end{array} \right.\end{displaymath} (2)
where $(P_m)_{0 \leq m \leq M}$ and $(Q_n)_{0 \leq n \leq N} $ are finite sequences of $ \mathbb C[z]$ with $P_M Q_N \neq 0$, $\alpha 
$ being a non zero complex number.

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