Nicolas B. Garnier
Chargé de Recherche, CNRS
Phone: (33)
Fax: (33)
Office: R123
Laboratoire de Physique
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46 Allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon CEDEX 07
email: Nicolas.Garnier_(at)
see also: my ResearchGate webpage, and my Publons/Web of Science public profile.

Current Research Topics

Information Theory

This long-running project aims at applying Information Theory to the study of physical systems, especially those labeled as "complex", but more generally non-linear systems where statistical approach is one of the few tools that are expected to be relevant, once linear approaches have been ruled out.

In this respect, I believe a rethinking of original ideas and concepts is worth exploring, as are connexions and similarities with other, a priori distinct, ideas and concepts. Amongst several goals are the description in Information Theoretical terms of multi-scale systems, and the exploration of causality relations.


Modeling the uterus

Collective Free Improvisation (model and experiments)

Fluctuations in systems out of (or even far from) equilibrium / stochastic thermodynamics

Fluid turbulence

Instabilities in spatially extended systems

Previous Research Topics

See this separate page for a short description.


In the (very short!) description of research topics above are given sorted links to open-access pre-prints (ArXiv or HAL) or open-access journals websites).
A chronological (but incomplete) list of my pre-prints is available on ArXiv.

Published versions are listed and linked on a separate page.

Biographical information




Last update: February 10th, 2025.