Nicolas B. Garnier
Chargé de Recherche, CNRS
Phone: (33)
Fax: (33)
Office: R123
Laboratoire de Physique
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46 Allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon CEDEX 07
email: Nicolas.Garnier_(at)
see also: my ResearchGate webpage

Current Research Topics

Information Theory (since 2010)

This long-running project aims at applying Information Theory to the study of physical systems, especially those labeled as "complex", but more generally non-linear systems where statistical approach is one of the few tools that are expected to be relevant, once linear approaches have been ruled out.

In this respect, I believe a rethinking of original ideas and concepts is worth exploring, as are connexions and similarities with other, a priori distinct, ideas and concepts. Amongst several goals are the description in Information Theoretical terms of multi-scale systems, and the exploration of causality relations.

Synchronization (since 2013)

Modeling the uterus (since 2009)

Collective Free Improvisation (model and experiments)

Fluctuations in systems out of (or even far from) equilibrium.


Previous Research Topics

See this separate page for a short description.


In the (very short!) description of research topics above are given sorted links to open-access pre-prints (ArXiv or HAL) or open-access journals websites).
A chronological (but incomplete) list of my pre-prints is available on ArXiv.

Published versions are listed and linked on a separate page.

Biographical information




Last update: October 18th, 2021.