PM2 2021.03.04 WaterWings cooking test

goal : Cook the water wings and observe the docking blob on the AFM.


Master Mix

docking staples design :

Vtot = 60 uL

product concentration target concentration volume
H20 10uL
TAE Mg 10X 10 nM 1 nM 10 uL
Fridge M13 10 nM 1 nM 10 uL
Fridge Mix of all 172 non docking staples 100 nM 10 nM 10uL
for each 30 docking staples 500 nM 10nM 2 uL

tube WW A : 30uL Master Mix tube WW B : 30uL Master Mix

5 min 65deg 65 → 55 : 15 min per degree 55 → 40 : 140 min per degree hold at 25 deg



sample 1 - Na 2 times, TAE 2 times WW A 25uL Na 20uL 3 min Na 20uL 3 min TAE 1X 20uL 3 min TAE 1X 20uL 3 min TAE 1X 60uL

images on the AFM PC

sample 2 - Na, TAE WW B 25uL Na 20uL 3 min TAE 1X 20uL 3 min TAE 1X 60uL

forgot to save the image ?

sample 3 - direct WW A 25uL Na 20uL 3 min

images on the AFM PC


Sample 3 has a lot more of origamis compared to sample 1 ( about several times more) → rising loose many origamis

Some stacking between the water wings : two origamis stuck together