CR03: Logical Foundations of Programming Languages (2021-2022)
The objective of this course is to present the three sides of the
Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence between proofs, programs and
denotational semantics, with an emphasis on the proof-theoretical
insights provided by Linear Logic.
Practical informations
- room B1
- FINAL EXAM : Friday November, 12th, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Preliminary Content
Taking advantage of the organisation of the semester in two waves, we
plan to cover the following two tracks in parallel.
- Proofs
- Sequent calculus for classical and intuitionistic logics
- Classical and intuitionistic linear logic
- Proof nets
- Symmetric monoidal closed categories
- The relational model
- Programs
- Gödel's System T
- The language PCF
- Girard's System F
- Cartesian closed categories
- Intersection types
We shall assume some basic familiarity with natural deduction and
(simply) typed lambda-calculus.
Homeworks O. Laurent (1/4) + Homeworks C. Riba (1/4) + Exam (1/2).