16 mars - 17 mars 2009

ENS-Lyon --- LIP

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Amphi J le lundi 16/03/2009

Amphi L le  mardi 17/03/2009.

Les amphi J et L sont situés au rez-de-chaussée dans la partie nord du batiment (dite aussi partie des locaux enseignements) , à la place du "y" du plan ci-dessus.

Programme prévisionel

Acceuil 9h30
Lundi 16 mars amphi J, 10h 
Résumé: Coecke and Duncan recently introduced a categorical formalisation of the  interaction of complementary quantum observables. We use their diagrammatic language to study graph states, a computationally interesting class of quantum states.  We give a graphical proof ofthe fixpoint property of graph states. We then introduce a new equation, for the Euler decomposition of the Hadamard gate, and demonstrate that Van den Nest's theorem --locally equivalent graphs represent the same entanglement-- is equivalent to this new axiom.  Finally, we prove that the Euler decomposition equation is not derivable from the existing axioms. 

Joint work with Ross Duncan, Oxford University.
Pause 11h30
Lundi 16 mars amphi J, 11h45
Lundi 16 mars amphi J, 13h 45
(joint work with José Espírito Santo and Luís Pinto)

Monadic translations of intuitionistic and classical sequent calculi
into intuitionistic and classical lambda calculi are studied that
strictly simulate reduction steps in the sense that each rewrite step
in the source is mapped to at least one rewrite step in the target,
thus allowing to infer strong normalization for the source from that
of the target in a purely syntactic manner.

The TYPES'08 post-proceedings will contain the intuitionistic part,
namely the translation of system lambdaJmse, which is a notational
variant of the intuitionistic fragment of the call-by-name subsystem
of lambda-bar-mu-mu-tilde of Curien and Herbelin, into a variant of
Moggi's monadic meta-language, where the rewrite relation includes
extra permutation rules that may be seen as variations of the
"associativity" of the monadic bind operation. By instantiation
with the identity monad, this yields a simulation into simply-typed
lambda calculus with an extra permutation rule.

The new contribution of this talk is the treatment of the full
(classical) call-by-name fragment of lambda-bar-mu-mu-tilde. The
target of the translation is a monadic extension of Parigot's
lambda-mu calculus. Only the added monad comes with classical
features, hence, unlike Parigot's calculus, the classical logic
machinery is confined to monadic types. It is this new monadic
meta-language for classical logic, named monadic lambda-mu, through
which factors a strictly reduction-preserving embedding into
simply-typed lambda calculus with some extra reduction rules. The
monadic translation is even easier than in the intuitionistic case,
due to a new hybrid mu-rule (combining classical and monadic aspects),
and the final embedding into the extended simply-typed lambda calculus
is done by a CPS translation.

Résumé: Dans cet exposé, je montrerai que les lambda-calculs avec motifs sont particulièrement bien
adaptés pour donner une sémantique aux langages de stratégies de réécriture.

Pause 16h
Lundi 16 mars, 16h30 amphi J
Mardi 17 mars,  9h00 amphi L
Pause 10h30
Mardi 17 mars,  11h, amphi L

Mardi 17 mars, 13h30, amphi B (3ème étage, invité par le DI de l'ENS)
Pause 14h30
Mardi 17 mars,  15h, amphi L

Plan du site de l'ENS de Lyon

plan du site de l'ENS de Lyon

Se rendre à l'ENS de Lyon

Voir cette page.  Un fléchage vers l'amphi sera assuré.  Si vous êtes perdu, rendez-vous au LIP "coin café", 3ème étage du bâtiment central.

Hôtels proches de l'ENS

Une formule intéressante 35 euros et plus près
* Bed in City

A partir de 45 Euros
* Etap Hotel  de Gerland 

A partir de 68 Euros
* Hôtel IBIS de Gerland 

Autres hôtels

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Précédentes réunions 


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