LYON WORKSHOP June 17-18 2004
Computational Logic and Applications
ENS de Lyon,
amphithéatre B, 3rd floor
Thursday June 17
9h00: Welcome address
9h30: Marek Zaionc
Lambda definability is decidable for regular forth
order types
10h15: Pawel Idziak
Solving equations over finite algebras
11h: Break
11h15: Bartlomiej Bosek
Multicolouring of posets online
12h00: Przemysaw Broniek
Real time scheduling on bounded number of
12h45: Lunch
14h15: Grzegorz Matecki
Asymptotic density for equivalence
15h: Jakub Kozik
Densities of regular languages.
15h45: Break
16h15: Pawel Waszkiewicz
A domain-theoretic metrization theorem
17h: Tom Hirschowitz
Rigid mixin
Friday June 18
9h30: Karim Nour and Kalifa Saber
Adequation lemma for full propositional
classical logic
10h15: Dan Dougherty and Silvia Ghilezan and Pierre Lescanne
Intersection and union types in the
11h00: Break
11h15: Karim Nour and Rene David
Strong normalization for mu~-mu-reduction
12h00: Stephane Le Roux and Pierre Lescanne
Solving equations
in a language with control operators
12h45: Lunch
14h15: Frédéric Ruyer
Typing vs. Subtyping
15h: Romain Kervarc and Pierre Lescanne
Pure Type Systems, Cut, and Explicit
15h45: Break
16h15: Patrick Thévenon
Proofs using PhoX and new_command
17h00: Jean.Duprat
About constructive vectors.