Typing vs. Subtyping Is typing superfluous when we are given a sufficiently expressive subtyping system? Considering subsystems of the ST type system of C.Raffalli [1,2], the answer is "yes or no", and can be related to the problem of being able to define singleton types, and to prove that types representing singletons in an adequate semantics are effectively singletons. The problem is solved in [2] for beta-eta-equivalence classes, but can we do better (i.e. can we give weaker relations)? We will show some work related to this question. References: [1]System ST toward a type systemfor extraction and proofs of programs.C.Raffalli A.P.A.L 122 (2003) 107-130, Elsevier. [2]System ST beta reduction and completeness. C.Raffalli LICS 2003.