TITLE: A domain-theoretic metrization theorem ABSTRACT: Classically, domains in the sense of Scott are used as models in the Semantics of Programming Languages. Over the last forty years domain theory has been used in a variety of other applications. During the talk we will explain how domains can serve as models of topological spaces. In particular, we will show how to give a necessary and sufficient condition for a topology to be metrizable in the language of domain theory. Concretely, the main theorem reads as follows: A topological space is metrizable iff it is modelled as a kernel of a Lebesgue measurement on a continuous poset. The result above appears in the doctoral thesis of K. Martin and its original proof relies heavily on one of the famous metrization theorems. During the talk we will outline how to give a different, elementary proof (in fact - a construction) based only on domain-theoretic methods. As a consequence, we gain a new understanding of the nature of classical metrization theorems from the past century. Our work is inspired by research of K.Martin, H-P. Kunzi and V. Vajner and relies on some results from the author's PhD thesis.