Rolf Walder

Professor of physics

Center of Research in Astrophysique of Lyon, CRAL
46, allée d'Italie, 69364 Lyon, Cedex 07, France

Version francaise

Diploma (master) in theoretical physics of the university of Zurich, Switzerland.
Director: Prof. N. Straumann.
PhD of ETH Zurich, 1994.
Thesis: Some aspects of the computational dynamics of astrophysical nebulae.
Directors: Prof. H. Nussbaumer, ETH-Z, and Prof R.J. LeVeque, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

Research interests
Massive stars as cosmic engines; high energy objects: nova, supernova and gamma ray bursts; binary star systems and supernova Ia progenitors; turbulence in radiative, magnetic, and multi-scale flows. Numerical astrophysics, in particular multi-scale, multi-physics simulations within a massively parallel environnement.

Numerical Analysis (M1), Mathematical methods in physics (M1), Introduction into informatics (L3)

More information on my research, teaching, publications and my CV.