5th Workshop on Logic and Systems Biology
July 13, 2014
Modern biology has made great advances in our knowledge of the workings of organisms at the molecular level. Although there is still much to be learned in this area, many biologists believe that the next major effort in their discipline will be to understand how these cellular components work together, in much the same way that the components of a computer are integrated. This system-level knowledge is essential to solving important problems like understanding the causes of diseases and discovering new drugs. As models of biological systems grow in complexity, researchers are experiencing some of the same problems that beset software designers and computer engineers. The topics of this workshop reflect the interdisciplinary approach needed to solve these problems. Some of the lecturers are biologists who use computer models to develop and test their hypotheses, and others are computer scientists who are applying formal methods to build and analyze models of biological systems.
Confirmed speakers
Jérôme Feret (INRIA & ENS Paris): An algebraic approach for inferring and using symmetries in rule-based models
10:45-11:30 Anne Siegel (IRISA): Using answer set programming to integrate large-scale heterogeneous information about the response of a biological system
11:35-12:20 Cédric Lhoussaine (LIFL): Attractor equivalence: An observational semantics for reaction networks
12:25-13:00 Joëlle Despeyroux, Amy Felty and Elisabetta de Maria: A logical framework for systems biology
14:30-15:15 Ozan Kahramanogullari: A theory of model equivalence based on stochastic simulation fluxes
15:15-16:00 Thomas Henzinger (IST): Model checking the evolution of gene regulatory networks
16:30-17:30 Adelinde Uhrmacher (Rostock): The role of domain specific languages in simulation studies: Analyzing the impact of membrane dynamics on the Wnt signaling pathway
Support for Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
The National Science Foundation of the United States is providing funds to support the travel expenses of students and postdoctoral fellows attending LSB5. The total amount of the grant is generous but fixed, so we can't guarantee complete coverage of all expenses. But we expect that a substantial part of students' and postdocs' expenses will be reimbursed. If you have questions about this, please contact James Lynch.
Programme Chairs
Previous editions
- LSB4 at LICS'12, Dubrovnik.
- LSB3 at FLoC'10, Edinburgh
- LSB2 at FLoC'06, Seattle
- LSB1 at ICALP'04, Turku