Physics of Long-Range Interacting Systems, A. Campa, T. Dauxois, D Fanelli, S. Ruffo Oxford University Press (2014). Errata
Physics of Solitons, T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard. Cambridge University
Press (2006). Errata
Waves, Instabilities and Mixing in Rotating and Stratified Flows
from 4 to 8 April 2022, at ICTS Bangalore, India.
Waves are ubiquitous in natural fluid systems like the Earth's ocean, planetary atmosphere, and the interior of stars and planets. Stratification and/or Coriolis effects represent key physical ingredients of wave generation, propagation and dissipation in many of these large-scale systems. Together with the significant amounts of energy input into them, the ability of waves to transport energy and momentum through large spatial extents has significant implications for (i) global flow features like oceanic or atmospheric circulation, mean temperature distribution in planets/stars etc., (ii) the overall energy budget, and (iii) biological activity in the ocean. Furthermore, it is now widely recognized that wave dissipation mechanisms have to be accurately parameterized in global scale numerical models like the Earth's climate model. Finally, an understanding of various small and large-scale wave phenomena in idealized models of complex large-scale systems like the ocean paves way for improved observation, understanding and prediction of the evolving global climate.
The proposed program would cover topics pertaining to the generation, propagation and dissipation of waves in stratified and rotating fluids, with applications focused on (but not restricted to) the Earth's oceans. Related applications to the Earth's atmosphere, and other planetary/astrophysical systems will also be encouraged to foster exchange of ideas.
This meeting would bring together physicists, mathematicians, fluid dynamicists, and oceanographers with three main objectives: (i) to deliver pedagogical lectures on the aforementioned topics, (ii) to identify important problems that the overall community could focus on in the next decade, (iii) to exchange ideas and tools between the various research communities.
A collective perspective article just appeared in the 1 February 2021
issue of Physical Review Fluids. This article summarizes the discussions
and outcomes of the 2019 Les Houches' conference, with the intent of providing a resource
for the community going forward.
It is available on the
Physical Review Fluids site or
Do not hesitate to distribute among your colleagues and collaborators to
spread the key message of using their research to support
the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
This perspective article has been presented as part of the (virtual) journal club series
launched by Physical Review Fluids to highlight important papers published in the journal.
It is available on the following link.
I participate in the research initiativeGeophysical Flows Lab at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India as an international collaborator.
A good surprise
I was pleased to learn that Europhysics Letters (EPL) has named me a 2019 Distinguished Referee.
The Simons Foundation has just announced the establishment of our Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence.
This collaboration is an attempt for a systematic coordinated study of wave turbulence theory in a large-scale project, bringing together state-of-the-art skills in the areas of mathematics and physics, with theoretical, experimental and numerical expertise. It is a joint effort of several groups of researchers who are ready to collectively collaborate, question all assumptions and approximations, and coordinate the progress on an interdisciplinary set of problems.
This initiative gathers L. Saint Raymond (UMPA), L. Chevillard and T. Dauxois (LPENSL) from ENS de Lyon/CNRS
but also researchers from ENS Paris, UGA, UPS, Paris 7, INRIA, Courant Institute, Princeton, Amherst, Michigan, Torino.
More on
The mailing list info.statphys
has been created for the statphys community to advertise meetings (conferences or summer schools) and jobs (permanent or post-doc positions, not PhD positions), etc.
The mailing list has now more than 11000 members
Archive of previous newsletters can be seen on this link.
Environmental fluid dynamics: confronting grand challenges
that will be held in Les Houches, France from 20-25 January 2019.
Environmental fluid dynamics underlies a wealth of natural, industrial and,
by extension, societal challenges. In the coming decade, as we strive towards
a more sustainable planet, there are a wide range of grand challenge problems
that need to be tackled, ranging from fundamental advances in understanding
and modeling of stratified turbulence and consequent mixing, to applied studies
of pollution transport in the ocean, atmosphere and urban environments.
The objective of the event is to gather leading figures in the field of environmental
fluid dynamics to produce a road map for the scientific community.
Statphys26: The 26th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics took place in Lyon from July, 18th to 22nd in 2016.
The conference covered a wide range of topics including traditional aspects of statistical mechanics, such as applications to hard and soft condensed matter, phase transitions, disordered systems and non-equilibrium physics, as well as emergent and modern applications such as turbulence, signal processing, complex systems and mathematics.
Winter 2015:Physics of Long-Range Interacting Systems, a new lecture at the graduate level (Master 2). This lecture provide a satisfactory understanding of properties generally considered as oddities only a couple of decades ago: ensemble inequivalence, negative specific heat, negative susceptibility, ergodicity breaking, out-of-equilibrium quasi-stationary-states, anomalous diffusion, etc.
We describe the theoretical and computational instruments needed for addressing the study of both equilibrium and dynamical properties of systems subject to long-range forces. We discuss also the applications of such techniques to the most relevant examples of long-range systems.
Henri Poincaré, l'harmonie et le chaos (2012).
Participation to a TV-documentary directed by P. Worms with
N. Bergeron, E. Ghys, T. Tokieda, A. Verjovsky and C. Villani.
Fermi, Pasta, Ulam, and a mysterious lady (2008). The first-ever numerical experiment was performed in 1954 by a very young woman, Mary Tsingou. After decades of omission, it is time to recognize her contribution.