Generate an accompaniement for a given melody
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Melody Member List

This is the complete list of members for Melody, including all inherited members.

begin() const __attribute__((pure))Melody
ConstIterator typedefMelody
convertToMeasures() const __attribute__((pure))Melody
createABCChordFile(std::ostream &out, const ChordProgression &chords) const Melody
end() const __attribute__((pure))Melody
getKey() const __attribute__((pure))Melody
isBinary() const Melody
m_BPM (defined in Melody)Melody
Melody(const std::vector< Measure > &v, Key k, unsigned tempo=120)Melody
Melody(const Key &k=Key(NoteName::C))Melody
operator!=(const Melody &o) const __attribute__((pure))Melody
operator==(const Melody &o) const __attribute__((pure))Melody
size() const Melody
transpose(const Key &k) const Melody