CPC2000 is from January 4 to January 7, BOTH INCLUDED

Dear participants to CPC2000,

Thank you for your submission. We now have more than 30 talks for CPC2000 (we may have something like 35 talks). I still need to clarify one point, concerning the schedule of the workshop.

Traditionnally, CPC is 3 full days, but when I made the reservation, I thought we maybe should change a little bit the tradition. In the previous CPC workshops, although (and maybe because) they were very interesting, I found hard to find time to discuss because days were really full, and even when we found time, sometimes we were just too tired. Also in Aussois, we should try to enjoy the mountain a little. So, keeping free afternoons for discussion and skiing (or both on the chairs), and working in the mornings, late afternoons, (and maybe evenings) sounded better. For this reason, we made the reservation for 4 days. Maybe this was not clear on the web page. The schedule will be from January 04 to 07 both days included. I hope this will not be a problem for anybody. If some of you cannot come for 4 days, maybe we can find a solution to make them miss one day. If you all have a problem with 4 days, maybe we can give up to organize a 4 days workshop, but with already 32 talks, I don't think this is reasonable. Feel free to tell me what you think.

Best regards,

Alain Darte.


The web page is http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~gsilber/cpc2000. The deadline for papers will be last days of September, first days of October.