3D Avatars Problems

Producing an animated human avatar is not something very hard. Many tools from the video-game industry are able to make relatively nice ones with cheap means.

Producing an animated human avatar precise enough to produce a signed speech is far much harder

Sign Recognition − State of the Art

From self-driving cars to face identification, image recognition is nowadays one of the most trendy topics in artificial intelligence.

As part of it, many research has been done in the area of sign recognition. This article resumes the state of the art in this domain

Writing Difficulties for Deaf People

Allthough it might not be obvious why written forms of spoken languages are problematic for deaf people, many of them don't write the language of their country.

The fact is that sign languages and spoken languages are structurally different. This leads to very different grammars, so writing languages require deaf people to adapt themselves to a whole new system.