- Graphs without a k-connected subgraph, Grenoble INP, 2024
- Lower bound on the density of 4-critical planar graphs, Lyon graph meetings, 2023
- Around the matching-cut problem, Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (JGA) 2022
- Graph theory meets extremal set theory, Illinois State University, 2022.
- Kempe equivalence of 4-critical planar graphs, Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (JGA) 2021.
- Colorings and decompositions of planar graphs, CANADAM 2021.
- Colorings and decompositions of planar graphs, LaBRi, Université de Bordeaux, June 2021.
- Colorings and decompositions of planar graphs, Virginia Commonwealth University, March 2021.
- Planar graph recoloring: two proofs, 55th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, August 2020
- Revisiting a theorem of Talbot, Midsummer Combinatorial workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2020.
- Graph theory meets extremal set theory, Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic, November 2019.
- Kempe equivalence of regular graphs, Bogazici University, 2019
- Kempe equivalence of regular graphs, University of Malta, June 2019.
- Reconfiguring colourings of graphs with bounded maximum average degree, Combinatorial Reconfiguration Workshop, France 2019.
- Erdos--Ko--Rado theorems for a family of trees, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungary, April 2018.
- Partitioning a graph into degenerate subgraphs, Algorithms group, The University of Bergen, Norway, January 2018.
- Problems and Results in Kempe equivalence of colourings, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA, June 2016.
- A reconfigurations analogue of Brooks' theorem, British Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, UK, March 2015.
- A reconfigurations analogue of Brooks' theorem, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Hungary, July 2014.
Past teaching
- TP LIFASR3 (2021) - Université Claude Bernard Lyon
- TD Combinatorics and graph theory II (2020) - Charles University in Prague
- TD Theory of Computation (2014-2015) - Durham University
- TD Mathematics for Computer Science (2014-2015) - Durham University
Student supervision
co-supervising Ali Momeni with Edouard Bonnet (M2, ENS Lyon, 2023)
Conference activities