Table of Contents

Languages, Compilation, and Semantics LIP Seminar

13th Edition, 2020, new date to be decided (was April 15th)


The seminar will be hold at Room Condorcet, 1 place de l'Italie (Monod site). The meeting is open to all members of FIL, ie the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


9h15-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Zsolt Istvan A Glass Half Full: Using Programmable Hardware Accelerators in Analytical Databases
Even though there has been a large number of proposals to accelerate databases using specialized hardware, often the opinion of the community is pessimistic: the performance and energy efficiency benefits of specialization are seen to be outweighed by the limitations of the proposed solutions and the additional complexity of including specialized hardware, such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), in servers. Recently, however, as an effect of stagnating CPU performance, server architectures started to incorporate various programmable hardware components, ranging from smart network interface cards, through SSDs with offloading capabilities, to near-CPU accelerators. This availability of heterogeneous hardware brings new opportunities to databases and this talk makes the case that there is cause for optimism. In the light of a shifting hardware landscape and emerging analytics workloads, it is time to revisit our stance on hardware acceleration and to start exploring emerging research questions around programmability and integration.

Bio: Zsolt Istvan is an Assistant Research Professor at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, Spain. In his research he explores how specialized hardware can be used to make data-intensive systems more efficient.

10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-12h00 Reiner Hähnle Abstract Execution
We propose a new static software analysis principle called Abstract Execution, generalizing Symbolic Execution: While the latter analyzes all possible execution paths of a specific program, Abstract Execution analyzes a partially unspecified program by permitting abstract symbols representing unknown contexts. There is a wide range of applications of Abstract Execution, especially for verifying relational properties of schematic programs. We implemented Abstract Execution in a deductive verification framework and proved correctness of eight well-known statement-level refactoring rules, including two with loops. For each refactoring we characterize the preconditions that make it semantics-preserving. Most preconditions were not mentioned in the literature.

12th Edition, 2020, new date to be decided (was April 9th)


The seminar will be hold at Room D8 003 (Buisson Site), ENS Lyon. The meeting is open to all members of FIL, ie the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


9h00-9h15 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Damien Pous (LIP) Coq, subclasses of graphs, and equational theories
I will first give a brief description of proof assistants: computer programs that make it possible to write and check proofs, and to exploit certified algorithms for some laborious subproofs.

Then I will spend most of the talk showing that graphs and tools from graph theory can be used to characterise certain equational theories, and to obtain decision procedures for some of them. There, a crucial point is to be able to characterise subclasses of graphs of treewidth at most two.

We formalised some of these ideas in the Coq proof assistant with C. Doczkal, which first required developing a general purpose library for graph theory (see the talk in the afternoon). We plan to pursue this effort in the future: not only this helps us in our daily research using graphs for equational theories, but this also opens the way to the formalisation of challenging results in graph theory.

10h30-10h45 coffee break
10h45-11h45 Nicolas Trotignon (LIP) Proofs in structural graph theory
The goal of this talk is to survey a classical method to prove theorems that describe the structure of graph classes. We will see several examples, such as the seminal theorem of Wagner on planar graphs from 1937 and the Strong perfect graph theorem from 2002. I will try to convince the audience that formal proofs are potentially interesting in this field, even if it not much used so far.
11h45-13h30 lunch
13h30-14h30 Jan Goedgebeur (Ghent University, Belgium) Generation algorithms for solving mathematical and chemical problems
Computers are often used in combinatorics to determine if combinatorial objects with given structural or extremal properties exist as these existence problems are often too complex to solve by hand. This is done by designing and implementing generation algorithms which construct combinatorial objects from a given class (typically avoiding the generation of isomorphic copies) and analysing the resulting graphs.

In this talk we will give an introduction to the exhaustive isomorphism-free generation of graphs. We will also give concrete examples of how this has helped to gain new insights and solve problems in mathematics and chemistry.

Applications in mathematics include the generation of cubic graphs and snarks. We will present a new algorithm for the efficient generation of all non-isomorphic cubic graphs and show how this algorithm can be extended to generate snarks efficiently. A snark is a cyclically 4-edge-connected cubic graph with chromatic index 4. Snarks are of interest since for a lot of conjectures it can be proven that if the conjecture is false, the smallest possible counterexamples will be snarks. Our algorithm enabled us to generate all snarks up to 36 vertices, which was impossible with previous methods. This new list of snarks allowed us to find counterexamples to several published open conjectures.

An application of graph enumeration in chemistry is the generation of the Nobel Prize winning fullerenes (cubic plane graphs where all faces are pentagons or hexagons). We will sketch a new algorithm for the generation of all non-isomorphic fullerenes. Our implementation of this algorithm allowed us to generate all fullerenes up to 400 vertices, which enabled us to prove that the smallest counterexample to the spiral conjecture has 380 vertices.

This talk is based on joint work with Gunnar Brinkmann (Ghent University) and Brendan McKay (Australian National University).

14h30-14h45 coffee break
14h45-15h45 Christian Doczkal (Inria/Marelle) Graph Theory in Coq: Connectivity, Minors, and Treewidth
Over the last couple of years we have developed a library of graph theory results in the interactive theorem prover Coq. This was motivated by the wish to formalize recent results on axiomatizations of graph isomorphism for treewidth-two graphs. Given the lack of a general-purpose graph theory library for Coq when we started our project, our second goal, right from the start, was to improve upon the state of the art in formalized graph theory by building a reusable library.

In my talk, I will report on our experience building the library, highlighting key design choices, selected results, and some directions for future extensions.

This talk is based on joint work with Damien Pous.

11th Edition, 2019, September 19th


The seminar will be hold at Room B2 (4th floor, GN1 North), Monod Site, ENS Lyon. The meeting is open to all members of FIL, ie the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Radu Mateescu (CONVECS team, Inria) The MCL Language for Temporal and Probabilistic Analysis of Concurrent Systems
For analyzing the behaviour of concurrent value-passing systems, classical temporal logics must be extended with data-handling primitives. Since the early days of formal verification, many such extensions were proposed, both in the linear/branching time and the state/action based settings. We present MCL (Model Checking Language), an extension of the alternation-free modal mu-calculus with data-handling features, generalized regular expressions over transition sequences, and fairness operators expressed using omega-regular expressions. MCL was designed for a versatile and succinct formulation of temporal properties interpreted on labeled transition systems (LTSs) containing data values, i.e., state-transition graphs modeling the behaviour of concurrent systems. We illustrate the usage of MCL by means of classical examples of properties (safety, liveness, and fairness) and discuss its expressiveness and model checking complexity. We also briefly describe the implementation of MCL provided by the EVALUATOR model checker of the CADP verification toolbox, which evaluates an MCL formula on an LTS on the fly and produces diagnostics (counterexamples and witnesses). Finally, we illustrate the recent extension of MCL with a probabilistic operator, which computes on the fly the probability measure of a transition sequence in a probabilistic transition system (PTS). Combined with data-handling features, this probabilistic operator enables the quantitative analysis of sequences having peak cost values (e.g., number of operations, energy consumption, etc.).
10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-12h00 David Monniaux (Verimag) Certified compilation for VLIW architectures
This is a joint work with Cyril Six and Sylvain Boulmé.

CompCert ( is a compiler for the C language with a machine-checked proof of correctness: if it succeeds in compiling a program, then the semantics of the assembly code should match that of the source code. This is ensured by giving semantics to all intermediate languages, and proofs that all transformations preserve the semantics. It is mainly developed in Coq.

Extending CompCert to a new architecture is not so hard, albeit tedious, assuming that architecture is sufficiently similar to those already supported. We did so for the upcoming Kalray MPPA3 processor.

CompCert however had no optimization pass for instruction scheduling — that is, reordering instruction to exploit instruction-level parallelism (e.g. posting memory reads sufficiently in advance before using their results, so as to avoid stalling waiting for the read value). This is not much important on highly out-of-order processors such as x86, but is of great importance on in-order processors. MPPA3 is a VLIW (very large instruction word) in-order processor, meaning that the compiler can specify multiple instructions to be executed at the same cycle, according to certain well-formedness rules.

We designed a highly modular and parametric system for scheduling instructions in the backend, after register allocation. This system is composed of a transformation pass, itself calling a scheduler among a choice of several, and a checker, verifying that the semantics of the results of the transformation matches that of the input. We can also add extra transformation passes to implement other transformations (in our case, coalescing of multiple-word reads and writes). Only the checker needs to be implemented in Coq proved correct; the transformation phases and schedulers do not (in fact, one of the schedulers calls an external solver).

10th Edition, 2019, March 21st


The seminar will be hold at amphi G, Monod Site, ENS Lyon. The meeting is open to all members of FIL, ie the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Bruno Guillon (Cristal) Finding paths in large graphs
When dealing with large graphs, classical algorithms for finding paths such as Dijkstra's Algorithm are unsuitable, because they require to perform too many disk accesses. To avoid the cost of this expensive accesses, while keeping a data structure of size quasi-linear in the size of the graph, we propose to guide the path search with a distance oracle, obtained from a topological embedding of the graph. I will present fresh experimental research on this topic, in which we obtain graph embeddings using learning algorithms from natural language processing. On some graphs, such as the graph of publications of DBLP, our topologically-guided path search allows us to visit a small portion of the graph only, in average. This is joint work with Charles Paperman.
10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h45 Éric Ruten (LIG) A Domain-specific Language for Autonomic Managers in FPGA Reconfigurable Architectures
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architec-tures are suitable hardware platforms for systems that need high performance and flexibility, because they support dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) to implement adaptive hardware algorithms e.g., for performance or energy efficiency. They are used for example in embedded systems such as UAV, e.g. for video processing. It is a challenge to design Autonomic Managers for such highly dynamic systems, taking into account the combina-torial design space of configurations and criteria and policies to decide on whether to reconfigure, and what next configuration to choose. In this paper, we propose a Domain Specific Language (DSL) called Ctrl-DPR, allowing designers to easily generate Autonomic Managers. They can describe their system and their management strategies, in terms of the entities composing the system : tasks, versions, applications, ressources, policies. The DSL relies on a behavioural modelling of these entities, targeted at the design of autonomic managers to control the reconfigurations in such a way as to enforce given policies and strategies. The models we use involve automata to describe the state space of configurations, and the transitions representing reconfigurations; they also involve discrete control techniques exploiting such models in order to obtain a correct runtime manager. These model-based control techniques are embedded in a compiler, connected to a reactive language and discrete controller synthesis tool, which enables to generate a C implementation of the controller enforcing the management strategies. We apply our DSL for the management of a video application on a UAV.
11h45-12h30 Thierry Gautier (LIP) OpenMP: d’un modèle orienté thread vers un modèle basé sur les tâches
OpenMP ( est un standard de facto qui est piloté par l’ARB (Architecture Review Board) composé de la plupart des grands constructeurs en HPC ainsi que par certains représentants universitaires. L’objectif d’OpenMP est d’offrir un ensemble de directives pour annoter du code séquentiel afin d'exploiter tous les niveaux de parallélisme qui sont offerts par les matériels, i.e. multi-cœurs, unités vectorielles et accélérateurs. Dans cette présentation nous nous attacherons à re-positionner les évolutions actuelles de la norme 4.x entre son passé (pré 3.0) et son futur (5.0) en s’intéressant plus particulièrement au modèle de tâches.

Nous présenterons la manière dont sont définies les tâches et leurs dépendances dans le modèle OpenMP. Nous verrons qu'un tel programme OpenMP est fonctionnellement portable mais que l'obtention des performances doit aussi prendre en compte l'implementation à disposition. Nous illustrerons sur quelques exemples typiques en HPC l'impact de quelques runtimes (GCC, ICC/LLVM, …) sur les performances dont certains choix d'implémentation restentcritiquables.

9th Edition, 2018, December 18th


The seminar will be hold at Amphi E (ground floor), Monod Site, ENS Lyon. The meeting is open to all members of FIL, ie the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Claire Maiza (Verimag) WCET and interference analysis for multicore processor
In this talk, we present a survey on multi-core timing analyses including delays due to interferences (shared memory, shared bus). We show that interference analysis is possible (scalability and precision). We illustrate this point with our interference analysis where the delay is integrated into schedulability analysis. We show that applying this analysis to a real platform (Kalray MPPA2) comes with a necessary smart software implementation and hardware configuration.
10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h45 Hélène Coullon (LS2N) Toward efficient and safe deployment and reconfiguration of distributed software
With the emergence of large-scale virtualized distributed infrastructures, such as Cloud, Fog and Edge computing, for instance, the automation of the deployment of distributed software is of great importance for IT administrators and developers. While many production tools already help developers automate their deployment tasks, academic research is interested in safe and verified modeling to ensure the correct behavior of a software configuration or reconfiguration. In this talk I will present Madeus, a formal component model for the deployment of distributed software that enhances the efficiency of deployment. Madeus puts forward more concurrency than other deployment models. This implies a greater complexity and a greater propensity for error. Hence, I will also introduce ongoing work regarding the verification of properties on Madeus deployments by model checking. Finally, I will rapidly present ongoing work regarding the extension of Madeus to dynamic software reconfiguration.
11h45-12h30 Colin Riba (LIP) A Curry-Howard approach to tree automata
This talk surveys a Curry-Howard perspective on Rabin's Tree Theorem, the decidability of Monadic Second-Order Logic (MSO) on infinite trees.

Rabin's Tree Theorem proceeds by effective translations of MSO-formulae to tree automata. We show that the operations on automata used in these translations can be organized in a deduction system based on intuitionistic linear logic (ILL). We propose a computational interpretation of this deduction system along the lines of the Curry-Howard proofs-as-programs correspondence. This interpretation, relying on the usual technology of game semantics, maps proofs to strategies in two-player games generalizing usual acceptance games of tree automata.

8th Edition, 2018, October 4th


The seminar will be hold at Room 003, Site Buisson, ENS Lyon. The meeting is open to all members of the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Simone Martini (U. Bologne/Collegium de Lyon 2018-2019) Towards a conceptual history of programming languages : Types
A Conceptual History of Programming Languages aims to be an organic tale of how some of the notions present in programming languages entered the field, how their semantics has been modified during the years, which linguistic mechanisms were proposed to “name” those concepts in specific languages. This evolution happened in dialogue and under the influence of important areas of mathematics, which, at some point across the sixties and the seventies, were identified with mathematical logic (and proof-theory in particular). Contrary to most folklore, however, the explicit recognition of the influence of mathematical logic on programming language design is not something that happens since the beginning. Moreover, concepts of the same name (e.g. types) have slightly different meanings in the two fields. I will describe this phenomenon for the notion of (data) type, starting with the fifties (Fortran and Algol), and arriving to the early eighties (abstract data types and objects oriented languages).
11h00-11h45 Emmanuel Coquery (U. LyonI/LIRIS) Securing Materialized Views: a Rewriting-based Approach
Views are named queries in databases. They can be used either for storing the result of costly queries in tables, this is called materialized views. They can also be used to restrict access to data, by allowing users to query only views and forbidding direct access to tables. We call such views « access control views ». We consider the problem of, given a set of access control views on tables and a set of materialized views on the same tables, to devise a set of access control view to protect the materialized views. This problem boils down to identify the information accessible from both sets of views. We give an overview of a sound but incomplete algorithm for the case where views are restricted to conjunctive queries.
11h45-12h30 Damiano Mazza (CNRS/LIPN) The Cook-Levin theorem via type systems
The Cook-Levin theorem (the statement that SAT is NP-complete) is a fundamental result of complexity theory. We will give a proof of this theorem entirely based on the properties of a certain type system for a simple Turing-complete programming language. Such a type system arises from very general considerations, formalized in the language of category theory, relating types and program approximations.

7th Edition, 2018, July, 5th


The seminar will be hold at “Salle des Thèses”, ENS Lyon, Site Monod, Batiment MGN1, ENS Lyon, Monod site. The meeting is open to all members of the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


Click on title for abstract.

9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Nicolas Halbwachs (Verimag) Disjunctive relational abstract interpretation for interprocedural program analysis
This is a joint work with Rémy Boutonnet.

Program analysis by abstract interpretation using relational abstract domains — like polyhedra or octagons — easily extends from state analysis (construction of reachable states) to relational analysis (construction of input-output relations). In this talk, we exploit this extension to enable interprocedural program analysis, by constructing relational summaries of procedures. In order to improve the accuracy of procedure summaries, we propose a method to refine them into disjunctions of relations, these disjunctions being directed by preconditions on input parameters.

10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h45 Matthieu Moy (LIP) Compilation and Real-Time Analysis of a Synchronous Data-Flow Application on the Kalray MPPA Many-Core Processor
Simple, single-core processors have been the main execution platform for critical real-time software for years. Such software can be handwritten in imperative languages, but code generation from higher-level languages such as the synchronous data-flow SCADE (industrial version of the Lustre language) are also used in production today.

Single-core processors are reaching their limits. Performance, or energy efficiency constraints are leading the industry towards multi-core or many-core including for critical systems. These architectures raise new major challenges for timing analysis.

In this talk, we present a code generation flow from SCADE that produces parallel and yet predictable code for Kalray MPPA architecture. The code generation scheme is designed together with a timing analysis that take into account interference between cores when they access the local memory.

This work was performed as part of the CAPACITES project:

11h45-12h30 Pierre Clairambault (LIP) Linearity in Higher-Order Recursion Schemes
Higher-Order Model-Checking (HOMC) has recently emerged as an approach to automated verification of higher-order programs, prompted by Ong's 2006 result that Monadic Second Order Logic (MSO) is decidable on infinite trees generated by Higher-Order Recursion Schemes (HORS). It is under active development, with implementations reporting encouraging results despite an awful theoretical worst case complexity.

In principle, HOMC algorithms work by reduction to Ong's theorem. In practice, this often involves CPS translations which are costly in terms of complexity, and so as to get tight complexity people have instead reproved variations of Ong's theorem for extensions of HORS (with data, or call-by-value) and drastically restricted fragments of MSO.

In this talk, I will introduce Linear HORS (LHORS), an extension of HORS with additional type constructors imported from Linear Logic. Data and call-by-value evaluation admit a finer translation to LHORS exploiting the idea of linearly-used continuations. Moreover LHORS enjoy a decidable model-checking problem, whose complexity essentially ignores linear types. In this way we recover and extend several developments that were originally proved independently of Ong's theorem.

This is joint work with Andrzej Murawski and Charles Grellois, presented at POPL'18.


6th Edition, 2018, April, 26th


The seminar will be hold at the room at 1 place de l'école, ENS Lyon, Monod site. The meeting is open to all members of the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


Click on title for abstract.

9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Warwick Tucker (Uppsala University & LIP) Computer-aided proofs, interval arithmetic, and some (hard) conjectures
In this talk we will discuss some powerful techniques from the field of computer-aided proofs. The methods we will present are all based on set-valued mathematics (interval analysis) which is well-suited for computational proofs where the underlying problem is continuous rather than discrete. We will also talk about some concrete mathematical problems that we are currently trying to solve using the above-mentioned methods.
10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h45 Ludovic Henrio (I3S) Programming and composing safely distributed applications with Active objects
Active objects is a programming paradigm strongly inspired from actors. In this talk, I will first present the active object programming model, and the different languages that implement it. In the Scale team we develop one particular active object language: the ASP model, and its reference implementation: ProActive. This will allow me to show how active objects can be used to implement software components, and how we extended the model to support local multi-threading. I will also illustrate how this model is efficient and expressive. Finally, I will present different efforts in applying formal methods to this programming model and to software components in order to ensure the correctness of programming languages and of distributed applications.
11h45-12h30 Laure Daviaud (Warwick University) First order and regular list functions.
We define two classes of functions, called regular (respectively, first-order) list functions, which manipulate objects such as lists, lists of lists, pairs of lists, lists of pairs of lists, etc. The definition is in the style of regular expressions: the functions are constructed by starting with some basic functions (e.g. projections from pairs, or head and tail operations on lists) and putting them together using four combinators (most importantly, composition of functions). Our main results are that first-order list functions are exactly the same as first-order transductions, under a suitable encoding of the inputs; and the regular list functions are exactly the same as MSO-transductions. This is a joint work with Mikolaj Bojanczyk and Krishna Shankara Naravanan.

5th Edition, 2018, March, 8th


The seminar will be hold at Amphi J, ENS Lyon, Monod site. The meeting is open to all members of the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


Click on title for abstract.

9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h30 Albert Cohen (Inria) Tensor Comprehensions: deep learning as a polyhedral compiler's killer app
Deep learning models with convolutional and recurrent networks are ubiquitous and analyze massive amounts of audio, image, video, text and graph data, with applications in automatic translation, speech-to-text, scene understanding, ranking user preferences, ad placement, etc. Competing frameworks for building these networks such as TensorFlow, Chainer, CNTK, Torch/PyTorch, Caffe1/2, MXNet and Theano, explore different tradeoffs between usability and expressiveness, research or production orientation and supported hardware. They operate on a DAG of computational operators, wrapping high-performance libraries such as CUDNN (for NVIDIA GPUs) or NNPACK (for various CPUs), and automate memory allocation, synchronization, distribution. Custom operators are needed where the computation does not fit existing high-performance library calls, usually at a high engineering cost. This is frequently required when new operators are invented by researchers. Such operators suffer a severe performance penalty, which limits the pace of innovation. Furthermore, even if there is an existing runtime call these frameworks can use, it often does not offer optimal performance for a user's particular network architecture and dataset, missing optimizations between operators as well as specialization to the size and shape of data.

We will survey the work-in-progress design of

(1) a language close to the mathematics of deep learning called Tensor Comprehensions, featuring interesting developments in the areas of automatic range inference, declarative array programming, and data-flow modeling of recurrent networks;

(2) a polyhedral Just-In-Time compiler to convert a mathematical description of a deep learning DAG into a CUDA kernel with delegated memory management and synchronization, also providing optimizations such as operator fusion and specialization for specific sizes;

(3) a high level metaprogramming environment and compilation cache populated by an autotuner, acting as a built-to-order library.

In a first paper, we demonstrate the suitability of the polyhedral framework to construct a domain-specific optimizer effective on state-of-the-art deep learning models on GPUs. Our flow reaches up to 4x speedup over NVIDIA libraries on kernels relevant to the Machine Learning Community, and on an actual model used in production at Facebook. TC also facilitates algorithmic exploration, exposing up to 2 orders of magnitude speedup on research layers. It is open source, integrated with mainstream frameworks Caffe2 (production-oriented) and PyTorch (research-oriented). TC is still at an early stage, and looking for contributions and collaboration.

10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h45 Abdallah Arioua (LIRIS) User-guided Repairing of Inconsistent Knowledge Bases
Repairing techniques for relational databases have leveraged integrity constraints to detect and then resolve errors in the data. User guidance has started to be employed in this setting to avoid a prohibitory exploration of the search space of solutions. In this paper, we present a user-guided repairing technique for Knowledge Bases (KBs) enabling updates suggested by the users to resolve errors. KBs exhibit more expressive constraints with respect to relational tables, such as tuple-generating dependencies (TGDs) and negative rules (a form of denial constraints). We consider TGDs and a notable subset of denial constraints, named contradiction detecting dependencies (CDDs). We propose user-guided polynomial-delay algorithms that ensure the repairing of the KB in the extreme cases of interaction among these two classes of constraints. To the best of our knowledge, such interaction is so far unexplored even in repairing methods for relational data. We prove the correctness of our algorithms and study their feasibility in practical settings. We conduct an extensive experimental study on synthetically generated KBs and a real-world inconsistent KB equipped with TGDs and CDDs. We show the practicality of our proposed interactive strategies by measuring the actual delay time and the number of questions required in our interactive framework.
11h45-12h30 Guilhem Jaber (LIP) Model-checking contextual equivalence of higher-order programs with references.
This talk will present SyTeCi, the first general automated tool to check contextual equivalence for programs written in an higher-order language with references (i.e. local mutable states), corresponding to a fragment of OCaml.

After introducing the notion of contextual equivalence, we will see on some examples why it is hard to prove such equivalences (reentrant calls, private states). As we will see, such examples can be found in many different programming languages.

Then, we will introduce SyTeCi, a tool to automatically check such equivalences. This tool is based on a reduction of the problem of contextual equivalence of two programs to the problem of reachability of “error states” in transition systems of memory configurations.

Contextual equivalence being undecidable (even in a finitary setting), so does the non-reachability problem for such transition systems. However, one can apply model-checking techniques (predicate abstraction, summarization of pushdown systems) to check non-reachability via some approximations. This allows us to prove automatically many non-trivial examples of the literature, that could only be proved by hand before. We will end this talk by the presentation of a prototype implementing this work.


4th Edition, 2017, June, 1st


The seminar will be hold at the Seminar room of the Centre Blaise Pascal (Access plan) The meeting is open to all members of the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


Click on title for abstract.

9h00-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h15 Alain Darte (LIP) Performance models for (automatic) code optimizations: can we trust them?
10h15-10h45 Coffee break
10h45-11h30 Eric Rutten et Gwenael Delaval (LIG) Programming with controller synthesis, and application to autonomic managers of reconfigurable software components
Heptagon is a synchronous programming language, whose compilation involves discrete controller synthesis. It allows the programmer to express non determinism, by the use of controllable variables, associated with temporal properties the final program will satisfy. These temporal properties are enforced by a controller, automatically generated by a controller synthesis tool. We will present he Heptagon language, its semantics and compilation, and illustrates its use as a back-end for Ctrl-F, a DSL for autonomic managers of reconfigurable software components.
11h30-13h30 Lunch
13h30-14h00 Xavier Urbain (LIRIS) Towards Formal Proof for Swarms of Mobile Robots
Mobile robot networks emerged in the past few years as a promising distributed computing model, and received increasing attention from the Distributed Computing community. On the one hand, the use of cooperative swarms of inexpensive robots to achieve various complex tasks in potentially hazardous environments is a promising option to reduce human and material costs and assess the relevance of Distributed Computing in a practical setting. On the other hand, execution model differences warrant extreme care when revisiting “classical results” from Distributed Computing, as very small changes in assumed hypotheses may completely change the feasibility of a particular problem.

I will present a formal proof framework for localised distributed protocols in mobile robotic networks, based on the Coq Proof Assistant. The framework allows for a relatively easy specification of context, protocols, and properties. It was successfully used to certify impossibility results, and to establish formally the correctness of distributed protocols.

14h00-14h30 Jérôme Richard (LIP) COMET: A High-Performance Model for Fine-Grain Composition
Task-based models are known to greatly enhance performance and performance portability while component models ease the separation of concerns and thus improves modularity and adaptability. In this talk, we present the COMET programming model, a component model for HPC extended with task concepts, and its implementation built on top OpenMP and L2C.

We evaluate the approach on five synthetic use-cases representative of common patterns from HPC applications. Experimental results show that the approach is very efficient on the use-cases. On one hand, independent software codes can be easily composed. On the other hand, fine-grained composition supports very good performance. It sometimes even outperforms classical hand-written OpenMP implementations thank to better task interleaving. The presentation will also presents previous results conducted on a real-world use-case analysis of a sub-part of the production application GYSELA.

14h30-15h00 Coffee break
15h00-15h30 Anupam Das (LIP) Circular reasoning and relational algebra
Relational algebras provide important languages for reasoning about programs. In this talk I will present some axiomatisations and proof systems for Kleene algebra, in particular focussing on the importance of “analytic”systems, towards automated reasoning with relational expressions. I will present a methodology for handling least fixed points, such as transitive closure, that has recently become significant in proof theory: non-wellfounded reasoning. While this can be fallacious in general, correct reasoning can be ensured by 'fairness' criteria, and we can thus design classes of systems suitable for reasoning in these frameworks.

3rd Edition, 2016, November, 3rd


The seminar will be hold at the Seminar room of the Centre Blaise Pascal (Access plan) The meeting is open to all members of the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.

Preliminary Program

9h-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h15 Guillaume Salagnac (CITI) Peripheral State Persistence For Transiently Powered Systems PDF
10h15-10h45 Coffee break
10h45-11h30 Olivier Muller (TIMA) An OpenMP flow targeting HPC systems with FPGA
11h30-13h00 Lunch
13h00-13h45 Paul Feautrier (LIP) Toward a polynomial model, with application to the OpenStream Language (cont'd) PDF
13h45-14h30 Christophe Alias et Laure Gonnord (LIP) Estimation of Parallel Complexity with Rewriting Techniques PDF
14h30-15h00 Coffee break
15h00-15h45 Romuald Thion (LIRIS) Inference leakage detection for authorization policies over RDF data PDF
15h45-16h30 Patrick Baillot (LIP) On a type-based time complexity analysis of subrecursive programs PDF

2nd Edition, 2016, June 24th


The seminar will be hold at the Buisson site of ENS Lyon, allée de Fontenay. The meeting is open to all members of the labs LIP, LIRIS, and CITI.


9h-9h30 Welcome
9h30-10h15 Damien Pous (LIP) Tutorial Coq PDF
10h15-11h00 Angela Bonifati (LIRIS) Schema matching and mapping systems PDF
11h-11h30 Coffee break
11h30-12h15 Matteo Mio (LIP) Tutorial Markov Decision Processes / Stochastic Games PDF
12h15-13h45 Lunch break at Descartes CROUS
13h45-14h30 Paul Feautrier (LIP) Toward a polynomial model, with application to the OpenStream Language PDF
14h30-15h15 Tomofumi Yuki (LIP) Static Analysis of Parallel Programs with Loops, Tasks, and Synchronizations PDF
15h15-15h45 Coffee break
15h45-16h30 Tanguy Risset (CITI) Compilation de dataflow parametrique pour machines multi-core heterogènes PDF
16h30-17h15 Adrien Basso-Blandin (LIP) Model instantiation in KAMI PDF

1st Edition, 2016, March 17th


The seminar had gathered 31 people, Thursday 17 March 2016, at résidence Villemanzy, 21 montée St Sébastien at Lyon, 1er arr. ( The meeting was open to all members of the labs CITI-LIP-LIRIS.


9h-9h15 Welcome
9h15-10h Laure Gonnord et Lionel Morel (LIP/CITI) Les langages flot de données dans tous leurs états PDF
10h-10h30 Coffee break
10h30-11h15 Emmanuel Coquery (LIRIS) Langages de requêtes en bases de données: tour d’horizon des différents paradigmes PDF
11h15-11h45 Hélène Coullon (LIP) The Multi-Stencil Language PDF
11h45-12h15 Christian Perez (LIP) Des langages d'assemblages dans les modèles à composants logiciels PDF
12h15-13h45 Lunch break
13h45-14h30 Russ Harmer (LIP) Executable knowledge PDF
14h30-15h Thierry Gautier (LIP) Programmation et exécution d’algorithmes parallèles PDF
15h-15h30 Coffee break
15h30-16h Simon Castellan (LIP) Weak memory models using event structures PDF
16h-16h30 Arnaud Lefray (LIP) Formalisation of security requirements PDF