The word turbulence is employed to label many different physical phenomena, which exhibit the common
characteristics of disorder and complexity. It is the ubiquitous presence of spontaneous (intrinsic) fluctuations,
distributed over a wide range of length and time scales, that makes turbulence a worthwhile research topic. The
very nature of the turbulent fluctuations is extremely peculiar. Turbulence has to do with non-linearity; there is
no hint of the non-linear solutions in the linearized approximations, and strong departure from thermodynamic
Most natural and industrial flows are turbulent; turbulence lies at the core of so much of what we observe.
Turbulence generally eclipses the laminar (steady and regular) behavior of the flow, and contributes to a largely
enhanced energy dissipation, mixing, heat and mass transfer, etc. In astrophysics, interstellar turbulence is
said to be one of the key ingredients of modern theories of star formation.
Modelling prospecting aims at elaborating numerically tractable mathematical models of turbulence.
- An introduction to turbulence in fluids, and modelling aspects
in Stellar fluid dynamics and numerical simulations: from the sun to neutron stars (EDP sciences, 2006)
- The physics of turbulence
in Structure Formation in Astrophysics (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
It is devoted to the statistical description of
turbulent motions, also called turbulent eddies. By analogy with a molecule, an eddy may be seen as a glob
of fluid of a given size, or (spatial) scale, that has a certain structure and life history of its own.
The turbulent activity of the bulk is the net result of the interactions between the eddies.
It is characteristic of turbulence that these interactions are
unpredictable in details; however, statistically distinct
properties can be identified and profitably examined.
Scaling laws and intermittency:
Universal scaling laws in fully-developed turbulence
published in Physical Review Letters, 1994
Scaling laws for the turbulent mixing of a passive scalar in the wake of a cylinder
published in Physics of Fluids, 1999
Shear effects in nonhomogeneous turbulence
published in Physical Review Letters, 2000
Long time correlations in Lagrangian dynamics: A key to intermittency in turbulence
published in Physical Review Letters, 2002
Lagrangian velocity fluctuations in fully developed turbulence: Scaling, intermittency, and dynamics
published in Journal of Statistical Physics, 2003
Intermittency of velocity time increments in turbulence
published in Physical Review Letters, 2003
Experimental and numerical study of the Lagrangian dynamics of high Reynolds turbulence
published in New Journal of Physics, 2004
On the rapid increase of intermittency in the near-dissipation range of fully
developed turbulence
published in European Physical Journal B, 2005
Unified multifractal description of signed longitudinal
velocity increments statistics in turbulence
published in Physica D-nonlinear phenomena, 2006
Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows
published in Physical Review Letters, 2009
A phenomenological theory of Eulerian and Lagrangian velocity fluctuations in turbulent flows
published in CR Physique, 2012
Transport of material particles:
Acceleration statistics of finite-sized particles in turbulent flow: the role of Faxen forces
published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2009
Dynamics of inertial particles in a turbulent von-Karman flow
published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011
Impact of trailing wake drag on the statistical properties and dynamics of finite-sized particle in turbulence
published in PhysicaD, 2012
Multiple collisions in turbulent flows
published in Physical Review E, 2013
Superfluid (or quantum) turbulence:
Helium-II at (finite) temperature below the transition T=2.17K can be described as the superposition of two interacting
fluids. A normal fluid which has non-zero viscosity and an inviscid superfluid, in which vorticity is confined to quantized vortices.
The large-scale dynamics of these two co-penetrating fluids obey respectively the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations (at low mach number) coupled
together by a mutual friction force. This is the general framework of the so-called two-fluid model initiated by Landau and Tisza in 1941. Like in classical
fluids, turbulent dynamics can be generated in superfluid helium II. This is refered to as superfluid turbulence in the literature. Since the pioneering experiments
by Viven about half a century ago, quantum turbulence has been investigated mostly experimentally with the motivation to examine to what extent quantum turbulence
resembles or differs from classical turbulence in ordinary fluids. Related theoretical and numerical works rely mainly on simplified one-way coupling (no back reaction)
between the normal and the superfluid; wall boundary conditions are also often ignored. The studies have yielded significant progress, however, we are still
a long way from a fulll understanding. In this regard, it is admitted that improved numerical simulations can be helpful.
- Quantum turbulence at finite temperature: The two-fluids cascade
published in EuroPhysics Letters, 2009
- Mesoscale equipartition of kinetic energy in quantum turbulence
published in EuroPhysics Letters, 2011
- Energy cascade and the four-fifths law in superfluid turbulence
published in EuroPhysics Letters, 2012
The prohibitive cost of direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent engineering
flows motivate the development of simplified models, requiring less computation, but
still relevant (to some degree) for reproducing the large-scale dynamics.
Under these circumstances,
the modelling of turbulent flows near a solid boundary is of special interest. A
boundary affects the kinetics of the flow through different mechanisms. The most
prominent is that related to the mean shear, which is extreme at the boundary and
responsible for the production of streamwise vortices and streaky structures, which
eventually detach and sustain turbulence in the bulk. Thus, it
is thought that understanding how the mean shear impacts on fluid motions is a key
to improving the capabilities of numerical models.
- A Shear-Improved Smagorinsky's model for wall-bounded flows
published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2007
- Numerical studies towards practical large-eddy simulation
published Journal of Thermal Science, 2007
It is desirable to account explicitly for the mean-flow gradients in the modeling of the subgrid-scale viscosity, also the canonical
assumption of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence should be abandoned. This is particularly relevant for high-Reynolds flows, when
the resolution is almost comparable to the large-scales of the flow. These features naturally call for a generic procedure
to estimate numerically the mean flow and evaluate the subgrid-scale viscosity as the simulation progresses. Two distinc time-domain
smoothing algorithms are proposed to estimate the mean flow, namely, an exponentially weighted moving average (exponential smoothing)
and an adaptive low-pass Kalman filter. These algorithms highlight the longer-term evolution or cycles of the flow but erase
short-term fluctuations. Indeed, it is our assumption that the mean flow (in the statistical sense)
may be approximated to the low-frequency component of the velocity field, and that the turbulent part of the flow adds itself
to this unsteady mean.
- Smoothing algorithm for mean flow extraction in large-eddy simulations of complex turbulent
published in Physics of Fluids, 2010
Vortex filaments in 3d Navier-Stokes turbulence from Direct Numerical Simulation.
Interestingly, numerical simulations of the two-fluids model at very low temperature give that the energy spectrum of a superfluid increases as k**2 at large wavenumbers.
Large-eddy simulation of the flow past a cylinder in the sub-critical turbulent regime at Re=47000
(SISM in the Turb'Flow solver).
Mean-flow extraction by exponential smoothing (SISM in the Turb'Flow solver).
SISM in the Turb'Flow solver: Angular distributions of pressure coefficients
(around the cylinder)
compare very well with experimental data.
The frequency of the Kalman filter adapts itself to the fluctuations of the flow and suitably captures
the turbulent vortex shedding (SISM in the Turb'Flow solver).