M2 course proposal: Graphs, Machines and Logic
- Édouard Bonnet
- Denis Kuperberg
- Stéphan Thomassé
- François Schwarzentruber
General description
This course explores various connections between computational models and logical frameworks. Starting with classical equivalences from regular language theory, the course will go towards recent results. We will show how understanding the links between logics and computational models such as automata or graph neural networks allow to get a better grasp of the objects at hand, in particular obtain decidability, complexity and expressivity results. On the one hand, computational models allow to decide certain logics, and on the other hand, logics allow to characterize expressivity of computational models.
There are no specific prerequisites apart from basic knowledge of logic, computational complexity, graphs, and automata.
- 15 sessions of 2 hours
- 1 exam session
Tentative outline
Automata and logic (Denis Kuperberg)
- Various formalisms to recognize languages:
- Automata on finite and infinite words
- Monadic-Second Order Logic (MSO)
- Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
- Monoids
- Results:
- Equivalences MSO <-> Automata <-> Monoids
- Equivalences First-Order Logic (FO) <-> LTL <-> Aperiodic Monoids (some proofs will be sketched only) Ehrenfeuch-Fraïssé games will be introduced
- Complexity aspects
- Decidability and expressivity of positive fragments of FO and LTL
- Treewidth, twin-width, clique-width (defined with component twin-width)
- FO and MSO transductions, Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games
- Courcelle’s theorem
- FO model checking in bounded-degree graphs, and in bounded twin-width graphs
Graph Neural Networks and logics with counting (François Schwarzentruber)
- Modal logics. Tableau method for solving the satisfiability problem of modal logics. Universal modality. Finite model property via filtration.
- Graph neural network and 1-WL test.
- Graded modal logic and GNNs.
- Quantifier-free fragment Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (QBFABA)
- Correspondence between GNNs and logic.
Evaluation modalities
There will be an exam at the end of the course, one homework, and an exercise preparing for literature review.