One-ended spanning subforests and treeability of groups

Clinton T. Conley, Damien Gaboriau, Andrew S. Marks, Robin D. Tucker-Drob

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We show that several new classes of groups are measure strongly treeable. In particular, finitely generated groups admitting planar Cayley graphs, elementarily free groups, and the group of isometries of the hyperbolic plane and all its closed subgroups. In higher dimensions, we also prove a dichotomy that the fundamental group of a closed aspherical 3-manifold is either amenable or has strong ergodic dimension 2. Our main technical tool is a method for finding measurable treeings of Borel planar graphs by constructing one-ended spanning subforests in their planar dual.
Our techniques for constructing one-ended spanning subforests also give a complete classification of the locally finite pmp graphs which admit Borel a.e. one-ended spanning subforests.


The video of a lecture given by Robin Tucker-Drob about this article:

Recording on May 23/05/2023 during the thematic meeting : « Measured Group Theory, Stochastic Processes on Groups and Borel Combinatorics » May 23, 2023 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)

Abstract of the lecture:

We show that several new classes of groups are measure strongly treeable, i.e., all of their free measure-class-preserving actions are treeable. This includes all finitely generated groups admitting planar Cayley graphs, all finitely generated elementarily free groups, and more generally all groups arising as the fundamental group of an 'IFL tower' over these groups. Our techniques also lead to new measure strong free factors of groups, i.e., group elements which generate a primitive subrelation in every free measure-class-preserving action. This is based on joint work with Clinton Conley, Damien Gaboriau, and Andrew Marks.

(Also on Youtube