Kevin Nguetchouang Ngongang

LIP, ENS, Lyon (33) 7 58 78 75 30 ·

Hi, I am a a PHD from the LIP laboratory of the ENS Lyon under the supervision of Pr. Alain Tchana and the associate professor Dr. Pierre Olivier.
My Ph.D work was on storage optimisation at scale, including virtual disk of virtual machines and cloud computing distributed storage

You can find additionnal informations on me on my CV

Research work

Accepted papers

SysFinder: a Binary-Level Static System Call Identification

Gaspard Thévenon, Kevin Nguetchouang, Kahina Lazri, Alain Tchana, Pierre Olivier

SVD: a Scalable Virtual Disk format

Kevin Nguetchouang, Stella Bitchebe, Theophile Dubuc, Mar Callau-Zori, Christophe Hubert, Pierre Olivier, Alain Tchana

sQemu: vers un stockage scalable

Kevin Nguetchouang, Pierre Olivier, Alain Tchana

OFC: an opportunistic free caching system for FaaS platforms

Djob Mvondo, Mathieu Bacou, Kevin Nguetchouang, Lucien Ngale, Stephane Pouget, Josiane Kouam, Renaud Lachaize, Jinho Hwang, Tim Wood, Daniel Hagimont, Noel De Palma, Batchakui Bernabé, Alain Tchana

FaaSCache: Caching platforms for serverless applications

Djob Mvondo , Mathieu Bacou, Kevin Nguetchouang, Lucien Ngale, Alain Tchana



Seminar on Cloud, Storage and Virtualization - ENSTA Bretagne

June 02-04 2021


National Advanced School of Engineering - Yaoundé

Computer Engineering

GPA: 3.2

September 2017 - October 2020

University Institute of Technology

Conception and Development of Networks and Internet

GPA: 3.7

September 2014 - September 2017


Apart from being a system guy working on storage Virtualization, I enjoy most of my time being playing video games or learning IT general in order to increase my security whole knowlegde a lot.

Awards & Certifications

  • ACM SOSP students grants Awards
  • Algorithmic toolbox - from University of California San Diego