
The lab…

We are located at the Very High field NMR Center (CRMN) in Lyon. This is a mixed research unit between the French National Research Center (CNRS), the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon) and the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (UCBL) within the Lyon University.

The french Very High field NMR center is a unique NMR facility worldwide. It’s an interdisciplinary NMR center, focusing on diverse aspects of magnetic resonance, including state of the art solid and liquid state NMR spectroscopy and hyper-polarization. The on-going research projects cover a wide range of application fields such as biological samples, materials or metabonomics. The CRMN offers a unique NMR platform with magnetic fields ranking from 400MHz to 1GHz, the highest magnetic field available as of today. Those spectrometers are equipped with state of the art probes and equipment, including cryo-probes to achieve high sensitivity in solution, ultra-fast magic angle spinning solid-state probes and dynamic polarization setup.

… and around

The lab is located in Lyon, one of the most lively and attractive french city, offering excellent life quality and active cultural scene. Lyon is also very well connected and provide an easy access to beautiful nature including the Alps, the Massif Central or the Mediterranean Sea and major French cities such as Paris or Marseille.


Centre de RMN à Très Hauts Champs, FRE2034
5 rue de la Doua,
69100 Villeurbanne (Lyon), France

Email: loic.salmon[at]