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Ludovic Bellon

43 years old (sept. 1973)

married, 2 children (15 and 17 years old)


speciality : non linear physics, atomic force microscopy, thermal noise, nano-mechanics, instrumentation

Professional experiences : Research

More than 35 publications in international peer reviewed scientific journals & congress acts, 3 patents, etc...

Leader or member of regional, national (ANR) or international (ERC) project


  1. Researcher in the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). Main topic: high resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM), thermal fluctuations and dissipation in nano-mechanics
    Laboratoire de Physique - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon


  1. Independent scientific expert with state accreditation. Advices in instrumentation and signal processing for smartINST (instrumented hydrodynamic particles)


  1. Post-doc: Control of out of equilibrium systems, in collaboration with R. Hernandez. Advanced Non Linear Physics Laboratory - Universidad de Chile


  1. PhD Thesis:  Aging of glassy systems and fluctuation-dissipation ratio, under the direction of S. Ciliberto. Laboratoire de Physique - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon


  1. National Service (1 year): Adaptative control of mechanical vibrations — experimental validation of associated concepts aiming at industrial applications.  Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides - École Centrale Lyon


  1. Training period (4 months) : convective instabilities. Département Physique des Matériaux - Université Lyon I


  1. Training period (6 months) : fracture in disordered materials. Laboratoire de Physique - ENS Lyon


  1. Training period (2 months) : printer's instability. Laboratoire de Physique Statistique - ENS

Professional experiences : Teaching and teaching management 


  1. Master leader: in charge of the last year of the master in Physics of the ENS Lyon: Fundamental Physics, from concepts to applications. 30 to 40 students each year, more than 30 courses given by 50 professors and researchers.


  1. Teaching in the ENS Lyon

  2. Dynamical systems and chaos (4x24h, Master)

  3. Non linear physics (4x10h exercices classes, Master)

  4. Original instruments and innovative experiments (2x21h+2x12h, Master)

  5. Lab practice : speckle interferometry (24h, Licence)

  6. Lab projects (7x48h, Master and 3x36h, Licence)

  7. DNA origami school of the computer science department (3h, Master)


  1. Invited Professor : Introduction to AFM (15h, Master) – USACH, Santiago, Chile

  2. Invited Professor : Introduction to AFM (20h, Master) – ECNU, Shanghai, China


  1. Associate Professor : Experimental projects (Master) Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica - Universidad de Chile


  1. Electronics : training of students of the ENS Lyon to the highly competitive examination of the Agrégation de Sciences Physiques which prepare high-school professors

Professional experiences : research management and supervision


  1. Team leader: in charge of team «Statistical Physics, Hydrodynamics and Non Linearities»

  2. 20 permanent academic staff (14 CNRS, 6 ENS Lyon), 16 PhD students and 10 post-doc. Annual budget excluding contracts and salaries 140k€

  3. Nominated member of the scientific council of the Laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon


  1. Project leader: ANR project HiResAFM: High resolution adhesion force measurement. Total budget 260 k€


  1. PhD supervisor for 5 students :

  2. Dissipation mécanique des revêtements optiques (R. Pedurand, co-direction LMA, Lyon, 2018)

  3. Température effective d'un système hors équilibre : fluctuations thermiques d'un microlevier soumis à un flux de chaleur (M. Geitner, 2015)

  4. Interferometría de alta resolución para AFM (F. Aguilar, co-direction USACH, Chile, 2013)

  5. Adhesion and dissipation at nanoscale (T. Li, co-direction ECNU, China, 2013)

  6. Bruit thermique et dissipation d'un microlevier (P. Paolino, 2008)


  1. Scientific leader of the scanning microscopy platform (AFM, MEB, EDX) of the ENS Lyon

  2. FEG SEM Zeiss Supra 55VP with EDX, shared by the Physics, Chemistry and Geology Labs

  3. JPK Nanowizard 4 AFM mounted on an Leica DM-IRBE inverted microscope, Physics Lab


  1. Co-organizer of 3 conferences in Lyon:

  2. Out-of-equilibrium physics and its applications (2013)

  3. Forum des microscopies à sonde locale (2011)

  4. Unsolved Problem on Noise (2008)


  1. Referee for 8 peer-reviewed journals (JSTAT, PRL, RSI, EPL, Appl. Opt…)

  2. Reviewer for 4 PhD Thesis and 1 Habilitation

  3. Member of scientific committees of periodic conferences : Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, UPoN

  4. Elected member of scientific councils : ENS Lyon (3 years) and Fédération Ampère (3 years)

  5. Moderator for HAL, the CNRS preprint server (3 years)


  1. Leader of one Xu Guangqi exchange project with the ECNU, Shanghai, China.


  1. Responsible of one research contract including his own salary (Proyecto Fondecyt 3010067)



  1. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : Exploring nano-mechanics through thermal fluctuations


  1. PhD Thesis : Aging of glassy systems and fluctuation-dissipation ratio


  1. DEA Physique Statistique et Phénomènes non linéaires (mention B) École Normale Supérieure de Lyon


  1. Studies at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris. Magistère de Physique 1st et 2nd year : Licence de Physique (mention B), Maîtrise de Physique (mention TB), 6 months training period in research.


  1. Competitive examination for ingeenering and sciences schools: success in the 3 Écoles Normales Supérieures (Paris, Lyon, Cachan) and in the famous École Polytechnique.


  1. Studies in the Lycée du Parc, Lyon

Technical skills


  1. Knowlegde of main operating systems (DOS, Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux), programing in Basic, Pascal, Fortran, C, C++, Labview, MatLab, knowledge of LaTex, conception of pages in html, javascript, php


  1. Conception of complex apparatus (a complete AFM for instance), machining of average difficulty parts


  1. Conception of precision measurement tools (nV resolution), wiring


  1. Conception, manipulation of precision interferometers (10-16 m resolution). Knowledge of holography


  1. French: native

  2. English: fluent (3 stays of 1 month each in the USA in 1989-1990, daily professional use)

  3. Spanish: fluent (2 years living in Chile)

  4. German: high school bases (1 month in Berlin in 1990)


Woodworking, mountain hiking, surfing, photography, travels...

Laboratoire de Physique ENS Lyon

46, allée d'Italie, 69007 Lyon

tel +33 4 26 23 39 56

fax +33 4 72 72 89 50