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For those models, it is known that the limit of the free energy can be written as the supremum of a functional, this is the celebrated Parisi formula. In this paper, we observe that the Parisi functional extends into a concave and Lipschitz functional on the set of signed measures. We use this fact and Fenchel-Moreau duality to derive an un-inverted version of the Parisi formula. Namely, we show that the limit of the free energy can be written as the infimum of a functional related to the Parisi functional. This un-inverted formula can be interpreted as a Hopf-like formula for some Hamilton-Jacobi equation in Wasserstein space. \bigskip \noindent \textsc{Keywords and phrases:} mean-field spin glass, free energy, Parisi formula, convex analysis, Hopf formula, Hamilton-Jacobi equation. \medskip \noindent \textsc{MSC 2020:} 60K35, 82B44, 82D30. \end{abstract} \maketitle \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} { \hypersetup{linkcolor=black} \tableofcontents } % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \section{Introduction} \subsection{Preamble} Let $D \ge 1$ be an integer, and let $(H_N(\sigma))_{\sigma \in (\R^N)^D}$ be a centered Gaussian field such that, for every $\sigma = (\sigma_1,\ldots, \sigma_D)$ and $\tau = (\tau_1, \ldots, \tau_D) \in (\R^N)^D$, we have % \begin{equation} \label{e.def.xi} \E \Ll[ H_N(\sigma) H_N(\tau) \Rr] = N \xi \Ll( \frac{\si \tau^\tsp}{N} \Rr) , \end{equation} % where $\xi \in C^\infty(\R^{D\times D}; \R)$ is some fixed smooth function, and where $\sigma \tau^\tsp$ denotes the matrix of scalar products % \begin{equation} \label{e.def.sigma.tau} \sigma \tau^\tsp = (\sigma_d \cdot \tau_{d'})_{1 \le d,d' \le D}. \end{equation} % We often identify $(\R^N)^D$ with the space $\R^{D\times N}$ of $D$-by-$N$ matrices, which makes the notation in \eqref{e.def.sigma.tau} natural. We assume that $\xi$ has a convergent power-series expansion. We also give ourselves a reference measure $P_1$ on $\R^D$ of compact support, and we set $P_N = (P_1)^{\otimes N}$, which we think of as a probability measure on $\R^{D\times N}$. In other words, a sample $\sigma = (\sigma_{d,i})_{1 \le d \le D, 1 \le i \le N}$ from $P_N$ is such that the columns $(\sigma_{\cdot,i})_{1 \le i \le N}$ are independent with law $P_1$. We are interested in the study of the large-$N$ behavior of the free energy % \begin{equation} \label{e.def.barFN} \bar F_N(t,\de_0) = -\frac 1 N \E \log \int \exp\Ll(\sqrt{2t} H_N(\sigma) - t N \xi \Ll( \frac{\si \si^\tsp}{N} \Rr) \Rr) \, \d P_N(\si), \end{equation} % where $t \ge 0$. The term $\xi\Ll( \frac{\si \si^\tsp}{N} \Rr)$ in \eqref{e.def.barFN} is introduced as a convenience to simplify the expression of the limit; it is constant in classical cases of interest, such as when the coordinates of $\sigma$ takes values in $\{-1,1\}$ and $\xi$ depends only on the diagonal entries of its argument. In general, the second argument of $\bar F_N$ can be any monotone probability measure on the space $S^D_+$ of positive semi-definite matrices, subject to a mild integrability requirement; the expression in \eqref{e.def.barFN} is with this argument chosen to be the Dirac mass at the origin. To explain what this space is, let us say that a path $\msf q : [0,1) \to S^D_+$ is nondecreasing if for every $u \le v \in [0,1)$, we have $\msf q(v) - \msf q(u) \in S^D_+$. A probability measure on $S^D_+$ is said to be monotone if it is the image of the Lebesgue measure on $[0,1]$ through a nondecreasing path from $[0,1)$ to $S^D_+$. We write $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ to denote the set of monotone measures on $S^D_+$, which is a subset of the set $\mcl P(S^D_+)$ of probability measures on $S^D_+$. For every $p \in [1,+\infty]$, we also write $\mcl P_p(S^D_+)$ to denote the subspace of $\mcl P(S^D_+)$ of measures with finite $p$-th moment, with the understanding that $\mcl P_\infty(S^D_+)$ is the subset of probability measures with compact support; we also write $\mcl P^\upa_p(S^D_+) = \mcl P^\upa(S^D_+) \cap \mcl P_p(S^D_+)$. We postpone the precise definition of $\bar F_N(t,\mu)$ for arbitrary $\mu \in \mcl P^\uparrow_1(S^D_+)$ to \eqref{e.def enriched fe}. In short, this quantity is obtained by adding an energy term in the exponential on the right side of \eqref{e.def.barFN} to encode the interaction of $\sigma$ with an external magnetic field, and this external magnetic field has an ultrametric structure whose characteristics are encoded by the measure $\mu$. One can check \cite[Proposition~3.1]{mourrat2019parisi} that $\bar F_N(0,\cdot)$ does not depend on $N$; for every $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$, we write % \begin{equation*} %\label{e.} \psi(\mu) = \bar F_1(0,\mu) = \bar F_N(0,\mu). \end{equation*} % This follows from the fact $P_N = P_1^{\otimes N}$ and that at $t = 0$ the $N$-body Hamiltonian has the same law as $N$ copies of the $1$-body Hamiltonian. When instead $P_N$ is the uniform measure on the sphere of radius $\sqrt{N}$ centered at $0$ in $(\mathbb{R}^D)^N$, $\bar F_N(0,\cdot)$ depends on $N$ but converges to a smooth function of $\mu$ as $N \to +\infty$ \cite[Proposition~3.1]{mourrat2019parisi}. In what follows, we focus on models with $P_N = P_1^{\otimes N}$. When $\xi$ is convex on $S^D_+$, the limiting value of $\bar F_N(t,\delta_0)$ is known, this is the celebrated Parisi formula. The Parisi formula was first conjectured in \cite{parisi1979infinite} using a sophisticated non-rigorous argument now referred to as the replica method. The convergence of the free energy as $N \to +\infty$ was rigorously established in \cite{guerra2002} in the case of the so-called Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model which corresponds to $D = 1$, $\xi(x) = x^2$ and $P_1 = \text{Unif}(\{-1,1\})$. The Parisi formula for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model was then proven in \cite{gue03,Tpaper}. This was extended to the case $D = 1$, $P_1 = \text{Unif}(\{-1,1\})$ and $\xi(x) = \sum_{p \geq 1} a_p x^p$ with $a_p \geq 0$ in \cite{pan}. Some models with $D > 1$ such as multispecies models, the Potts model, and a general class of models with vector spins were treated in \cite{pan.multi,pan.potts,pan.vec}, under the assumption that $\xi$ is convex on $\R^{D \times D}$. Finally, the case $D > 1$ was treated in general in \cite{chenmourrat2023cavity} assuming only that $\xi$ is convex on the set of positive semi-definite matrices. The following version of the Parisi formula is \cite[Corollary~8.2]{chenmourrat2023cavity}. \begin{theorem} [\cite{chenmourrat2023cavity}] \label{t.parisi} If $\xi$ is convex on $S^D_+$, then we have for every $t > 0$ % \begin{e} \label{e.parisi} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t,\delta_0) = \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_\infty(S^D_+)} \left\{ \psi(\mu) - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{x}{t}\right) \d \mu(x) \right\}. \end{e} % \end{theorem} Here, $\xi^*$ denotes the convex dual of $\xi$ with respect to the cone $S^D_+$, it is the function $\R^{D \times D} \to \R \cup\{+\infty\}$ defined by % \begin{equation} \label{e.def.xi.star} \xi^*(a) = \sup_{b \in S^D_+} \Ll\{a \cdot b - \xi(b)\Rr\}. \end{equation} % \subsection{Main results} In the classical version of the Parisi formula \eqref{e.parisi}, the limit free energy is written as the supremum of a functional. In this paper, we manipulate the right-hand side of \eqref{e.parisi} to show that there exists a functional related to $\psi$ whose infimum is equal to the limit of the free energy. Unless stated otherwise, we always work under the following assumptions, they are used to make sure that Theorem~\ref{t.parisi} holds. \begin{enumerate}[start=1,label={\rm (H\arabic*)}] \item \label{i.assume_1_product_proba} For every $N \geq 1$, $P_N = P_1^{\otimes N}$. \item \label{i.assume_2_convexity} The function $\xi$ is convex on $S^D_+$. \item \label{i.assume_3_power_series} The function $\xi$ admits an absolutely convergent power series. \end{enumerate} % Here and throughout, we will use $\int h \d\mu$ as a shorthand for $\int_{S^D_+} h(x) \d\mu(x)$. When $D = 1$ we have that $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+) = \mcl P(\R_+)$ is a convex set, and we have the result of \cite{auffinger2015parisi} on the convexity of the Parisi functional, which is essentially the mapping $-\psi$, up to a linear term and a change of variables (see also \cite{mourrat2019parisi}). This motivates the introduction of $\psi_*$ the concave dual of $\psi$. The function $\psi_*$ is defined for every Lipschitz function $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$ by % \begin{e*} \psi_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi(\mu) \right\}. \end{e*} % Given a Lipschitz function $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$, we also define for every $x \in \R_+$, % \begin{e} \label{e.s_t chi} S_t \chi(x) = \sup_{y \in \R_+} \left\{ \chi(x+y) - t \xi^* \left( \frac{y}{t} \right) \right\}. \end{e} % We recall that $\bar F_N(t,\mu)$ for $\mu \neq \delta_0$ is defined in \eqref{e.def enriched fe}. %\viccomment{Apparently there are some results about the convexity of $\psi$ in \cite{HJbook}, did not find them.} \begin{theorem} \label{t.main scalar} Assume \ref{i.assume_1_product_proba}, \ref{i.assume_2_convexity} and \ref{i.assume_3_power_series}, also assume that $D = 1$, then for every $t \geq 0$ and $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$, we have % \begin{e} \label{e.main scalar} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t,\mu) = \inf_{\chi} \left\{ \int S_t \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}, \end{e} % where the infimum is taken over the set of $1$-Lipschitz, convex and nondecreasing functions $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$. \end{theorem} We add that when $\chi$ is convex, according to \cite[Proposition~6.3]{chen2023viscosity}, for every $x \in \R_+$, the quantity $S_t \chi(x)$ can also be represented in the following way, % \begin{e} \label{e.chi hopf} S_t \chi(x) = \sup_{y \in \R_+} \left\{ xy - \chi^*(y) + t \xi(y) \right\}, \end{e} % where $\chi^*(y) = \sup_{x \in \R_+} \left\{ xy - \chi(x) \right\}$ is the convex dual of $\chi$. We equip $S^D$, the set of $D \times D$ symmetric matrices, with the Frobenius inner product, % \begin{e*} x \cdot y = \sum_{d,d' = 1}^D x_{dd'}y_{dd'}. \end{e*} % We let $|\cdot|$ denote the associated norm and $B(0,1)$ denotes the centered unit ball in $S^D$ with respect to $|\cdot|$ and $\mcl K_\xi = \nabla \xi(S^D_+ \cap B(0,1))$. When $D > 1$, the set $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ is not convex. Due to this technical difficulty, we were unable to obtain the exact analog of \eqref{e.main scalar} in this case. To circumvent this difficulty, we build a Lipschitz extension of $\psi$ defined on the set of signed measures on $\mcl K_\xi$. This yields a formula closely related to \eqref{e.main scalar} in which $\psi_*$ and $S_t \chi$ are replaced by the following % \begin{e} \psi_*^\xi(\chi) = \inf_{ \mu \in \mcl P^\upa(S^D_+) \cap \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi d\mu - \psi(\mu) \right\}, \end{e} % \begin{e} \tilde S_t \chi(x) = \sup_{y \in S^D_+ \cap B(0,1)} \left\{ \chi(x + t\nabla \xi(y)) - t \xi^* \left(\nabla \xi(y) \right) \right\}. \end{e} % \begin{theorem} \label{t.main} Assume \ref{i.assume_1_product_proba}, \ref{i.assume_2_convexity} and \ref{i.assume_3_power_series}, then for every $t \geq 0$ we have % \begin{e} \label{e.main} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t,\delta_0) = \inf_{\chi} \left\{ \tilde S_t \chi(0) - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) \right\}, \end{e} % where the infimum is taken over the set of $1$-Lipschitz functions $\chi : S^D_+ \to \R$. \end{theorem} % When mean-field spin glass models were first studied, it seemed natural to believe that the limit free energy could be written as the infimum of a functional. In this sense \eqref{e.parisi} which was first put forward in \cite{parisi1979infinite}, can be referred to as an \emph{inverted} variational formula. Below, we will therefore refer to formulas such as \eqref{e.main scalar} and \eqref{e.main} as \emph{un-inverted} variational formulas. We point out that a different un-inverted formula has already been obtained in \cite[Theorem~1]{uninverting}, where it is shown that the limit free energy can be written as an infimum over a set of martingales. We finish this introduction by discussing some possible interpretations and generalizations of Theorems \ref{t.main scalar} and \ref{t.main}. We rely on the fact that, as pointed out in \cite{mourrat2019parisi}, the limit free energy is related to the viscosity solution of some Hamilton-Jacobi equation on $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ (see Theorem~\ref{t.limit.free.energy} below). One can show that any concave upper semicontinuous function on $\R^d$ coincides with the infimum of the family of affine functions that upper bound it, this is Fenchel-Moreau duality \cite[Theorem~2.3.3]{convexanalysisvectorspace}. The function $u(t,x) = a \cdot x + b + tH(a)$ can be interpreted as the unique solution (in the viscosity sense) of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation % \begin{e*} \begin{cases} \partial_t u - H(\nabla u) = 0 \text{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \R^d \\ u(0,x) = a \cdot x + b. \end{cases} \end{e*} % Given a Hamilton-Jacobi equation on $\R^d$ with concave and upper semicontinuous initial condition $\varphi$, one can represent its unique solution (in the viscosity sense) as the infimum of the family of solutions with affine initial conditions that upper-bound $\varphi$, this is the Hopf representation \cite[Theorem~3.13]{HJbook}. Note that for the Hopf representation to hold, it is \emph{not} required to assume that $p \mapsto H(p)$ is convex. For Hamilton-Jacobi equations on $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$, there is an important subtlety and more precision is needed to define concave and affine functions. There are two natural notions of geodesics on $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$. The first are the geodesics inherited from the inclusion of $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ into the space of signed measures on $S^D_+$, those are the straight lines $\lambda \mapsto \lambda \mu + (1-\lambda)\mu'$. The second are the transport geodesics inherited from the inclusion of $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ into $L^2([0,1),S^D_+)$ via the space of nondecreasing paths $\msf q : [0,1) \to S^D_+$, those are the images of the straight lines $\lambda \mapsto \lambda \msf q + (1-\lambda)\msf q'$ in $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$. This second kind of geodesics are \emph{not} straight lines in $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ and can be seen as the geodesics associated to the optimal transport geometry in $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ . For the Hamilton-Jacobi equation on $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ arising in the context of spin glasses (see \eqref{e.hj} below), both of those geometries play a role. The transport derivative $\partial_\mu$ in \eqref{e.hj} is defined using the transport geometry and tracks the infinitesimal slope of a function along the transport geodesics. On the other hand, the initial condition $\psi$ in \eqref{e.hj} is concave along straight lines $\lambda \mapsto \lambda \mu + (1-\lambda)\mu'$. In \cite[Theorem~1.1~(3)]{chen2023viscosity}, it was shown that if the initial condition in \eqref{e.hj} is concave along transport geodesics, then, perhaps unsurprisingly, the Hopf representation holds. But, it is known that this concavity assumption is not satisfied by the initial condition of \eqref{e.hj} in general \cite[Section~6]{mourrat2020nonconvex}. At first glance, the two competing geometries in the formulation of \eqref{e.hj} prevents the existence of a Hopf type representation for the solution. Indeed, the initial condition is concave along straight lines, so the relevant affine functions to consider for the Fenchel-Moreau duality are of the form $\mu \mapsto \int \chi(x) \d\mu(x)$. But, for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation on $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ formulated with the transport derivative $\partial_\mu$ and with a fully general nonlinearity of the form $H(\partial_\mu f)$, there is no reason for the solution started with the initial condition $\mu \mapsto \int \chi(x) \d\mu(x)$ to be affine along straight lines. In the context of \eqref{e.hj}, there are additional structures to exploit in the nonlinear term $\int \xi(\partial_\mu f)\d\mu$ and this apparent incompatibility between the two geometries is resolved. We show in Theorem~\ref{t.viscosity with linear initial condition} that the solution of \eqref{e.hj} with initial condition $\mu \mapsto \int \chi(x) \d\mu(x)$ is % \begin{e*} (t,\mu) \mapsto \int S_t \chi(x) \d\mu(x), \end{e*} % where $S_t \chi$ is defined in \eqref{e.s_t chi}. This proves that \eqref{e.hj} does preserve affine functions (at least when $D = 1$). Theorem~\ref{t.main scalar} is in fact the statement that when $D =1$, the solution of \eqref{e.hj} is the infimum of the family of solutions with affine initial conditions that upper-bound $\psi$ and \eqref{e.main scalar} can therefore be interpreted as a Hopf-like formula for the solution of \eqref{e.hj}. When $\xi$ is not assumed to be convex on $S^D_+$, the Parisi formula breaks down and the value of the limit free energy is not known. In \cite{mourrat2019parisi} it was conjectured that, in analogy with the convex case, the limit free energy should be related to the solution of \eqref{e.hj}. We believe that, at least under some additional assumptions on $P_1$ and $\xi$ (see \ref{i.assume_4_product_proba} and \ref{i.assume_5_diag}), the Hopf-like representation derived in \eqref{e.main scalar} should be available for the solution of \eqref{e.hj} even when $D > 1$ and $\xi$ is possibly non-convex on $S^D_+$. Together with \cite[Conjecture~2.6]{mourrat2019parisi}, this yields a conjectural variational formula for the limiting value of the free energy when $\xi$ is possibly non-convex on $S^D_+$ (see Conjecture~\ref{c.var formula}). % \subsection{Organization of the paper} We start by giving a proper definition of the enriched free energy in Section~\ref{s.enriched}. In Section~\ref{s.fenchel-moreau}, we give a version of the Fenchel-Moreau theorem which holds for concave functions defined on the set of signed measures. In words, this result says that a concave function can be written as the infimum of the family of affine functions that upper bound it. In Section~\ref{s. scalar models}, using the Fenchel-Moreau theorem, we prove Theorem~\ref{t.main scalar}, the main argument is a $\sup-\inf$ interchange performed using \cite{sion1958minimax}. To do so we rely crucially on the fact that $\mcl P^\upa(\R_+) = \mcl P(\R_+)$ is a convex set. In Section~\ref{s.extension}, to compensate for the lack of convexity of $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ when $D > 1$, we show that any concave Lipschitz function $\psi: \mcl P^\upa(S^D_+) \to \R$ can be extended to a concave Lipschitz function on $\mcl P(S^D_+)$ (and even on the set of signed measures). The results of Section~\ref{s.extension} allows us to prove Theorem \ref{t.main} using similar arguments than in the proof of Theorem \ref{t.main scalar}, this is done in Section~\ref{s.vector models}. Finally, in Section~\ref{s.interpretation} we explain the link between the un-inverted formulas and the Hopf-like representation for the viscosity solution of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. \subsection*{Acknowledgement} I warmly thank Jean-Christophe Mourrat for motivating this project, as well as many helpful discussions and some decisive comments and ideas for Section~\ref{s.extension}. \section{The enriched free energy} \label{s.enriched} Let $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$ be a measure with finite support, we can write % \begin{equation} \label{e.def.finitely.supported} \mu = \sum_{k = 0}^K (\zeta_{k+1} - \zeta_k) \delta_{q_k}, \end{equation} % with $K \in \mathbb{N}$, $\zeta_0,\dots,\zeta_{K+1} \in \mathbb{R}$ satisfying % \begin{equation} 0 = \zeta_0 < \zeta_1 < \dots < \zeta_K < \zeta_{K+1} = 1, \end{equation} % and $q_0,\dots,q_K \in {S}^D_+$ such that % \begin{equation} 0 = q_{-1} \leq q_0 < q_1 \dots < q_{K-1} < q_K. \end{equation} % The definition of the enriched free energy will involve a probabilistic object called the Poisson-Dirichlet cascade. We will briefly recall some properties of this object, a full definition can be found in \cite[Section~2.3]{pan}. We let % \begin{e*} \mcl A = \N^0 \cup \N^1 \cup \dots \cup \N^K. \end{e*} % We think of $\mcl A$ as a tree rooted at $\N^0 = \{\emptyset\}$, with depth $K$ and such that each non-leaf vertex has countably infinite degree. For every $k \in \{0,\dots,K\}$, and $\alpha \in \N^k \subset \mcl A$, we let $|\alpha| = k$ denote the depth of $\alpha$. For every leaf $\alpha =(n_1,\dots,n_K) \in \N^K$, we let % \begin{e*} \alpha \big|_k = (n_1,\dots,n_k), \end{e*} % with the understanding that $\alpha \big|_0$ is the root. For every $\alpha, \alpha' \in \mcl A$ we define % \begin{e*} \alpha \wedge \alpha' = \sup \left\{k \in \{0,\dots K \} \big| \, \alpha \big|_k = \alpha' \big|_k \right\}. \end{e*} % A Poisson-Dirichlet cascade is the set $(v_\alpha)_{\alpha \in \mathbb{N}^K}$ of weights of a certain random probability measure on the set $\N^K$ of leaves of the tree $\mcl A$. Those weights are constructed as follows. The children $\alpha1,\alpha2,\alpha3,\dots$ of each vertex $\alpha \in \N^k$ for $k < K$ are decorated with the values $(u_{\alpha k})_{k \geq 1}$ (arranged in decreasing order) of an independent Poisson point process with intensity measure $\zeta_{k+1}x^{-(1+\zeta_{k+1})}dx$. The weight of the leaf $\alpha \in \N^K$ is then calculated by taking the product of each of the weights associated to $\alpha \big|_k$ for $k \in \{1,\dots K\}$. Finally, the weights are normalized so that their sum is $1$. Namely, if $\alpha \in \N^K$, we have % \begin{e*} v_\alpha = \frac{w_\alpha}{\sum_{\beta \in \N^K} w_\beta}, \end{e*} % where $w_\alpha = \prod_{k = 1}^K u_{\alpha \big|_k}$. We say that a random vector $z \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times N}$ is standard Gaussian when its coordinates in an orthonormal basis form a family of real independent standard Gaussian random variables. Let $(z_\alpha)_{\alpha \in \mathbb{N}^K}$ be a family of independent standard Gaussian vectors on $\mathbb{R}^{D \times N}$. For every $\sigma \in\mathbb{R}^{D \times N}$ and $\alpha \in \mathbb{N}^K$, we set % \begin{equation} H^\mu_N(\sigma,\alpha) = \sum_{k = 0}^K (2q_k - 2q_{k-1})^{1/2} z_{\alpha |_k} \cdot \sigma, \end{equation} % where $(2q_k - 2q_{k-1})^{1/2}$ should be understood as the square root of the symmetric positive semi-definite matrix $2q_k - 2q_{k-1}$. Here, $D \times D$ matrices act on $\mathbb{R}^{D \times N}$ via the standard multiplication of $D \times D$ matrices by $D \times N$ matrices. Alternatively, $H^\mu_N$ can be defined as the unique centered Gaussian process on $\R^D \times \N^K$ with the following covariance % \begin{e*} \E H^\mu_N(\sigma,\alpha) H^\mu_N(\tau,\beta) = 2 q_{\alpha \wedge \beta} \cdot \sigma \tau^\perp. \end{e*} % For every $t \geq 0$, we define the enriched free energy at $(t,\mu)$ by % \begin{equation} \label{e.def enriched fe} F_N(t,\mu) = -\frac{1}{N} \log \int \sum_{\alpha \in \mathbb{N}^K} \exp \left( H_N^{t,\mu}(\sigma,\alpha)\right) v_\alpha \d P_N(\sigma), \end{equation} % where % \begin{e} H_N^{t,\mu}(\sigma,\alpha) = \sqrt{2t} H_N(\sigma) -Nt \xi \left( \frac{\sigma \sigma^\perp}{N}\right) + H^\mu_N(\sigma,\alpha) - q_K \cdot \sigma\sigma^\perp. \end{e} % We let $\Tilde{\E}$ denote the expectation conditionally on the randomness coming from $(H_N(\sigma))_{\sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times N}}$. We define the partially and fully averaged free energies % \begin{align*} \Tilde{F}_N(t,\mu) = \tilde \E [ F_N(t,\mu) ], \\ \bar F_N(t,\mu) = \E[ F_N(t,\mu)]. \end{align*} % For every $t \geq 0$, $\Tilde{F}_N(t,\cdot)$ is Lipschitz continuous on the set of finitely supported measures in $\mcl P^\upa_\infty(S^D_+)$ \cite[Proposition~3.1]{mourrat2020free}. In particular $\bar F_N$ and $\tilde F_N$ can be extended by continuity to $\R_+ \times \mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$. We let $\psi = F_1(0,\cdot)$, that is $\psi$ is the unique Lipschitz continuous function on $\mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$ such that for every finitely supported $\mu$ as in \eqref{e.def.finitely.supported}, we have % \begin{equation} \label{e.def_psi} \psi(\mu) = - \mathbb{E} \log \int \sum_{\alpha \in \mathbb{N}^K} \exp \left( H^\mu_1(\sigma,\alpha) - q_K \cdot \sigma \sigma^\perp \right) v_\alpha \d P_1(\sigma). \end{equation} % Let $U$ be a uniform random variable on $[0,1)$. Given a monotonically coupled measure, $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_p(S^D_+)$, there exists a unique nondecreasing right continuous path with left limits $\msf q_\mu \in L^p([0,1),S^D)$ such that $\mu$ is the law of the random variable $X_\mu = \msf q_\mu(U)$. We let $\mcl Q(S^D_+)$ denote the set of nondecreasing right continuous paths with left limits, and we define $\mcl Q_p(S^D_+) = \mcl Q(S^D_+) \cap L^p([0,1),S^D)$. The set $\mcl Q_p(S^D_+)$ is a closed convex cone of $L^p([0,1),S^D)$, meaning that it is a closed convex subset and for every $\msf q, \msf q' \in \mcl Q_p(S^D_+)$, $t,t' \geq 0$ we have % \begin{e*} t \msf q + t' \msf q' \in \mcl Q_p(S^D_+). \end{e*} % The cone $\mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ is embedded in the Hilbert space $L^2([0,1),S^D)$, we can define its dual cone % \begin{e*} \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)^* = \left\{ \msf p \in L^2([0,1),S^D) \big| \, \forall \msf q \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+), \; \langle \msf p, \msf q\rangle_{L^2} \geq 0 \right\}. \end{e*} % Let $\kappa \in L^2$, according to \cite[Lemma~3.5]{chenmourrat2023cavity}, we have $\kappa \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)^*$ if and only if for every $t \in [0,1)$, % \begin{e*} \int_t^1 \kappa(u) \d u \in S^D_+. \end{e*} % Given $\msf q, \msf q' \in \mcl Q_1(S^D_+)$, we write $\msf q \leq \msf q'$ whenever for every $t \in [0,1)$, % \begin{e*} \int_t^1 \msf q'(u) - \msf q(u) \d u \in S^D_+. \end{e*} % When $\msf q, \msf q' \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$, we have $\msf q \leq \msf q'$ if and only if $\msf q' - \msf q \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)^*$. This notation can be extended to $\mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$ by setting $\mu \leq \mu'$ whenever $\msf q_{\mu} \leq \msf q_{\mu'}$. We say that a function defined on a subset of $\mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$ is nondecreasing when it is nondecreasing with respect to the order that we have just defined. The dual of the closed convex cone $ \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)^*$ is the cone $\mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ itself, more precisely we have % \begin{e} \label{e.biduality} \mcl Q_2(S^D_+) = \left\{ \msf q \in L^2([0,1),S^D) \big| \, \forall \msf p \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)^*, \; \langle \msf p, \msf q\rangle_{L^2} \geq 0 \right\}. \end{e} % This property will be useful to show that certain functions defined on $\mcl P^\upa_2(S^D_+)$ are nondecreasing. The point of introducing the enriched free energy \eqref{e.def enriched fe} is \cite[Corollary~8.2]{chenmourrat2023cavity} which we state as Theorem~\ref{t.limit.free.energy} below. Roughly speaking, Theorem~\ref{t.limit.free.energy} states that the limit of the enriched free energy is the unique solution to a partial differential equation. One can recover the classical Parisi formula \eqref{e.parisi} from Theorem~\ref{t.limit.free.energy} by simply setting $\mu = \delta_0$ in \eqref{e.lim.FN}. Theorem~\ref{t.limit.free.energy} gives a new way of interpreting the Parisi formula, which does not solely rely on a variational representation. In particular, this point of view allows us to formulate a credible conjecture for the limit free energy of models whose covariance function $\xi$ is nonconvex on $S^D_+$ \cite[Conjecture~2.6]{mourrat2019parisi}. We refer to \cite{chenmourrat2023cavity,mourrat2020nonconvex,mourrat2020free} for partial results in this direction. % \begin{theorem}[\cite{chenmourrat2023cavity}] \label{t.limit.free.energy} Suppose that the function $\xi$ is convex over $S^D_+$. Then for every $t \ge 0$ and $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$, we have % \begin{equation} \label{e.lim.FN} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t,\mu) = \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P^\upa_\infty(S^D_+), \nu \ge \mu} \Ll\{ \psi(\nu) - t \E \Ll[ \xi^* \Ll( \frac{X_\nu - X_\mu}{t} \Rr) \Rr] \Rr\} . \end{equation} % Moreover, denoting by $f(t,\mu)$ the expression above, we have that $f : \R_+ \times \mcl P^\upa_2(S^D_+) \to \R$ solves the Hamilton-Jacobi equation % \begin{equation} \label{e.hj} \Ll\{ \begin{aligned} & \dr_t f - \int \xi(\dr_{\mu} f) \, \d \mu = 0 & \text{ on } \R_+ \times \mcl P^\upa_2(S^D_+) \\ & f(0,\cdot) = \psi \quad & \text{ on } \mcl P^\upa_2(S^D_+). \end{aligned} \Rr. \end{equation} \end{theorem} % \begin{remark} When $D = 1$, as pointed out in \cite[Propostion~A.3]{chen2022hamilton}, we can drop the condition “$\nu \ge \mu$" in \eqref{e.lim.FN} and we have % \begin{equation} \label{e.lim.FN.scalar} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t,\mu) = \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P_\infty(\R_+)} \Ll\{ \psi(\nu) - t \E \Ll[ \xi^* \Ll( \frac{X_\nu - X_\mu}{t} \Rr) \Rr] \Rr\} . \end{equation} \end{remark} % In \eqref{e.hj}, the symbol $\partial_\mu$ should be interpreted as a derivative of transport type. Informally, this means that given any sufficiently smooth function $g : \mcl P_2^\upa(S^D_+) \to \R$, the symbol $\partial_\mu g(\mu)$ should be understood as an $S^D$-valued function defined on $S^D_+$ that is square integrable with respect to the measure $\mu$ and is such that the following holds as $\mu'$ converges to $\mu$ in $\mcl P_2^\upa(S^D_+)$, % \begin{e*} g(\mu') = g(\mu) + \E [\partial_\mu g(\mu)(X_\mu) \cdot (X_{\mu'} - X_\mu) ] + o\left( \E \left[ \left|X_{\mu'} - X_\mu\right|^2 \right ]^{\frac{1}{2}} \right). \end{e*} % \begin{definition} \label{d.frechet} Let $\msf g : \mcl Q_2(S^D_+) \to \R$ and $\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$. We say that $\msf g$ is Fréchet differentiable at $\msf q$ if there exists a unique $\msf p \in L^2([0,1),S^D)$ such that % \begin{e*} \lim_{r \to 0} \sup_{\substack{\msf q' \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+) \\ 0 < |\msf q - \msf q'|_{L^2} \leq r}} \frac{\msf g (\msf q') - \msf g (\msf q) - \langle \msf p, \msf q' - \msf q \rangle_{L^2} }{|\msf q - \msf q'|_{L^2}} = 0. \end{e*} % In this case, we say that $\msf p$ is the Fréchet derivative of $\msf g$ at $\msf q$ and we denote it $\nabla \msf g(\msf q)$. \end{definition} The derivative $\partial_\mu$ can be reinterpreted as a Fréchet derivative in the following way. The map $\Omega : \mu \mapsto \msf q_\mu$ yields a nonlinear isometric bijection between $\mcl P^\upa_2(S^D_+)$ and $\mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$. Given a sufficiently smooth function $g : \mcl P_2^\upa(S^D_+) \to \R$, we define $\msf g = g \circ \Omega^{-1}$. Then formally, we have for every $u \in [0,1)$ % \begin{e*} \partial_\mu g(\mu) (\msf q_\mu(u)) = \nabla \msf g(q_\mu)(u). \end{e*} % In particular, setting $\msf f(t,\msf q) = f(t,\Omega^{-1} \msf q)$, the partial differential equation \eqref{e.hj} can be seen as a special case of % \begin{e} \label{e.hj frechet} \begin{cases} \partial_t \mathsf f - H(\nabla \mathsf f ) = 0 \textrm{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \mcl Q_2(S^D_+) \\ \msf f (0,\msf q) = \psi(\Omega^{-1} \msf q), \end{cases} \end{e} % with $H(\msf p ) = \int_0^1 \xi( \msf p(u)) \d u$. This is the point of view adopted in \cite{chen2022hamilton} to prove that \eqref{e.hj} is well-posed. Note that in \eqref{e.hj frechet} the nonlinearity $H$ doesn't depend directly on $\msf q$, while in \eqref{e.hj} the nonlinearity depends on $\mu$ through the integration of $\xi(\dr_{\mu} f)$ with respect to $\mu$. Despite this apparent simplification, some important properties of $f$ and $\psi$ can only be seen when they are considered as functions of $\mu$ and not $\msf q$. For example $\psi : \mcl P_2^\upa(S^D_+) \to \R$ is concave along straight lines \cite{chen2023parisipdevector}, but this doesn't imply that $\msf q \mapsto \psi(\Omega^{-1} \msf q)$ is concave, since in general, % \begin{e*} \msf q_{(1-\lambda) \mu_0 + \lambda \mu_1} \neq (1-\lambda) \msf q_{\mu_0} + \lambda \msf q_{\mu_1}. \end{e*} % Finally, note that the cone $\mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ has empty interior in $L^2$. We define $\mcl Q_\upa(S^D_+)$ as the set of paths $\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ such that there exists $c > 0$ satisfying the following for every $u \leq v$, % \begin{e*} \left( \msf q(v) - cv \text{Id} \right) - \left( \msf q(u) - cu \text{Id} \right) \in S^D_+ \textrm{ and } \text{Ellipt}( \msf q(v) - \msf q(u)) \leq \frac{1}{c}, \end{e*} % where for $m \in S^D$, $\text{Ellipt}(m) \in [1,+\infty)$ denotes the ratio between the smallest and the largest eigenvalue of $m$. In practice $\mcl Q_\upa(S^D_+)$ plays the role of the interior of $\mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ since for every $\msf q \in \mcl Q_\upa(S^D_+)$ and every Lipschitz $\kappa : [0,1) \to S^D$, we have $\msf q +\varepsilon \kappa \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ for every $\varepsilon > 0$ small enough. \section{Fenchel-Moreau duality in Wasserstein space} \label{s.fenchel-moreau} Let $F \subset S^D_+$ be a closed set, and $x_0 \in F$. Let $\mcl L(F,x_0)$ denote the set of Lipschitz functions $\chi : F \to \R$, equipped with the norm $|\chi|_\mcl{L} = \max\{|\chi(x_0)|,|\chi|_{\text{Lip}}\}$ where % \begin{e*} |\chi|_{\text{Lip}} = \sup_{\substack{x,y \in F \\ x \neq y}} \left\{ \frac{|\chi(x) - \chi(y)|}{|x-y|}\right\}. \end{e*} % When the point $x_0$ is clear from context, we simply write $\mcl L(F)$. We let $\mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)$ denote the unit ball of $\mcl L(F)$, that is % \begin{e*} \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F) = \{ \chi \in \mcl L(F) \big| \, |\chi|_{\mcl L} \leq 1 \}. \end{e*} % Note that, according to the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem, $\mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)$ is compact with respect to the topology of local uniform convergence. We also let $\mcl L^0(F)$ denote the set of functions $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$ satisfying $\chi(x_0)= 0$ and $\mcl L_{\leq 1}^0(F) = \mcl L^0(F) \cap \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)$. Given a signed Borel measure $\nu$ on $F$ with finite first moment, we define its Kantorovich-Rubinstein norm, % \begin{equation*} \label{e.OT distance dual} |\nu|_{\mcl M} = \sup_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)} \left\{ \int_{F} \chi \d\nu \right\}. \end{equation*} % We let $\mcl M_1(F)$ denote the completion with respect to $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$ of the set of signed Borel measures on $F$ having finite first moment. The closed linear span of $\{\delta_x \big | \, x \in F \}$ is $\mcl M_1(F)$. Note that the distance $d(\nu,\nu') = |\nu - \nu'|_{\mcl M}$ induced by the norm $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$ coincides with the optimal transport distance when restricted to $\mcl P_1(F) \times \mcl P_1(F)$ \cite[Theorem~5.10]{villani2}, in particular for every $\nu,\nu' \in \mcl P_1(F)$ we have % \begin{e*} |\nu-\nu'|_\mcl{M} = \inf_{\pi \in \Pi(\nu,\nu')} \left\{ \int_{F \times F} |x-y| \d \pi(x,y) \right\}, \end{e*} % where $\Pi(\nu,\nu')$ denotes the set of probability measures $\pi \in \mcl P_1(F \times F)$ such that $\pi_1 = \nu$ and $\pi_2 = \nu'$. Here and throughout, $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$ denote the first and second marginal of the coupling $\pi$. More precisely, if $p_i : F \times F \to F$ denotes the projection on the $i$-th coordinate, we have $\pi_i = {p_{i}}_\#\pi $ \begin{proposition} The continuous dual of $(\mcl M_1(F), |\cdot|_{\mcl M})$ is $(\mcl L(F), |\cdot|_{\mcl L})$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Let $\ell$ be a continuous linear form on $(\mcl M(F), |\cdot|_{\mcl M})$, for every $x \in F$ we let $\chi(x) = \ell(\delta_x)$. For every $x,y \in F$ we have % \begin{e*} |\chi(x) - \chi(y)| = |\ell(\delta_x - \delta_y)| \leq c |\delta_x - \delta_y|_{\mcl M} = c|x-y|, \end{e*} % therefore $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$. For every $x_1,\dots,x_K \in F$ and for every $\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_K \in \R$, we have % \begin{e*} \ell \left( \sum_{k = 1}^K \lambda_k \delta_{x_k} \right) = \sum_{k = 1}^K \lambda_k \chi(x_k). \end{e*} % This means that for every finitely supported $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$, % \begin{e*} \ell(\mu) = \int \chi \d\mu. \end{e*} % Since $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$, the map $\mu \mapsto \int \chi \d\mu$ defines a continuous linear form on $(\mcl M_1(F), |\cdot|_{\mcl M})$ that coincides with $\ell$ on the set of finitely supported measures. By density, we have for every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$, % \begin{e*} \ell(\mu) = \int \chi \d\mu. \end{e*} % We have proven that $(\mcl M_1(F), |\cdot|_{\mcl M})^*= (\mcl L(F), |\cdot|^*_{\mcl M})$, where % \begin{e*} |\chi|^*_{\mcl M} = \sup_{|\mu|_{\mcl M} \leq 1} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu \right\}. \end{e*} % To conclude, let us show that for every $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$, $|\chi|^*_{\mcl M} = |\chi|_{\mcl L}$. By construction, it is clear that $|\chi|^*_{\mcl M} \leq |\chi|_{\mcl L}$. To show the converse inequality, one can plug in $\mu = \pm (\delta_x - \delta_y)/|x-y|$ and $\mu = \pm \delta_{x_0}$ in the previous display to discover that % \begin{align*} |\chi|^*_{\mcl M} &\geq \frac{|\chi(x) -\chi(y)|}{|x-y|}, \\ |\chi|^*_{\mcl M} &\geq |\chi(x_0)|. \qedhere \end{align*} % \end{proof} We say that a sequence of measures $(\mu_n)_n$ in $\mcl M_1(F)$ weakly converges to $\mu$ in $\mcl M_1(F)$ as $n \to +\infty$ when for every $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$, % \begin{e*} \lim_{n \to +\infty} \int \chi \d\mu_n = \int \chi \d\mu. \end{e*} % We say that a function $\varphi : \mcl M_1(F) \to \R \cup \{-\infty\}$ is weakly upper semicontinuous when for every sequence $(\mu_n)_n$ that weakly converges to $\mu$ in $\mcl M_1(F)$, we have % \begin{e*} \limsup_{n \to + \infty} \varphi(\mu_n) \leq \varphi(\mu). \end{e*} % Every weakly upper semi-continuous function on $\mcl M_1(F)$ is upper semi-continuous (that is, with respect to strong convergence under $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$). The converse is not true in general, but the following result holds. % \begin{proposition} \label{p. usc implies wusc} Let $\varphi : \mcl M_1(F) \to \R$ be a concave function, if $\varphi$ is upper semi-continuous then $\varphi$ is weakly upper semi-continuous. \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} Since $\varphi$ is concave and upper semi-continuous, the set % \begin{e*} B = \{ (x,\mu) \in \R \times \mcl M_1(F) \big| \, \varphi(\mu) \geq x\}, \end{e*} % of points below the graph of $\varphi$ is closed and convex. In particular, it follows from the Hahn-Banach separation theorem, that $B$ is weakly closed \cite[Corollary~1.5]{conway1990fa}. This means that $\varphi$ is weakly upper semi-continuous. \end{proof} % Let us now give a statement of the Fenchel-Moreau duality in the context of the dual pair $(\mcl M_1(F), \mcl L(F))$. Usually, the Fenchel-Moreau duality is stated for convex functions, but it can be transformed into a statement about concave functions (and vice-versa) replacing each function $\varphi$ by its opposite $-\varphi$. Here the functions we are ultimately interested in in Section~\ref{s. scalar models} and \ref{s.vector models} are concave, so we choose to state the Fenchel-Moreau duality as a result for concave functions. Let $\varphi : \mcl M_1(F) \to \R \cup \{-\infty\}$, we define its concave conjugate $\varphi_* : \mcl L(F) \to \R \cup \{-\infty\}$ by % \begin{align*} \varphi_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi(\mu) \right\}. \end{align*} % Similarly, given a function $\phi : \mcl L(F) \to \R \cup \{-\infty\}$ we define its concave conjugate $\phi_* : \mcl M_1(F) \to \R \cup \{-\infty\}$ by % \begin{align*} \phi_*(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \phi(\chi) \right\}. \end{align*} % The following theorem is a translation of \cite[Theorem~2.3.3]{convexanalysisvectorspace} in our context. \begin{theorem}[\cite{convexanalysisvectorspace}] \label{t.fenchel moreau} Let $\varphi : \mcl M_1(F) \to \R \cup \{-\infty\}$ be a function that is not identically equal to $-\infty$. Then $\varphi_{**} = \varphi$ if and only if $\varphi$ is concave and upper semicontinuous. \end{theorem} The concave conjugate $\varphi_*$ of $\varphi$ is defined as the infimum of a family of affine functions, hence for some $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$ we may have $\varphi_*(\chi) = -\infty$. We define, % \begin{e*} \text{dom}(\varphi_*) = \{ \chi \in \mcl L(F) \big| \varphi_*(\chi) > -\infty \}. \end{e*} % For every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$, we have % \begin{e*} \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\} = \inf_{\chi \in \text{dom}(\varphi_*)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % This alternative representation for $\varphi_{**}$ can be useful when the functions in $\text{dom}(\varphi_*)$ are shown to have special properties. The following proposition states that when $\varphi$ is $1$-Lipschitz, the set $\text{dom}(\varphi_*)$ is contained in the unit ball of $\mcl L(F)$. % \begin{proposition} \label{p.dual of lipschitz} Let $\varphi : (\mcl M_1(F), |\cdot|_{\mcl M}) \to \R$ be a $1$-Lipschitz function. For every $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$, if $|\chi|_{\mcl L} > 1$, then % \begin{e*} \varphi_*(\chi) = -\infty. \end{e*} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Let $\chi \in \mcl L(F)$. \noindent Step 1. We show that if $|\chi|_{\mcl L} > 1$, then there exists $\mu' \in \mcl M_1(F)$ such that $|\mu'|_{\mcl M} < 1$ and $\int \chi \d\mu' < -1$. \noindent By contradiction, assume that for every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$, if $|\mu|_{\mcl M} < 1$, then $\int \chi \d\mu \geq -1$. In this case, for every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$ and $\varepsilon > 0$, we have % \begin{e*} \int \chi \d \left( \frac{-\mu}{(1+\varepsilon) |\mu|_{\mcl M}} \right)\geq -1. \end{e*} % Letting $\varepsilon \to 0$ we obtain % \begin{e*} \int \chi \d\mu \leq |\mu|_{\mcl M}. \end{e*} % Now taking the supremum over $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$, this yields $|\chi|_{\mcl L} \leq 1$, a contradiction. \noindent Step 2. Conclusion. \noindent Let $0 \in \mcl M_1(F)$ denote the null measure. For every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$, we have % \begin{e*} \varphi(\mu) \geq \varphi(0) - |\mu|_\mcl{M}. \end{e*} % It follows that % \begin{e*} \varphi_*(\chi) \leq -\varphi(0) + \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu + |\mu|_\mcl{M} \right\}. \end{e*} % Assume that $|\chi|_{\mcl L} > 1$, let $\mu' \in \mcl M_1(F)$ be such that $|\mu'|_{\mcl M} < 1$ and $\int \chi \d\mu' \leq -1$ as in Step 1. We have % \begin{e*} \lim_{t \to +\infty} \left( \int \chi \d (t\mu') + |t\mu'|_\mcl{M} \right) = -\infty. \end{e*} % Thus, % \begin{e*} \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu + |\mu|_\mcl{M} \right\} = -\infty, \end{e*} % and it follows that $\varphi_*(\chi) = -\infty$. \end{proof} % We use the notation $\min_{x \in X} f(x)$ to denote the value $\inf_{x \in X} f(x)$ when there exists $x_0 \in X$ such that $f(x_0)= \inf_{x \in X} f(x)$. % \begin{corollary} \label{c.fenchel moreau for lipschitz} Let $\varphi : \mcl M_1(F) \to \R \cup \{-\infty\}$ be a function that is not identically equal to $-\infty$. Assume that $\varphi$ is 1-Lipschitz with respect to $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$ and concave, then for every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(F)$ we have % \begin{e*} \varphi(\mu) = \min_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % \end{corollary} Of course, Corollary~\ref{c.fenchel moreau for lipschitz} is true if $\varphi$ is only assumed to be $L$-Lipschitz for some $L \geq 0$, in this case we need to minimize over $\mcl L_{\leq L}(F)$ rather than $\mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)$. \begin{proof} \noindent Step 1. We show that % \begin{e*} \varphi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} \noindent According to Proposition~\ref{p.dual of lipschitz}, we have $\varphi_*(\chi) = -\infty$ whenever $\chi \notin \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)$, therefore % \begin{e*} \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\} = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % Combining this with Theorem~\ref{t.fenchel moreau}, we obtain % \begin{e*} \varphi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % \noindent Step 2. We show that the infimum in the variational formula of Step 1 is reached at some $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}$. \noindent For every $n \geq 1$, we let $\chi_n \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)$ be such that % \begin{e*} \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \right\} \geq \int \chi_n \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi_n) - \frac{1}{n}. \end{e*} % The sequence $(\chi_n)_n$ converges locally uniformly along a subsequence $(n_k)_k$ to some $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(F)$. In order to conclude it is enough to show that % \begin{e*} \liminf_{k \to +\infty} \left\{ \int \chi_{n_k} \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi_{n_k}) \right\} \geq \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi_*(\chi) \end{e*} % Let $\nu \in \mcl M_1(F)$, we have $\chi_{n_k} \to \chi$ pointwise on $F$ as $k \to +\infty$ and for every $x \in F$, % \begin{e*} |\chi_{n_k}(x)| \leq 1+|x-x_0|. \end{e*} % Therefore, by dominated convergence, we have % \begin{e*} \lim_{k \to +\infty} \int \chi_{n_k} \d\nu = \int \chi \d\nu. \end{e*} % Since we have % \begin{e*} \varphi_*(\chi) = \inf_{\nu \in \mcl M_1(F)} \left\{ \int \chi \d \nu - \varphi(\nu) \right\}, \end{e*} % it follows that $\limsup_{k \to +\infty} \varphi_*(\chi_{n_k}) \leq \varphi_*(\chi)$. Since we have % \begin{e*} \lim_{k \to +\infty} \int \chi_{n_k} \d\mu = \int \chi \d\mu, \end{e*} % this concludes the proof. \end{proof} \section{Scalar models} \label{s. scalar models} In this section, we focus on the case $D = 1$, and prove Theorem~\ref{t.main scalar}. Recall that in this setting $\mcl P^\upa(\R_+) = \mcl P(\R_+)$ is a convex set. Also recall that we have defined for every Lipschitz function $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$, % \begin{equation*} S_t \chi(x) = \sup_{y \in \R_+} \left\{ \chi(y) - t \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t}\right) \right\}. \end{equation*} % The function $(t,x) \mapsto S_t \chi(x)$ can be interpreted as the unique viscosity solution of % \begin{equation} \label{e.rshj} \begin{cases} \partial_t v - \xi(\nabla v) = 0 \text{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \R_+ \\ v(0,\cdot) = \chi. \end{cases} \end{equation} % \subsection{Variational representation for the initial condition} Let $\psi : \mcl P_1(\R_+) \to \R$, for every Lipschitz function $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$, define % \begin{equation*} \psi_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi(\mu) \right\}. \end{equation*} % We recall that $\mcl L(\R_+)$ denotes the set of Lipschitz functions $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$, we choose $x_0 = 0$ as the reference point for the norm $|\cdot|_{\mcl L}$. We also recall that $\mcl L_{\leq 1}(\R_+)$ denotes the unit ball of $\mcl L(\R_+)$ and $\mcl L^0(\R_+)$ denote the set of functions $\chi \in \mcl L(\R_+)$ satisfying $\chi(0) = 0$. We let $\mcl X$ denote the set of functions $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\R_+)$ that are convex and nondecreasing, and $\mcl X^0 = \mcl X \cap \mcl L^0$. Also recall that given $\mu,\nu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$, we say that $\mu \leq \nu$ whenever for every $t \in [0,1)$, % \begin{e} \label{e.def order} \int_t^1 \msf q_\nu(u) - \msf q_\mu(u)\d u \geq 0, \end{e} % and that $\psi : \mcl P_1(\R_+) \to \R$ is said to be nondecreasing whenever we have for every $\mu,\nu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$, % \begin{e*} \mu \leq \nu \implies \psi(\mu) \leq \psi(\nu). \end{e*} % Finally, recall that we equip $\mcl M_1(\R_+)$ with the norm $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$ and we denote by $d$ the associated distance, % \begin{e*} d(\nu,\nu') = |\nu-\nu'|_{\mcl M}. \end{e*} % We recall that we use the notation $\min_{x \in X} f(x)$ to denote the value $\inf_{x \in X} f(x)$ when there exists $x_0 \in X$ such that $f(x_0)= \inf_{x \in X} f(x)$. % \begin{lemma} \label{l.fenchel moreau} Let $\psi : \mcl P_1(\R_+) \to \R$ be a $1$-Lipschitz, concave and nondecreasing function. Then, for every $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$ we have % \begin{equation*} \psi(\mu) = \min_{\chi \in \mcl X^0} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{equation*} % \end{lemma} % In what follows, given $h : \R_+ \to \R$, we use $\int h(\msf q)$ as a shorthand for $\int_0^1 h(\msf q(u))\d u$. % \begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau}] For every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(\R_+)$, define % \begin{equation*} \overline{\psi}(\mu) = \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \psi(\nu) - d(\mu,\nu) \right\}. \end{equation*} % The function $\overline{\psi} : \mcl M_1(\R_+) \to \R$ is 1-Lipschitz as a supremum of Lipschitz functions and is concave as a supremum of a jointly concave functional. In addition, since $\psi$ is $1$-Lipschitz, for every $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$ we have $\overline{\psi}(\mu) = \psi(\mu)$. For every $\chi \in \mcl L(\R_+)$, we let % \begin{e*} \overline{\psi}_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \overline{\psi}(\mu) \right\}. \end{e*} % \noindent Step 1. We show that for every $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\R_+)$, $\overline{\psi}_*(\chi)= \psi_*(\chi)$. \noindent Let $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\R_+)$, the map $\mu \mapsto \int \chi \d\mu$ is $1$-Lipschitz on $\mcl M_1(\R_+)$ with respect to $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$. In particular, for every $\nu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$, we have % \begin{equation*} \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu + d(\nu,\mu) \right\} = \int \chi \d\nu. \end{equation*} % Thus, % \begin{align*} \overline{\psi}_*(\chi) &= \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \overline{\psi}(\mu) \right\} \\ &= \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\R_+)} \inf_{\nu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi(\nu) + d(\mu,\nu) \right\} \\ &= \inf_{\nu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)} \left\{- \psi(\nu) + \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu + d(\mu,\nu)\right\} \right\}\\ &= \inf_{\nu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)} \left\{- \psi(\nu) + \int \chi \d\nu \right\} \\ &= \psi_*(\chi). \end{align*} % % \vic{\noindent Step 2. We show that, for every $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$, % % % \begin{equation*} % \psi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}. % \end{equation*} % % % \noindent Step 2.1. We show that for every $\mu \in \mcl P([0,a])$, % % % \begin{e*} % \psi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi^a_*(\chi) \right\}. % \end{e*} % % % \noindent Let $\mu \in \mcl P([0,a])$, and let $(\mu_n)$ be a sequence in $\mcl P([0,a])$ such that for every $\chi \in \mcl L$, % % % \begin{e*} % \lim_{n \to +\infty} \int \chi d\mu_n = \int \chi \d \mu. % \end{e*} % % % For every $n \in \N$ there exists $\nu_n \in \mcl P([0,a])$ such that $\overline{\psi^a}(\mu_n) = \psi(\nu_n) - d(\mu_n,\nu_n)$. Let $(n_k)_k$ be sequence of integers such that, % % % \begin{e*} % \lim_{k \to +\infty } \overline{\psi^a}(\mu_{n_k}) = \limsup_{n \to +\infty} \overline{\psi^a}(\mu_n). % \end{e*} % % % Since $\mcl P([0,a])$ is compact with respect to $d$, up to further extraction (not relabelled) we may assume that $\nu_{n_k} \to \nu$. We then have % % % \begin{align*} % |\overline{\psi^a}(\mu_{n_k}) -(\psi(\nu) - d(\mu_{n_k},\nu))| &\leq |\psi(\nu_{n_k}) - \psi(\nu)|+|d(\mu_{n_k},\nu_{n_k})-d(\mu_{n_k},\nu)| \\ % &\leq 2d(\nu_{n_k},\nu). % \end{align*} % % % Thus, % % % \begin{align*} % \limsup_{n \to +\infty} \overline{\psi^a}(\mu_n) &= \lim_{k \to +\infty } \overline{\psi^a}(\mu_{n_k}) \\ % &= \lim_{k \to +\infty} \left( \psi(\nu) - d(\mu_{n_k},\nu) \right)\\ % &\leq \psi(\nu) - d(\mu,\nu) \\ % &\leq \overline{\psi^a}(\mu). % \end{align*} % % % This shows that $\overline{\psi^a}$ is lower semi continuous and according to Theorem~\ref{t.fenchel moreau}, we have % % % \begin{e*} % \overline{\psi^a}(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \bar \psi^a_*(\chi) \right\}. % \end{e*} % % % It follows from Step 1 that, % % % \begin{e*} % \overline{\psi^a}(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi^a_*(\chi) \right\}. % \end{e*} % % % Since $\mu \in \mcl P([0,a])$, we have $\overline{\psi^a}(\mu) = \psi(\mu)$ and for every $c \in \R$, $\psi^a_*(\chi+c) = \psi^a_*(\chi) +c$ so % % % \begin{e*} % \psi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi^a_*(\chi) \right\}. % \end{e*} % % % \noindent Step 2.2 We show that for every $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$, % % % \begin{e*} % \lim_{a \to +\infty} \psi^a_*(\chi) = \psi_*(\chi). % \end{e*} % % % \noindent It is clear that the function $a \mapsto \psi^a_*(\chi)$ is nonincreasing on $(0,+\infty)$ and that for every $a > 0$ $\psi^a_*(\chi) \geq \psi_*(\chi)$. Let $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$ and let $(\mu_a)_a$ denote a sequence of probability measures such that $\mu_a \in \mcl P([0,a])$ and $\mu_a \to \mu$ in optimal transport distance. We have % % % \begin{e*} % \psi^a_*(\chi) \leq \int \chi d\mu_a - \psi(\mu_a), % \end{e*} % % % and % % % \begin{e*} % \lim_{a \to +\infty} \left( \int \chi d\mu_a - \psi(\mu_a) \right) = \int \chi d\mu - \psi(\mu). % \end{e*} % % % Therefore, $\lim_{a \to +\infty} \psi^a_*(\chi) \leq \int \chi d\mu - \psi(\mu)$. Since $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$ is arbitrary, by taking the infimum over $\mu$ we obtain the desired result. % \noindent Step 2.3. We show that for every $\mu \in \mcl P_\infty(\R_+)$, % % % \begin{e*} % \psi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}. % \end{e*} % \noindent It follows from Step 2.1 that % % % \begin{e*} % \psi(\mu) \geq \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}. % \end{e*} % % % Conversely, given $\mu \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$, we have for every $a > 0$, % % % \begin{e*} % \psi(\mu) \leq \int \chi d\mu - \psi^a_*(\chi). % \end{e*} % % % Letting $a \to +\infty$ and using Step 2.2, we obtain % % % \begin{e*} % \psi(\mu) \leq \int \chi d\mu - \psi_*(\chi). % \end{e*} % % % Since $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$ is arbitrary, this yields the desired formula. % \noindent Step 2.4 We show that the formula of Step 2.3 is in fact valid for every $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$. % \noindent For every $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$, the map $\mu \mapsto \int \chi d\mu- \psi_*(\chi)$ is $1$-Lipschitz on $\mcl P_1(\R_+)$, therefore the right hand side of the formula of Step 2.3 is $1$-Lipschitz with respect to $\mu$. By hypothesis $\psi$ is also Lipschitz, since those two functions coincide on $\mcl P_\infty(\R_+)$, by density they coincide on $\mcl P_1(\R_+)$.} \noindent Step 2. We show that, for every $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$, % \begin{equation*} \psi(\mu) = \min_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{equation*} % \noindent According to Corollary~\ref{c.fenchel moreau for lipschitz}, we have for every $\mu \in \mcl M_1(\R_+)$, % \begin{e*} \overline{\psi}(\mu) = \min_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \overline{\psi}_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % According to Step 1, for every $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\R_+)$, $\overline{\psi}_*(\chi) = \psi_*(\chi)$. In addition, for every $c \in \R$, we have $\psi_*(\chi+c)= \psi_*(\chi) +c$. Therefore, since $\overline{\psi}$ is an extension of $\psi$, it follows from the previous display that for every $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$, % \begin{equation*} \psi(\mu) = \min_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{equation*} % \noindent Step 3. We show that in the formula of Step 2, the minimum can be taken over the set of $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}(\R_+)$ that are nondecreasing and convex. \noindent Let $\lambda$ denote the Lebesgue measure on $\R$, let $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$ be such that the associated path $\msf q = \msf q_\mu : [0,1) \to \R_+$ is surjective, belongs to $\mcl Q_\upa(\R_+)$ and satisfies $\lambda( \msf q^{-1}(A)) = 0$ for any $\lambda$-negligible set $A \subset \R$. According to Step 2, there exists $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}(\R_+)$ such that % \begin{e*} \psi(\mu) = \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi). \end{e*} % In addition, for every $\mu' \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$ we have, % \begin{e*} \psi(\mu') \leq \int \chi \d\mu' - \psi_*(\chi). \end{e*} % Let $\msf q' \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$ such that $\msf q' - \msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$, and let $\mu' = \text{Law}(\msf q'(U))$. By definition, we have $\mu' \geq \mu$ and, % \begin{e*} \int \chi(\msf q') - \int \chi(\msf q) \geq \psi(\mu') - \psi(\mu) \geq 0. \end{e*} % Now let $\kappa \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$ be a Lipschitz path, for $\varepsilon > 0$ small enough we have $\msf q +\varepsilon \kappa \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$, applying the previous display to $\msf q' = \msf q +\varepsilon \kappa$, we obtain % \begin{e*} \int_0^1 \frac{\chi(\msf q(u)+\varepsilon \kappa(u)) - \chi(\msf q(u))}{\varepsilon} \d u \geq 0. \end{e*} % Since $\chi$ is Lipschitz, according to Rademacher's theorem, $\chi$ is differentiable almost everywhere, so for almost every $u \in [0,1)$, we have % \begin{e*} \lim_{\varepsilon \to 0} \frac{\chi(\msf q(u)+\varepsilon \kappa(u)) - \chi(\msf q(u))}{\varepsilon} = \nabla \chi(\msf q(u)) \kappa(u). \end{e*} % In addition, % \begin{e*} \left| \frac{\chi(\msf q(u)+\varepsilon \kappa(u)) - \chi(\msf q(u))}{\varepsilon} \right| \leq |\kappa(u)|. \end{e*} % Therefore, by dominated convergence as $\varepsilon \to 0$, we have % \begin{e*} \langle \nabla \chi \circ \msf q, \kappa \rangle_{L^2} \geq 0. \end{e*} % By density, the previous display holds for every $\kappa \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$ and thus $\nabla \chi \circ \msf q \in \mcl Q(\R_+)$. Since $\msf q$ is surjective, the function $\nabla \chi$ coincides almost everywhere with a nondecreasing and $\R_+$-valued function. In addition, since $\chi$ is Lipschitz, it is absolutely continuous, and we have for every $x < y$, % \begin{e*} \frac{\chi(y) - \chi(x)}{y-x} = \frac{1}{y-x} \int_x^y \nabla \chi(z) \d z. \end{e*} % The right-hand side in the previous display is nonnegative and given $a < x 0 \\ x \in \mcl C }} \left\{ \frac{V(t,x) - V(0,x)}{t} \right\} < +\infty. \end{e*} % Recall the notion of Fréchet derivative $\nabla$ from Definition~\ref{d.frechet}, also recall that given a Fréchet differentiable function $\msf g : \mcl Q_2(\R_+) \to \R$, we have for every $\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$, $\nabla \msf g(\msf q) \in L^2([0,1),\R)$. In particular expressions of the form $\int h(\nabla \msf g(\msf q))$ should be understood as $\int_0^1 h(\nabla \msf g(\msf q)(u))\d u$. The notion of viscosity solution for \eqref{e.linear hj} appearing in Theorem~\ref{t.viscosity with linear initial condition} below is introduced in details in \cite[Definition~1.4]{chen2022hamilton}. % \begin{theorem} \label{t.viscosity with linear initial condition} Let $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$ a Lipschitz, nondecreasing and convex function. The function $(t,\msf q) \mapsto \int S_t \chi(\msf q)$ belongs to $\mcl V(\mcl Q_2(\R_+))$ and is the unique viscosity solution of % \begin{equation} \label{e.linear hj} \begin{cases} \partial_t V - \int \xi( \nabla V) = 0 \text{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \mcl Q_2(\R_+)\\ V(0,\msf q) = \int \chi(\msf q) \text{ on } \mcl Q_2(\R_+). \end{cases} \end{equation} % \end{theorem} % To prove Theorem~\ref{t.viscosity with linear initial condition}, we are going to use a notion of differentiability that is weaker than Fréchet differentiability. \begin{definition} Let $\msf g : \mcl Q_2(S^D_+) \to \R$ and $\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$. We say that $\msf g$ is Gateaux differentiable at $\msf q$ if the following conditions hold. \begin{enumerate} \item For every $\kappa \in L^2([0,1),S^D)$ such that $\msf q + \varepsilon \kappa \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ for $\varepsilon > 0$ small enough, the following limit exists and is finite, % \begin{e*} \msf g '(\msf q,\kappa) = \lim_{\varepsilon \to 0^+} \frac{\msf g (\msf q + \varepsilon \kappa) -\msf g (\msf q)}{\varepsilon}. \end{e*} \item There exists a unique $\msf p \in L^2([0,1),S^D)$ such that for every $\kappa \in L^2([0,1),S^D)$ such that $\msf q + \varepsilon \kappa \in \mcl Q_2(S^D_+)$ for $\varepsilon > 0$ small enough, we have % \begin{e*} \msf g'(\msf q,\kappa) = \langle \msf p, \kappa \rangle_{L^2}. \end{e*} \end{enumerate} % In this case, we say that $\msf p$ is the Gateaux derivative of $\msf g$ at $\msf q$ and we denote it $\nabla \msf g(\msf q)$. \end{definition} Since a Fréchet differentiable function is also Gateaux differentiable and both derivatives are equal, there is no harm in using the symbol $\nabla$ to denote both the Gateaux and the Fréchet derivative. The Gateaux derivative allows us to characterize differentiable nondecreasing functions, roughly speaking a function $\msf g : \mcl Q_2(S^D_+) \to \R$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing if and only if for every $\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$, we have $\nabla \msf g(\msf q) \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$. In practice, this characterization is not exactly true at points in $\mcl Q_2(\R_+) - \mcl Q_\upa(\R_+)$ since the set of admissible directions at those points may not be rich enough. \begin{proposition} \label{p.characterization of nondecreasing linear} Let $\chi : \R_+ \to \mathbb{R}$ be a Lipschitz function. The function $X : \msf q \mapsto \int_0^1 \chi(\msf q(u)) \d u$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing if and only if $\chi$ is nondecreasing and convex. \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} We start by showing the desired equivalence under the additional assumption that $\chi$ is differentiable, and then we proceed by approximation. \noindent Step 1. We assume that $\chi$ is differentiable on $\R_+$ and we show that $X$ is Gateaux differentiable on $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)$ and satisfies % \begin{equation*} \nabla X(\msf q) = \nabla \chi \circ \msf q. \end{equation*} % \noindent Fix $\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$, let $\kappa \in L^2$ such that for $\varepsilon > 0$ small enough $\msf q + \varepsilon \kappa \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$. For every $u \in [0,1)$, % \begin{equation*} \left| \frac{\chi(\msf q(u)+\varepsilon \kappa(u)) -\chi(\msf q(u))}{\varepsilon} \right| \leq |\chi |_\text{Lip} \kappa(u). \end{equation*} % and we have as $\varepsilon \to 0$, % \begin{equation*} \frac{\chi(\msf q(u)+\varepsilon \kappa(u)) -\chi(\msf q(u))}{\varepsilon} \to \nabla \chi (\msf q(u)) \kappa(u). \end{equation*} % By dominated convergence, it follows that % \begin{equation*} X(\msf q+\varepsilon \kappa) = X(\msf q) + \varepsilon \int_0^1 \nabla \chi (\msf q(u)) \kappa(u) \d u + o(\varepsilon). \end{equation*} % So $X$ is Gateaux differentiable at $\msf q$ and $\nabla X(\msf q) = \nabla \chi \circ \msf q \in L^\infty([0,1),\R)$. \noindent Step 2. We assume that $\chi$ is differentiable on $\R_+$ and we show that if $\chi$ is nondecreasing and convex on $\R_+$, then $X$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing on $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)$. \noindent If $\chi$ is nondecreasing and convex, then $\nabla \chi : \R \to \R_+$ is nondecreasing and $\R_+$-valued. In particular, for every $\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$, we have % \begin{equation*} \nabla X(\msf q) = \nabla \chi \circ \msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+). \end{equation*} % Thus, for every $\msf q, \msf q' \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$ such that $\msf q' - \msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$, we have % \begin{equation*} X(\msf q') - X(\msf q) = \int_0^1 \langle \nabla X(\lambda \msf q' +(1-\lambda) \msf q),\msf q'- \msf q \rangle_{L^2} \d \lambda \geq 0. \end{equation*} % \noindent Step 3. We assume that $\chi$ is differentiable on $\R_+$ and we show that if $X$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing on $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)$, then $\chi$ is nondecreasing and convex on $\R_+$. \noindent Let $\msf q \in \mcl Q_\upa(\R_+) \cap L^2$, for every smooth function $\kappa \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$ and every $\varepsilon > 0$ small enough we have $\msf q+ \varepsilon \kappa \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$ and % \begin{e*} \frac{X(\msf q+\varepsilon \kappa) - X(\msf q)}{\varepsilon} \geq 0. \end{e*} % Letting $\varepsilon \to 0$, we obtain % \begin{e*} \langle \nabla \chi \circ \msf q, \kappa \rangle_{L^2} \geq 0. \end{e*} % By density, this last display is in fact valid for all $\kappa \in \mcl Q_2^*$. Therefore $\nabla \chi \circ \msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$. This ensures that $\nabla \chi$ is $\R_+$-valued and nondecreasing, therefore $\chi$ is convex and nondecreasing. %About the density thing, firstly it used page 36 of crit_points of Chen and Mourrat. Second, given $\kappa \in \mcl Q_2^*$ one can extend it by $0$ outside of $[0,1)$ and define \kappa_\varepsilon(u) = \int_{u}^{u+\varepsilon} \kappa(v) \eta_\varepsilon(v-u) \d v$. This defines a sequence of smooth path approximating \kappa and oen can easly check that \int_t^1 \kppa_\varepsilon(u) du \geq 0. \noindent Step 4. Approximation by differentiable functions. \noindent We let $\eta \in \mcl C^\infty(\R_+,\R)$ be a smooth function supported on $[1,2]$ that takes nonnegative values and such that % \begin{equation*} \int_{\R_+} \eta(x) \d x = 1. \end{equation*} % For every $\varepsilon > 0$, let $\eta_\varepsilon(x) = \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \eta \left( \frac{x}{\varepsilon} \right)$. We define, % \begin{equation*} \chi_\varepsilon(x) = \int_{\R_+} \chi(x+y) \eta_\varepsilon(y) \d y, \end{equation*} % For every $x \in \R_+$, we have % \begin{align*} |\chi_\varepsilon(x) - \chi(x)| &= \left| \int_{\R_+} \chi(x+y) \eta_\varepsilon(y) \d y - \int_{\R_+} \chi(x) \eta_\varepsilon(y) \d y\right| \\ &\leq \int_{\R_+} |\chi(x+y) - \chi(x)| \eta_\varepsilon(y) \d y \\ &\leq \int_{\R_+} |\chi |_\text{Lip} y \eta_\varepsilon(y) \d y \\ &= \varepsilon |\chi |_\text{Lip} \int_{\R_+} y \eta(y) \d y. \end{align*} % Therefore as $\varepsilon \to 0$, $\chi_\varepsilon \to \chi$ uniformly on $\R_+$. In addition, for every $x \in \R_+$ and $h \in (-\varepsilon,\varepsilon)$, % \begin{e*} \frac{\chi_\varepsilon(x+h)-\chi_\varepsilon(x)}{h} = \int_x^{x+2\varepsilon} \chi(z) \frac{\eta_\varepsilon(z-x-h)-\eta_\varepsilon(z-x)}{h} \d z. \end{e*} % We have, uniformly over $z \in [x,x+2\varepsilon]$, % \begin{e*} \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{\eta_\varepsilon(z-x-h)-\eta_\varepsilon(z-x)}{h} = \nabla \eta_\varepsilon(z-x). \end{e*} % Therefore, $\chi_\varepsilon$ is differentiable at $x$ and % \begin{e*} \nabla \chi_\varepsilon(x) = \int_x^{x+2\varepsilon} \chi(z) \nabla \eta_\varepsilon(z-x) \d z. \end{e*} % Thus, the sequence $(\chi_\varepsilon)_{\varepsilon}$ is a sequence of Lipschitz differentiable functions on $\R_+$ that converge uniformly on $\R_+$ towards $\chi$. \noindent Step 5. Conclusion. \noindent Let $(\chi_\varepsilon)_{\varepsilon}$ be the sequence built in Step 4. Set % \begin{equation*} X_\varepsilon(\msf q) = \int_0^1 \chi_\varepsilon(\msf q(u)) \d u. \end{equation*} % We have, % \begin{equation*} X_\varepsilon(\msf q) = \int_{\R_+} X(\msf q+y) \eta_\varepsilon(y) \d y, \end{equation*} % where $\msf q + y$ denotes the path obtained by adding the constant $y \in \R_+$ to the values of $\msf q$. According to Step 4, $\chi_\varepsilon$ is differentiable on $\R_+$. If $\chi$ is nondecreasing and convex, then so is $\chi_\varepsilon$. According to Step 2, in this case $X_\varepsilon$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing and letting $\varepsilon \to 0$, we discover that $X$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing. Conversely, if $X$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing, then so is $X_\varepsilon$, using Step 3 we discover that $\chi_\varepsilon$ is convex and nondecreasing, and letting $\varepsilon \to 0$ we obtain that $\chi$ is convex and nondecreasing. \end{proof} \begin{proposition} \label{p. int S_t chi is nondecreasing} Let $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$ be a Lipschitz, nondecreasing and convex function. For every $t \geq 0$, the function % \begin{equation*} (t,\msf q) \mapsto \int_0^1 S_t \chi(\msf q(u)) \d u \end{equation*} % belongs to $\mcl V(\mcl Q_2(\R_+))$. \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} Since $\chi$ is convex, $S_t \chi$ admits the Hopf representation \cite[Proposition~6.3]{chen2023viscosity} that is, for every $x \in \R_+$, we have, % \begin{e*} S_t \chi(x) = \sup_{y \in \R_+} \left\{ xy - \chi^*(y) +t \xi(y) \right\}. \end{e*} % In particular, $S_t \chi$ is the supremum of a family of affine functions of $x$, so $S_t \chi$ is convex on $\R_+$. By definition $S_t \chi \in \mcl V(\R_+)$, so $S_t \chi$ is Lipschitz and nondecreasing. It then follows from Proposition \ref{p.characterization of nondecreasing linear} that $\msf q \mapsto \int_0^1 S_t \chi(\msf q(u)) \d u$ is $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing and thus $(t,\msf q) \mapsto \int_0^1 S_t \chi(\msf q(u)) \d u$ belongs to $\mcl V(\mcl Q_2(\R_+))$. \end{proof} % For every $j \geq 1$, define % \begin{equation} \mcl Q^j(\R_+) =\left\{ (x_i)_{1 \leq i \leq j} \in \R_+^j \big| \, x_{i}-x_{i-1} \in \R_+ \right\}. \end{equation} % The cone $\mcl Q^j(\R_+)$ is the set of nondecreasing sequences of $\R_+$ with $j$ terms. It is embedded in $\R^j$ and we equip it with the normalized Euclidean scalar product, % \begin{e*} \langle x,y\rangle_j = \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i = 1}^j x_i y_i. \end{e*} % % As previously, we can define the dual cone $\mcl Q^j(\R_+)^*$ of $\mcl Q^j(\R_+)$ by % % % \begin{e} % \mcl Q^j(\R_+)^* = \{ y \in \R^j \big| \forall x \in \mcl Q^j(\R_+), \; \langle x,y \rangle_j \geq 0 \}. % \end{e} % % % In particular, for $x,x' \in \R^j$, we will say that $x \leq x'$ whenever $x' - x \in \mcl Q^j(\R_+)^*$ and a function $\varphi : \mcl Q^j(\R_+) \to \R$ is said to be nondecreasing when for every $x \leq x'$ we have $\varphi(x) \leq \varphi(x')$. % One can think of $\mcl Q^j(\R_+)$ as a finite dimensional approximation of $\mcl Q_1(\R_+)$. Given $x \in \mcl Q^j(\R_+)$, we define a path $l_j x \in \mcl Q_1(\R_+)$ by setting % \begin{equation*} l_j x = \sum_{i = 1}^j x_i \mathbf{1}_{\left[\frac{i-1}{j},\frac{i}{j}\right)}. \end{equation*} % Conversely, given a path $\msf q \in \mcl Q_1(\R_+)$, we define $p_j \msf q \in \mcl Q^j(\R_+)$ by setting % \begin{equation*} (p_j \msf q)_i = j \int_{\frac{i-1}{j}}^\frac{i}{j} \msf q(u) \d u. \end{equation*} % The linear maps $l_j$ and $p_j$ are adjoint in the following sense. % \begin{equation*} \left \langle \msf q,l_jx \right\rangle_{L^2} = \left \langle p_j \msf q,x \right\rangle_{j}. \end{equation*} % It follows that for every $\mcl Q_2(\R_+)^*$-nondecreasing function $\varphi : \mcl Q_2(\R_+) \to \R$, the function $\varphi \circ l_j$ is $(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))^*$-nondecreasing on $\mcl Q^j(\R_+)$. We also define for every $x \in \R^j$, % \begin{equation*} H_j(x) = \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i =1}^j \xi(j x_i), \end{equation*} % the function $H_j : \R^j \to \R$ is locally Lipschitz, $\R_+^j$-nondecreasing on $\R_+^j$ and $(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))^*$-nondecreasing on $\mcl Q^j(\R_+)$. Given $X \subset \R^j$, we let $\mathrm{int}(X)$ denote the interior of $X$. % \begin{proposition} \label{p.visco of hj approx extended} Let $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$ be a Lipschitz, nondecreasing and convex function. The function $(t,x) \mapsto \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j S_t \chi(x_i)$ belongs to $\mcl V(\R_+^j)$ and is the unique viscosity solution of % \begin{equation} \label{e.hj_approx_extended} \begin{cases} \partial_t \overline v_j - H_j(\nabla \overline v_j) = 0 \text{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \mathrm{int}(\R_+^j)\\ \overline v_j(0,x) = \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \chi(x_i) \text{ on } \R_+^j. \end{cases} \end{equation} % \end{proposition} % % \begin{remark} % Surprisingly, for proving Proposition~\ref{p.visco of hj approx extended}, the natural idea which would consist in trying to prove that the function $(s,y) \mapsto \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j S_s \chi(y_i)$ satisfies \cite[Definition~1.1]{chen2023viscosity} doesn't seem to work. If one considers a smooth function $\phi$ such that $(s,y) \mapsto \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j S_s \chi(y_i) - \phi(s,y)$ has a local extremum at $(t,x)$, an attempt to prove Proposition~\ref{p.visco of hj approx extended} could be to try to justify that the function $(s,y_i) \mapsto S_t \chi(y_i) - j\phi(t,x_1,\dots,y_i,\dots,x_j)$ has a local extremum at $(t,x_i)$, since every term in the sum $\sum_{i=1}^j S_s \chi(y_i)$ depends on $t$, this is not so in general. % \end{remark} % \begin{proof} The initial condition $\varphi_j : x \mapsto \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \chi(x_i)$ is convex on $\R_+^j$. We have, % \begin{align*} \varphi_j^*(y) &= \sup_{x \in \mcl \R_+^j} \left\{ \langle x,y \rangle_j - \frac{1}{j}\sum_{i=1}^j \chi(x_i)\right\} \\ &= \sup_{x_1 \in \mcl \R_+} \dots \sup_{x_j \in \mcl \R_+} \left\{ \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j x_iy_i - \chi(x_i)\right\} \\ &= \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \sup_{x_i \in \mcl \R_+} \left\{ x_iy_i - \chi(x_i)\right\} \\ &= \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \chi^*(y_i). \end{align*} % According to \cite[Proposition~6.3]{chen2023viscosity}, the unique viscosity solution $\overline v_j$ of \eqref{e.hj_approx_extended} admits the Hopf representation, % \begin{e*} \overline v_j(t,x) = \sup_{y \in \R_+^j} \left\{ \langle x,y \rangle_j - \varphi_j^*(y) +tH_j(y) \right\}. \end{e*} % Thus, % \begin{align*} \overline v_j(t,x) &= \sup_{y \in \R_+^j} \left\{ \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \left( x_iy_i - \chi^*(x_i) +t\xi(y_i) \right) \right\} \\ &= \sup_{y_1 \in \R_+} \dots \sup_{y_j \in \R_+} \left\{ \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \left( x_iy_i - \chi^*(x_i) +t\xi(y_i) \right) \right\} \\ &= \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \sup_{y_i \in \R_+} \left\{ x_iy_i - \chi^*(x_i) +t\xi(y_i) \right\} \\ &= \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j S_t \chi(x_i). \end{align*} % By definition, $\overline v_j \in \mcl V(\R_+^j)$, this concludes the proof. \end{proof} % \begin{proposition} \label{p.viscosity_restriction} Let $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$ be a Lipschitz, nondecreasing and convex function. The function $(t,x) \mapsto \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j S_t \chi(x_i)$ belongs to $\mcl V(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))$ and is the unique viscosity solution of % \begin{equation} \label{e.hjapprox} \begin{cases} \partial_t v_j - H_j(\nabla v_j) = 0 \text{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \mathrm{int}(\mcl Q^j(\R_+)) \\ u_j(0,x) = \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=1}^j \chi(x_i) \text{ on } \mcl Q^j(\R_+). \end{cases} \end{equation} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} According to \cite[Theorem 1.2]{chen2023viscosity}, \eqref{e.hjapprox} admits a unique viscosity solution in $\mcl V(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))$. Therefore, according to Proposition~\ref{p.visco of hj approx extended}, it is enough to check that $\overline{v}_j \big|_{\R_+ \times \mcl Q^j(\R_+)}$ is a viscosity solution of $\eqref{e.hjapprox}$ and belongs to $\mcl V(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))$. Let $(t,x) \in \R_+ \times \mathrm{int}(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))$ and $\phi : (0,\infty) \times \mathrm{int}(\mcl Q^j(\R_+)) \to \R$ be a smooth function. Assume that $\overline{v}_j \big|_{\R_+ \times \mcl Q^j(\R_+)} - \phi$ has a local maximum at $(t,x)$. Up to modifying $\phi$ outside a ball of small radius around $(t,x)$, we may assume that $\phi$ is the restriction to $(0,\infty) \times \mathrm{int}(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))$ of a smooth function $\overline{\phi} : (0,\infty) \times \R^j \to \R$. By construction $\overline{v}_j - \overline{\phi}$ coincide with $\overline{v}_j \big|_{\R_+ \times \mcl Q^j(\R_+)} - \phi$ on a neighborhood of $(t,x)$ and thus has a local maximum at $(t,x)$. Since $\overline{v}_j$ is the viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hj_approx_extended}, we have, % \begin{equation*} \left( \partial_t \overline{\phi} - H_j( \nabla \overline{\phi}) \right)(t,x) \leq 0. \end{equation*} % Since $\phi$ and $\overline{\phi}$ coincide on a neighborhood of $(t,x)$, the previous display remains true if we replace $\overline{\phi}$ by $\phi$. We reach similar conclusions if we assume that $\overline{v}_j \big|_{\R_+ \times \mcl Q^j(\R_+)} - \phi$ has local minimum at $(t,x)$. This proves that $\overline{v}_j \big|_{\R_+ \times \mcl Q^j(\R_+)}$ is a viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hjapprox}. In addition, according to Proposition~\ref{p.visco of hj approx extended}, we have for every $(t,x) \in \R_+ \times \mcl Q^j(\R_+)$, % \begin{e*} \overline v_j(t,x) = \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i = 1}^j S_t \chi(x_i) = \int S_t \chi(l_j x). \end{e*} % Therefore, according to Proposition~\ref{p. int S_t chi is nondecreasing}, we have $\overline{v}_j \big|_{\R_+ \times \mcl Q^j(\R_+)} \in \mcl V(\mcl Q^j(\R_+))$ which concludes. \end{proof} % \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{t.viscosity with linear initial condition}] According to Proposition~\ref{p. int S_t chi is nondecreasing}, $(t,\msf q) \mapsto \int S_t \chi(\msf q)$ belongs to $\mcl V(\mcl Q_2(\R_+))$. Let $(t,\msf q) \in \R_+ \times \mcl Q_2(\R_+)$, according to \cite[Theorem~4.6~(1)]{chen2022hamilton}, the value of the unique viscosity solution of \eqref{e.linear hj} at $(t,\msf q)$ is the limit of $v_j(t,p_j \msf q)$ as $j \to +\infty$, where $v_j$ is the unique viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hjapprox}. According to Proposition~\ref{p.viscosity_restriction}, we have % \begin{e*} v_j(t,p_j \msf q) = \int S_t \chi(l_jp_j \msf q). \end{e*} % Since $x \mapsto S_t \chi(x)$ is Lipschitz, we have % \begin{equation*} \left|\int S_t \chi(l_jp_j \msf q) - \int S_t \chi(\msf q)\right| \leq c|l_jp_j \msf q - \msf q|_{L^1}. \end{equation*} % Finally, according to \cite[Lemma~3.3~(7)]{chen2022hamilton} we have $\lim_{j \to +\infty} |l_jp_j \msf q - \msf q|_{L^1} = 0$. This concludes the proof. \end{proof} \subsection{Proof of the un-inverted Parisi formula} \label{ss.scalar proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{t.main scalar}] Let $(t,\mu) \in \R_+ \times \mcl P_\infty(\R_+)$, and % \begin{e*} f(t,\mu) = \lim_{N \to +\infty} F_N(t,\mu). \end{e*} % According to Theorem~\ref{t.limit.free.energy} we have % \begin{equation*} f(t,\mu) = \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P_\infty(\R_+)} \left\{ \psi(\nu) - t \E \xi^* \left( \frac{X_\nu - X_\mu}{t} \right) \right\}. \end{equation*} % We let $\Pi(\mu,\nu)$ denote the set of probability measures $\pi \in \mcl P_\infty(\R_+ \times \R_+)$ such that $\pi_1 = \mu$ and $\pi_2 = \nu$. According to \cite[Proposition~2.5]{mourrat2020free}, we have % \begin{equation} \E \xi^* \left( \frac{X_\nu - X_\mu}{t} \right) = \inf_{ \pi \in \Pi(\nu,\mu) } \int \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t} \right) \d \pi(x,y). \end{equation} % Define % \begin{e*} \Pi(\mu,\cdot) = \bigcup_{\nu \in \mcl P_\infty(\R_+)} \Pi(\mu,\nu). \end{e*} % It follows respectively from \cite[Proposition~3.6]{chenmourrat2023cavity}, \cite[Corollary~5.2]{chenmourrat2023cavity} and \cite{auffinger2015parisi}, that $\psi$ is nondecreasing, $1$-Lipschitz and concave. Therefore, according to Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau} we have % \begin{align*} f(t,\mu) &= \sup_{\pi \in \Pi(\mu,\cdot)} \left\{ \psi(\pi_2) - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t} \right) \d\pi(x,y) \right\} \\ &= \sup_{\pi \in \Pi(\mu,\cdot)} \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X^0} \left\{ \int \chi \d\pi_2 - \psi_*(\chi) - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t} \right) \d\pi(x,y) \right\} \\ &= \sup_{\pi \in \Pi(\mu,\cdot)} \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X^0} \left\{ \int \chi \d\pi_2 - \psi_*(\chi) - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t} \right) \d\pi(x,y) \right\}. \end{align*} % The sets $\Pi(\mu,\cdot)$ and $\mcl X^0$ are convex. In addition, according to the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem, $\mcl X^0$ is compact with respect to the topology of local uniform convergence. For every $\pi \in \Pi(\mu,\cdot)$, the map $\chi \mapsto \int \chi \d\pi_2 - \psi_*(\chi)$ is lower semi-continuous on $\mcl X^0$ with respect to the topology of local uniform convergence. Similarly since $\xi^*$ is lower semi-continuous, according to Portmanteau's theorem for every $\chi \in \mcl X^0$, the map $\pi \mapsto \int \chi \d\pi_2 - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t} \right) \d\pi(x,y)$ is upper semi-continuous with respect to convergence under the optimal transport distance. Thus, according to \cite[Corollary~3.4]{sion1958minimax}, we can interchange sup and inf in the previous display to obtain % \begin{align*} f(t,\mu) &= \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X^0} \left\{ - \psi_*(\chi) + \sup_{\pi \in \Pi(\mu,\cdot)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\pi_2 - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t} \right) \d\pi(x,y) \right\} \right\} \\ &= \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X^0} \left\{ - \psi_*(\chi) + \sup_{\pi \in \Pi(\mu,\cdot)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\pi_2 - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{y-x}{t} \right) \d\pi(x,y) \right\} \right\} \\ &= \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X^0} \left\{ - \psi_*(\chi) + \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P_\infty(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\nu - t \E \xi^* \left( \frac{X_\nu - X_\mu}{t} \right) \right\} \right\} \\ \end{align*} % According to \cite[Theorem~4.6~(2) and Proposition~A.3]{chen2022hamilton}, the viscosity solution of \eqref{e.linear hj} has the Hopf-Lax representation and it follows from Theorem~\ref{t.viscosity with linear initial condition} that % \begin{e*} \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P_\infty(\R_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\nu - t \E \xi^* \left( \frac{X_\nu - X_\mu}{t} \right) \right\} = \int S_t \chi \d\mu. \end{e*} % Thus, from the two previous displays or simply from \eqref{e.alternative} if $\mu = \delta_0$, we have % \begin{align*} f(t,\mu) &= \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X^0} \left\{ - \psi_*(\chi) + \int S_t \chi \d\mu \right\}. \end{align*} % Since $f(t,\cdot)$ is Lipschitz continuous on $\mcl P_1(\R_+)$ and $\mcl P_\infty(\R_+)$ is dense in $\mcl P_1(\R_+)$, by density we can extend the equality of the last display to any $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R_+)$. \end{proof} \section{Extension of concave functions} \label{s.extension} As discussed above, the main difficulty to generalize the results obtained in Section \ref{s. scalar models} to the case $D > 1$ is the fact that the set $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ is nonconvex when $D > 1$. Indeed, this prevents us from performing the sup-inf interchange using \cite{sion1958minimax} as in the proof of Theorem~\ref{t.main scalar}. To circumvent this difficulty, we show that the initial condition $\psi : \mcl P^\upa(S^D_+) \to \R$ is the restriction of a concave and Lipschitz function defined on $\mcl P(S^D_+)$. Using this extension, we show that at $\mu = \delta_0$ the supremum over $\mcl P^\upa(S^D_+)$ in \eqref{e.lim.FN} can be rewritten as a supremum over $\mcl P(S^D_+)$. Since the set $\mcl P(S^D_+)$ is convex, we can then perform the sup-inf interchange and proceed as in the proof of Theorem~\ref{t.main scalar}. To do this properly, we will need to use some compacity properties, so in what follows $S^D_+$ is going to be replaced by a compact subset $\mcl K \subset S^D_+$. \subsection{Optimal transport of monotone probability measures} \label{ss.general_concave_extension} Let $\mcl K \subset S^D_+$ be a compact set and $\mcl P(\mcl K)$ denote the set of Borel probability measures on $\mcl K$. In this subsection, we study functions on possibly nonconvex subsets $K$ of $\mcl P(\mcl K)$. We prove that if such a function is concave on every convex subset of $K$, then it satisfies a Jensen-type inequality, provided that $K$ is an extreme set in its convex hull (see Definition~\ref{d.extreme}). As previously, $\mcl L$ denotes the set of Lipschitz functions $\chi : S^D_+ \to \R$, $\mcl L_{\leq 1}$ denote the set of $1$-Lipschitz functions $\chi : S^D_+ \to \R$, $\mcl L^0$ denotes the set of functions $\chi \in \mcl L$ satisfying $\chi(0)= 0$ and $\mcl L_{\leq 1}^0 = \mcl L^0 \cap \mcl L_{\leq 1}$. We equip $\mcl P(\mcl K)$ with the optimal transport distance, for every $\mu,\nu \in \mcl P(\mcl K)$, % \begin{e*} d(\mu,\nu) = \inf_{\pi \in \Pi(\mu,\nu)} \left\{ \int_{\mcl K \times \mcl K} |x-y| \d \pi(x,y) \right\}, \end{e*} % where $\Pi(\mu,\nu)$ denotes the set of probability measures $\pi \in \mcl P(\mcl K \times \mcl K)$ such that $\pi_1 = \mu$ and $\pi_2 = \nu$. The distance $d$ also admits the following dual representation \cite[Theorem~5.10]{villani2}, % \begin{equation} d(\mu,\nu) = \sup_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int_{S^D_+} \chi \d(\mu-\nu) \right\}. \end{equation} % In what follows, we will consider a compact set $K \subset \mcl P(\mcl K)$. The set $\mcl P(K)$ of probability measures on $K$ will appear, we will equip this set with the optimal transport distance $\msf d$ derived from the optimal transport distance $d$ on $K$, that is for every $\eta,\eta' \in \mcl P(K)$, % \begin{e*} \msf d(\eta,\eta') = \inf_{\pi \in \Pi(\eta',\eta')} \left\{ \int_{ K \times K} d(\nu,\nu') \d \pi(\nu,\nu') \right\}, \end{e*} % where $\Pi(\eta,\eta')$ denotes the set of probability measures $\pi \in \mcl P(K \times K)$ such that $\pi_1 = \eta$ and $\pi_2 = \eta'$. As usual, the optimal transport distance $\msf d$ admits the dual representation \cite[Theorem~5.10]{villani2}, % \begin{equation} \msf d(\eta,\eta') = \sup_{X} \left\{ \int X(\nu) \d\eta(\nu) -\int X(\nu) \d\eta'(\nu) \right\}, \end{equation} % where the supremum is taken over the set of 1-Lipschitz functions $X : K \to \R$. % \begin{proposition} \label{p.approx_by_dirac} Let $E$ be a compact Polish space, we equip the set $\mcl P(E)$ of Borel probability measures on $E$ with the optimal transport distance. Let $\mu \in \mcl P(E)$, let $(X_i)_{i \geq 1} : \Omega \to E^\N$ be independent and identically distributed random variables with law $\mu$, then almost surely % \begin{equation*} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_{X_i} \underset{n \to \infty}{\longrightarrow} \mu. \end{equation*} % %In particular, for almost all $\omega \in \Omega$, the sequence of deterministic finitely supported measures $(\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_{X_i(\omega)})_n$ converges to $\mu$. \end{proposition} \begin{remark} By Caratheodory's extension theorem, given a Borel probability measure $\mu$ on a Polish space $E$, we can always construct a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with law $\mu$. % Indeed, let $\Omega = E^\mathbb{N}$, $\mcl F$ the $\sigma$-algebra on $\Omega$ generated by cylinder sets on $\mcl B(E)$. By Caratheodory's extension theorem, there exists a unique probability measure $\P$ on $(\Omega, \mcl F)$ satisfying % % % \begin{e*} % \mathbb{P}(A_1 \times \dots \times A_k) = \mu(A_1) \times \dots \times \mu(A_k). % \end{e*} % % % If we set $X_i((\omega_j)_{j \geq 1}) = \omega_i$, then the sequence $(X_i)_{i \geq 1}$ is a sequence of random variables on $(\Omega,\mcl F, \P)$ that are independent and identically distributed with law $\mu$. \end{remark} \begin{proof} Let $d$ denote the optimal transport distance on $\mcl P(E)$. According to \cite[Theorem~6.9]{villani2}, since the space $E$ is compact, given a sequence $(\mu_n)_{n \geq 1}$ in $\mcl P(E)$, we have $\mu_n \to \mu$ in $(\mcl P(E),d)$ if and only if for every continuous function $h : E \to \R$, % \begin{e*} \lim_{n \to +\infty } \int h \d\mu_n = \int h \d \mu. \end{e*} % Let $\mcl C(E)$ denote the set of real-valued continuous functions on $E$. Since $E$ is compact and metrizable, $(\mcl C(E),|\cdot|_\infty)$ is separable \cite[Theorem~6.6]{conway1990fa}. Let $(h_p)_p$ be a dense sequence in $(\mcl C(E),|\cdot|_\infty)$, to check convergence in $(\mcl P(E),d)$, it is sufficient to check convergence against $h_p$ for every $p \geq 1$. By the law of large numbers, for every $p \geq 1$ the following holds almost surely % \begin{equation*} \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n h_p(X_i) = \int_E h_p \d\mu. \end{equation*} % Let $\tilde \mu_n = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \delta_{X_i} \in \mcl P(E)$, since $(h_p)_p$ is countable, almost surely we have for every $p \geq 1$, % \begin{equation*} \lim_{n \to \infty} \int_E h_p \d\tilde \mu_n = \int_E h_p \d\mu. \end{equation*} % That is, almost surely the sequence $(\tilde \mu_n)_n$ converges to $\mu$ in $(\mcl P(E),d)$. \end{proof} Given $\eta \in \mcl P(K)$, we define the barycenter $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in \mcl P(\mcl K)$ by % \begin{e*} \text{Bar}(\eta)(A) = \int_{K} \nu(A) \d \eta(\nu). \end{e*} % The barycenter of $\eta$ is the unique probability measure on $\mcl K$ satisfying for every continuous function $h : \mcl K \to \R$, % \begin{e*} \int_K \int_{\mcl K} h(x) \d\nu(x) \d\eta(\nu) = \int_{\mcl K} h(x) \d \text{Bar}(\eta)(x). \end{e*} % Heuristically, we can think of $\text{Bar}(\eta)$ as the first moment of $\eta$. % \begin{remark} \label{r.finite_bar} When $\eta$ is a finitely supported probability measure, say of the form $\sum_{i = 1}^p c_i\delta_{\nu_i}$, we have $\text{Bar}(\eta) = \sum_{i = 1}^p c_i \nu_i$. \end{remark} % \begin{proposition} \label{p.def_bar} The barycenter map $\text{Bar} : (\mcl P(K), \msf d) \to (\mcl P(\mcl K),d)$ is Lipschitz continuous and for every $\eta,\eta' \in \mcl P(K)$ and $\lambda \in [0,1]$, we have % \begin{e*} \text{Bar}(\lambda \eta +(1-\lambda) \eta') = \lambda \text{Bar}(\eta) + (1-\lambda) \text{Bar}(\eta'). \end{e*} % \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} Let $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}$, the map $\nu \mapsto \int \chi \d\nu$ is $1$-Lipschitz on $K$. Let $\eta,\eta' \in \mcl P(K)$, we have % \begin{align*} d(\text{Bar}(\eta),\text{Bar}(\eta')) &= \sup_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int_{\mcl K} \chi \d \text{Bar}(\eta) - \int_{\mcl K} \chi \d \text{Bar}(\eta') \right\} \\ &= \sup_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \int_K \int_{\mcl K} \chi \d \nu \d\eta(\nu) - \int_K \int_{\mcl K} \chi \d \nu \d \eta'(\nu) \right\} \\ &\leq \sup_X \left\{ \int_K X d\eta - \int_K X \d \eta' \right\} \\ &= \msf d(\eta,\eta'). \end{align*} \end{proof} % Let $C$ denote the closed convex hull of $K$ in $\mcl P( \mcl K)$. % \begin{definition} \label{d.extreme} We say that $K$ is an extreme set in $C$ when for every $\eta \in \mcl P(C)$, if $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in K$ then $\eta \in \mcl P(K)$. \end{definition} % For example, if $K$ is an extreme set in $C$, then taking $\eta = \lambda \delta_{\mu} + (1-\lambda) \delta_{\nu}$, where $\mu,\nu \in C$ and $\lambda \in (0,1)$, we have that % \begin{e*} \lambda {\mu} + (1-\lambda) {\nu} \in K \implies \mu,\nu \in K. \end{e*} % \begin{proposition} \label{p.convex_hull=bar} The closed convex hull $C$ of $K$ satisfies % \begin{equation} \label{e.convex_hul=bar} C = \left\{ \text{Bar}(\eta) \big| \, \eta \in \mcl P(K) \right\}. \end{equation} \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} According to Proposition~\ref{p.def_bar}, the set defined in \eqref{e.convex_hul=bar} is closed and convex. Let $C' \subset \mcl P(\mcl K)$ be a closed convex set containing $K$, let $\eta \in \mcl P(K)$. According to Proposition~\ref{p.approx_by_dirac}, there exists a sequence of finitely supported measures $(\eta_n)_n$ such that $\eta_n \to \eta$ as $n \to +\infty$. Since $C'$ is convex, according to Remark~\ref{r.finite_bar}, we have $\text{Bar}(\eta_n) \in C'$. In addition, since $C'$ is closed, letting $n \to \infty$ and using Proposition~\ref{p.def_bar} we have $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in C'$. We have proven that $\left\{ \text{Bar}(\eta) \big| \, \eta \in \mcl P(K) \right\} \subset C'$, therefore $\left\{ \text{Bar}(\eta) \big| \, \eta \in \mcl P(K) \right\}$ is the closed convex hull of $K$. \end{proof} % \begin{proposition} \label{p.approximation_barycenter} Assume that $K$ is an extreme set in its convex hull. Let $\eta \in \mcl P(K)$ be such that $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in K$. There exists a sequence $\eta_n \in \mcl P(K)$ of finitely supported probability measures such that $\text{Bar}(\eta_n) \in K$ and $\eta_n \to \eta$ as $n \to +\infty$. \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} Let $(\nu_i)_{i \geq 1}$ be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random measures in $K$ with law $\eta$, define % \begin{e*} \tilde \eta_n = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_{\nu_i}. \end{e*} % According to Proposition~\ref{p.approx_by_dirac}, we have $\tilde \eta_n \to \eta$ almost surely. Let us show that almost surely for every $n \geq 1$, $\text{Bar}(\tilde \eta_n) \in K$. Define, % \begin{equation*} \mcl O = \{ \omega \in \Omega \big| \, \forall n \geq 1, \; \text{Bar}(\tilde \eta_n(\omega)) \in K \}. \end{equation*} % Let $P_n \in \mcl P(C)$ denote the law of the random probability measure $\text{Bar}(\tilde \eta_n) \in C$. The probability measure $P_n$ is the only probability measure in $\mcl P(C)$ that satisfies for every $h : C \to \R$, % \begin{equation*} \int_C h(\nu) \d P_n(\nu) = \int_{K^n} h \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \nu_i\right) \prod_{i = 1}^n \d\eta(\nu_i). \end{equation*} % For every $A \subset C$, we have, % \begin{align*} \text{Bar}(P_n)(A) &= \int_C \nu(A) \d P_n(\nu) \\ &= \int_{K^n} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \nu_i(A) \prod_{i=1}^n \d\eta(\nu_i) \\ &= \int_K \nu(A) \d\eta(\nu) \\ &= \text{Bar}(\eta)(A). \end{align*} % So $\text{Bar}(P_n) = \text{Bar}(\eta) \in K$, since $K$ is an extreme set in its closed convex hull, we have $P_n \in \mcl P(K)$ and almost surely $\text{Bar}(\tilde \eta_n) \in K$. Thus $\P(\mcl O) = 1$ and for almost all $\omega \in \Omega$, the measures $\eta_n = \tilde \eta_n (\omega)$ satisfy the desired properties. \end{proof} \begin{proposition} \label{p.fake_jensen} Assume that $K$ is an extreme set in its closed convex hull, let $\varphi : K \to \R$ be a bounded upper semicontinuous function. Assume that for every $\nu,\nu' \in K$, $\lambda \in [0,1]$ such that $\lambda \nu +(1-\lambda) \nu' \in K$ we have % \begin{equation*} \lambda \varphi(\nu) + (1-\lambda) \varphi(\nu') \leq \varphi \left( \lambda \nu +(1-\lambda) \nu' \right). \end{equation*} % Then $\varphi$ satisfies Jensen's inequality, that is for every $\eta \in \mcl P(K)$ such that $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in K$, we have % \begin{equation} \label{e.fake_jensen} \int_K \varphi(\nu) \d \eta(\nu) \leq \varphi \left( \text{Bar}(\eta) \right). \end{equation} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Assume that $\eta$ is finitely supported, then $\eta = \sum_{i = 1}^p c_i \delta_{\nu_i}$ for some $\nu_i \in K$ and $c_i > 0$ such that $\sum_{i = 1}^p c_i = 1$ and $\sum_{i =1}^p c_i \nu_i \in K$. Since $K$ is an extreme set in its convex hull $C$, for every nonempty $I \subset \{1,\dots,p\}$, we have % \begin{e} \frac{\sum_{i \in I} c_i \nu_i}{\sum_{i \in I} c_i} \in K. \end{e} % It follows by induction on $p \geq 1$, that % \begin{equation*} \sum_{i = 1}^p c_i \varphi(\nu_i) \leq \varphi \left(\sum_{i=1}^p c_i \nu_i\right). \end{equation*} % Therefore, \eqref{e.fake_jensen} holds when $\eta$ is finitely supported. Assume now that $\eta \in \mcl P(K)$, is any probability measure such that $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in K$. According to Proposition~\ref{p.approximation_barycenter}, the probability measure $\eta$ can be approximated, by finitely supported probability measures $\eta_n \in \mcl P(K)$ with barycenters in $K$. Using Proposition~\ref{p.def_bar}, we can pass to the limit in % \begin{equation*} \int_K \varphi(\nu) d \eta_n(\nu) \leq \varphi \left( \text{Bar}(\eta_n) \right), \end{equation*} % and use the upper semicontinuity of $\varphi$ to obtain \eqref{e.fake_jensen}. \end{proof} % \subsection{Monotone probability measures on a compact set} Let $\mcl K$ be a compact subset of $S^D_+$, define % \begin{e} \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K) = \mcl P^\upa(S^D_+) \cap \mcl P(\mcl K). \end{e} % In this section, we show that $K = \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is a compact set and that $K$ is extreme in its convex hull. This means that Proposition~\ref{p.fake_jensen} can be applied to functions on $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$. Recall that we have defined a partial order on $S^D$ by setting $x \leq x'$ whenever $x' - x \in S^D_+$. We say that a subset $S \subset S^D_+$ is totally ordered when for every $x,x' \in S$ we have $x \leq x'$ or $x' \leq x$. % \begin{proposition} \label{p.totally_ordered_supp} The set $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is a closed subset of $(\mcl P(\mcl K),d)$, in particular $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is compact with respect to the topology induced by $d$. In addition, for every $\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K)$, the support of $\mu$ is totally ordered if and only if $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$. \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} Let $\mu_n \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ be a sequence that converges to some $\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K)$. The sequence $(\msf q_{\mu_n})_n$ is a Cauchy sequence in $L^1([0,1),\mcl K)$, let $\msf q \in L^1([0,1),\mcl K)$ denote its limit. There exists a subsequence $(n_k)_k$ such that $\msf q_{\mu_{n_k}} \to \msf q$ almost everywhere, so there exists an almost everywhere representative of $\msf q$ in $\mcl Q_1(S^D_+)$, we also denote this representant by $\msf q$ and we have $\mu = \text{Law}(\msf q(U)) \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$. Let $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ then for every $x,y \in \text{supp}(\mu)$ there exists $u,v \in [0,1)$ such that $x = \msf q_\mu(u)$ and $y = \msf q_\mu(v)$. We must have $u \leq v$ or $v \leq u$, and since $\msf q_\mu$ is nondecreasing, this implies $x \leq y$ or $y \leq x$ and $\text{supp}(\mu)$ is totally ordered. Conversely, assume that $\text{supp}(\mu)$ is totally ordered, let $(X_i)_i$ be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with law $\mu$, set % \begin{equation*} \tilde \mu_n = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_{X_i}. \end{equation*} % According to Proposition~\ref{p.approx_by_dirac}, $\tilde \mu_n \to \mu$ almost surely. Let us fix $\omega \in \Omega$ such that $\tilde \mu_n(\omega) \to \mu$ and define $\mu_n = \tilde \mu_n(\omega)$. Since $\text{supp}(\mu)$ is totally ordered, for every $n \geq 1$ there exists a permutation $s_n \in \mcl S_n$ such that the sequence $(X_{s_n(i)}(\omega))_{1 \leq i \leq n}$ is nondecreasing. Let % \begin{equation*} \msf q_n = \sum_{i =1}^n X_{s_n(i)}(\omega)\mathbf{1}_{[\frac{i-1}{n},\frac{i}{n})}, \end{equation*} % we have $\msf q_n \in \mcl Q(S^D_+) \cap L^\infty$ and $\mu_n = \text{Law}(\msf q_n(U)) \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$. Since $\mu_n \to \mu$ and $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is closed, we have $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$. \end{proof} \begin{proposition} \label{P.closed_convex_hull_of_monotone} The closed convex hull of $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is $\mcl P(\mcl K)$ and $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is an extreme set in $\mcl P(\mcl K)$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} According to Proposition~\ref{p.convex_hull=bar}, to show that the closed convex hull of $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is $\mcl P(\mcl K)$, it suffices to show that for every $\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K)$, there exists $\eta \in \mcl P( \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K))$ such that $\mu = \text{Bar}(\eta)$. According to Proposition~\ref{p.approx_by_dirac}, there exists a sequence of finitely supported measures $(\mu_n)_n$ such that $\mu_n \to \mu$. For every $n \geq 1$, there exists $p_n, c_i^n,x_i^n$ such that $\mu_n = \sum_{i = 1}^{p_n}c_i^n \delta_{x_i^n}$. Define, % \begin{equation*} \eta_n = \sum_{i=1}^{p_n} c_i^n \delta_{\delta_{x_i^n}}, \end{equation*} % we have $\mu_n = \text{Bar}(\eta_n)$. Up to extraction, the sequence $(\eta_n)_n$ converges to some $\eta \in \mcl P( \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K))$. Therefore, according to Proposition~\ref{p.def_bar}, we have $\mu = \text{Bar}(\eta)$. This proves that the closed convex hull of $\mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$ is $\mcl P(\mcl K)$. Let $\eta$ be a probability measure on $\mcl P(\mcl K)$, such that $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$. Let $A$ denote the support of $\text{Bar}(\eta)$, we have, % \begin{equation*} 0 = \text{Bar}(\eta)(A^c) = \int_{\mcl P(\mcl K)} \nu(A^c) d\eta(\nu). \end{equation*} % So $\eta$-almost surely $\nu(A^c) = 0$. The set $A$ is a closed and according to Proposition~\ref{p.totally_ordered_supp}, $A$ is totally ordered. In particular, $\eta$-almost surely, the support of the measure $\nu$ is contained in $A$, therefore $\nu \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K)$. Thus, $\eta \in \mcl P( \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K))$, which concludes the proof. \end{proof} \subsection{Building the extension} In this section, we assume that the function $\xi : \R^{D \times D} \to \R$ is strictly convex on $S^D_+$. As usual $U$ denotes a uniform random variable in $[0,1)$, let $L^\infty_{\leq 1}$ denote the set of functions $[0,1) \to S^D_+$ that are essentially bounded by $1$ in norm and define % \begin{equation} \mcl P_\xi^\upa = \left\{ \text{Law}(\nabla \xi(\msf q(U))) \big|\, \msf q \in \mcl Q(S^D_+) \cap L^\infty_{\leq 1} \right\} \subset \mcl P^\upa(S^D_+). \end{equation} % Recall that $B(0,1)$ denotes the unit ball centered at $0$ in $S^D$, we let % \begin{e*} \mcl K_\xi = \nabla \xi(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+). \end{e*} % The goal of this subsection is to prove that any Lipschitz and concave function on the nonconvex set $\mcl P_\xi^\upa$ extends into a Lipschitz and concave function on $\mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$ with the same Lipschitz constant. Note that we have $\mcl P_\xi^\upa \subset \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K_\xi)$, but in general the inclusion is strict when $D > 1$. The set $\mcl P_\xi^\upa$ is the image of $\mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$ by the mapping $\mu \mapsto \nabla \xi_\# \mu$. The closed convex envelope and the closed linear span of $\mcl P_\xi^\upa$ are respectively $\mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$ and $\mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$. Note that since $\mcl K_\xi$ is compact, $\mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$ is in fact equal to the set of signed measures on $\mcl K_\xi$ with finite mass. % \begin{definition} We say that a function $\varphi : \mcl P_\xi^\upa \to \R$ is pre-concave, when for every $\mu,\nu \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi$ and $\lambda \in [0,1]$, % \begin{equation*} \lambda \mu + (1-\lambda) \nu \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi \implies \lambda \varphi( \mu) + (1-\lambda) \varphi(\nu) \leq \varphi( \lambda \mu + (1-\lambda) \nu). \end{equation*} % \end{definition} % As in Section~\ref{s.fenchel-moreau}, we equip $\mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$ with the norm $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$ and we denote by $d$ the distance induced by $|\cdot|_{\mcl M}$. The restriction of the distance $d$ to $\mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$ is the optimal transport distance. Given a continuous function $\varphi : \mcl P_\xi^\upa \to \R$, for every $\mu' \in \mcl M_1( \mcl K_\xi)$, we define % \begin{equation} \label{e.def ext} \bar \varphi(\mu') = \sup_{\eta \in \mcl P \left( \mcl P^\upa_\xi \right)} \left\{ \int \varphi d\eta - d(\text{Bar}(\eta), \mu') \right\}. \end{equation} % For every function $\chi \in \mcl L(\mcl K_\xi)$, we also define % \begin{equation} \varphi^\xi_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl P_\xi^\upa} \left\{ \int \chi d\mu - \varphi(\mu) \right\}. \end{equation} % We choose $x_0 = \nabla \xi(0)$ as a reference point for the norm $|\cdot|_{\mcl L}$ in $\mcl L(\mcl K_\xi)$. we equip $\mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$ with the optimal transport distance inherited from the restriction of the distance $d$ to $\mcl P^\upa_\xi$. That is for every $\eta,\eta' \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$, % \begin{equation} \msf d(\eta,\eta') = \inf_{\pi \in \Pi(\eta,\eta')} \left\{ \int_{\mcl P^\upa_\xi} d(\nu,\nu') \d\pi(\nu,\nu') \right\}. \end{equation} % Here $\Pi(\eta,\eta')$ denotes the set of measures $\pi \in \mcl P (\mcl P^\upa_\xi \times \mcl P^\upa_\xi)$ with marginals $\pi_1 = \eta$ and $\pi_2 = \eta'$. As usual, the optimal transport distance $\msf d$ admits the dual representation \cite[Theorem~5.10]{villani2}, % \begin{equation} \label{e.double OT distance dual} \msf d(\eta,\eta') = \sup_{X} \left\{ \int X(\nu) \d\eta(\nu) -\int X(\nu) \d\eta'(\nu) \right\}, \end{equation} % where the supremum is taken over the set of 1-Lipschitz functions $X : \mcl P^\upa_\xi \to \R$. The goal of this subsection is to show the following extension theorem, which will be applied to the function $\psi$ defined in \eqref{e.def_psi} in the next section. % \begin{theorem} \label{t.extension} For every $1$-Lipschitz and pre-concave function $\varphi : \mcl P_\xi^\upa \to \R$, the function $\bar \varphi : \mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi) \to \R$ defined by \eqref{e.def ext} is a $1$-Lipschitz and concave extension of $\varphi$. In addition, for every $\mu' \in \mcl M(\mcl K_\xi)$, we have % \begin{equation} \label{e.bidual ext} \overline \varphi(\mu') = \min_{\chi \in \mcl L_{ \leq 1}(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \varphi^\xi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{equation} \end{theorem} Note that given $S \subset S^D_+$ and $\chi : S \to \R$, by letting % \begin{e*} \overline{\chi}(x) = \inf_{y \in S } \left\{ \chi(y) + |\chi|_{\textrm{Lip}}|x-y|\right\}, \end{e*} % we define a Lipschitz extension of $\chi$ to $S^D_+$ with the same Lipschitz constant. Therefore, in Theorem~\ref{t.extension}, \eqref{e.bidual ext} remains true if we take the minimum over $\mcl L_{ \leq 1}(S^D_+)$ rather than $\mcl L_{ \leq 1}(\mcl K_\xi)$. \begin{proposition} \label{p.injective_gradient} Let $\xi \in \mcl C^\infty(\R^{D \times D},\R)$ be a strictly convex function on $S^D_+$, then the function $\nabla \xi : S^D_+ \to \R^{D \times D}$ is injective. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Let $a \neq b$ in $S^D_+$, the function $\gamma : t \mapsto \xi(ta +(1-t)b)$ is strictly convex on $[0,1]$, so its derivative is strictly increasing on $(0,1)$ and for every $s < t$ we have % \begin{equation} \nabla \xi(sa +(1-s)b) \cdot(a-b) < \nabla \xi(ta +(1-t)b) \cdot (a-b). \end{equation} % Letting $s \to 0$ and $t \to 1$, we obtain % \begin{equation} \xi(b) \cdot(a-b) \leq \gamma'(1/3) <\gamma'(2/3) \leq \xi(a) \cdot (a-b). \end{equation} % This justifies $\nabla \xi(a) \neq \nabla \xi(b)$. \end{proof} \begin{proposition} \label{p.Pupaxi is an extreme set } The set $\mcl P^\upa_\xi$ is compact and is an extreme set in its closed convex hull $\mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} The set $\mcl P^\upa_\xi$ is the image of $\mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$ by the continuous map $ \nu \mapsto \nabla \xi_\# \nu$. According to Proposition \ref{p.totally_ordered_supp}, $\mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$ is compact, so $\mcl P^\upa_\xi$ is compact. Let $\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P(\mcl K_\xi))$ be such that $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi$ and let $\rho \in \mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$ such that $\text{Bar}(\eta) = \nabla \xi_\# \rho$. In particular, we have $\text{Bar}(\eta) \in \mcl P^\upa( \mcl K_\xi )$, since $\mcl P^\upa( \mcl K_\xi)$ is an extreme set in its convex hull according to Proposition \ref{P.closed_convex_hull_of_monotone}, it follows that $\eta$ is supported on $\mcl P^\upa( \mcl K_\xi)$. Therefore, for every $\mu$ in the support of $\eta$, we have $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa(\mcl K_\xi)$ so the path $\msf q_\mu \in \mcl Q_\infty(S^D_+)$ is well-defined and valued in $\mcl K_\xi$. In particular given $\mu$ in the support of $\eta$, there exists a, possibly non-monotone, map $\msf p_\mu : [0,1) \to B(0,1) \cap S^D_+$ such that for every $u \in [0,1)$, % \begin{e*} \msf q_\mu(u) = \nabla \xi( \msf p_\mu(u)). \end{e*} % Moreover, we have $\mu = \nabla \xi_\# \text{Law}(\msf p_\mu(U))$, this implies % \begin{equation} \nabla \xi_\# \int \text{Law}(\msf p_\mu(U)) \d\eta(\mu) = \nabla \xi_\# \rho. \end{equation} % According to Proposition \ref{p.injective_gradient}, $\nabla \xi : S^D_+ \to S^D_+$ is injective, so we have % \begin{e*} \int \text{Law}(\msf p_\mu(U)) \d\eta(\mu) = \rho. \end{e*} % Finally, since $\rho \in \mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$, and $\mcl P^\upa( B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$ is an extreme set in its convex hull according to Proposition \ref{P.closed_convex_hull_of_monotone}, we deduce that $\eta$-almost surely $\text{Law}(\msf p_\mu(U)) \in \mcl P^\upa( B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$. Hence, $\eta$-almost surely $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi$ which concludes. \end{proof} % \begin{proposition} \label{p.ext is lip and concave} For any bounded function $\varphi : \mcl P^\upa_\xi \to \R$, the function $\bar \varphi$ defined by \eqref{e.def ext} is concave and $1$-Lipschitz on $\mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$. \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} The function $(\eta,\mu') \mapsto \int \varphi \d\eta - d(\text{Bar}(\eta), \mu')$ is concave on $\mcl P \left( \mcl P^\upa_\xi \right) \times \mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$, so $\bar \varphi$ is concave as the supremum of a jointly concave functionnal. For every $\eta \in \mcl P \left( \mcl P^\upa_\xi \right)$, the function $\mu' \mapsto \int \varphi \d\eta - d(\text{Bar}(\eta), \mu')$ is $1$-Lipschitz, so $\bar \varphi$ is $1$-Lipschitz as the pointwise supremum of a family of $1$-Lipschitz functions. \end{proof} % \begin{proposition} \label{p.bar varphi is an ext} Assume that $\varphi : \mcl P^\upa_\xi \to \R$ is $1$-Lipschitz and pre-concave, then the function $\bar \varphi$ defined by \eqref{e.def ext} is an extension of $\varphi$. \end{proposition} % \begin{proof} We fix $\mu' \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi$ and our goal is to show that $\Bar{\varphi}(\mu') = \varphi(\mu')$. Choosing $\eta = \delta_{\mu'}$ in \eqref{e.def ext}, we obtain $\Bar{\varphi}(\mu') \geq \varphi(\mu')$, so we only need to show the other bound. \noindent Step 1. We show that for every $\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$, there exists $\eta' \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$ such that $\text{Bar}(\eta') = \mu'$ and $\msf d(\eta,\eta') \leq d(\text{Bar}(\eta),\mu')$. \noindent Let $\pi$ be an optimal coupling between $\text{Bar}(\eta)$ and $\mu'$, the existence of such a $\pi$ is guaranteed by \cite[Theorem~4.1]{villani2}. According to \cite[Theorem~5.3.1]{AGS}, there exists a family of probability measures $(\mu_x)_{x \in \mcl K_\xi}$ such that, % %\viccomment{If needed, it is possible to modify the following argument using a deterministic optimal coupling of the form $\pi = (id,T)_\# \text{Bar}(\eta)$ when $\text{Bar}(\eta)$ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgues measure and otherwise proceeding by approximation of $\eta$.} \begin{equation*} \int_{\mcl K_\xi \times \mcl K_\xi} h(x,y) \d\pi(x,y) = \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} h(x,y) \d\mu_x(y) \d\text{Bar}(\eta)(x). \end{equation*} % Given a random probability measure $\nu \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi$ sampled from $\eta$, we define $\nu' \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$ as the unique probability measure satisfying % \begin{equation*} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} h(y) \d\nu'(y) = \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} h(y) \d\mu_x(y) \d\nu(x). \end{equation*} % We let $\eta' \in \mcl P(\mcl P(\mcl K_\xi))$ be the law of the random variable $\nu' \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$. We have, % \begin{align*} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} h(y) \d \text{Bar}(\eta')(y) &= \int_{\mcl P^\upa_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi}h(y) \d\nu'(y) \d \eta(\nu) \\ &= \int_{\mcl P^\upa_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} h(y) \d\mu_x(y) \d\nu(x) \d \eta(\nu) \\ &= \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} h(y) \d\mu_x(y) \d\text{Bar}(\eta)(x) \\ &= \int_{\mcl K_\xi \times \mcl K_\xi} h(y) \d\pi(x,y) \\ &= \int_{\mcl K_\xi} h(y) \d\mu'(y). \end{align*} % Therefore, $\text{Bar}(\eta') = \mu' \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi$. According to Proposition~\ref{p.Pupaxi is an extreme set }, this imposes that $\eta'$ is supported on $\mcl P^\upa_\xi$. Finally, by definition of the optimal transport distance, we have, % \begin{align*} \msf d(\eta,\eta') &\leq \int_{\mcl P^\upa_\xi } \d(\nu,\nu') \d\eta(\nu) \\ &\leq \int_{\mcl P^\upa_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \d(x,y) \d\mu_x(y) \d\nu(x) \d\eta(\nu) \\ &= \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} d(x,y) \d\mu_x(y) \d\text{Bar}(\eta)(x) \\ &= \int_{\mcl K_\xi} \int_{\mcl K_\xi} d(x,y) \d\pi(x,y) \\ &= d(\text{Bar}(\eta), \mu'). \end{align*} % This concludes Step 1. \noindent Step 2. We show that $\Bar{\varphi}(\mu') \leq \varphi(\mu')$. \noindent Let $\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$ and let $\eta' \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$ be as built in Step 1. We have, % \begin{equation*} \int \varphi \d \eta - d ( \text{Bar}(\eta), \mu') = \int \varphi \d \eta' + \int \varphi \d(\eta - \eta') - d (\text{Bar}(\eta), \mu'). \end{equation*} % By Proposition \ref{p.fake_jensen}, $\int \varphi \d \eta' \leq \varphi(\mu')$. Since $\varphi$ is $1$-Lipschitz, according to \eqref{e.double OT distance dual}, we have % \begin{e*} \int \varphi \d(\eta - \eta') \leq \msf d(\eta,\eta'). \end{e*} % In Step 1, we have built $\eta'$ so that $- d ( \text{Bar}(\eta), \mu') \leq -\msf d(\eta,\eta')$, therefore, it follows from the two previous displays that % \begin{equation*} \int \varphi \d \eta - d ( \text{Bar}(\eta), \mu') \leq \varphi(\mu'). \end{equation*} % By taking the supremum over $\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$ on the left-hand side, we can conclude. \end{proof} \begin{proposition} \label{p.dual of ext} Let $\varphi : \mcl P^\upa_\xi \to \R$, the function $\bar \varphi$ defined in \eqref{e.def ext} satisfies for every $\chi_0 \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\mcl K_\xi)$, $\bar \varphi_*(\chi_0) = \varphi^\xi_*(\chi_0)$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Observe that when $\chi_0 \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\mcl K_\xi)$, the map $\mu \mapsto \int \chi_0 \d\mu$ is $1$-Lipschitz on $\mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$ with respect to the distance $d$. In particular, for every $\nu \in \mcl P^\upa_\xi$, we have % \begin{equation*} \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi_0 \d\mu + d(\nu,\mu) \right\} = \int \chi_0 \d\nu. \end{equation*} % Thus, % \begin{align*} \bar \varphi_*(\chi_0) &= \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi_0 \d\mu - \bar \varphi(\mu) \right\} \\ &= \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)} \inf_{\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi_0 \d\mu - \int \varphi \d \eta + d(\text{Bar}(\eta),\mu)\right\} \\ &= \inf_{\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)} \left\{- \int \varphi \d \eta + \inf_{\mu \in \mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi_0 \d\mu + d(\text{Bar}(\eta),\mu)\right\} \right\}\\ &= \inf_{\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)} \left\{- \int \varphi \d \eta + \int \chi_0 \d \text{Bar}(\eta) \right\} \\ &= \inf_{\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)} \left\{\int \left( -\varphi(\nu) + \int \chi_0 \d\nu \right) \d \eta(\nu) \right\} \\ &= \inf_{\nu \in \mcl \mcl P^\upa_\xi} \left\{ -\varphi(\nu) + \int \chi_0 \d\nu \right\} \\ &= \varphi^\xi_*(\chi_0). \end{align*} \end{proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{t.extension}] The function $\overline \varphi$ is $1$-Lipschitz and concave on the set\\ $\mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$ according to Proposition~\ref{p.ext is lip and concave}. It follows from Corollary~\ref{c.fenchel moreau for lipschitz}, that for every $\mu' \in \mcl M_1(\mcl K_\xi)$, % \begin{e*} \overline{\varphi}(\mu') = \min_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\mcl K_\xi) } \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \overline{\varphi}_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % According to Proposition~\ref{p.dual of ext}, we have for every $\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\mcl K_\xi)$, $\overline{\varphi}_*(\chi) = {\varphi}^\xi_*(\chi)$, thus % \begin{e*} \overline{\varphi}(\mu') = \min_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}(\mcl K_\xi) } \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - {\varphi}^\xi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % Finally, we have shown in Proposition~\ref{p.bar varphi is an ext} that $\bar \varphi$ is an extension of $\varphi$. \end{proof} \section{Vector models} \label{s.vector models} % We now adapt the arguments of the proof of Theorem~\ref{t.main scalar} to prove Theorem~\ref{t.main}. To do so we will use Theorem~\ref{t.extension}, which is proven to be valid only when $\xi$ is strictly convex on $S^D_+$. Therefore, the proof we give is only valid when $\xi$ is assumed to be strictly convex on $S^D_+$. We will fix this issue in Section~\ref{s.convex} using a continuity argument. % \subsection{Strictly convex models} \label{ss.strictly convex} Let $\underline \xi = \xi + I_{B(0,1) \cap S^D_+}$ denote the function that coincides with $\xi$ on $B(0,1) \cap S^D_+$ and is equal to $+\infty$ outside of $B(0,1) \cap S^D_+$. We define % \begin{e*} \theta(x) = x \cdot \nabla \xi(x) - \xi(x). \end{e*} % \begin{proposition} \label{p. expression theta} The function $\underline \xi ^* : S^D_+ \to \R$ is $1$-Lipschitz and for every $x \in B(0,1)\cap S^D_+$, we have % \begin{equation*} \theta(x) = \underline \xi^*(\nabla \xi(x)). \end{equation*} % \end{proposition} \begin{proof} For every $y \in \R^{D \times D}$, we have % \begin{equation*} \underline \xi ^*(y) = \sup_{ x \in B(0,1) \cap S^D_+} \left\{ x \cdot y - \xi(x) \right\}. \end{equation*} % Therefore, $\underline \xi ^*$ is $1$-Lipschitz as the supremum of a family of $1$-Lipschitz functions. Let $x \in B(0,1) \cap S^D_+$, from the definition of $\theta$, it is clear that $\theta(x) \leq \xi^*(\nabla \xi(x))$. Given $x' \in S^D_+$, by convexity of $\xi$ on $S^D_+$, we have for every $\lambda \in (0,1]$, % \begin{e*} \frac{\xi(\lambda x' +(1-\lambda)x) - \xi(x)}{\lambda} \leq \xi(x') -\xi(x). \end{e*} % Letting $\lambda \to 0$ in the previous display, we obtain % \begin{e*} x \cdot \nabla \xi(x) - \xi(x) \geq x' \cdot \nabla \xi(x) - \xi(x'). \end{e*} % This proves that, % \begin{e*} \theta(x) = \sup_{x' \in S^D_+ } \left\{ x' \cdot \nabla \xi(x) - \xi(x') \right\} = \xi^*( \nabla \xi(x)). \end{e*} % In particular, the supremum in the previous display is reached at $x' = x \in S^D_+ \cap B(0,1)$ and we have, % \begin{equation*} \theta(x) = \sup_{x' \in S^D_+ \cap B(0,1) } \left\{ x' \cdot \nabla \xi(x) - \xi(x') \right\} = \underline \xi ^*(\nabla \xi(x)). \qedhere \end{equation*} % \end{proof} Recall that for every Lipschitz function $\chi : S^D_+ \to \R$, we have defined for every $x \in S^D_+$, % \begin{e*} \tilde S_t \chi(x) = \sup_{y \in S^D_+ \cap B(0,1)} \left\{ \chi(x + t\nabla \xi(y)) - t \xi^* \left(\nabla \xi(y) \right) \right\}. \end{e*} % \begin{theorem} \label{t.main strictly convex} Assume that $\xi$ is strictly convex on $S^D_+$, then Theorem~\ref{t.main} holds. \end{theorem} % \begin{proof} According to \cite[Corollary~8.7~(2)]{chenmourrat2023cavity}, the following refinement of \eqref{e.lim.FN} holds, % \begin{e*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t) = \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P_\xi^\upa} \left\{ \psi(\mu) - t \int \xi^* \left( \frac{\cdot}{t} \right) \d\mu\right\}. \end{e*} % We have, $(t\xi)^* = t \xi^* \left( \frac{\cdot}{t}\right)$ so up to replacing $\xi$ by $t\xi$, we may assume without loss of generality that $t = 1$. \noindent Step 1. We show that % \begin{e*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) = \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \bar \psi(\mu) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu \right\}. \end{e*} % \noindent We have % \begin{equation*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) = \sup_{ \mu \in \mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)} \left\{ \psi( \nabla \xi_\# \mu ) - \int\theta \d\mu \right\}. \end{equation*} % According Proposition~\ref{p. expression theta}, we have $\int\theta(x) \d\mu(x) = \int \underline \xi^*(\nabla \xi(x)) \d\mu(x)$, replacing $\mu$ by $\nabla \xi_\# \mu$, we obtain % \begin{equation*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) = \sup_{ \mu \in \mcl P_\xi^\upa} \left\{ \psi( \mu ) - \int \underline \xi ^* \d\mu \right\}. \end{equation*} % In addition, it follows from Theorem~\ref{t.extension} that $\bar \psi$ is an extension of $\psi$, therefore the previous display implies % \begin{equation} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) \leq \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \bar \psi(\mu) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu \right\}. \end{equation} % Conversely, let us fix $\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$, for every $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists $\eta \in \mcl P(\mcl P^\upa_\xi)$, such that % \begin{equation*} \bar \psi(\mu) \leq \varepsilon + \int \psi \d\eta -d(\text{Bar}(\eta),\mu). \end{equation*} % Since $\underline \xi^*$ is $1$-Lipschitz according to Proposition~\ref{p. expression theta} by definition of the distance $d$, it follows that, % \begin{align*} \bar \psi(\mu) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu &\leq \varepsilon + \int \psi \d\eta - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu -d(\text{Bar}(\eta),\mu) \\ &\leq \varepsilon + \int \left( \psi(\nu) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\nu \right) \d\eta(\nu) \\&\qquad \qquad \qquad + \int \underline \xi^* \d( \text{Bar}(\eta) - \mu) - d(\text{Bar}(\eta),\mu) \\ &\leq \varepsilon + \int \left( \psi(\nu) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\nu \right) \d\eta(\nu) \\ &\leq \varepsilon + \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P_\xi^\upa} \left\{ \psi(\nu) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\nu \right\} \\ &=\varepsilon + \lim_{N \to +\infty } \bar F_N(1). \end{align*} % Taking the supremum over $\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$, this yields % \begin{equation*} \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \bar \psi(\mu) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu \right\} \leq \varepsilon + \lim_{N \to +\infty } \bar F_N(1). \end{equation*} % Finally, since $\varepsilon > 0$ is arbitrary, we obtain the desired result by letting $\varepsilon \to 0$. \noindent Step 2. We show that % \begin{e*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu \right\}. \end{e*} % \noindent According to Theorem~\ref{t.extension}, we have for every $\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$, % \begin{e*} \bar \psi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{\int \chi \d\mu - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % It thus follows from Step 1 that % \begin{equation*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) = \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \mcl G(\chi,\mu), \end{equation*} % where, % \begin{equation*} \mcl G(\chi,\mu) = \int \chi \d\mu - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu. \end{equation*} % The set $\mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$ is convex compact with respect to the topology of the distance $d$. For every $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$ the map $\mcl G(\chi,\cdot)$ is concave and Lipschitz continuous with respect to $d$. For every $\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)$, the map $\mcl G(\cdot,\mu)$ is convex and lower semi continuous with respect to the topology of local uniform convergence. Therefore, according to \cite[Corollary~3.4]{sion1958minimax} we can perform a sup-inf interchange in the previous display to obtain, % \begin{equation*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \mcl G(\chi,\mu). \end{equation*} % \noindent Step 3. Conclusion. \noindent Using Step 2, we have % \begin{align*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(1) &= \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) + \sup_{\mu \in \mcl P(\mcl K_\xi)} \left\{ \int \chi d\mu - \int \underline \xi^* \d\mu \right\} \right\}\\ &= \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) + \sup_{x \in B(0,1) \cap S^D_+} \left\{ \chi(\nabla \xi(x)) - \underline \xi^*(\nabla \xi(x)) \right\} \right\}\\ &= \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \tilde S_t \chi(0) - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{align*} % \end{proof} \subsection{Convex models} \label{s.convex} In this subsection, we prove Theorem~\ref{t.main} when $\xi$ is only assumed to be convex but not necessarily strictly convex. To do so, we will use the fact that for every $\alpha > 0$, $x \mapsto \xi(x) + \alpha |x|^2$ is strictly convex. This allows us to establish \eqref{e.main} with $\alpha > 0$ using Theorem~\ref{t.main strictly convex}, and we can then let $\alpha \to 0$ to conclude. We start by defining a family of Gaussian processes $(H^\alpha_N)_{N \geq 1}$ with covariance function $\xi_\alpha(x) = \xi(x) + \alpha |x|^2$. For every $\sigma \in (\R^D)^N$, we let % \begin{e*} H_N^\text{Potts}(\sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{i,j = 1}^N J_{ij} \sigma_i \cdot \sigma_j, \end{e*} % where the $J_{ij}$'s are independent standard Gaussian random variables. We choose $(J_{ij})_{i,j \geq 1}$ independent of $(H_N(\sigma))_{\sigma \in \R^{D \times N}}$. For every $\alpha \geq 0$, let % \begin{e*} H_N^\alpha(\sigma) = H_N(\sigma) + \sqrt{\alpha} H_N^{\text{Potts}}(\sigma). \end{e*} % We have for every $\sigma,\tau \in (\R^D)^N$, % \begin{e*} \E \left[ H_N^\alpha(\sigma) H_N^\alpha(\tau)\right] = N \xi_\alpha \left(\frac{\sigma \tau^\perp}{N} \right). \end{e*} % We let $\bar F^\alpha_N(t)$ denote the free energy of $H_N^\alpha$, more precisely % \begin{e*} \bar F^\alpha_N(t) = -\frac{1}{N} \E \log \int \exp \left( \sqrt{2t}H^\alpha_N(\sigma) - Nt \xi_\alpha \left( \frac{\sigma \sigma^\perp}{N}\right)\right) \d P_N(\sigma). \end{e*} % Note that at $\alpha = 0$, we have $\xi_0 = \xi$, $H_N^0 = H_N$ and $\bar F^0_N(t) = \bar F_N(t)$. We let $\langle \cdot \rangle_\alpha$ denote the Gibbs measure associated to $\bar F^\alpha_N(t)$, it is a random probability measure on $\R^{D \times N}$ defined by % \begin{e*} d\langle \cdot \rangle_\alpha (\sigma) \propto \exp \left( \sqrt{2t}H^\alpha_N(\sigma) - Nt \xi_\alpha \left( \frac{\sigma \sigma^\perp}{N}\right)\right) \d P_N(\sigma). \end{e*} % \begin{proposition} \label{p.lip fe} For every $t \geq 0$, there exists a constant $C \geq 0$ such that for every $N \in \N$ and every $\alpha,\alpha' \geq 0$, % \begin{equation*} |\bar F^\alpha_N(t) - \bar F^{\alpha'}_N(t)| \leq C|\alpha-\alpha'|. \end{equation*} % \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Without loss of generality, we may assume that $t = 1/2$. The function $\alpha \mapsto \bar F_N^\alpha(1/2)$ is continuous on $\R_+$ and differentiable on $(0,+\infty)$, and we have % \begin{e*} \frac{\d}{\d\alpha } F_N^\alpha(1/2) = -\frac{1}{N} \E \left\langle \frac{1}{2\sqrt{\alpha}}H_N^\text{Potts}(\sigma) - \frac{N}{2}\left|\frac{\sigma \sigma^\perp}{N}\right|^2 \right\rangle_\alpha. \end{e*} % Using the Gaussian integration by part formula \cite[Lemma~1.1]{pan}, it follows that, % \begin{e*} \frac{\d}{\d\alpha } F_N^\alpha(1/2) = \frac{1}{2} \E \left\langle \left| \frac{\sigma\tau^\perp}{N} \right|^2 \right \rangle_\alpha. \end{e*} % Since the reference measure $P_1$ is compactly supported, there exists a constant $c \geq 0$ such that $\E \left\langle \cdot \right \rangle_\alpha$-almost surely $\left| \frac{\sigma\tau^\perp}{N} \right|^2 \leq D^2c^2$, the result follows. \end{proof} For every $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$, we let % \begin{e*} \psi^\alpha_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_{\xi_\alpha}} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi(\mu) \right\}, \end{e*} % and % \begin{e*} \tilde S_t^\alpha \chi = \sup_{x \in B(0,1) \cap S^D_+} \left\{ \chi( t\nabla \xi_\alpha(x)) - t\theta_\alpha(x)\right\}, \end{e*} % where, % \begin{e*} \theta_\alpha(x) = x \cdot \nabla \xi_\alpha(x) - \xi_\alpha(x) = \theta(x) + \alpha |x|^2. \end{e*} \begin{proposition} \label{p.lipschitz hopf} For every $t \geq 0$, the function % \begin{e*} \alpha \mapsto \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{\tilde S_t^\alpha \chi(0) - \psi^\alpha_*(\chi)\right\}, \end{e*} % is Lipschitz on $\R_+$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} If for every $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$, the functions $\alpha \mapsto \tilde S_t^\alpha \chi(0)$ and $\alpha \mapsto \psi^\alpha_*(\chi)$ are Lipschitz functions on $\R_+$ with Lipschitz constant independent of $\chi$, then the result follows because in this case $\alpha \mapsto \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}} \left\{\tilde S_t^\alpha \chi(0) - \psi^\alpha_*(\chi)\right\}$ is the infimum of a family of uniformly Lipschitz functions. \noindent Step 1. We show that for every $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$, $\alpha \mapsto \tilde S_t^\alpha \chi(0)$ is $3t-$Lipschitz. \noindent Let $x \in B(0,1) \cap S^D_+$, the function % \begin{e*} \alpha \mapsto \chi(t\nabla \xi(x) + 2t\alpha x) - t\theta(x) - t\alpha |x|^2 \end{e*} % is $3t$-Lipschitz on $\R_+$ and we have % \begin{e*} \tilde S_t^\alpha \chi = \sup_{x \in B(0,1)} \left\{\chi(t\nabla \xi(x) + 2t\alpha x) - t\theta(x) - t\alpha |x|^2 \right\}. \end{e*} % Therefore, $\alpha \mapsto \tilde S_t^\alpha \chi(0)$ is $3t$-Lipschitz on $\R_+$ as the supremum of a family of $3t$-Lipschitz functions on $\R_+$. \noindent Step 2. We show that for every $\chi \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1}$, $\alpha \mapsto \psi_*^\alpha(\chi)$ is $4-$Lipschitz on $\R_+$. \noindent Let $\alpha,\alpha' \geq 0$, we have for every $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)$ % \begin{align*} \left| \int \chi(\nabla \xi(x) + 2 \alpha x) \d\mu(x) - \int \chi(\nabla \xi(x) + 2 \alpha' x) \d\mu(x) \right| &\leq \int 2|\alpha - \alpha'||x| \d\mu \\ &\leq 2|\alpha - \alpha'|. \end{align*} % In addition, since $\psi$ is $1$-Lipschitz with respect to the optimal transport distance $d$, we have % \begin{align*} &\left| \psi \left( (\nabla \xi +2 \alpha \text{id}_{S^D_+})_\# \mu \right) - \psi \left( (\nabla \xi +2 \alpha' \text{id}_{S^D_+})_\# \mu \right) \right| \\ &\leq d( (\nabla \xi +2 \alpha \text{id}_{S^D_+})_\# \mu, (\nabla \xi +2 \alpha' \text{id}_{S^D_+})_\# \mu) \\ &\leq \sup_{\chi_0 \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1} } \left\{ \int \chi_0(\nabla \xi(x) +2 \alpha x) \d\mu(x) - \int \chi_0(\nabla \xi(x) +2 \alpha' x) \d\mu(x) \right\} \\ &\leq \sup_{\chi_0 \in \mcl L^0_{\leq 1} } \left\{ \int 2 |\alpha-\alpha'| |x| \d\mu(x) \right\} \\ &\leq 2|\alpha-\alpha'|. \end{align*} % Finally, since % \begin{e*} \psi^\alpha_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl P^\upa(B(0,1) \cap S^D_+)} \left\{ \int \chi(\nabla \xi(x) +2\alpha x ) \d\mu(x) - \psi \left( (\nabla \xi +2 \alpha \text{id}_{S^D_+})_\# \mu \right) \right\}, \end{e*} % we deduce that $\alpha \mapsto \psi^\alpha_*(\chi)$ is $4$-Lipschitz as the infimum of a family of $4$-Lipschitz functions. \end{proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem~\ref{t.main}] Let $\alpha > 0$, $\xi_\alpha$ is strictly convex on $S^D_+$ so according to Theorem~\ref{t.main strictly convex}, we have % \begin{e*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F^\alpha_N(t) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \tilde{S}^\alpha_t \chi(0) - \psi^\alpha_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % According to Propositions~\ref{p.lip fe}~and~\ref{p.lipschitz hopf}, we can let $\alpha \to 0$ in the previous display to obtain % \begin{e*} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl L_{\leq 1}} \left\{ \tilde{S}_t \chi(0) - \psi^\xi_*(\chi) \right\}. \end{e*} % \end{proof} \section{Interpretations of the main results} \label{s.interpretation} This last section has a more speculative flavor, its aim is to give an interpretation of the main results of this paper through the lens of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. We start by explaining why we think that \eqref{e.main scalar} can be interpreted as a Hopf-like formula. Assuming that this interpretation can be made rigorous in the case $D > 1$, we construct a conjectural variational formula for the limit free energy when $\xi$ is not assumed to be convex on $S^D_+$. % \subsection{Hopf and Hopf-like formulas} \label{ss.hopf} Let $\psi : \R^n \to \R$ be a Lipschitz function and let $H : \R^n \to \R$ be a locally Lipschitz function. It is well known that the Hamilton-Jacobi equation % \begin{e} \label{e.hj interp} \begin{cases} \partial_t u - H(\nabla u ) = 0 \textrm{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \R^n \\ u(0,\cdot) = \psi \end{cases} \end{e} % admits a unique viscosity solution $u$ and that when $\psi$ is concave, $u$ admits the Hopf representation \cite[Theorem~3.13]{HJbook}. We recall this in the next proposition. % \begin{proposition}[\cite{HJbook}] \label{p.hopf} Assume that $\psi : \R^n \to \R$ is Lipschitz and concave, assume that $H : \R^n \to \R$ is locally Lipschitz. Then, the unique viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hj interp} satisfies % \begin{e} \label{e.hopf} u(t,x) = \inf_{y \in \R^n} \left\{ x \cdot y - \psi_*(y) +t H(y) \right\}, \end{e} % where $\psi_*(y) = \inf_{x \in \R^n} \left\{ x \cdot y - \psi(y) \right\}$. \end{proposition} % Intuitively, the Hopf formula follows from the following observations. At time $t = 0$, $u(0,\cdot)$ coincides with the infimum of the family of values taken by affine functions that upper bound $\psi$ (this is Fenchel-Moreau duality), % \begin{e} \label{e.easy fm} u(0,x) = \inf_{y \in \R^n} \left\{ x \cdot y - \psi_*(y) \right\}. \end{e} % For every $y \in \R^n$ the viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hj interp} with the affine initial condition $x \mapsto x \cdot y - \psi_*(y)$ is % \begin{e*} (t,x) \mapsto x \cdot y - \psi_*(y) +tH(y). \end{e*} % Provided that we can interchange the semigroup of \eqref{e.hj interp} with the infimum in \eqref{e.easy fm}, we obtain \eqref{e.hopf}. Notice that in Proposition~\ref{p.hopf}, the geodesics used to define the notion of concavity and the notion of derivative (the symbol $\nabla$ in \eqref{e.hj interp}) are the same, both notions are defined using straight lines in $\R^n$. For the rest of this subsection we assume that $D = 1$. Let $\psi : \mcl P_1(\R_+) \to \R$ be a nondecreasing Lipschitz function, we have explained that \eqref{e.hj} could be reformulated into \eqref{e.hj frechet}. Now observe that in \eqref{e.hj frechet} the notion of derivative (the symbol $\nabla$ in \eqref{e.hj frechet}) is the Fréchet derivative in $L^2$, it is defined using straight lines in $L^2$. Hence, as might be expected, it was shown in \cite[Theorem~4.6~(3)]{chen2022hamilton} that the Hopf representation is also available for viscosity solutions of \eqref{e.hj}, provided that the function $\msf q \mapsto \psi(\Omega^{-1} \msf q)$ is concave. In this case, $\msf f$ the unique solution of \eqref{e.hj frechet}, satisfies % \begin{e} \label{e.hopfinf} \msf f(t,\msf q ) = \inf_{\msf p \in \mcl Q_\infty(\R_+)} \left\{ \langle\msf q, \msf p \rangle_{L^2} - \psi_{\circ}(\msf p) +t \int \xi(\msf p) \right\}, \end{e} % where % \begin{e*} \psi_\circ(\msf p) = \inf_{\msf q \in \mcl Q_2(\R_+)} \left\{ \langle \msf q, \msf p \rangle_{L^2} - \psi(\Omega^{-1} \msf q) \right\}. \end{e*} % Even thought \eqref{e.hopfinf} is the natural generalization of \eqref{e.hopf}, this formula seems to be of limited use in the context of spin glasses since for the function $\psi$ defined by \eqref{e.def_psi}, the function $\msf q \mapsto \psi(\Omega^{-1} q)$ is not concave (nor convex) in general as shown in \cite[Section~6]{mourrat2020nonconvex}. We now assume that $\psi$ is given by \eqref{e.def_psi}. According to \cite{auffinger2015parisi}, the function $\mu \mapsto \psi(\mu)$ is concave on $\mcl P_2(\R_+)$. When considering \eqref{e.hj} in this case, the geodesics used to define concavity and derivatives are not the same. We use straight lines in $\mcl P_2(\R_+)$ to define concavity and transport geodesics in $\mcl P_2(\R_+)$ (that is straight lines in $L^2$) to define the symbol $\partial_\mu$ appearing in \eqref{e.hj}. Nonetheless, the formula \eqref{e.main scalar} seems to be the natural adaptation of \eqref{e.hopfinf} under this slightly unusual setup. Indeed, let $f$ be the viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hj}, recall that according to Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau}, we have % \begin{e*} f(0,\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}, \end{e*} % where $\mcl X$ denotes the set of Lipschitz functions $\chi : \R_+ \to \R$ which are nondecreasing and convex. Theorem~\ref{t.main scalar} states that % \begin{e} \label{e.aa} f(t,\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X} \left\{ \int S_t \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}, \end{e} % and according to Theorem~\ref{t.viscosity with linear initial condition}, $(t,\mu) \mapsto \int S_t \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi)$ is the unique viscosity solution of % \begin{e*} \begin{cases} \partial_t u - \int \xi(\partial_\mu u) \d\mu = 0 \textrm{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \mcl P_2(\R_+) \\ u(0,\mu) = \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi). \end{cases} \end{e*} % Therefore \eqref{e.aa} and \eqref{e.hopfinf} have the same structure; those two formulas express the viscosity solution as the infimum of a family of viscosity solutions started at an affine initial condition. The only difference is that for \eqref{e.hopfinf} the relevant linear initial conditions are of the form $\msf q \mapsto \langle \msf p , \msf q \rangle_{L^2}$ when for \eqref{e.aa} the relevant linear initial conditions are of the form $\mu \mapsto \int \chi \d\mu$. This is why we refer to \eqref{e.main scalar} as a Hopf-like formula. \subsection{Some conjectures} In this subsection, we do not assume that $D = 1$. When $\xi$ is not assumed to be convex on $S^D_+$, the Parisi formula breaks down and there is no known generalization of Theorem~\ref{t.parisi}. In \cite{mourrat2020nonconvex, mourrat2019parisi, mourrat2020free} it was conjectured that results such as Theorem~\ref{t.limit.free.energy} should generalize to the setting where the function $\xi$ is not assumed to be convex on $S^D_+$. Namely, it should hold under \ref{i.assume_1_product_proba} and \ref{i.assume_3_power_series} only that the free energy converges as $N \to +\infty$ to the viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hj}. When $\xi$ is not assumed to be convex the Hopf-Lax representation for the viscosity solutions of \eqref{e.hj} is not available and variational representations for the limit free energy such as \eqref{e.lim.FN} are proven to be false (see \cite[Section~6]{mourrat2020nonconvex}). As explained in the previous subsection, for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with possibly nonconvex nonlinearity, if the initial condition is concave, a variational representation is available for the viscosity solution, and it seems that the un-inverted formula \eqref{e.main scalar} can be interpreted as an instance of such a variational representation. One of the main ingredients for proving \eqref{e.main scalar} and coincidently also for the Hopf representation to hold is Fenchel-Moreau duality (which manifests through Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau} here). If one wishes to generalize \eqref{e.main scalar} to models with $D > 1$, a seemingly crucial step is thus to generalize Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau}. The attentive reader will notice that a version of Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau} follows from Theorem~\ref{t.extension}, this allows us to write $\psi$ as an infimum over Lipschitz functions $\chi : S^D_+ \to \R$. But this version of Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau} is not strong enough for our purpose. Indeed, to guarantee that \eqref{e.small hj diag} below is well-posed, one needs that the initial condition $\chi$ is nondecreasing \cite[Theorem~1.2~(2)]{chen2023viscosity}. The argument we have used in the proof of Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau} to show that the infimum could in fact be taken over nondecreasing $\chi$'s doesn't seem to be easily applicable when $D > 1$. Indeed, we have used crucially the fact that the set of surjective paths $\msf q \in \mcl Q(\R_+)$ is dense in $\mcl Q(\R_+)$. When $D > 1$, the set of surjective paths $\msf q \in \mcl Q(S^D_+)$ is empty, as any surjective function $[0,1) \to S^D_+$ must be non-monotonous. In order to obtain a suitable generalization of Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau} to the case $D > 1$, we thus make the following additional assumptions. % \begin{enumerate}[start=4,label={\rm (H\arabic*)}] \item \label{i.assume_4_product_proba} There exists compactly supported probability measures $\pi_1, \dots, \pi_D \in \mcl P_\infty(\R)$ such that $P_1 = \pi_1 \otimes \dots \otimes \pi_D$. \item \label{i.assume_5_diag} The function $\xi$ only depends on the diagonal coefficients of its argument. That is, there exists a function $\bar \xi : \R^D \to \R$ such that $\xi(A) = \bar \xi((A_{dd})_{1 \leq d \leq D})$. \end{enumerate} % Thanks to \ref{i.assume_5_diag} we can encode the limit free energy with a partial differential equation on $\mcl P^\upa_2(\R^D_+)$ rather than $\mcl P^\upa_2(S^D_+)$, and using \ref{i.assume_4_product_proba} we can adapt Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau}. Let us explain this in more details. The map $x \mapsto \textrm{diag}(x)$ which maps each vector $x \in \R^D_+$ to the matrix in $S^D_+$ whose diagonal coefficients are $x_1,\dots,x_D$, defines an injection from $\R^D_+$ to $S^D_+$. In particular each $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_1(\R^D_+)$ can be interpreted as a probability measure in $\mcl P^\upa_1(S^D_+)$. This means that the quantity $\bar F_N(t,\mu)$ is also defined when $\mu \in \mcl P_1(\R^D_+)$. We can then easily adapt the arguments of \cite[Section~8]{chenmourrat2023cavity} to prove the following theorem. % \begin{theorem}[limit free energy for convex diagonal models] \label{t.limit.free.energy.diag} Assume that \ref{i.assume_1_product_proba}, \ref{i.assume_2_convexity}, \ref{i.assume_3_power_series} and \ref{i.assume_5_diag} hold, then for every $t \ge 0$ and $\mu \in \mcl P^\upa_1(\R^D_+)$, we have % \begin{equation} \label{e.lim.FN.diag} \lim_{N \to +\infty} \bar F_N(t,\mu) = \sup_{\nu \in \mcl P^\upa_\infty(\R^D_+), \nu \ge \mu} \Ll( \psi(\nu) - t \E \Ll[ \bar \xi^* \Ll( \frac{X_\nu - X_\mu}{t} \Rr) \Rr] \Rr) . \end{equation} % Moreover, denoting by $f(t,\mu)$ the expression above, we have that $f : \R_+ \times \mcl P^\upa_2(\R^D_+) \to \R$ solves the Hamilton-Jacobi equation % \begin{equation} \label{e.hj.diag} \Ll\{ \begin{aligned} %\label{} & \dr_t f - \int \bar \xi(\dr_\mu f) \, \d \mu = 0 \quad & \text{ on } \R_+ \times \mcl P^\upa_2(\R^D_+), \\ & f(0,\cdot) = \psi & \text{ on } \mcl P^\upa_2(\R^D_+). \end{aligned} \Rr. \end{equation} \end{theorem} % Let $\psi$ be the functional defined in \eqref{e.def_psi} and let $\psi_d : \mcl P_1(\R_+) \to \R$ denote the function obtained from \eqref{e.def_psi} when $D = 1$ and the reference probability measure is $\pi_d$. Given $\mu \in \mcl P(\R^D_+)$ let $\mu_1, \dots,\mu_D \in \mcl P(\R_+)$ denote its marginals. Assumption \ref{i.assume_4_product_proba} yields the following simplification, for every $\mu \in \mcl P(\R^D_+)$, % \begin{e} \label{e.decouple} \psi(\mu) = \sum_{d = 1}^D \psi_d(\mu_d). \end{e} % Let $\mcl X_D$ denote the set of functions $\chi : \R_+^D \to \R$ which satisfy % \begin{e} \label{e.def mcl X_D} \chi(x) = \sum_{d = 1}^D \chi_d(x_d), \end{e} % with $\chi_1,\dots,\chi_D : \R_+ \to \R$ $1$-Lipschitz, nondecreasing and convex. The set $\mcl X_D$ is contained in the set of Lipschitz, nondecreasing and convex functions on $\R^D_+$. In particular if we combine \eqref{e.decouple} with Lemma~\ref{l.fenchel moreau} applied to each $\psi_d$, we obtain the following for every $\mu \in \mcl P_1^\upa(\R^D_+)$, % \begin{e} \label{e.dual vector} \psi(\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X_D} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}, \end{e} % where, as usual, % \begin{e} \psi_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl P_1^\upa(\R^D_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi(\mu) \right\}. \end{e} % With \eqref{e.dual vector} in mind, we can expect that the mechanism leading to \eqref{e.aa} in the case $D = 1$, leads to the following result when $D \geq 1$. % \begin{conjecture} \label{c.hopf} Assume that \ref{i.assume_1_product_proba}, \ref{i.assume_3_power_series}, \ref{i.assume_4_product_proba} and \ref{i.assume_5_diag} hold but with $\bar \xi$ possibly non-convex on $\R^D_+$, then $f$ the unique viscosity solution of \eqref{e.hj.diag} satisfies % \begin{e*} f(t,\mu) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X_D} \left\{ \int S_t\chi \d\mu - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}, \end{e*} % where $S_t \chi(x) = \sup_{y \in \R^D_+} \left\{ x \cdot y - \chi^*(y) + t\bar \xi(y) \right\}$ is the unique viscosity solution of % \begin{e*} \begin{cases} \partial_t u - \bar \xi(\nabla u) = 0 \textrm{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \R^D_+ \\ u(0,\cdot) = \chi. \end{cases} \end{e*} \end{conjecture} % Combining Conjecture~\ref{c.hopf} with \cite[Conjecture~2.6]{mourrat2019parisi}, we obtain the following conjectural variational formula for the limit free energy of nonconvex models. % \begin{conjecture} \label{c.var formula} Assume that \ref{i.assume_1_product_proba}, \ref{i.assume_3_power_series}, \ref{i.assume_4_product_proba} and \ref{i.assume_5_diag} hold but with $\bar \xi$ possibly non-convex on $\R^D_+$, then % \begin{e*} \lim_{N \to +\infty } \bar F_N(t,\delta_0) = \inf_{\chi \in \mcl X_D} \left\{ S_t\chi(0) - \psi_*(\chi) \right\}, \end{e*} % where $\mcl X_D$ is defined in \eqref{e.def mcl X_D}, $S_t \chi(0) = \sup_{y \in \R^D_+} \left\{- \chi^*(y) + t \bar \xi(y) \right\}$ is the value at $(t,0)$ of the unique viscosity solution of % \begin{e} \label{e.small hj diag} \begin{cases} \partial_t u - \bar \xi(\nabla u) = 0 \textrm{ on } (0,+\infty) \times \R^D_+ \\ u(0,\cdot) = \chi, \end{cases} \end{e} % and where % \begin{e} \psi_*(\chi) = \inf_{\mu \in \mcl P_1^\upa(\R^D_+)} \left\{ \int \chi \d\mu - \psi(\mu) \right\}. \end{e} % \end{conjecture} % \newpage \small \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{uninverting} \end{document}